Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 8

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

I kept busy until it was time to kidnap Seth’s friends. There was a lot to do between setting up the European divisions and the new projects I had on the go. Thankfully, I had compiled a group of people to take care of most of it for me. For the most part, I only needed to provide guidance, to coordinate and give advice. There were just too many projects on the go.

When the kidnappings were to take place, I found myself with a bit of spare time, so I decided to tag along.

These guys were bigger than we initially thought. We had thought Gavin was the biggest. He had a dungeon with a dozen girls being trained and another dozen personal slaves. He rarely left his compound, so we only had a few small windows to take him. My head of security came up with a plan to get them all together.

At first, I didn’t like it. The plan was to give them such a target-rich environment, they would congregate, and we could take them all out at once. I wanted this to be strictly my drug enforcers on this. In the end, Victoria convinced me to bring in those of our security team that we trusted for less than legal work.

Attractive women made up about two-thirds of my security force. Being a martial artist and having some life experience taught me what to look for in a security agent. I would offer a job to any girl I seen that was able to do the job well. It gave my security team an edge in two ways. They were usually underestimated, and they could blend in with the Slutty girls, so nobody even knew they were there. This made them perfect for this job.

The girls were to act as bait. We sent 15 girls to a club the slavers used to scout women. Before we sent them in, they were given cover stories about how they had no friends or family in town, so there was nobody that would come looking for them if they went missing.

My drug enforcers were also not a typical lot. Most drug enforcers can’t shoot worth shit. They have no training and tend to allow their emotions to control their actions. Mine wear armour that looks like street clothes, they are well trained and know how to work as a team. It was the first thing I insisted on when I took over drug operations. A trained man is worth ten average men and Proper equipment also makes all the difference.

I wanted the satisfaction of a little hands-on, but Victoria rightly argued that I should stay in the command bus. Throughout the week, we planted cameras surrounding the club, so we had a good view of the area. Unfortunately, we didn’t have cameras inside the club. The girls had trackers and bugs planted on them so we could hear and follow them if things went sideways.

That night, it was Matt, one of the lesser slavers, that was the first one there. He was suave and implanted himself with a group of three of my girls. Playing right into our hands, he excused himself to make a phone call. We didn’t have any way to listen in on the call, but we did have people following the slavers we knew of that hadn’t arrived yet. Gavin and one other didn’t respond immediately.

We had contingencies for each of them except Gavin. The other guy was busy with a girl he loured into his home. We waited an hour then busted down his door. We had no floor plans for his house but figured he would have a dungeon. That is where my team found him and his latest conquest. She was tied up nude and screaming while he was whipping her. She was bleeding badly from her back.

Tasers were still rare and hard to get. My men had cattle prods. The first man through the door was hit with the whip. His armour held. The men prodded the slaver over and over.

The girl wasn’t too far gone. I would have told them to leave here there and phone the cop. The problem was his house staff. He was small-time and had no guards but had three girls. We couldn’t just leave them all there. If there was one girl that was loyal, even out of fear, then she could help him escape with his new slave. My people were trained and smart, so I left them to deal with it. It just meant we lost a layer of backup for the night.

In the end, they killed the slaver and made it look like the new slave did it trying to escape. Then they had one of the three girls call the cops. They took the three girls, leaving the new slave for the police to find. She wasn’t too far gone and could return to her past life. The girls ended up going to The Slutty Resort Island.

Gavin gave us a scare. We were about to give up on him when he got into his car and headed for the club. He pulled into the parking lot but never made it into the club. We snatched him as soon as he got out of his car.

Next, everything went for shit. Two of our girls were carried out the back of the club and into a van. Thankfully we set up a good perimeter. The van only got a block down the road before one of our vehicles pitted it. Pitting is a move taught to police. To do it, you pull up as if you are going to pass the van. When your front bumper is in line with the back wheel, you turn hard into the van. This causes the van to spin end for end.

When the van came to a stop, the driver was confused long enough for a sniper to take him out. One of the assailants got away, but we captured three more, and our girls were saved.

The problem was, we had a hole in our perimeter. We have a dozen guys out of position and had to deal with a van, with a bullet hole in the windshield, we couldn’t leave on the street. We also had no clue what they used to knock out our girls. We had to decide quickly if we were going to go for the three slavers we knew were in there or if we were going to take out their bag men too. We had no way to communicate with the girls in the club. They didn’t have earbuds because that would be seen and spoil our trap.

Thankfully, I was smart enough to have two girls on standby, in the bus with me. They walked into the club, then into the bathroom. The plan was, if something went wrong, we would send the two standby girls into the bathroom, and each group of girls would have a girl follow. In the privacy of the bathroom, they could pass on any message needed. The problem was, we didn’t know that the new bagmen would indicate to their comrades the target they chose, and when the target headed to the bathroom, the girl would be chloroformed and snatched. The first two girls never made it to the bathroom and were hauled out the back door.

The third girl they tried that with was rescued by one of the backup girls we sent into the club. We then knew how and who was capturing our girls. Three guys were doing the drug and snatch work. My two girls were more than a match for them. Soon the bagmen were subdued and in the girls’ washroom. This was when three slavers came out the front door with their intended victims. We were no longer ready for them.

The grab team was sent in the back door to help the girls bring out the three guys that were snatching girls. We had twenty more people out of position dealing with the first van and tracking a second that had made it out of there with two of our girls. Thankfully my security was well trained, and they noticed something wasn’t right. Julian started to stall their escape by falling to her knees to give her slaver a blowjob in the parking lot. The other two girls start necking their slavers.

I felt like we had no choice. I jumped in the driver’s seat and drove the command bus into the parking lot for the club, stopping in front of the slaver’s car. I jumped out the back of the bus, so they didn’t see me and headed around behind them. The girls saw me and pulled pistols out of their purses. The guys didn’t notice right away. They did notice when the girls each had a gun pressed to their balls. I also had two 9mm drawn and cleared my throat to get their attention. Then commanded, “If you want to live, you will get on the bus without making a sound.”

The command bus had supplies for emergency use, such as tie straps. This appeared to be such an emergency. Once they were tied and gagged, I kicked them each in the balls as hard as I could and put a knife to the penis of the last one I kicked.

“How many guys do you have in the club?”

One of them was dumb enough to lie to me. I went over to him, dropped his pants and put a tie strap around his dick, kind of like a cock ring.

“Last chance to be honest.”

He spit at me, so I cut the end of his dick off. Even with the makeshift tourniquet, there was blood everywhere.

“If you think that is bad, then lie to me again, and I will show you what bad is. Now how many of you are there?”

The guy I originally had the knife to cried out, “If everybody made it, there should be 29 of us here. I haven’t seen Gavin or Blair.”

I got on comms.

“Including the guys that took our girls, there should be seven guys left. At least three are gone with two of our girls. That leaves a maximum of 5 in the club. By now, they should have noticed some of them are missing. Jeramy, you are spread a little thin. Call in some local muscle and track down our missing girls.”

The backup girls had earbuds. I gave orders over the comms, “I want five girls to come out all at once. That should be a big enough group you will not be targeted. Then I want the rest to follow ten minutes later, one at a time, so you make enticing targets. Hopefully, the last few guys are dumb enough to try something.”

There was a car down the street with a driver watching the club’s front door. I figured he was a driver for the bagmen. Viki didn’t even hide the fact that she was walking straight up to the car. I saw her tapping on the window. I couldn’t hear what she said. I just saw him roll down the window, and she pistol-whipped him in the face, opened the driver’s door and threw him to the ground. In a flash, he was strapped up tight and in the back seat of the car.

The first solo girl came out of the club followed close behind by some guy. Viki drove the car up in front of them, and the guy tried to throw our girl in the back seat. That is when he noticed his buddy strapped and gaged in the car. Three girls jump out from hiding to strap him and throw him on top of his buddy.

The evening was a success in that we had 22 men captured and Two killed. It was a disaster in that two of our girls were lost. We tracked them to a compound just out of town. My enforcers and the local help didn’t get there in time. I was mad, and you know by now that I am not always rational when I am mad.

An hour after the last of the scum was captured, Viki was on the phone in the bus, trying to find out everything she could about the compound, where our girls were.

The prisoners had all been collected into a tractor-trailer unit and were being taken to the nearest port, where they would make their way to Europe and into Shannon Pilsner’s hands. Seth wasn’t among them. He had both his legs broken. The gang I sent after him already had his sister and was soon to kill him shortly.

Shannon was a member of the organization. She was into slaves as a hobby. I had never sold her a slave for three reasons: 1. She was a mistress that liked to dominate men. Almost all of my slaves were eunuchs or women. She was not into that. 2. She was particularly nasty to her slaves, and as a rule, I avoided selling slaves to people like that. 3. Most importantly, she liked to buy unbroken slaves because she enjoyed the process of breaking them. All slaves I sold were well trained. I felt I could make an exception for these fools. The other benefit of selling them to her was that I got a chance to test our soon to be smuggling route into Europe.

While Viki was on the phone, finding out what little she could, I was on my way to the slaver’s compound. It turned out to be a small mansion that was partially fortified. I jumped into one of our armoured SUVs and headed straight there. In the SUV were five drug enforcers. At the front gate, I hit the intercom, and when it was answered, I said, “Evening, This is Trent Brown, Owner of Slutty inc. It seems your men and mine ran afoul of each other this evening, and I am here to rectify that.”

There was silence for a few minutes, then the gate opened. I pulled up and got out of the vehicle, but told the enforcers to stay put. Thre was no need for six of us to put our lives on the line. They had instructions. If they didn’t hear from me in 20 minutes, they were to leave. Then all our forces were to come back and level the compound. As our host came outside, I removed both 9mm and put them in our SUV along with my knife. His guard patted me down.

The old guy that seemed to be in charge opened his mouth first, “So Mr. Brown, to what do we owe this pleasure?” He was surrounded by five guards.

“Since I introduced myself, it is only polite for you to do the same.”

“You can call me Mr. Stubs.”

“Well, Mr. Stubs, it has been a long evening. Why don’t we go inside for a little drink and sit down?”

He wasn’t happy that I didn’t get on with it, but agreed and guided me into his sitting-room. On the way there, I saw a half dozen mostly nude girls, I assumed were his house slaves. You could tell they feared him and were curious about me. Stubs had one of the girls serve us drinks, and after I thanked her, I started, “Mr. Stubbs, my people were running an operation to turn five men that stole from me into slaves. Somehow your men got involved and interfered. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, my people are good at what they do. We captured the five men we were after but were forced to kill 19 of your men. Normally, I would say let bygones be bygones. Your men instigated it, so they got what they asked for. The problem is, the men we let get away stole two of my girls and brought them here.”

“What makes you think they were my men and that your girls were brought here?”

“Please, Mr. Stubs. I am sure you are aware of my penchant for honesty and my extreme reactions to dishonesty. Let’s not lie to each other. You know as well as I do that my girls are here. I also know that you didn’t realize you were stealing from me and that you likely feel like I did you wrong, even though my men were only defending my property. In the spirit of making friends and putting this all behind us, I am willing to make a deal.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“First off, I need to see my girls. I am quite particular in who can touch them and when. You are obviously a slaver and have likely heard of the quality of slave Slutty sells. I need to see that my merchandise is unharmed.”

He called a slave over and whispered in her ear, then dismissed her.

“They are on their way. So what is it you have on your mind.”

“That depends on how big your operation is. For now, in exchange for you giving me back my girls, I will open our market to you. If your slaves can pass muster, they will be allowed in my auctions. If you so desire, I will also introduce you to some customers that deal in volume and quality. I sell a very particular type of slave, and many have asked me to diversify. We can both benefit if we let this evening’s embarrassment go.”

“That is an awful lot for two slaves.”

“I feel bad that your men fell into my trap. Had I known you operated in the area, I would have warned you to stay away. I am also impressed that your men managed to get two of my girls. Those are not normal slaves you stole.”

“I have heard. They have raised a little hell since they were brought here.”

That is when our girls walked in, shackled and bruised. You could see they were already caned and whipped. They knelt beside my chair.

“That is not the condition I was hoping to see them in.”

“Between the two of them, they took out two guards and three trainers. They needed to be taught who the boss is.”

“Really! Girls, who is the boss?”

They answered in unison, “You and only you, Master. If anybody tries to be, without your permission, we defy them.”

“No, it sounds like they know who the boss is. You would do well to learn respect.”

“You do not come into my home and talk to me like that.”

“A small-time loser like yourself needs to learn respect. First off, you knew I operate in this town, and you figured you could do whatever you wanted without doing your diligence to ensure you weren’t stealing from me. That alone should earn you a bed six feet under. Now, I see you have treated my Aventador Roadster like a Mazada pickup. Again, I should put you six feet under. Now you underestimate me. Reason again to put you six feet under.”

You can see his guards tense up and are waiting for his order to pummel me.

“Underestimate you. You are one unarmed man, and I have five guards.”

He nodded his head, and his guards moved forward. I broke my glass on the table beside me, picked up the largest piece and threw it into the closest guard. It stuck in his eye, and both his hands came up to his face, holding it in pain as he cried. I then stood up while grabbing the table, breaking it over the head of the next guard. He was between the other guards and me, so I had plenty of time to pick up a table leg.

The farthest guard drew his gun. The fool wasn’t smart enough to realize handguns had needed a specific set of circumstances to be effective. Anything closer than 20 feet and your target could take you out before you fired. The maximum range depended on the gun and shooter but wasn’t more than 50 feet. He was in the 30 ft sweet spot, but the room was too crowded with his friends. He was more likely to hit one of them than his target. The reason he couldn’t fire right away was there were two of his friends between him and me.

I didn’t want the two I took out of the fight to get back in it, and I had a moment before the other guards could get around their friends. I swung, hitting the first guard in the hand. This caused his hand to jam the glass farther into his eye, and the hit knocked him out.

Then I brought the table leg forward and hit the second guard as hard as I could in the sternum, breaking the bone and winding him. He hit the ground. This gave me enough room to do a judo style throw on the next guard. His back landed on the farthest guard, setting his gun off, killing the guard I threw and knocking the gunman on his back under his dead buddy.

The last guard did get a swing in. I ducked out of the way, but when I came up, I grabbed him by the throat and crushed his Adam’s apple. I swept his legs with mine and pushed back on his neck, so his feet came up, above his head, as I brought his head smashing into the gunman’s, crushing both their skulls. I reached down and picked the gun up.

“Now, what were you saying about respect and underestimating me?”

Stubs sat there in panic, not knowing what to say or do.

“A piece of free advice. Never enter conflict with somebody if you do not know what he is capable of. That was your last mistake.”

I knew his remaining guards were on their way. They would have heard the gunshot. The girls did their best to quickly grab the guns off the downed guards. I grabbed Stubs by the ear, hauling him to his feet between the door and me.

Soon there were a half dozen men standing around the doorway, guns drawn.

“If you want to live, tell your men to drop their guns.”

Even though he told them to, they hesitated.

“Kick your guns over here, then get on your bellies. Be quick. If I am not out the front door in three minutes, there will be an army coming in, killing everything that moves. Stubby, let’s go unless you want everybody dead.”

On the way by, one of the guards tried to trip me. Before he got leverage enough to succeed, I shot him in the head. I had to stop being so casual when it came to killing people.

In the driveway, I demanded, “I want every girl on the premises here now.”

The guards from the perimeter noticed that there was no answer from the guards in the house, so they started coming in. A bullet went flying by my head. In response, I brought Stubbs under cover of my armoured SUV then shot him in the foot.

“If somebody shoots at me again, you will not like where the next bullet goes.”

He screamed for them to stop shooting and put down their weapons.

Stubby wasn’t as small-time as I initially thought. There were more than 50 girls there. Some of them needed a hospital. Most were in good condition, but all were afraid. At least there were no children.

All I could think was, ‘Shit, this is going to end up being another pet project. Like I need another one.’

I didn’t want any legit business involved with this property. I had the girls shipped by boat to the resort for training. The drug enforcers took over the compound, and Stubby’s guards that were still alive were sent home jobless. I vetted them, and any that were good people, I hired for other projects.

Stubbs was sent to the resort, pretending to be a guest. In reality, I was reprogramming him. He would continue to run his little slavery empire, but it was be modified, he was under my control, and the girls were sent out as my spies. I made him sign over everything he owned to me. This included a chain of art galleries.

I didn’t like how this operation left too many loose ends, but there was nothing to be done about it. I could have killed all the guards, but that was a lot of people to kill. There were too many to sell to Shannon.

Taking out the slaves that night, I learnt there were other compounds. This was the main reason I had Stubbs reprogrammed. I needed to take out their network. Had our intel been better, we would have done things differently.

Layla’s birthday was that Thursday. We had her party on Friday. That left Thursday for us. I even told Lucy to go home to her sisters instead of coming to the mansion.

Layla was waiting at home for me when I got back from work. This time, she was dressed as a house slave, waiting at the door as I got out of the car.

“Somebody is eager.”

“You are the one that made me wait all these months. We could have been having fun long before now.”

I wrapped her arm in mine and walked her into the mansion.

“So, what is your greatest fantasy?”

“To please you, Master.”

I knew she would say that.

“So then, you want to fulfill my greatest fantasy?”

Layla melds her body closer to mine.

“That is my greatest fantasy.”

I laugh, “Do you even know what my greatest fantasy is?”

“Not knowing is part of what makes it so exciting.”

“If you want to enact my fantasy, then it will have to wait until after supper. I think it is quite appropriate since your sisters will be involved. It will be the first time you get to have sex with them since you were rescued.”

Mary came home early and joined us for supper. It was the first time I insisted all the pets acted like humans and sit at the table. I tried to keep the conversation steered away from sex, but Layla was so excited it was impossible. When Marry asked, “So, Layla, what did you ask Trent to do for your first time together,” I gave up.

“I don’t know it is a surprise. We are to enact his greatest fantasy.”

That caused Mary to spit out her wine.

“Are you sure you are ready for that. I passed out three times the first time he did it to me. Mind you, I would love to do it again, and you will never forget it.”

None of the girls knew what it was. They only knew they were all required in the bedroom that evening. They tried to pry it out of Mary, but she was a vault.

After supper, I soaked in the hot tub with Mary. She didn’t like exposing that much skin anymore since she had too many scars. She didn’t believe me when I said they didn’t make her any less attractive to me. I was able to snuggle up with her. Sometimes I enjoyed it more than sex. If you owned a billion-dollar porn empire, you would get tired of sex on occasion too. She tried talking about work, but that ended when I told her I would tie her tongue up with mine if she continued.

“You need to learn to relax. I miss the times when you used to insist we just snuggle and forget the rest of the world. You need to learn to do that again.”

I didn’t understand why she would look guilty after I said that, but she did. I grabbed her chin in my hand, firm but not rough or violent, then forced her to look me in the eyes.

“You need to learn to forgive yourself. Everybody else alive or dead has already forgiven you. It is the only thing left for you to be able to move on.”

I then kissed her as tenderly and with as much passion as I could muster. She didn’t want the kiss, and at first, I had to force her. In the end, she relented and moulded into me as we kissed.

I confessed, “I know we have had our problems, but I would still rather spend time with you than do anyone or anything else.”

There was so much more I wanted to say, but no matter what I said, it always hurt her more, so I ended it at that and hoped I didn’t say too much. I fell asleep with her in my arms.

She woke me up, then reminded me, “You better get out of the tub and drink something if you intend to fuck Layla all night.”

I chuckled. Mary could always make me laugh.

“Why don’t you join us. It is her night, but you can still participate. When she is passed out, I will remind you of how there is nothing like being with somebody you care about.”

I didn’t know how she did it, but she managed to look hurt and have a genuine smile at the same time.

“It is her night. You shouldn’t be thinking of me.”

How the hell was I not supposed to think of her? Nobody knew or loved me as she did. She had me as horny as ever, snuggling me like that, and she needed me. If it were any other girl, I would have shown her how much she wanted me, ripped her bathing suit off, threw her to the ground and fucked the shit right out of her.

While we were in the hot tub, I had the pets use my bathroom because it had the biggest tub. Layla was bathed by her sisters and given a massage.

I rehydrated and grabbed three housemaids. On the way to my bedroom, I explain to the maids what I want to happen. We got to my room in time for Layal’s massage to end. I briefly thought of tying her to the bed but thought better of it since most of her experiences with sex had involved abuse. She was already nude, so I told her to lay in the centre of my bed while I took her sisters into the bathroom to explain what I wanted them to do. I decided on a slight variation to my theme.

I climbed on the bed, sending the rest of the girls into the bathroom so that the maids could explain the plan to Emily and Ivy.

I started with brushing Layal’s hair out of her face with my finger and laying it behind her ear. That is when we had our first real kiss. I held and caressed her, kissing her neck and ear. She didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think anybody had shown her the difference between love and sex before. Not matter. She was caught up in the sensations I gave her, and she didn’t notice the rest of the girls were beside the bed. I didn’t think she noticed when they got on the bed and started kissing her. Eventually, she did notice but didn’t say anything.

We bathed her in our kisses and caress. Soon she was begging for more, but we ignore her. Eventually, Ivy headed between Layla’s legs and started devouring her. The rest of us continued our assault as Layla moaned and begged for more. I silenced her with a kiss. All her moaning caused a pleasant sensation on my tongue.

After a while, I decided it was time to move things along. She was on the verge of cumming. I wanted to show her what it was like to be fully penetrated, none of this missionary position shit. I guided her onto all fours, and her sisters got underneath. Ivy kept eating her out and played with her clit, while Emily kissed her and played with Layal’s tits. The maids massaged and kissed the rest of her body. She was right on the edge.

I slid my dick along her slit, and that was enough to set her off. My cock was drenched in her fluid. I pulled away. I wanted her to cum as soon as I entered her, so we needed to build her back up. I fingered Layla while Ivy ate her out. Soon my hand wandered, and I fingered both her ass and cunt. She was getting close.

Without warning, I pushed my cock into her. She didn’t come as soon as I did it, but she wasn’t far off. She had regained her tightness these moths without sex. Each trust I only got a little farther in. She may not have cum as soon as I entered her, but she was cumming again before I was bottomed out. She had a slow start but was showing signs of being multi-orgasmic. As her orgasm intensified, so did my effort to get all the way inside. The harder I thrusted, the more her orgasm intensified. Soon my balls are slapping her clit and Ivy’s face. At that rate, I wouldn’t last long.

You couldn’t hear our bodies slapping together over her screams of joy. She was trying to say something, but nothing she said made any sense. Then I erupted inside her. I didn’t slow down and kept pounding her. I tried to time each spurt for when I am bottomed out, but it didn’t turn out that way. The last 3 or 4 were far enough apart, it worked. I continued fucking her even after I finished blowing my load. It was only a short while before she collapsed unconscious.

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