Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 5

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

The next morning I knocked on her door with Angel behind me. Crystal was surprised to see us. We sat down to coffee. Angel was nervous because she knew what was about to happen. I started, “Crystal, I’m sorry to have to do this. When I met Kevin, I didn’t trust him, so I had him checked out. Surveillance caught him with other women. I do not know if you have an open relationship, but I thought you should know. I know you have been through a lot recently, so I brought Angela for emotional support. I wish I could leave it at that, but there is more. I will give you time to process before I continue.”

Angel moved her chair closer to Crystal’s and gave her a half hug. I continued, “I’m sorry to pry, but you have started to see that I take care of my girls and to do that, I need honesty and transparency. Do you have an open relationship?”

Crystal looked down at her coffee, “No.”

“That will make this next bit easier. I’m going to spring a couple things on you. I hoped to better prepare you before I led you to the realization that your contract allows us to video anything that happens in your home. That is how I know what happened here last night. You left California having to deal with one rape. You didn’t even get a chance to process what happened, and you experienced another. This is out of your hands. Fucking an unconscious woman is rape, and he did that twice last night. You woke up at the end of the second time. He read your contract and knew you would have severe consequences if he didn’t use a rubber. Not only was he bareback, but he also came inside you. That would be enough to convict him, but then there was the argument where he stated it was his right, and you didn’t like it. Doing this to a girlfriend or wife yields an 8-12 month prison sentence. The only say you have is if you are willing to go to court. If you don’t, he will likely get six months. After the six months, if you want to get back together with him, it is your choice. But he better learn to behave himself, or I will have him thrown in jail again. Even if you refuse to protect yourself, I will protect you to the best of my ability. Just ask Mary.”

Angel sat there stunned but hugging Crystal. Angel looked at me, not knowing what to think but with a resolve never to piss me off.

“You are too valuable for me to lose, but I can spare you for two days. Between the rapes and the talk Mary told me you had, you have a lot to process. I will see you on Monday. Angel, the club can’t lose both its top girls all weekend, but you can have today off. Be at work tomorrow. Maybe you and Roxy can practice the party routine without Crystal. Don’t forget; you girls need it ready for Friday.

“Do you have any Ideas who Elliot would like in your place tonight?” I didn’t want to turn the screw any more than I had to, but I had to remain in character, and I would never have let Angel escape her daily fuck without a replacement.

“The other night, I heard him say something about never having dark meat. Maybe Amber.”

I got up, walk over to Crystal and kiss her forehead. “ I was honoured to hear you screaming my name. Sorry for the rest of it.” Then I left the girls to their discussions. That afternoon, I looked at the video for what happened next. Angel hugged Crystal for a while, then Crystal got dressed, and they left. They didn’t want me to hear their conversation.

I was proud of Crystal. Two days later, when she came back to the club, she exited the cab in only a stripper outfit. I doubted she expected the media, but a dozen reporters were there. It was the right amount for her first solo. There wasn’t any audio in the parking lot, but my office window was right there, and I had a parabolic microphone in my office. I liked to listen when people thought I wasn’t, and most of my staff knew the club was wired, so the parking lot is where a lot of secret conversations took place.

Crystal was shaken at first, but quickly recovered and asked them to quieten down so she could answer them one at a time. She was coming into her own.

The first reporter asked, “Was Kyle’s dick the biggest you ever had?”

Crystal giggles, “No, silly, but it sure was a nice fit.” At the mention of his name, there was no sign of her ordeal.

The next question was, “Is it true that the scene wasn’t scripted for sex, but you demanded it for the realism?”

“Oh, yes. The scene was just supposed to simulate sex, but I have a problem acting out the facial expressions. I needed realism, so I could make a good photo. It is how you will always know my orgasms are all real.”

She answered a few less sexual questions before she headed into the club. At which point, she was flush. I wondered if it was the excitement of the reporters or being exposed in the cab, wearing her stripper clothes in public. Either way, she was letting her exhibitionist side loose. That was a good sign. Another positive sign was her joyous mood. She was joking and flirting with the other girls, especially Angel.

My parabolic mic came in handy again as Crystal talked to both her best friends outside. I didn’t hear much. Only the cover story Angel and Crystal told Roxy. They thought Roxy couldn’t be trusted to keep a secret. I was guessing Crystal dumped all her secrets on Angel when they left Crystal’s apartment two days previous.

They went back in to practice, and Crystal stopped by my office. My three pets were fully clothed and laying by the stripper pole out of the way. They were wearing their clothes because one of them was still a minor.

Crystal wanted to know about the sets she and the girls would be dancing for the party. I gave her the same information about the first two sets I gave her before and reminded her she was solo the last two longer sets. She pushed, so I explained, “Sweetie, there is a $5k door fee on this one. By the third set, you will likely be fucking, and the songs will not matter.”

“You just had six guys arrested for raping me. Now, you are setting up a gang rape, what the fuck.”

I allowed myself to go red in the face. “Listen here, you stupid bitch. I have never raped you. I have never set you up to be raped, and I never will. Grow the fuck up. Fuck this. Lose the skirt and panties, then bend over the desk.” She was frightened but dripping when she bent over. I took off my belt and hit her on the left butt cheek. It was only enough to discolour the skin slightly. “You are supposed to say ‘One master, thank you for correcting me.” I begin again. WHACK

She whimpered slightly. I wasn’t hitting her hard.

“One Master, Thank you for correcting me.”

In an agitated tone, I enquire, “What am I correcting bitch.” My pets are all up and kneeling now. They were enjoying the show.

Crystal panted. Her breathing was erratic as she said, “I don’t know.”


“Two, Master. Thank you for correcting me.”

“You are being disciplined because I have given every proof you need, and you still do not trust me. Oh, Shit...”

I turned to my pets, and said, “Layla go wait in the hall. I will let you know when we are done.”

She gave me a look of disappointment, then said, “Yes, Master,” and off she went.

Before the door closed, I was able to finish, “Sorry, Layla, you know my rules. Your 18th birthday is soon. We will make it up to you then.

“OK, kittens, get to the other side of the desk and hold her arms down so she can’t move.” I waited for them to get into place. I had no intention of hitting Crystal any harder, but I wanted her to think I was going to, which is why I had the kittens hold her down. The added fear was to help excite her and add to her pleasure.

Crystal struggled at first, so I threatened, “Do you want to make the punishment worse?” That made her relax and shiver. She liked the humiliation of it.

“So, where were we? oh ya”


She was anticipating it being harder. She flinched and screamed well beyond proportion. The funny thing was when the brain is tensed up like that; it thinks you are hit hard even if you aren’t. It takes a few swings before your mind catches up with reality.

“Three, Master. Thank you for correcting me.”

“I rewarded you when you deserved it.”


Crystal, “Four, Master. Thank you for correcting me.”

“When I had seen you were having problems, I protected you.”


“Five, Master. Thank you for correcting me.”

“Is there something else you need. Be truthful. I will not punish the truth.”


“Six, Master. Thank you for correcting me. No, Master. You have done all you can.”

“Kittens, she has to practice, we can’t have her sore. There is a cream in the bottom left drawer of the desk. Apply it to her ass.

“Crystal, stay there. You noticed that I hit you softer after the kittens held you down. Take a lesson from that. It was a lesson in trust. When you relaxed and trusted me, I made sure things went easier on you. You need to trust me. I know what you need. You just have to stop defying me. If you do not believe me, then here.”

I took two of my fingers and wiped her labia. Then put my fingers to her face.

“I didn’t have to stick my fingers inside or even between your folds to get this much moisture. You have never been this wet.” The kittens were massaging an Icy/hot type ointment on her sore ass, and it soothed the pain away. “Is there something you want?”

She moaned, and it was hard to hear her mousy voice, “You inside me, Master.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.”

This time there was no mistaking what she said, “Master, I need you inside me. Please feed your giant cock into my cunt, Master.”

“Well said, and that deserves a reward. Kittens, help her to the floor.”

They were happy to do so.

“You will have to ask Mary what happened the night I first showed her my greatest fantasy. For now, this will have to do. Kittens, you are to tease her tits mercilessly. You may use your mouth to kiss her, nibble her ear or anything else you think will please her. But at all times, both of her tits must be stimulated. Crystal, enjoy.”

The girls didn’t wait for me to finish my instructions. As soon as I said tits, they jumped to it. The kittens were in my way, and I couldn’t see the ecstasy in her face, but oh well, this was her reward.

Her ecstasy kept building. When I felt it was time, I snaked between her legs and slowly eased my way in. She tried to wrap her legs around me, but with the kittens all over her, she couldn’t bend like normal, so she wasn’t able to. She moaned in frustration. By this point, she was typically chanting a mantra about my giant cock, but this time, her mind was too far gone for words. She just kept moaning. I teased her by moving slowly.

She had no X-Plus, any other drug or alcohol in her system, so she was taking longer to build to orgasm. I slowly increased speed. I continually changed up my stroke. I twisted my hips and made sure I hit every place deep inside her. When she squealed, “Louder,” I memorized the spot I was hitting for later reference. At the end of this fuck session, I knew I owned her cunt.

Everything in life is better without drugs. Her orgasm squeezed that much tighter. The convulsions in her cunt were that much sweeter. When she arched her back, she almost threw the kittens. Since she lasted so long, and her orgasm was so intense, I shot off inside her. When I was done, I pushed Emily out of the way to lay down beside Crystal. I held her close and kissed her.

The kittens didn’t stop. I hadn’t ordered them to.

“That is enough, kittens. Your master may like her, but she is fighting me, and that is standing in the way of me helping your brothers and sisters and is preventing me from helping little boys and girls.”

Ivy instantly stopped, put her face inches from Crystal’s face and hisses like a cat about to fight.

“That is enough, Ivy. Into your corner.”

She went to the stripper pole, like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.

The hiss brought Crystal back to reality. I gave my last spiel before I send her out, “I do not know why somebody has poisoned you against me. I never asked to be where I am today, but for fuck sakes, since I am here, I am going to do what I can. I always thought you would love to be a part of that legacy. I only hope you grow up and learn to be honest with me before it is too late. For now, learn trust. Everything you have done with me, you have enjoyed. I have only ever encouraged you to build upon that. You didn’t believe me when I said everything you have done is the real you. Look at you now. You haven’t drank anything since you have been here. You have no X-Plus in your system. What you did in this office was all you.”

I leaned forward and kissed her one more time, this time, with my hand on her tit. I stood up and reached behind the couch for some water.

“You need to practice, and you have no energy left. Drink these.”

She didn’t say a word, but took the first bottle from my hand, gave me a sexy smile and downed the bottle. As she took the other bottle, I didn’t let it go, causing her to look up into my eyes.

“This fuck was a reward for you. When you are done practice, you will be even hornier than you are now. Come back to my office and ride me cowgirl. It is one of my favourite positions, especially with you. That will be my reward for my patience.”

She licked her lips and answered, “Yes, Master.” She didn’t get dressed; she grabbed her clothes and a CD I gave her with her song set, then left.

“Emily, I need my cock cleaned, and if you get it hard, I will have to punish you by fucking you like a dog.”

She gave a cute little bark and waged her ass on the way over to do her job. For her age, she was a pro when it came to sucking cock.

Occasionally, I glanced at the TV, watching the girls practiced. After they were finished, they sat and socialized with a couple of the guys. Somebody brought up her porn videos, and everybody made fun of her in the friendly way your BFFs do. Just before she got up to give me my reward, I remembered she needed drastic improvements on her cock sucking before Friday. I got on the phone and called the manager.

She got to my office just before two of the new bouncers. They brought me a bucket, and I told them to put it on the floor and stand outside for a minute. When they closed the door, I began, “I’m sorry, but I have to postpone my reward. If you do good, then I will take you home and give you another reward. You are not going to like this, but you will agree to do it for two reasons. First, you are too horny to stop it. Second, it is in your contract, and you can’t refuse. The problem is, you are no good at giving head. For your party, we can’t have that. You are going to get a crash course. Emily here is the best young cocksucker, I know. She will be your primary trainer for tonight. You will start with the two gentlemen outside. When you do not do as you are told or regress, either Ivy or Emily will pinch your clit hard. If you improve, they will play with your tits. The first time you see a guy, you will listen to Emily or Ivy tell you what to do. The next time you see him, you will try and listen to his guidance. He won’t be telling you what to do. You have to watch and listen to how his body responds. Emily and Ivy will direct you as to what to look and listen for. If one of the guys says your second blowjob wasn’t as good as the first, then you will earn ten lashes and will not be rewarded. You are to drink the X-Plus water to stay alert, or you will be too tired to finish. Do you have any questions?”

She was disappointed but knew not to argue. She asked, “How many guys do I have to blow?”

I smiled and said, “Every man working tonight. It is a good thing the day is young.” The club wasn’t open yet. She looked a bit crestfallen but didn’t say anything.

We stood in silence for a couple minutes. I wanted to give her time to complain.

“You trusted me and didn’t complain. That earns a reward. Do not expect a reward every time you do something you are supposed to do. I am rewarding you for improving. Always improve, then you will always be more than happy. Kittens, her tits are her weakness. You have ten minutes to give her as many orgasms as possible. Then she has five minutes to rehydrate. After that, Emily, you start the instruction. When you get tired, Ivy takes over. Ivy, you will not punish Crystal simply because you don’t like her. You will only punish her when she does wrong. If I find out you punished her for no reason, you will sleep in a bed and be forced to act like a human for a week.” To her, that punishment was exceptionally harsh. She did need to start acting like a human more, so it was also good for her. I took Layla and headed to the changeroom.

The strippers didn’t know what to make of her, and some gave her funny looks. She didn’t care because she was with her master. It got to me, though.

“Layla. I know you love to play kitten, but we have a while to wait. We can play another game. I spend more time with your sisters than you because I can’t touch you. As a reward, I want you to choose. We can stay here and have these lovely ladies continue to look at us in confusion since they do not understand you. You can continue to play kitty, and I will likely fall asleep in the chair, or we can play Daddy/Daughter, and I will take you out for a treat. You have to remember; you are a daughter, not a kitty, so you have to act like a human.”

She went from all fours on the floor to sitting in my lap in an instant. “Oh, Daddy, you want to spend special time with me!!!! I’m so excited.” Layla knew she would be disciplined if she kissed me on the lips so, she kisses me on the cheek. “I can’t wait until I am 18, so I can give you proper thank yous.”

I took her for ice cream. She had the time of her life, but she kept emphasizing the word Daddy every time she said anything. People looked at us funny. Most thought I was a pervert.

An hour later, we headed back. I left Layla in the changeroom, and I visited my other pets.

“How is she doing?”

Emily replied, “She is doing good, Master. Not quite as good as me, but I hope she will be by the end of the night.”

“That is high praises. Have each of the guys that have gone twice agreed?”

“Yes, Master”

I got a mischievous smile on my face.

“In that case, she gets a reward and a greater challenge. First is the reward. Give her another ten minutes where you and your sister pleasure her, followed by five minutes rest and rehydration. Next is the challenge. In the same drawer as the cream you used, you will find a bullet vibrator. Stick it in her cunt and see how she does distracted. Same rules.”

The kitties are quick to respond with a simultaneous “Yes, Sir” Before the door is closed from the last guy leaving, both kittens pounced. Ivy was eating Crystal out, and Emily had the vibrator and was teasing Crystal’s nipple with it. Her other tit was engulfed in Emily’s mouth.

I laughed, “I didn’t mean for her to drink that much cum. The bucket is so she can spit. She can’t be full. If she wins, I am taking her out for supper. When I get her home, she is going to forget about all the things her fiance did. I am going to make love to her like no man ever has before. If she loses, she gets the belt.”

I was going to spend the rest of the time in the changeroom. Instead, a while later decided to go back and check on Crystal’s progress. It was a good thing I did. Emily was frustrated, and when Ivy saw me, she cowered in fear, “I’m sorry, Master. It was just too tempting.”

I spoke in an understanding tone, “Ivy, you knew what would happen if you were fucking with Crystal.” She was directing Crystal to do things all wrong. She wanted Crystal to fail, so I wouldn’t take her out that night, and the kittens wouldn’t be left alone. “Starting tomorrow morning, you are my assistant. You are not my daughter or kitten. You are my employee for the week. At the mansion, you will be kitchen staff, so you wear clothes. If you screw up, it will be longer.

“I will be the last person Crystal sucks, and I will be the judge if she gets punished or rewarded.”

I then headed back to Layla. When Crystal was finished, Ivy came and got me.

I got to my office and Crystal was sitting in the kneeling position my kittens use. Emily was standing, giving her a pep talk like a coach and Crystal was sucking it up. I commented, “Nice pep talk. Better give her your last words of advice before she does your final exam.”

I deliberately used the word, ‘your.’ I was testing Emily as much as Crystal.

Emily stood proud, like a soldier standing in the at ease position. Feet shoulder-width apart and hands behind her back. Kidding around, I said, “Stand Easy” Everybody looked at me, confused.

“Emily, you are standing like a soldier in what is called the At Ease position. You know my opinion about artificially puffing out one’s chest. How do you think you are supposed to stand when I call Stand Easy.”

She snapped the hands from behind her back to her side.

“Perfect. I will make a zipperhead of you yet” (I am not being derogatory towards Asians. Zipperhead is Canadian military slang for somebody in the armoured corps. In WW2, it was slang for either tank commander or Tank driver because of the stitches they commonly had on their forehead from the hatch falling on them.) of course, nobody knows what I am talking about. Emily ignores her confusion since the pleasure of impressing me wins out.

I walked in front of Crystal and dropped my pants. Crystal grabbed my cock and started making love to it. About ten seconds later, I pushed her away, “Fuck.” The girls all look at me, worried. “Emily, clothes off and get on my desk, legs spread, and pussy facing my chair. Ivy, you do not get a reward because you are under punishment. The only reward you get is me saying, good job.”

Ivy’s smile lit up the room, “Thank you, Master. That is the only reward I need, Master.”

“Well, I might as well let you help me with your sister’s reward. I got her cunt; you do anything else to please her. Crystal, you are passing so far. Get under the desk. You finish the exam as I reward your teacher. To make the test more of a challenge, turn the vibrator up to halfway, and you are not allowed to cum.”

In a flash, everybody moved and was in position. They were waiting for me. I slowly strutted to my chair and sat down. Crystal attacked my pants, pulling them off. Then I slid towards her, so my face was in position to eat Emily out. Everybody waited in anticipation.


I didn’t even get the “o” out before my dick was engulfed, Ivy and Emily were necking heavily, and Ivy was playing with Emily’s tits. Given the all-out assaults, Emily and I didn’t last very long. Crystal had passed her test. She wasn’t deep throating or anything like that but was massaging my dick with her tongue to perfection. She used a lot of saliva, and she alternated her techniques. She needed to learn to do that while deep throating. I have no problem admitting when I fail. I blew my load before Emily did, but I was a champ and kept at it until she was done. This gave Crystal enough time to suck my cock clean and back to hardness.

I gave Emily a chance to recover before I gave her the real reward. By then, Ivy was kneeling at my feet.

“Em, today was a test, not just for Crystal, but for you as well. You showed me you could take the lead, and you can teach when needed. I need somebody that understands pets and slavery better than I do. You will be in charge of a new facility we will call The Barn. It is where we will help abused human pets to get their lives back. If needed, you will train them to work for us so we can wean them back into the real world. It means when The Barn is built, you will spend a lot of your time there. You can still be my pet, and whenever possible, you will be by my side.

“This is also to help prepare you for another task. I do not see your two sister pets ever becoming normal again. They will eventually grow old and be of no use as a pet. When you are ready, I will give them to you, and you will take care of them until they die.

Emily was in shock but happy. Ivy was so ecstatic. She was spinning in circles like an over-excited dog.

“This means you will have to start acting less like a cat and more like a human. You can remain a cat during playtime, but you need to be able to run a business, and a cat can’t do that.”

Emily went from sprawled out on my desk to sitting on it in the most sensual way she could. She looked at me seductively and said, “Then we can play Daddy-Daughter, and I can more easily take the sex I want.”

“Alright, kittens, get dressed and go keep your sister company. Daddy needs his reward.”

I stood and offered Crystal my hand so I could help her stand.

“You will forgive me for not kissing you with all the jizz on your face. I will give you your reward later.”

I kept her hand in mine and guided her in front of my desk. I reached down and pulled the bullet out of her cunt, causing her to moan. I laid down, and she straddled me on her own. She was kneeling, reached behind her and grabbed my cock. She guided it into the hot wet mess that was her vagina and ever so slowly sat down until she bottomed out, moaning loudly the entire time.

Watching her move without prompting, I knew this was a video I would have to show Elliot. What better way to cuck him than to let him see how willing and eager his woman was to fuck me.

At first, she ground our pelvises together. She was trying some new tricks with her kegels. She was doing her best to make love to my cock.

“Bitch, I love what you are doing, but this is my reward, not yours. Stop making love to it and start fucking the hell out of me.”

She didn’t need to be told twice. She climaxed almost immediately but continued anyway.

“Whose slut are you?”

“Yours, Master.”

“What are you?”

“Your dirty little whore, Master. If you want a cum dump, I am there.”

I was satisfied with her answer but would push for more later. Her moaning was music enough. Then it was screaming. I think she had been practicing because when she came, I swore she was doing something extra with those kegels of hers. I had no hope in hell of lasting, even though I just came. Thankfully, she had enough X-Plus in her that she didn’t fall on top of me. She was a cum soaked mess.

She got up off of me. Then I stood up beside her.

“You should never leave a mess on my cock. Clean it up, baby.”

She knelt slow and sultry, licking her lips.

“Don’t get cute with me. You are only cleaning it and putting him away. We have things to do.”

As soon as it was clean, I put my pants back on.

“Get cleaned up. I will be at the limo. We will go to your place, and you will get dressed in a ball gown. We are going to dinner then a Latin dance.”

At the limo, I had a quick chat with the driver.

“Are you single?”


“Would you like the use of my pets this evening?”

“Most definitely.”

“The rules are: Layla is 17, so no playing with her. You play with them in the back while she sits in the front. With the other two no piss, no shit, no scarring and use condoms. Anything else goes. Just think about what a man as rich as me can do if you try to break the rules.”

We made quick introductions. Crystal arrived, and we were off. At Crystal’s, I placed three saucers on the floor, filled with milk, and watched the kittens drink for my entertainment. They liked the idea.

It didn’t take Crystal long. When she came out, she was wearing a blue backless dress with a lot of cleavage and side boob. The skirt was a flyaway but covered everything. It allowed for movement and access if needed.

I kept a suit bag in the trunk of the limo for emergencies like this. I had changed in the living room. I didn’t care if neighbours saw me.

We went to a fine dining restaurant, the likes of which she could not afford until she became my spokeswoman. The pets stayed in the limo while Crystal and I ate. They went to a drive-through then had some fun.

I ordered for Crystal. She wasn’t surprised that I knew what she would like, but not having any control turned her on. I had to be careful with her in public. I didn’t want her to start raping people. She had way too much X-Plus in the last few hours. The slight brushing of her dress across her nipples was enough to keep her in need of release.

During supper, I refused to talk shop. I asked Crystal questions about her family and her past. You know the typical first date shit. She forgot about the rest of the world and let herself have a good time. She did ask me about some things from my past. I think she was trying to confirm Mary’s story. It was hard for a restaurant to please me, but this place did. I decided to make a note of it and use this place again.

After supper, she wanted to go home and fuck. I refused and insisted she come out for a good time. In the limo, the kittens were waiting patiently on the floor, happy to see me. It was a little awkward, but we got over it. What else was I supposed to? I couldn’t leave them alone for long. I could have dropped them off at the hotel, but then they would be alone for 12 hours. This way, they got an adventure that they loved, and I got to go out.

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