Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 9

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

I woke up to the delightful feeling of Cheryl practicing the fellatio skills she learnt the night before. When I looked down at her, her eyes were smiling back at me, and her head was bobbing on my shaft. I just plopped my head back down on the pillow and enjoyed her efforts. When she was finished, I comment, “Somebody is eager to start the day. How about we get dressed, and we can practice those cooking skills again to better help you remember.” At that point, I think she would have agreed to anything I wanted.

It had been years since I cooked, so the kitchen staff was surprised to see me take over the kitchen. Cheryl and I went over the things I taught her the day before and how to apply it to breakfast. We made a feast. Even some of the house staff joined us to eat.

It was a beautiful day, and her Mom wasn’t due home from work until two, so the pets, Cheryl and I relaxed by the pool. We had a light lunch served to us there, and the girls played in the pool for the last hour before Cheryl had to go.

We left the pets at home and took the limo to the Fillion household. We got there before her mother, and she took her bags up to her room while I took the knife block to the kitchen. She ran down the stairs, and we had a quick conversation at the dinner table.

“Cheryl, when your Mom comes home, I want you to find an excuse to head up to your room so your Mom and I can talk privately. I think it would go a lot easier for your Mother if it were just the two of us. Then when I am gone, you should tell your mother about me stopping you from losing your virginity in a gangbang. You can tell her we made love. Just don’t tell her it was planned. I do not know how much you confide in her, but from what I have seen, she loves you, and you should open up to her.”

She looked down in shame and replied, “Yes, Daddy.”

“Please don’t call me Daddy around your mother. It is either Trent, Mr. Brown or Sir.”

When her Mom got home, Cheryl was talking a million miles a minute. She told her Mom how I treated her like a daughter and treated Layla and her to a day on the town, followed by cooking lessons. She ran into the kitchen and brought out the knife set.

“He even bought me this and showed me what each of the knives was for.”

She pulled out the chef’s knife.

“See Mom. It’s so beautiful. Look at the pattern on the side of the knife.”

Her Mom, Cindy, gasped, “We can’t accept this. That set has to be well over a thousand dollars.”

I replied, “Ms. Fillion, buying that, I am only looking out for my own best interest. I know that Cheryl is doing more and more in the kitchen. With proper instruction and knives that are properly balanced and sharpened, she is less likely to hurt herself. So will not be taken away from my Layla because of it. It is not a gift, but an investment into the future of our children and she deserves it.”

Cheryl cut in, “Oh, yes, Mom, you should see what he taught me. I can cut way faster, and I am still safer than I was before. He even taught me the difference between how American and French chefs cut. I can’t cut the same with our knives. Please, Mom, can I keep them?”

Between the two of us, we had her convinced. Cheryl talked a little more about what we did over the weekend and then dismissed herself upstairs.

“I would like to thank you for what you did for my daughter this weekend. She has always longed for a father figure, and you gave that to her, even if it was only for a short bit.”

“Cindy, I hope you do not mind me calling you that.” She nodded, indicating it was OK. “I hope it doesn’t end there. Cheryl is good for Layla, and I hope they can start spending more time with each other away from school. The girls are getting closer. Layla needs to see a good example of a mother and Cheryl, a father. I think it would be good for both the kids.”

Cindy looked a bit hesitant and didn’t respond. I shook my head, seeing humour in her misconception/assumptions about me.

“Cindy, aside from being Layla’s guardian, what do you know about me?”

She did the whole looking down at the floor with her head but looking up at me with her eyes just like most women do when they have been caught doing something wrong.

“You are the owner of Slutty, the porn empire.”

“I love how that is all people know about me when I own many different businesses. The other businesses I acquired willingly. Only the porn empire and one other business were I forced into. I was not given a choice with Slutty. There is no sense telling you about it because you will likely not believe me. I’m sure Layla will be over here one day soon. Ask her. She will tell you the story. In fact, ask her how she wound up becoming my ward. I am not the man I am painted out to be in the media. Sure, I mislead the media because I need a specific kind of rep to do what I do, but that isn’t the real me.”

Cindy blushed.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Brown. I didn’t mean to offend.”

“You didn’t. I just need to explain so you can accept this next bit. I do not let anybody into my life or the lives of the people I care about unless I know everything about them. Granted, I didn’t hire an investigator like I normally do, but I did ask around and learnt some things. Please do not take offence and hear me out. I know Cheryl’s dad left when she was little. Given that the economy is good right now and you still work in a restaurant, I am guessing you have no marketable skills. I know you spend time with your daughter, and that is difficult to do with a teen, so you must love her very much and are close to her. I know she is intelligent, but since she is 19, she has failed at least once, indicating she either has too much on her plate or is acting out. My money is on too much on her plate. Correct me if I am wrong.”

“I don’t know what to do. She is a good girl and tries hard, but she takes care of me as much as I take care of her, and I am afraid she will fail this year too. She insists on working to help out.”

“You have seen the cars in front of your house and can probably guess my helping you out wouldn’t put a dent in my wallet. I figure you are too proud to accept such help. I wouldn’t do you the disservice of offering it. I’ll tell you what I will do. Over the past few years, every time there has been a recession, I have bought up the airliners that have gone bankrupt, so I got them at a fraction of their true value. Next month, they are going to merge, and it will be about as big as Delta. There are going to be a lot of jobs shuffled around. How would you like to work at the ticket counter at the airport? It pays more than double that of a waitress.”

“My car is broke down, and I couldn’t make it to the airport by bus.”

I raised my hand to politely cut her off, “If you get to know me, you will find I am very literal in the questions I ask. I didn’t ask about your transportation. I asked if you would like to do the job. It is a simple, yes or no answer.”

She is flustered but gave a one-word reply, “Yes.”

That was the answer I was looking for.

“The job will start next month and comes with a signing bonus, non-negotiable. Next, I can’t have Layla regularly coming out to visit this neighbourhood. I assume this is a rental.”

Cindy started to understand. She answers with one word, “Yes.”

“I am told you have tomorrow off. My lawyers will be here tomorrow. You will go house hunting with them. If they say something is a requirement, do not argue with them. The house will be mine. I will not give you a handout. We will sign a rent to own agreement, and once you have paid me in full, it will be yours. If things do not work out at the job, you can stay there with the same rent to own agreement. If you leave, you lose all equity, and it remains mine. The house will be on one of the main bus lines or tram lines to the airport so you can get to work. It means we will live closer together, and our daughters will have an easier time visiting. You will hand in your two weeks notice on Wednesday when you are at work next. Are we in agreement?”

She was crying. She gets up and comes over to hug me. I was guessing the hug was our handshake to finalize the deal. As we parted, she wiped her eyes and said, “Thank you.”

I shook my head.

“Don’t thank me yet. You do not know what you are getting into. You and your daughter deserve it, so the job and the house are final. As for Layla, the reason she has social problems is she is a rescued slave. As a slave, she was trained to act like a kitten. I have gotten her to accept the role of a little girl. She has two sister slaves that live with me that are Cheryl’s age. I can understand you not wanting your daughter around that, so if you don’t want my daughter in your home, I understand. If you accept her, then in time, I hope you will accept her sisters. One of them, in particular, could use the help. I am having difficulty getting her to take any role other than a cat. I was surprised she agreed to sit at the table for Layla’s birthday.

Cindy was speechless, sitting stunned and saying nothing.

“It’s OK. You don’t need to say anything. I understand and will not bother you further about helping Layla or her sisters.”

That pulled her out of her shock.

“No, no, no. She can come over. It just wasn’t something I was expecting to hear. Where did you find them?

“That is not something we talk about. I dealt with their masters, and they will not ever bother the girls again.”

“OK, I can understand that, but who are you?”

I laughed, “What do you mean by that?”

“You are this guy that everybody thinks is an extremely misogynistic slut, and you tell me that isn’t true, and then you help me, my daughter and these slaves. Why?”

“I can not bear to see anybody get hurt as badly as I was. I can’t see people suffer and do nothing about it. I would gladly give my life if it meant others could have a better one.”

I am not expecting it, or I would have stopped her, but she kissed me. There was no exchange of tongues, but none the less, she kissed with passion and conviction. I let it go on for a short while. She reminded me of Mary, so I got a tear in my eye. That wasn’t why I pulled away.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Fillion. We can’t be doing this. Believe me. I want to. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. For me to let something happen now would be taking advantage of you. I will not do that.”

Cindy blushed and pulled away.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“Don’t be. You assumed right. I would love to have a woman like you. It just isn’t appropriate for now. Once you get to know the slut that I am, if you still want a relationship, we can give it a try. I don’t want to wreck things for our daughters. Speaking of which, I have one more thing for Cheryl. Can you please go and get her.”

She left to get her daughter, but she turned to look at me as she left. I was trying to keep things non-sexual, but I was failing.

In a short time, both women joined me at the dining table.

“Cheryl, I know you saw me give some of your friends business cards with a job offer.”

I hand her a business card for the modelling agency.

“I want you to quit your job and phone my people. This is for respectable modelling work and has nothing to do with my porn empire. Yes, they sometimes do nude work, but they will be instructed never to push you to do things you are not comfortable with. This job comes at a price. Since it is more money for less work, I expect you to spend at least some of your extra time doing school work. You are to show me your report cards, and there will be consequences if your grades do not improve. Once you graduate, you will get a degree. Do not worry about your past grades or SATs. I have an online university, and you can get your degree there.”

She exuberantly jumped up and came over to hug me. Before she pulled away, she reached up and pulled me in for a passionate kiss, tongue and all. I pulled away as quickly as I could.

“I don’t think that is appropriate, young lady.”

She pulled away and blushed.

“Thank you, D ... Sir.”

She almost called me Daddy.

I looked over to her Mom and handed her a card too.

“If you want a little extra cash, you should give them a call too. There are some Mother-Daughter shoots that I am sure the two of you would be perfect for. Besides, you are beautiful enough that you could get work there on your own. I’m sure you and your daughter have a lot of things to discuss. I will get out of your hair and leave you to it. I am sure I am giving my security team ulcers just being here. They tend to forget that I came from a place much worse than this.”

At the door, they both gave me a goodby hug and didn’t stop thanking me. It gave me a hardon, and I had the urge to go back in there and fuck them both.

I didn’t wait until I got home to satisfy my needs. As soon as we turn a corner, I have my chauffeur pull over. She was a gorgeous little woman with a body I loved. She got in the back with me, and one of the security guards takes over the driving duties. I loved having so many sexy staff. I fucked her brains out all the way home and then when I get there, I dropped a load into the first house girl I come across.

After I finished with the house girl, I was satisfied enough to have a chat with the pets about pressuring virgins to do stupid things. I didn’t punish Layla because we had never talked about it before. I didn’t think I would need to. I guess part of the blame was on me.

That night was the first time the three pets and I had to ourselves since Layla came of age, so we all slept in my bead and had ourselves a party.

Two weeks before Crystal came back from the Slutty Resort, she and Angel had narrowed down their choices for the third in their entourage. They gave me five names, and I sent those names to security for vetting. In the end, two of them I could not be sure I could trust. The week before Crystal came home, I had the remaining three in my office.

“I know you girls are wondering why I had you all flown here. The most you were supposed to be told was this is some sort of interview. I can tell you, it is a big promotion and it comes with a substantial raise. I will not say anything more until you sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

I handed them each an agreement.

“Don”t sign anything until you read it. One of the reasons you were selected was your intelligence, so I expect you will have no problems understanding it. Do not be embarrassed if you need to ask questions. If you need clarification on anything with me, I do not care how much you think it is something you should already know. You will never be looked down upon for the asking. It is better to ask a stupid question and be a fool for a minute than to not ask and be a fool forever.”

The girls had already started to read as I was talking.

One of the girls asked, “Why do we need to sign an NDA for a job interview in porn.”

“Tara, it is not just a job in porn, and I can’t tell you until you sign the agreement.”

She shrugged her shoulders, dismissing the thought and signed. The girls handed me back the NDAs, and I checked them over to make sure everything was in order.

I was sitting at my desk, and the girls were sitting in the chairs directly in front of it. The chairs were deliberately uncomfortable, to help me in negotiations.

“Let’s get comfortable, shall we,” I suggested while I stood up. Uma started taking her shirt off.

“I like the initiative, but that isn’t what I meant. If it truly makes you comfortable, then by all means. This is a clothing-optional floor. What I meant is let’s sit on the couches where it is comfortable, and I am not sitting in a dominant position. I want you to feel more at ease and as if you are talking to an equal and not ‘the big boss man.”

Tara left the shirt mostly undone but kept it on, and we adjourned to the couches.

The sofas faced each other, with a table between them. On the table was a selection of tasty or healthy refreshments, snacks and drinks. “Help yourself,” I said, selecting a bit of finger food, mostly meats and a chocolate milk.

“I’m sure by now, your curiosity is peaked and would like to know why you are here. As I mentioned, you were selected for your intelligence. There were also a lot of other requirements. You are the best Slutty has. You are all educated, trustworthy, excel at your current job, can handle more and are amongst the sexiest women in this little empire of ours. The job I am looking to fill is a permanent position as part of the spokeswoman’s entourage. The reason for the NDA is this job entails more than you might think. Unfortunately, I must warn you again, from here on in, you can not tell anybody about anything I tell you. If you do, you can potentially put people’s lives at risk, and so, if you do talk, I will exorcize the NDA to the fullest extent. Your life as you know it will be over, and you will be doing the most horrible of jobs in the most horrible of places.”

“As for the job, I ask you to think back to what you know about the girls you work with. How many of them have unbelievable stories of how a porn empire saved them? Their stories are true.”

I told them the story of how Slutty started and how much of the management is made up of the original girls from my home town. Before I continue, I page my secretary and have her send up one of my pets.

“The job, ladies, is to continue helping others that can not help themselves. You will be subjected to all kinds of sexual acts. Many you will not enjoy. You will be forced to keep secrets that you can only talk about with me and some of the staff here at Slutty. Even when you are at home, you can not drop your new persona.

“I know you don’t see much incentive and are likely thinking you don’t want the job. Before you completely close your mind off to the idea, I am going to show you a side of Slutty few people ever get to see. When we are done here, you will be taken by Mary, our CEO and she will show you the company books and explain some things. We will meet again tomorrow, and if you still do not want the job, then you are not the girl we are looking for and will be promptly flown home.”

We waited a short while for my pet. Before long, Lucy led Ivy in on a leash. She was nude and crawling behind Lucy. The three girls looked a little shocked. I walked up to Ivy, knelt and scratched her behind her ear. She pressed her head into my hand as a cat would.

“Ivy honey, I do not mean to be cruel, but I am trying to recruit these women to help me with my special projects. I need you to stop being a kitty and pretend to be a little girl so you can tell these nice young ladies how you became my pet. They need to know how bad it was and what we have done for you and your sisters.”

While I was talking to Ivy, Lucy fetched a robe from the closet. I removed Ivy’s cat ears and gave them to Lucy. Then I pulled out Ivy’s but plug tail. Ivy stood, and I held out the robe for her to step into.

She looked at me sheepishly, yet full of love and hope.

“Can I cuddle up next to you while we talk, Daddy.”

“Yes, you can, sweetheart.”

I guided her to the couch where I was sitting and took a seat. Lucy tried to sneak off.

“Where do you think you are going, young lady?”

“I’m sorry, Master, I thought it was just Ivy that was needed.”

“That was the initial plan, but since you are here, you might as well stay and tell your story when Ivy is finished.”

“Yes, Master.”

She took a seat beside me opposite Ivy and cuddled in.

I continued the discussion with the three hopefuls.

“This is Ivy. She is one of three pets I rescued. This is Lucy. I wouldn’t say I rescued her, but we are helping her and her sisters in another way. Ivy and Lucy this is Tara, Uma and Rain.”

I gave them time to greet each other before I began. Ivy didn’t respond to their overtures.

“Excuse, Ivy. I have had a difficult time trying to acclimate her back into reality. Lucy is also an exception. Usually, there are no strings attached to our help, but that wasn’t good enough for her, so she works almost like a comfort girl, just for me. Her primary job is to do everything she can to eliminate stress in my life. We will get to her later. As you have seen, Ivy is a pet cat I rescued. Unfortunately, she was too far gone by the time we got to her. Saving her and her sisters inspired me to set up operations rescuing other pet slaves. I suppose you should hear the story from her.”

Ivy told her story crying through much of it. She often paused and buried her head in my chest. The entire time she was pressed up against me with a vice grip on my arm like she was afraid somebody was going to take her from me. The three girls listened intently. They were both horrified and amazed by the story.

“That is a good girl, Ivy. Daddy is proud of you. Ladies, do you have any questions for her?”

They were all too stunned by the story they just heard to be able to say anything.

“OK, kitten, you can either stay cuddled up to me or resume your place on the floor but keep the robe on until it is time for you to go.”

She looked into my eyes and said, “Daddy, I was a good girl and did everything you told me. Can I please have a snack. I don’t get you to myself anymore.”

“OK, baby, just keep the noise to a minimum so the humans can talk and don’t forget to clean up when you are done.”

I turned my attention back to the three girls.

“Please excuse her. I have yet to discover a better way to deal with her.”

Ivy crawled between my legs, fished my cock out and started licking it like a cat. Eventually, it turned into a proper blowjob, and she worshiped my cock with everything she had.

I got Lucy to tell her story then I dismissed Ivy and Lucy. Before they left, Ivy lost the robe and stuck her cat costume back on.

“I’m sorry. This must be a lot to process. Why don’t you wait in the conference room so you can chat privately among yourselves or just sit and think while you wait for Mary? She will guide you through the rest of today, and she doesn’t lay it on as brutally as I do.”

I guided them to the conference room attached to my office. It also had a door to the main lobby, so I didn’t see the girls until the next day. I didn’t bother to spy on them using the security system.

The next day, they were waiting in my lobby when I got in. Typically, Lucy would be with me when I come in so she could be my cock warmer. I had already sent her to the secretary pool. I got settled in my office. Then I paged my secretary to let them in. I stood up and greeted them before directing them to sit on the couches again.

“I know we gave you a lot to think about and little time to think. Unfortunately, we don’t have much time to make sure you are a good fit and train you up. As it is, whoever gets the job will have an accelerated training program. If you haven’t guessed it by now, there will be no more secrets between us. If I ask a question, I first want the short answer, and if I don’t interrupt you, then continue to give the long version. Secrets between us can be dangerous.”

I paused to let that sink in.

“The first question, are you interested in the position? Let’s start with Tara.”

Tara didn’t hesitate and answers the way I like, “Yes, Sir. Knowing what I now know, I could not go home and do nothing. I never knew we did so much. On occasion, I used to be ashamed of being a stripper. I have a newfound pride working as a Slutty girl.”

“Thank you, Tara. Uma?”

She hesitated but said, “Yes, My reasons are similar to Tara’s I can’t go home knowing I could have helped and didn’t try.”

I paused, thinking for a moment.

“You hesitated. Why?”

“I think either Tara or Rain will do a better job than me. Given how important this is, I would hate to take the job away from either of them.”

“Two things. The first is your answer. You need to be more specific. I may not always know what follow up questions I need to ask. You are every bit as good as Uma or Tera. You do lack a bit of confidence, but believe it or not, we can play that up as a strength. Your hesitation can make your reactions to some things more honest. You let me decide who is better. The second thing, your answer reminded me of something I should have already told you. What happens to the girls that do not make the cut? I know if I were in your shoes, I would have a hard time going back to business as usual. If you are cut or decide to leave, you will have a sit down with Mary. There are other positions that need filling, which are less stressful and not as dangerous. You can also go back to your old life. It is up to you. Mary is there to talk you through your options and help you decide or see what is best for you. Rain, your turn.”

“Yes, I was going to say no because I was concerned about not making it and losing my job or going too far and then not being able to help. I think that would devastate me. If I could still do something to help even if I fail, then I am in.”

“There is no such thing as failure here. Given a little time, we could train any one of you to do the job. We are simply testing you to make sure we have the best of the best. You are amazing girls. Since you all want the job, I suppose I should tell you what it is. The Slutty spokesmodel and her girls are always underestimated. You will be in the company of powerful people. Often they will be doing things that are not quite right. They will speak openly in front of you. You can also go places and do things I can’t. You are my eyes, ears and hands. The intent is to bring down the largest portion of the slave trade here in North America and in Europe. If we are successful, we may even try for Asia. You can see how it might get a little dangerous. I will do everything in my power to keep you as safe as possible, but there is an inherent risk. You will be a public face. That alone should help eliminate most of the risk. Nobody will want to attract attention, and that is something you will do if you go missing.”

“Next question; Do you have any sapphic experience?”

Tara answered, “Yes, A little. I experimented with my dorm-mate.”

Uma volunteered, “Yes, I had a dominant boyfriend that insisted I put on shows for him and his friends. He also used to sleep with other women. He would sometimes insist I join him.”

“Uma, That isn’t a boyfriend that is an asshole. A boyfriend may push your limits, but he doesn’t force you to do things you do not want to do. We will be dealing with assholes, so you already have a lot of experience. Rain.”

“No, I never was into girls but can see how this job would require it, so I would be willing to try.”

“That brings us to fetishes. Do you have any experience with them?”

Tara confesses, “Minimal. I had a boyfriend that had a foot fetish. He used to insist I give him foot jobs. It did nothing for me, but I loved him, so I put up with it.”

“You may get a bit of that. I like how you sacrificed for the one you cared for. Keep that attitude. Focus on your goal when asked to do things that you do not like. It can help you portray a willing attitude and put a genuine smile on your face when your instinct is to be revolted. You will get more training on this.”

Uma replied, “Yes, My ex was dominant, and I eventually learned to like being a sub. He would share me, and each guy liked something different, so I was exposed to a few things.”

“Do not ever refer to him as your ex-boyfriend again. Refer to him as asshole. He never loved you. I am saddened that you were treated that way. You may see me treat women that way, but it is either because I am in a situation where I have to, or they enjoy it. When this is over, we will have to find you a man to treat you right.”

Uma was blushing and looking at the floor.

Rain answered, “Yes. I had a linebacker BF that liked to be dominated. He hated always having to be the tough guy, and I enjoyed taking control.”

“Unfortunately, you will see more bottom than top with this. How do you feel about that.”

“I’m not as enthusiastic as a bottom but can fake it if needed.”

“Great, now I need to see what we are working with. I already know how good you dance. I have seen footage of you at your club. You will need to perform with little or no preparation or foreplay. I am going to fuck each of you here and now. Whoever I am fucking, you will be pleasuring. I want to see your sapphic skills. Don’t worry if you don’t know what you are doing or are not confident in your abilities. This is not a test. I am only gaging where we need to start. Now stand and strip.”

As good little strippers, they did as they were told. They all had the build I liked. Thanks to me, it was kind of an unofficial Slutty trademark. It also didn’t hurt that they were dancers. Tara was a black girl that stood about 5’8”. Normally blacks do not do it for me. I think she had a little white blood in her. I liked her cheekbones, and her ass was more like you would find on a white girl, but since she was a dancer and was flexible, it was still nice and round. It just wasn’t as fat as a typical black chick’s.

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