Robert's Story - Cover

Robert's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The story of Robert l. Dalton

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating  

Saturday was a work day for me and when I got to Perry Street Connie sent me off to the auto parts place. My job for the day was stocking shelves and sweeping and mopping floors. It was only my second time working there.

The first time was when I was called on to deliver parts and I hadn’t spent hardly any time at all in the store so I hadn’t seen much of Iris and Debbie, but they were both there that day. I didn’t know if it was the way they usually were or if it was just happy holiday spirit, but between them they must have gotten together and decided to wind up the teenaged kid.

Iris started it. I was unloading a crate and stacking plug wires on the shelf when she came up to me. She stood there watching me until I turned to face her.

“Notice anything” she asked.

I shook my head no.

“Do you see anything in my hair?”

I looked and saw a piece of mistletoe. I looked at her confused.

“Honestly; don’t you kids ever learn anything about traditions?”

And then she leaned forward, grabbed my head and kissed me. I stood there stunned until her tongue slid into my mouth and then, almost like her tongue had tripped a switch, my hands went to her tits and I sent my tongue into her mouth at which point she stepped back, slapped my hands, “You naughty boy” and she turned and walked away.

About an hour later it was Debbie’s turn. I was sweeping the loading dock and when she walked up to me, showed me a piece of mistletoe in her hand, put it on top of her head and then looked at me and waited. Okay I thought, I can play this game and I stepped forward and kissed her. She gave me some tongue and I gave her some back. She pressed herself against me, my hands went to her ass and pulled her to me. She pulled away from me, said:

“Naughty boy! Keep your hands to yourself.”

She walked away and a half hour later it was Iris again. I was in aisle B putting some carburetors on the shelf when she came down the aisle, said “Excuse me Rob, let me slip by you” and she walked behind me rubbing herself against me and I felt her tits press into my back. The thing was that there was more than enough room for her to have gone by me with at least a foot between us. I turned and watched her ass as she walked away and thought about how much I’d love to shove my dick in that ass.

Not twenty minutes later Debbie took her turn again. Again. I was in an aisle stocking shelves. Debbie came down the aisle with a glass of something in her hand. She faked tripping and what was in the glass splashed on the front of me.

Oh hell Rob; I’m so sorry. Here; let me clean it up.”

She pulled a rag out of her back pocket and began wiping at the wet spot which just happened to be in the area where my cock resided. It sprang to life and Debbie quickly pulled her hand away.

“Sorry Rob; I didn’t mean to do that.”

Sure you didn’t I sarcastically thought as I took the rag from her and try to dry off. Young, dumb and full of cum I might be, but I was not stupid. The two of them where playing with me trying to see how much they could wind me up before sending me home with blue balls.

Half an hour later here came Iris again only this time I was more than ready. He still had the sprig of mistletoe on top of her head and when she got to me I quickly turned to her, took the mistletoe off her head and held it over my crotch. I smiled at her and said:

“I’m learning to like traditions especially ones like having to kiss what’s under the mistletoe.”

I looked at her expectantly and her jaw dropped and she turned and hurried away. She must have told Debbie what I’d done because the hazing stopped.

When the afternoon shift showed up I was sent back to Perry Street. Connie had some little things she wanted done before quitting time so I dug into them and got them out of the way. I got cleaned up and ready to leave, but Connie stopped me with a “Come with me please and I followed her into Jason’s office. I smiled and followed along. I was more than ready for some Connie after the day I’d had with Debbie and Iris. Once in and the door locked she pointed out the brand new leather couch against the east wall of the office.

“Got to break it in” she said as she started to strip.

Break it in we did and I’m surprised we didn’t actually break it. Good thing it was leather and easy to clean.

“That was great baby, but I’m in need of an all-nighter. When can you get away?”

“Any night but tomorrow.”

“Monday then?”

“It’s a date.”

Sunday the family headed over to Jason’s place for Christmas dinner. Ilene and I had never been there and I have to admit I was impressed. The she-devils attached the selves to me and started showing me around. It wasn’t a house; it was a mansion. Six bedrooms, each with its own bathroom; a swimming pool and a hot tub that would seat eight.

As they were showing me the bedrooms and we were looking at an empty one Meli said:

“There are three empty bedrooms and you will get to choose. Pick this one. Its right next to mine and it will make it easier for us.”

“Don’t listen to her Rob. This room and hers are too close to Daddy’s room. I’m at the other end of the hall and it will be safer.”

Thinking of the way I handled Debbie and Iris I decided to do the same with these two. I figured that the two of them were just jerking my chain so I smiled and said:

“It won’t be a problem for me. I won’t be going to the rooms of either of you. If anything happens it will be because you will come to mine.”

I figured wrong. There was no jaw dropping and hurrying away. Meli looked at Mel and said “Rock paper scissors?”

“Flip a coin. It is quicker.”

Meli turned to me and asked “Got a coin?”

I fished a quarter out of my pocket and handed it to her. She said “Call it” and flipped the coin. Meli called tails and when the coin hit the floor it was tails. Mel smiled.

“Good! I get to be first.”

She turned to me and said “It doesn’t have to wait until you move in. When do you want to do it?”

I was still thinking they were jerking me around and it was all a bunch of bullshit so I said:

“Tuesday is the next night I have free.”

That was supposed to call their bluff, but once again I was wrong.

“Okay. Tuesday it is. What time?”

It was looking like they were going to keep playing the game right up to the “Okay; let’s get these clothes off” part.

We all gathered in the living room and exchanged gifts. Not knowing much of anything about the twins I played safe and gave the gift certificates to Kohl’s. I did give them a gag gift. I got them sweatshirts with “I’m not the evil twin she is” on them. Everyone got a laugh out of it and they put them on and wore them for the rest of the time I was there.

I asked Connie what I could get Jason and she told me I couldn’t go wrong if I gave him a gift certificate to Dairy Queen so that’s what I did. His gift to me was a fine leather wallet with a hundred dollar bill in it.

We had dinner, socialized for a while and then the twins maneuvered me away and led me back to the bedroom area. Mel led me into her room while Meli went to hers. Mel picked up a gift wrapped box off her bad and handed it to me and said:

“Here is my real gift to you.”

I opened it and found two dozen Trojan condoms. Then Meli came in the room and handed me a wrapped gift. It was a tube of KY Jelly. I looked at them and said:’

“You guys are going to have to hold these for me. No way I can walk out of here with them without my mother wanting to know what’s going on.”

Meli smiled and said “I’ll have mine with me when we go out Tuesday.”

When it was time to leave Jason walked us to the door. Mom and Ilene went out, but Jason held me back. He gave me a big grin and said:

“My real gift to you is the couch in my office. Use it wisely.”

My eyes got big and my jaw dropped. He laughed and said “Better catch up with your mom.”

As I walked to the car I wondered how in the hell he knew. I wondered if Connie knew that Jason knew. My next thought was “Oh sweet fucking Jesus; he knows so what is he going to do when I show up Tuesday to take Meli out on a date?” That thought was immediately followed by “To hell with what he thinks; what will he do?”

I was quiet on the ride home and mom picked up on it.

“Something bothering you honey?”

No way could I tell her what my problem was so I passed it off as something to do with some school projects and papers that were due after the holidays.

Monday was a work day and when Connie gave me my list I double checked to make sure that no one was around and then I told her what Jason told me. Her response surprised me.

“He’s okay with it. Actually he thinks what we have going on is good for the both of us.”

“You sound like you’ve talked about it with him.”

“How do you think I got him to buy us the couch? Speaking of the couch plan on using it at quitting time.”

I was about to say I couldn’t now that Jason was aware of things, but at the last second the little head took charge and made me keep my mouth shut. I did however wonder (more than once during the day) if Jason had shared his knowledge with my mother. But then I thought “So what? I’m old enough and I’m sure she knew I was going to start spreading pollen sooner or later.

When Connie got me in the office and the door locked she said “You do know that we aren’t forever right?”

“Why not? Aren’t we the perfect fit for each other?”

“What gave you that idea?”

“Didn’t you once tell me that you needed sex and that I was, young, enthusiastic and had a quick recovery time?”

“I guess I did didn’t I?”

“So why bring it up now?”

“Just planning ahead. I liked being married and when my divorce is final I’m going to be looking again. Meanwhile I’m going to need a steady diet of sex, but I don’t dare date to get it because I’m divorcing the asshole for adultery. If he catches me dating for sex he could counter sue. I wasn’t thinking of that when we went to the motel, but my attorney gave me a wakeup call on that so it’s you, me and the couch until I can date again. When that happens I won’t be able to keep doing you. Clear enough?”

“Crystal. So I’ve got about six months? Let’s not waste a minute of it.”

She didn’t want any foreplay so we got right to it. Straight sex followed by some sixty-nine as she worked to get me up again and then doggie followed by her getting me up a third time which she wanted in her butt. I went home in a damned good mood.

On Tuesday when I finished my list Connie got up and headed for Jason’s office and looked pissed when I said:

“Not tonight. I’ve got a date and I need to get home and change.”

“Is she better than me?”

“Don’t know. I haven’t done her.”

“You going to pass up a sure thing for an “I don’t know?”

“I kind of got tricked into it. I thought I was calling a bluff. I fully expected her to laugh at me and say no.”

“So call and cancel. I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Can’t. I’m sure she would tell her daddy and that could be bad for me.”


“He could fire me.”

“You are going to date one of Jason’s girls?”


“Which one?”


“Better get going then. You don’t want to be late.”

On the way home I seriously thought about calling Meli and canceling. The twin’s outrageous behavior and Jason’s casual attitude where Connie and I were concerned left me feeling like I was in something that was way too deep for my young ass. By the time I reached the house I had decided to call and cancel and that was my intention until I walked into the house and my mom said:

“Oh there you are. I was beginning to think you were going to be late for your date with Melanie.”

“You know?”

“Couldn’t help but find out given the way Melanie was rubbing Melody’s nose in the fact that she was your first choice.”

“It wasn’t that way. They flipped a coin and Meli won.”

“Doesn’t matter. Jason and I are glad you are getting along so well with the girls.”

Talk about getting a heavy load of shit dropped on you. When I’d decided to call off the date I hadn’t considered the ramifications it would have on others in the family and I did consider us all family since mom and Jason were getting married. I hadn’t considered what might happen between mom and Jason if I stood up Meli. I could picture it; Meli runs to daddy.

“Bobby is being mean to me.”

Jason calls mom. “What the hell is wrong with that son of yours?”

Mom replies “Nothing wrong with my son. Why not ask your little girl what she did that made Rob drop her” and where the hell it went from there would be anybody’s guess. I couldn’t do that to mom. She was happier than I’d seen her in years and I wasn’t going to do anything that might change what she had going with Jason.

This of course brought more thoughts into my brain. Jason knew about Connie and me and yet he was glad I was getting along with his girls? He was happy that a pussy hound was taking his gorgeous sex-pot daughter on a date? Something just did not compute. “Fuck it Rob” I thought, “Pull up our big boy pants and let whatever is going to happen happen.”

I rang the doorbell and it was Jason who opened the door. “Come on in Rob” and he looked over his shoulder and yelled “Melanie. Your date is here.”

I stepped inside just in time to see Meli come down the stairs. Mini skirt, high heels, low cut blouse and looking so hot I wanted to fuck her right there on the floor in front of her father and don’t think for one moment that Meli didn’t know it. I don’t know if Jason noticed the change in the drape of my pants, but I could tell from the smirk on Meli’s face that she noticed.

After Jason’s “Don’t be too late” and Meli’s “Don’t wait up dad” we were out the door and in my truck. She slid over next to me, put her hand on the lump in my trousers and said:

“Is this for me?”

Keep in mind I’d always believed that Meli and Mel were only cock teasers who were pulling my chain and that I’d never believed, not even for a second, that there was any more to it than the two of them laughing at leaving me with a case of blue balls so when I said “Of course it is. Why don’t you take it out and play with it” I fully expected her to jerk her hand away and quickly slide back over to her side of the seat near the door.

I almost lost it and ran the truck off the road when her fingers found the zipper, pulled it down and her hand went inside to take hold of my cock. She worked it out and as she stroked it she said:

“Slide your seat back a little.”


“So I can get my head down past the steering wheel and suck on it.”

I might have been shocked, but I got over it quickly. The seat was electric so I reached down with my left hand and moved the seat back to where I could still handle the accelerator and the brake pedal. There was still a smidgen of “She’s just ball busting you” in my head. Yes, she did have my cock in her hand, but other girls had played with it and not gone any farther. In my mind my moving the seat back was calling her bluff.

Wrong again!

As soon as the seat was back she lowered her head and her hot mouth enveloped me. Of course once her mouth had closed around me most of my brain moved to the little head and took up residence there. The big head still managed to hold onto a few brain cells and those cells had me pullover to the curb and park.

Meli kept working on my cock and she soon had me to the point of ejaculation. Usually I was a gentleman and would warn the girl when I was ready to blow a load, but for some unknown reason I decided not to tell Meli. I smiled as I thought “Here it comes baby.” I don’t know what I expected to happen when I filled her mouth, but all she did was swallow and lick me clean.

She sat up and asked “How long before you are ready to go again?”

“Maybe ten minutes or so.”

“Can’t we just skip what you have planned and go find a bed?”

My plans were dinner and a show and nowhere in my planning did I ever consider a motel or hotel because the twins were just cock teasers right? However after the blow job Meli had just given me I had to admit that I just might be wrong. The only way I was ever going to be sure was to do what Meli asked. Find a bed.

I slid he seat forward, started he truck and five minutes later I pulled into the parking lot of the Bide - A Wee – Motel. Forty-eight dollars got me a room for the night although I wouldn’t be staying all night. I needed to have Meli home by eleven and the next day was a work day for me.

All thoughts of cock teasing and ball busting died two minutes after the door to room 201 closed behind us. Two minutes was all it took for Meli to get naked and get on the bed. I thought it strange that she took her purse to bed with her until she opened it and took out her Christmas present to me. As I stripped she said:

“You can eat my pussy, but you can’t fuck it. I’m a virgin and I’m going to walk down the aisle with my hymen intact.”

By the time she had finished saying that I was naked and she held out the tube of KY to me.

“I don’t consider giving up my ass as losing my virginity and you can go there as much as you want.”

I took the lube from her and set it on the bedside stand and surprised her by getting on the bed and sending my head at her pussy. Her bald pussy. It was the first shaved pussy I’d seen and it was only fair. She had given me head so I would return the favor. She must have liked it because she had my head in her hands pulling me at her as she moaned “Oh yes, yes baby yes.”

She got off and then said “I need you in me baby” and I pulled back and went to work on her butt with my KY coated thumb and fingers. When I entered her I heard more “Oh yes baby, yes” as I slowly went deeper and deeper. When I felt her pushing back I picked up the pace and before too long I felt her orgasm. I kept at it until I got mine and after that it was wash cock, sixty-nine until I was hard again and then fuck pooper, wash cock, sixty-nine and fuck pooper until it was time to get her home.

As I drove her home she kept talking about what we would do the next time and I didn’t say anything to shut her down, but I’d already made up my mind that there wasn’t going to be a next time. I could see too many complications arising. Not only for myself, but for my mom as well and I didn’t want to do anything that would harm her relationship with Jason. I shouldn’t have even followed through on the date with Meli.

When she tried to pin me down on when we could do it again I told her I didn’t know.

“I have to see how my date with Mel goes.”


“I have to be fair about it. That I would date her was implied with the coin toss. If she would have won you would have expected me to take you out next right?”

She made a face and said “I guess” and then she shut up and pouted for the rest of the ride home. I walked her to her door and when I went to kiss her she turned her head giving me the choice of kissing her cheek or not kissing her at all. I chose not at all and turned and left.

When I got to work the next day I expected Connie to interrogate me wanting to know all about my date with Meli, but she didn’t say a word; just gave me my list. It wasn’t until the end of the day that she even touched close to it.

“Got time for me tonight or am I going to be replaced by a boss’s daughter?”

“There is nothing going on between me and the twins. I pretty much got tricked into dating them. I dated Meli last night and I’m supposed to date Mel, but I don’t know when. As for whether or not I have time for you tonight?” I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock and said “Here’s your answer.”

Thursday and Friday were pretty much the same as Wednesday. It was Saturday when things heated up again. It was New Year’s Eve and it was supposed to be a day off for me, but Connie called me at nine and asked me if I could come in and get two cars ready so they could be delivered that afternoon. I didn’t have any plans and it would be overtime at time and a half so I told her I was on my way. I had the two cars ready to go by two and when I went into the office I found Mel sitting there talking to Connie.

“There you are” Mel said. “Since you haven’t called me I decided I needed to track you down. You do owe me a date mister.”

I saw Connie trying hard not to laugh.

“I figured that after your sister told you about our date you wouldn’t be interested in going out with me.”

“Just the opposite. After hearing her rave about your date I’ve been looking forward to it. I have no plans for tonight. Hint hint.”

“New Year’s Eve and you don’t have plans? A pretty girl like you and no date to ring in the new year with?”

“I could have had several, but I was waiting for you to call.”

“Six o’clock work for you?”

“You bet. See you then” and she got up and left.

I half expected with Mel gone that Connie would suggest a trip to Jason’s office for a visit with the couch, but all she said was:

“Thanks for coming in sweetie. See you Monday.”

I went home and got ready for my date with Mel. Just as I was getting ready to leave the house mom took one look at me and said:

“You look nice. Another date with Melanie?”

“It’s Melody this time.”

She got a worried look on her face and said “You think that is wise?”

“It was their idea. I’m only going with the flow.”

“You are too old for me to meddle in your business, but I think you are buying yourself a boatload of trouble dating both of them.”

“I’m not dating both” and then I explained the set up to her and then said “After my date with Mel tonight I won’t date either of them again.”

I could tell she was still against it, but I’d told Mel I would pick her up at six and I didn’t see any way out of it that wouldn’t cause trouble.

On the plus side Jason wasn’t home when I got there to pick up Mel, but the doorbell was answered by Meli and I received a rather nasty “Oh, it’s you” when she saw it was me. She turned her head and yelled out:

“Hey Mel; shithead is here.”

She walked away leaving me standing at the door. I wasn’t sure if I should walk in or stay where I was and wait for Mel. Before I could make a decision Mel came up and said:

“Don’t mind her. She’s been in a bitchy mood all day.”

Once in the truck Mel asked me what the plan was.

“Dinner and then the teen club for some dancing.”

“Ooh good. I love to dance.”

The over dinner conversation was all about finding out about each other. I knew Jason didn’t have a wife, but I had no idea why. Mel gave me the answer to that unasked question. Her mom had cheated on Jason and had gotten caught. Her mom had gotten custody of the twins in the divorce and had moved them back east to New York then her mom had died in a skiing accident when she and Meli were seventeen years old. She lost control on a downhill run and ran into a tree. I found out from her that my mom was the first woman Jason had gotten serious with since his divorce. Hearing that reinforced the idea that I should put the twins behind me before I did something that might screw up the relationship that mom and Jason had.

When we got to the teen club I found that a lot of my friends were already there. Bill and Dick were both there with dates and looking around the room I saw Marlene and Bev with dates. I introduced Mel to Dick and Bill and we were introduced to their dates. Bill and Dick had seen the twins around campus, but had never met then before.

We pushed several tables together and started dancing. We were having a good time and then the evening turned to shit for me. I’d gone to the bathroom and when I got back to the tables Mel wasn’t there. In the immortal words of Yogi Berra “It’s deja vous all over again.” Mel was out on the dance floor with Norm Snider. Dick saw where I was looking and saw the look on my face and said:

“I told her you wouldn’t like it if she danced with him, but she ignored me.”

I sat down and watched as she danced with the asshole and I had to smile. She was giving me the perfect opportunity to have nothing to do with her again. Meli’s reception when I arrived to pick up Mel gave me what I needed to stay away from her and even as I had that thought Mel gave me the reason to stay away from her. She stayed on the floor for a second dance with Snider. Dick saw the smile and asked:

“What are you thinking bro?”

“As much as I dislike Snider he is doing me a big favor.”

“What’s he doing?”

“Giving me what I need to put Mel out of my life.”

“Why would you want to do that? The girl is a stone-assed fox.”

“It’s a long story and I’ll tell you about it someday when we have more time.”

The tune ended and Mel stayed out on the floor for a third dance with Snider. It was time to put an end to this shit. I walked out onto the floor, tapped Snider on the shoulder and said:

“Cutting in.”

He gave me a smirk and said “I don’t think so.”

I looked at Mel and she said “We’ll finish this one and then I’ll come back to the table.”

“Just remember it was your choice.”

I turned to Snider and said “I’ll settle up with you later.”

“You don’t scare me Dalton.”

“Good. That means you won’t avoid me and I won’t have a hard time finding you.”

I walked back to the table, sat down and waited for Mel to come back. The tune ended and Snider, for all of his bravado, didn’t have the guts to walk her back to the tale. When she got there and before she could sit down I stood up, handed her purse to her and said:

“Let’s go.”

“Go where?”

“I’m taking you home.”

“I don’t want to go home. I’m having a good time.”

“So was I until you got up and danced with the asshole.”

“Oh come on. It was just a dance.”

“No it wasn’t. It was three dances and Dick told you before you went out there with Snider that I wouldn’t like it. Knowing that, even though you ignored him, you should have had sense enough to get back here after one dance.”

“I’m old enough to decide what I want to do at a party.”

“This isn’t a party. This was a date. Notice I didn’t say “Is a date” because as far as I’m concerned the date is over.”

“Just because I danced with a guy? Get serious!”

“I am serious Melody. When you are with a date at a dance and someone other than your date wants to dance with you there are two ways it is supposed to go. First is that if he asks you you are supposed to ask your date if he would mind. The other way is he asks your date if it he would mind. My not being here doesn’t change that. None of that happened, but Dick warning you I wouldn’t like you dancing with Snider should have clued you in that what you were doing was a no-no in my book. You did it anyway and then compounded things by staying out on the floor for two more dances. Now let’s go.”

“No! I’m here and I want to dance.”

“Okay; I’m sure Snider will give you a ride home” and I turned and started to walk away.

“Where are you going?”

“To your house to tell your father why you are not with me and why I’m not the one bringing you home and then go find something to do with the rest of my night.”

I turned and kept walking. I was opening the door of the truck when she came running up.

“You were going to do it. You were actually going to leave me here.”

“You are not used to people actually meaning what they say? Get in.”

The ride to her house was quiet. She stared out the passenger side window and I paid attention to my driving. When I pulled into her driveway and stopped she opened her door, got out of the ruck, slammed the door and headed for the house.

I muttered “Fuck you bitch” to myself, backed out of the drive and headed back to the teen club.

“Didn’t expect to see you back here tonight” Bill said.

“Decided I wanted to ring in the New Year with my friends.”

Dick said “Nice speech you made before you left.”

“What speech?”

“You telling your date about dance etiquette. You hadn’t been gone five minutes before some guy came up and asked Alice (Dick’s date) for a dance and she asked me if I would mind. Twice before that he was asked and she just got up and went.”

Dick had gotten the same lessons I had when we had dance class and why he hadn’t set Alice straight the first time she was asked was none of my business so I kept my mouth shut.

I danced with Dick and Bill’s dates and I danced with Marlene and both Nancy’s before the countdown began. Once the New Year had been greeted I headed for home. When I got there mom and Jason were in the kitchen drinking beer and talking about their wedding. I decided to head straight to my room before they had a chance to ask me how my date had gone.

At breakfast mom told Ilene and me what the plans were for the next two weeks. She and Jason were going to be married in two weeks in a civil ceremony at the County Building and she wanted us there. During the two weeks leading up to the wedding we would be moving to Jason’s house. Most of the furniture would be moved into storage until Ilene and I struck out on our own. As soon as we moved out the house would be put up for sale.

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