Robert's Story - Cover

Robert's Story

Copyright© 2020 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The story of Robert l. Dalton

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating  

Just after the weekend following Thanksgiving my life changed. My store manager took a promotion that had him moving to Chicago and his replacement was an asshole.

Where my old manager would schedule my work hours around my class schedule the new manager posted one that would have me working when I needed to be in class. When I talked to him about it he told me he would schedule me for when HE needed me and not for when it suited me. My shift was over so I got up, left his office and punched out and left. I got a copy of the daily newspaper, went to the IHOP just down the street and drank coffee while going through the help wanted section. I found several I could call and then went home.

Mom was curious as to why I looked so glum and I told her.

“I don’t even know why you are working. Your college fund is paying your way and college should be the only think you are devoting time to.”

“My college fund doesn’t put gas in my truck or give me money to date or go out and do things.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Find another job. One that will work with my class schedule.”

“Let me think on it. I may be able to work something out.”

The next day my classes ran from eight till eleven-thirty, but my work schedule called for me to be to work at nine and to work until six so Chapin (the asshole) was on my case when I walked into work at eleven forty-five. He demanded to know why I was late in coming to work.

“I had class until eleven-thirty.”

“I thought we straightened that out yesterday.”

“Didn’t straighten anything out. You just told me you wouldn’t work with me on scheduling. Earning my degree is my first priority so I will not let work interfere with my classes.”

I wasn’t surprised when he said “You don’t need to worry about your work schedule anymore because you no longer work here. Now get out of my store.”

I felt a little down as I left. I had a little more than five years there and I had been happy with my job. I’d even considered making it my career. Harley, my old manager, had told me once I was twenty-one I could be moved up to assistant manager and later on to manager of my own store. Oh well. On the other hand I knew that I would not like working for an asshole like Chapin.

When I left the store I decided to stop at Harry’s for a burger and fries before going back to the school library to do some research on a paper I needed to write. I was munching on my burger when Bev walked in, saw me, and came over and asked me if she could join me. I said yes and we talked about classes and other things. Things like what I thought about Carl Ribbor dropping out of school to join the Army and Melody Croft getting pregnant and her boyfriend suddenly leaving town. Then she asked:

“Gt a date for Saturday?”

“Not yet.”

“I don’t either.”

Not at all subtle, but it got the desired results.

“Would you like to have dinner with me? We could go dancing after.”

“I’d like that.”

When I got home mom asked me how my day had gone and I told her that I was now unemployed.

“That’s good. You didn’t need it interfering with your school work.”

“I already told you why I needed a job. I’m just going to have to find another one. One that will fit with my school schedule.”

Well if you are determined I may have a line on something for you.”

“What” I asked hoping it wasn’t where she worked. She was a CPA and I just couldn’t see myself as a file clerk or working in a mail room.

“I was talking to Jase about you and he thinks he has something for you.”

Jason Hines was the man my mother had been seeing for about six months. Ilene and I figured he was going to become our stepfather before too much longer. He owned a couple of used car lots and a parts store.

“He wanted to know if you would be home sometime tomorrow.”

“Now that I’m unemployed I’ll be home all day. I do have a date in the evening, but I’ll be home most of the day.”

“I’ll call him” and she went to use the phone and I went to wash up for dinner.

When I got back to the kitchen she told me “I invited him to dinner and he’s on his way over. When dinner was over Ilene said she had a report due and needed to get to it and she headed for her room. Mom said:

“I need to clean the kitchen so I’ll leave you two to talk.”

When she was out of the room Jason asked “You afraid to get dirty? I’m talking grease, oil and dirt dirty here.”

“Not really. I assume it will wash off.”

“I need a lot monkey. Someone to wash and prep cars, do oil changes and grease jobs and run occasional errands. There would be no set hours. You would work around your class schedule. When you got to work you would find a list of things that I need done and in the order I need them done. You would have to bounce back and forth between my two lots and occasionally the parts house. Sound like something you could do?”

“It doesn’t sound all that hard. I’ve done oil changes on my truck so it’s something I know how to do.”

Then he told me the pay and I had to try hard not to smile. It was a buck seventy-five an hour more that I was making at the store. I gave him my class schedule and we agreed on a start time for the coming Monday.

My date with Bev went well. After dinner at Tricocci’s we hit the teen club for dancing and Dick and his new girlfriend were there so we joined them. About twenty minutes later Marlene showed up with Jared Lucciano and they joined us. For the next hour we socialized and danced. Bev and I had just come off the dance floor when Bev asked:

“What are you going to do if she comes over here?”


“Pauline just walked in.”

“I don’t know. Do my best to be sociable I guess.”

We sat down and I looked around and saw Pauline on the other side of the dance floor with some guy I’d never seen before. I figured as long as she was there with a date she would avoid me. Shows how stupid I can be at times. Maybe twenty minutes after she got there I had to use the bathroom and when I came out I found Pauline waiting for me.

“Fancy meeting you here” she said.

“What do you want Pauline?”

“You. I’m home for three more days. Call me. Please?”

She crossed the hall to the women’s bathroom leaving me standing there watching her go and thinking “WTF?”

Keep in mind that from the git go I’d always thought that Pauline and I were just a passing thing; something that would never last. I had never figured out why she came after me in the first place. I wasn’t anything at all like the others I’d seen her date before me.

As I stood there pondering her “Call me” please” I had to ask myself just what my feelings for her really were. Initially it had been lust. She was, to me anyway, the sexiest girl in our school and as such I had always conceded her beyond my reach. When, by some strange quirk of fate, we ended up together I was overjoyed, but did the lust turn into anything else? After thinking on it I had to admit that the answer to that was no. Being honest I had to admit that I hadn’t allowed it to become anything else. I always knew – just knew – that we were not long term so I never gave a thought to anything other than to the here and now.

Would I have liked it to be long term? I had to admit that I did, but I knew it could never happen. I remembered the Roger Clayton and Brad Miller incidents. Pauline was Pauline and I doubted that she would ever change. I put all thoughts of calling her out of my mind and went back to my date.

I took Bev home and when I walked her to her door she told me she’d had fun and would like to do it again.

“How about next Saturday?”

“It’s a date.”

I turned to walk back to my truck and she said “Rob?”

I turned to face her and she grabbed my head in both hands and kissed me. I mean REALY kissed me. I felt her tongue pushing and I went with the flow. It turned into a pretty steamy kiss and when we broke she asked:

“We don’t have to wait till next Saturday do we?”

“I’ll call you.”

As I drove home I remembered Bev’s 12th birthday party when she claimed me as her boyfriend and now here we were eight years later sharing our first kiss.

My last class on Monday was at 11:45 and at 12:10 I was at the Hine’s Quality Pre-owned Vehicle lot on Perry Street. Jason introduced me to Constance (call me Connie) who I learned was his office manager/bookkeeper.

Connie was hot! Hot with a capital H and several exclamation points after it. I got instant wood when we were introduced. Not to slight my mom who was a damned god woman, but I couldn’t understand why Jason was dating her when he had Connie here at the office. Then I saw the rings. I do have to admit I envied her husband.

Connie took down all of my information and had me fill out the I-9 form and all of the other forms that a new hire needs to fill out and then Jason took me on a tour of the place and showed me where everything was. He introduced me to Cal and Herb who were the two salesmen. Next I was introduced to Walt and Mike who were the mechanics. They moved between the lots the same as I would be doing.

Next we got in his car and drove over to his Prospect Street lot, waked me through the place and introduced me to Billy Bob (and yes, that was his name and what he wanted to be called) and Chuck who were the salesmen.

Next on the tour was Quality Auto Parts on Quincy and again I was walked through the place and was shown where everything was. I was introduced to Jim, Harry, Steve, Rich, Debbie and Iris. Debbie and Iris were stone-assed foxes and I would have done either of them in a heartbeat, but it was a “Yeah – in your dreams” kind of thing. Hey were both in their late twenties or early thirties and both had wedding rings. A guy can still dream right?

On the way back to Perry Street Jason told me I would report in at Perry Street and Connie would give me my work schedule for the day. When we got to the lot Connie handed me the list of what I was to do that day and I got started on it.

I washed and detailed two cars and did an oil change on a third before it was quitting time. As we were washing up Walt asked me if I was handy with tools.

“Some. Why?”

“There will be days when Mike and I will be snowed under with work and we may need you to do some light maintenance.”

“I’ve changed the water pump and replaced the brake shoes on my truck. Is that what you mean?”

“Exactly. Got tools?”

“A few that my dad had, but not many.”

“I’ll talk to Connie about getting you a tool allowance. Snap On is here every Monday and the Mac man stops here on Wednesday. I’ll give you a list of what you should have.”

Mom was holding dinner for me when I got home. She told me Pauline had called and seemed surprised when I didn’t jump on the phone and call her back, but she didn’t comment on it. We talked about my first day at work and she seemed concerned about whether I really liked it or was just saying I did because I knew how she felt about Jason. I assured her that I really liked the job.

After dinner I did pick up the phone, but it was Bev I called and not Pauline. She was home and had no plans so I asked her if she would like to go to Harry’s and have a milkshake with me and she said yes. I picked her up and we went to Harry’s and had milkshakes while we talked. Mostly about classes and people we knew. We left Harry’s and drove around while we talked and ended up at the miniature golf place. We ran into some kids we knew and we had a good time.

When I took Bev home we sat in the car and talked until Bev slid over next to me and said:

“Enough of this shit! Kiss me.”

I did and of course it turned into a make out session. When we finally broke apart she asked:


“I’ll pick you up at seven.”

I walked her to her door, we kissed again and she said “Until seven” and went into the house.

The rest of the week was pretty much a carbon copy of that day. Classes, work, call Bev and get together with her. The make out sessions got hotter and hotter until Friday when I walked Bev to her door after our date. Instead of a kiss she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside saying:

“I’m tired of playing kissy face.”

She pulled me along to her bedroom and when we got there she dropped my hand and started undressing. I was just a little stunned at the way things were going and so I was a tad slow in getting with the program until Bev’s:

“Get with it Rob; get your clothes off.”

Because of her head start she was naked while I was just getting to take my shirt off. She went to her knees in front of me, unzipped me, fished my dick out and had it in her mouth while I was still pulling my t-shirt over my head. While sucking my cock she managed to get my loafers off me, unbuckle my belt and was getting ready to pull my pants down when I finally caught up enough to help her.

After that it was pretty much what you would expect. Suck and fuck, suck and fuck and then a little more suck and fuck. I did find out that Bev was a little more experienced than I knew.

“I want you in my ass Rob. I love it in my as.”

I’d never done anal. Anal never even came up in all I’d done with Pauline and Gail and neither one of them ever mentioned it. I was a little embarrassed to tell Bev I’d never done it.

“Goodie! I get to be your first” was all she said and she went and got a tube of KY out of a dresser drawer and proceeded to lead me through it. I have to admit I liked it. I liked it a lot! I couldn’t believe how great it felt to have something that tight around my dick.

Bev got upset when I got up to leave. She wanted me to spend the night, but I didn’t dare. I had to work at least half a day on Saturday and I was afraid that if I spent the night I wouldn’t get up in time. I knew damned well if Bev wanted to start the day the way we ended the night I might not be able to say no. I told her I would make it up to her Saturday. That’s when she hit me with it.

“I can’t see you tomorrow night.”

“Why not?”

She looked away from me and said “I have a date with Ronnie Holbrook.”

I looked at he in silence for several seconds and then asked “When did you make the date?”

Still looking away from me she mumbled “Tuesday.”

“You made a date with him while you were going out with me? Well I certainly hope you have a good time” and I left.

Was I a bit steamed as I drove home? Take a wild guess.

When I walked into the Perry Street office at eight in the morning Connie too one look at me and said:

“Who shit in your cornflakes this morning?”

“It shows?”

“Come through loud and clear. Last time I saw a look like that it was because someone had stolen his girl.”

I guess I must have made a face when I heard that and she said “That it? Someone get to your honey?”

“Something like that. What have you got for me today?”

She gave me a list and I headed out to get started on it. I finished up just before one and headed for the office to punch out. Connie gave me a look I couldn’t recognize and then said:

“I need to see you in Jason’s office.”

I followed her into the office and she said “Jason never comes in on Saturday” as she locked the door. I think I must have had a WTF look on my face when she turned to me and asked:

“Do you eat pussy?”

A little bit stunned and a whole lot confused I said “What?”

“Simple question. Do you eat pussy? Munch on the muffin? Eat at the Y? Pearl dive?”

Just picture it. An eighteen year old kid standing here while a superhot sexy thirty year old woman asks him if he eats pussy. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. Connie walked over to me and rubbed my dick through my pants.

“Connie wants to help you get by what your honey did to you, but the price is you have to eat her pussy.”

Having my dick rubbed brought me out of my stupor and I said “I can’t do it while you have your jeans on.”

“God point” she said as she moved back a step and started taking her jeans off. As I watched her I decided that I’d best be up front with her.

“I haven’t done it much and I don’t really know if I’m any good at it.”

“You will be when I get through with you. Get your pants off.”

As I unbuckled my belt I had a thought.

“Won’t the sales guys know we are in here?”

“They will know I am, but they won’t think anything of it. Whenever I have a problem that’s proving hard to resolve I often come in here and lock the door so I won’t be bothered.”

If she didn’t care I sure wasn’t going to. Naked from the waist down she sat on the edge of the desk, smiled and said:

“Show me whatcha got!”

I went to my knees and went to work on her beaver. I did it the same way Pauline and Gail had me do it (I never got around to doing it with Bev) and apparently I was good enough for Connie since she didn’t ask me to do anything different. I munched on her until I got her off and then she laid back on the desk and said:

“Your turn.”

The desk was just the right height so all I had to do was stand up, step forward and slide straight in. Connie’s legs were up on my shoulders and I was looking down into her eyes as she hissed:

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard and fill me.”

I did my best and hoped it was good enough to get me another invite. I got her off again and a minute later I got mine. As we dressed Connie said:

“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea here. This was a onetime only event and I’m surprised I even did it once. You just got lucky because you came in looking really down. It struck a chord in me when you said your girl dumped you. Thing is two weeks ago I found out my husband was doing his secretary and for the last two weeks I’ve been wondering what to do about it. I decided to put a smile on your face and get back at him at the same time. You good with that?”

“I was hoping it would happen again, but if you say no then that’s the way it will have to be.”

I could have stood a steady diet of Connie, but there was a bright side to things. I was still on the clock when we did it.

There was a note on the fridge when I got home. Mom and Jason had gone to some charity function, Ilene was at grandmas and I was on my own for dinner. I didn’t feel like cooking for myself so I changed clothes and then headed to Harry’s for a burger and fries after which I would head over to the teen club. When I got to Harry’s I fond Bill and Dick there and was surprised to see them alone on a Saturday night.

I joined them and then, being curious I asked them where their steady’s were.

Dick said “Don’t got none of them things anymore. Sue dumped me.”

“And I dumped Carlitta” Bill said. Found out she was seeing Brady Olsen when she was telling me she was studying with the girls.”

“Must be something in the air. I just dropped Bev for making a date with Ronnie Holbrook while we were supposed to be working on becoming a couple. Maybe I’ll get lucky and hook up with someone at the club tonight.”

“Bill and I were hoping the same thing. Be nice to have a girl when we break for Christmas and New Year’s.”

I shrugged and said “I sometimes wonder if they are even worth all the trouble and misery that comes with steady pussy.”

Bill laughed and said “I can do trouble and misery if it comes with steady pussy” and Dick added “Amen to that.”

After eating the three of us headed for the club. The place was already rocking when we got there and we found a table and checked out the place. There were several girls who appeared to be without dates so it looked like we would have dance partners. Assuming they said yes when we asked. Turned out we didn’t have to. We had no sooner sat down when Lisa Felton came over to the table and asked me to dance. As I was standing up Betsy Mack came up and asked Bill for a dance and as I took Lisa in my arms I saw Dick come out on the floor with Wanda Salten.

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