Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 3

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

The club was a bit boring. I debased the women when talking with Elliot. I made him think I was worse than ever when it came to respecting women. Enhancing my rep in his eyes was part of my plan to cuck him. The worse it was for him, the happier I was.

I had Roxy and Angel drugged up. Roxy was Crystals other really good friend that worked at the club. Roxy, Crystal and Angel were tight.

I wanted something to do and Roxy was cute enough. We spent an hour and a half fucking in my office. I then placed a blanket on the floor by the pole in my office. I had her curl her up on it so she could take a nap. I didn’t put her on the couch because Angel and Elliot were about to use it. I got back to my usual table and sat beside Elliot

“What the fuck are you waiting for. Get that bitch back there and fuck her brains out. Just look at how she is rubbing her body all over you. She needs it. Fuck, look at the wet spot on your leg, hahaha.”

There wasn’t much he could do. She tried to start raping him before they were even in the office. When the door closed, she ripped his clothes off, ripping his shirt to pieces. He was shirtless for the rest of the night.

As they were finishing up, I went into the office. I took the condoms out of the trash and emptied the contents all over her. Once again I phoned the DJ booth and had her set moved up. I had her dance another set naked except for the cum she was wearing. Jacob quit that night and I never heard from him again. It was obviously not me that fucked her. I didn’t have enough time and I was already drained.

I wish I had some way of hearing Elliot and Jacob’s next conversation. I felt bad for Jacob. He was a nice guy caught in the crossfire. Any other situation and he would have been a club manager in a few years.

I was in good spirits when I got back to the hotel. I opened the door and Emily ran as fast as she could. There was no grace to it, and she almost knocked me over. She didn’t just kneel. She knelt in the slave position, sitting back onto her heels with her legs spread 45 degrees, hands behind her back with her chest puffed out. I looked at her with a loving smile.

“Sweetie, for any other man, that would be perfect. I do not know where you learnt that, and I do not care, but it is a nice surprise. As for what I like, I do not like the way a chest looks when it is artificially puffed out like that. Sit up straight. Pretend there is a string from your tailbone through the top of your head and it is pulled tight to the sealing. Then place your hands on your knees. That is your new kneeling position.”

Emily smiled in excitement as she corrected her position. With enthusiasm, she said, “Yes, Sir.”

“When we are alone, it is Master. Only in public is it Sir.”

“Yes, Master.”

I could hear the affection in her voice.

“Keep that up, and you will end up the first girl I ever collar.”

I got myself a drink, and then sat on the couch while I nursed it. She crawled behind me, then knelt beside me in the position I just taught her. If I wasn’t so tired, I would be tempted to fuck her. Besides, I knew if I held off another night she would be a better fuck. In truth, I needed to wait until the doctor gave her the all-clear.

When I was done my drink, I took her into the bedroom and got her to lay on the bed. I pulled the covers over her and told her to wake me at 10. I then went to sleep on the couch. I’m sure she was confused as hell.

In the morning, I ordered room service. She knelt at my side in silence. She looked at the food, yet took nothing. I grabbed a piece of bacon and fed it to her. She licked the fat off my fingers.

“Thank you, Master.”

I knew that feeding her was something she needed. I almost panicked thinking of Cindy and how she died. Emily noticed and tried to comfort me by rubbing her body up and down my leg as a cat would do.

“I’m sorry, little one. I didn’t expect you to see me like that. You reminded me of somebody I lost. It was when I was younger and didn’t know I had to watch over her as much as I should have. A bad man got a hold of her. Now she is dead. I know what you need and when I am not around, you will have a mistress to take care of you.”

Her eyes lit up even more. I had a pet for life.

“Thank You, Master. You are more than I ever dreamed.”

“OK, Kitten, here are my limits. No scat, no piss, and when I discipline you, I will not leave marks. Think about your limits and I want a list before I get back from the club tonight. Now, this is your first offence and you were not my kitten yet, so I will not punish you. You ate lunch yesterday. We are eating breakfast. You didn’t remind me to make sure you had supper last night. I haven’t had a pet before. If I make a mistake, you have to help me out. Your first command from me is to take care of your body. You will eat right and exercise. This weekend, we are going to go to Slutty company headquarters. There you will see the company doctor for a full checkup. I was going to have sex with you tonight, but I think it is best to wait and see what the doctor says. Instead, as a reward, I will let you keep my cock warm with your mouth as we sleep tonight.”

Unfortunately, the evening cock-warming didn’t happen. Something distracted us.

She gave me another exited, “Yes, Master”

“Sit at the table and eat. We have somethings to discuss. You will act as my equal when we have these conversations. A pet follow’s its Master’s orders. But, we must have times when we talk as equals. You need to understand that your opinion matters, even if I have the final say.”

We talked about getting her GED and enrolling her in a school. Then we were on to what happened with her last master. Hearing that story pissed me off. He was not a good master. He starved her because he didn’t want to pay for food. He would often beat her for no reason. Then when she was too skinny, he didn’t like how she looked and kicked her out. He lived in town. He had two other pets. One was underage. I was going to wait until I got back in town to deal with him. When she said the underage thing, I was visibly upset and Emily got scared.

“I’m sorry, Emily. It’s not you that I am mad at. We will finish this conversation later. Do you know where he lives now?”

“Over on Craigmire. Why”

“Get dressed. We are going to town.”

I had hired a limo service, and that is how I got around. Why drive when you can sit back and relax or work and get something accomplished?

Our first stop was kind of humorous. We pulled up to a small pet shop. Emily and I went inside and we found a nice thin pink dog collar and matching leash. When we got back into the limo, I explained, “This is not me collaring you. This is just for show. We are going over to visit your old master. We are going to con him to take a job with one of my companies. In reality, he will sign a contract with another company. He will be taken out of the country, where it is legal for me to chemically castrate him. He will no longer be a master. He will be a switch and will work as a low-level trainer and be disciplined whenever he hurts a girl without proper cause. He will never have sex again and will regularly be humiliated.”

Emily looked confused. She said, “But master he was my master and had a right to treat me however he wanted.”

I looked at her in an angered frustration. She cowered with my change in emotion.

“You were his pet. More than that, you were his human-pet and lover. You do not treat a cat or a dog the way he treated you. I would be pissed at him if he treated a dog that way. He treated you that way, and that is much worse. It is a master’s responsibility to take care of his pets and make sure they are never harmed. You do not buy a dog and throw it away. You love and care for it until it dies of old age. Why the fuck would you think it is ok to take a human-pet and throw it out?”

She was scared and scrunched into the far corner of the limo.

“Come on, girl. I am not going to hurt you. It is Blake I am pissed at. You have done nothing wrong. He taught you wrong and we need to correct it. You need to learn a new way of thinking.”

She remained cowered but she did say, “Yes, Master, “ and meant it.

I had a portable printer in my briefcase, so I printed off a contract on the way. It wasn’t the contract I wanted to give him. I would need to speak with my lawyers for that. It was enough to con him into leaving the country. Then I could do what I wanted with him.

The limo came to a stop in front of his home. It was a run-down place in a sleazy area of town. We got out of the limo and Emily walked behind me as I guided her with the leash. I knocked on the door.

You could hear him yell, “Fuck off. I’m busy.” I knocked again. You could hear him grumbling but he eventually answers the door. “What the fuck do you want?” He finished his question as he looked up and saw me. He was a bit confused as to why some rich bastard would be knocking at his door. He didn’t even recognize his old pet. I was guessing he didn’t remember what she looked like cleaned up.

My one hand was holding my briefcase and the other the leash. While I spoke I lifted the leash and Emily took it in her mouth. I then dug out a Slutty business card.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Zimmerman I can understand your confusion. I am Mr, Brown Owner of Slutty Inc.”

He took the card and looked at it.

“No Shit, What the fuck is this about?”

He wasn’t being hostile. This was him being friendly. He just had a horrid vocabulary. I gestured inside.

“I have a proposition for you. Shall we go inside, get comfortable and talk it over?”

He paused for a moment, then opened the door the rest of the way and walked inside. He raised his voice, but only a little.

“I told you, bitches, to clean the fuck up. Now, we have company.”

He had drug paraphernalia all over the coffee and dining tables. The place was a disaster. There were two naked and filthy girls on all fours, looking curious, but flinching any time he got near them. I doubted he asked them to clean up. He moved some clothes from the couch for me to sit, then sat in a chair kitty-corner to it. I took a seat and Emily knelt next to me as I taught her.

“What do you want?”

I tilted my head to Emily in hopes she understood it as a gesture to ensure her that everything was alright.

“I came across this little kitten and was impressed with how well trained she is. When I asked who trained her, she pointed me in your direction.”

While we talked I was checking things out. I noticed one of his pets was limping and couldn’t put any weight on her left arm. The other had a black eye. He was a bit of an impatient prick.

“Get to the point.”

“We require a trainer. I do not know if you are aware of the Slutty resort off the coast of Florida. We have a team of trainers and one of our lead trainers left me in a bit of a pickle. I would like to hire you to take his place.”

He acted all macho as if he couldn’t leave because he was so important.

“You know I just can’t leave. I have other bitches to train. I can’t upset my customers.”

“I wanted to talk to you about your customers anyway. I will compensate them. Just give me a list. I would also like a list of all past customers, so I can pick a couple at random to check you out. I want to send you on a plane ASAP. I will check your references while you are in the air. I need you to leave now. I am willing to pay you $250k yearly. You will live at the Slutty resort and have access to the best stable of girls on the planet. Imagine fucking the Slutty spokeswoman when she stops for a visit.”

So much for a poker face. His eyes lit up at the thought of having Crystal. Trying to look tough he countered, “$350K”

“$300k is as high as I am willing to go.”

He got a shit-eating grin like he had just taken me for a ride.


We shook hands and he signed the contract. It is a good thing he didn’t read it. The money was in Iranian Rial. He just signed his life away for 362 USD a year.

“There is no need to pack. Everything you need will be provided. All I need is the two lists of customers. If it is worth it, I may even ship a couple of their pets down for you to train.”

I kept talking as if everything was legit even though I already had him and legally he had no choice but to go to the Slutty resort. I asked, “What are you going to do with these pets? If you want me to take them off your hands, I have use for them here.”

“I was just going to give them to a friend. I can let you have them for $10k apiece.”

I dug out my billfold and started counting, it wasn’t all the money I had on me. I had a roll in my jacket, but he didn’t need to know that.

“I have $7,500 on me and that is all.”

Blake smiled, proclaiming, “Sold”

It is one thing to get a girl to sign a slave contract then train her so she enjoys her life and top it off by vetting her customers. It is another matter entirely to take girls against their will, abuse them and sell them to abusive pricks. Girls as old as these weren’t even of an age where they had any significant chance of reintegrating back into society. Seeing the three girls, I knew I didn’t have a choice. We were expanding into human-pet services.

When he was finished writing the lists, we all climbed into the limo and were off to the airport. The pets stayed in the limo as we headed into the airport. He would not need a passport because it was our private jet that flew out of Florida and I owned the island he was going to. That was in the days before you needed a passport to travel between Canada and the US. Once on the island, he was never going back to the US.

I stuck around the airport with him until his flight left. I wanted to be sure he was on it. Before I left the airport, I made sure our security knew when he was to arrive in Florida and that he was to be on the next plane to the island. The next call was to the resort. I needed to let them know he was coming and how to treat the asshole.

Back at the limo, the two new pets, Layla and Ivy, were frightened. Emily tried to calm them down but didn’t have much success.

I took them to the hotel. Then I got them cleaned up and fed. They were not looking good, so I took them to a clinic. They tried to turn us away because they were closing. I offered the doctor $2k to stay open and he did. He needed to rebreak Layla’s arm to set it properly. We barely had enough time to buy some clothes before I had to head to the club. I couldn’t leave them alone. I had no choice. I took them with me. Emily couldn’t comfort them and that was upsetting Emily. I called one of the bouncers who was off that night. He met us at the club.

I couldn’t have damaged and unhealthy girls walking the floor, especially since one was underage. I stayed back in the change room until Earl, the bouncer I called, arrived. I told him his job was to babysit the two girls.

“Do anything you can to make them comfortable, but do not leave them alone and nothing sexual. One of them is a minor.”

I continued to tell him how I acquired the girls and told him not to involve the police. Between seeing the bartenders drug the strippers and the rumours the dancers had flying around. He was sufficiently scared of me. There was no way he would phone the police.

I didn’t want the police involved because I knew I could handle it better than they could. I would rescue some pets and deal with the unsavoury types in short order, whereas the pigs might not ever deal with things to completion.

I sent him home with Layla and Ivy. Emily was domesticated enough that I didn’t worry about her causing trouble in the club. I couldn’t leave her with her sister pets because they were upsetting her. I also wanted her to get used to being in a club. It wouldn’t be long before I had her working one. With that taken care of, I could get back to tormenting Elliot.

I took Emily to the floor and she knelt beside me as I chatted with Elliot. Angel was sitting on his lap. I was having the bartender reduce the amount of X-Plus he gave her. I wanted Angel and Elliot to eventually get to the point where they would willingly fuck. Then I would do something to split them up.

Crystal and some of the other girls looked at me with disgust while Emily followed me around as a pet should. I got sick of it and told Elliot to stay seated while I talked to the girls. I didn’t want him to hear.

It was still early so I got the bouncers to round up the girls that weren’t busy and send them to the change room. Most of the girls haven’t danced their first set. They were still getting ready. Most of them gave me dirty looks as I walked in. I waited a few minutes until Steve told me they were all there.

“OK, you stupid bitches, listen up cause you are pissing me the fuck off, and I am only going to say this once. Stop judging things that you know fuck all about. I didn’t hurt those girls. I just rescued them. I have no place to put them and I can’t leave them alone, so I called Earl and told him not to touch them sexually, but make them as comfortable as possible. You bitches judge me for your contracts before you give it time and see how it will improve your life. Well, fuck you. I see one more judgemental look tonight and you will regret it. If you don’t believe me talk to Emily here.”

Emily was kneeling at my feet. Before I turned to Emily, who was scared again, I took a breath and calmed down. Everybody was silent. There was soundproofing between the stage and change room, so if the speaker was turned off, it was quiet. Everybody could hear what I said to Emily.

“Kitten, Sweetie, I’m sorry for scaring you again. Stay here and talk to the girls. Let them know your story, and what I did for your sisters. Don’t tell them of the lists or we may not be able to help as many pets. They can learn about that when it is safe. You know you are free to leave whenever you want.”

I didn’t get to finish. She got teary-eyed and cried out, “PLEASE, MASTER. DON’T GET RID OF ME.”

I squatted down to her level and hugged her.

“I’m not leaving you. I just need these girls to know I am not hurting you, and you are free to stay or go. It is your choice to be with me. Now relax. I am only in the other room, and any time after your conversation with them, you can come back to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Are you OK?”

“Yes, Master”

I let her go and stood up. She rubbed her body against my leg again. I looked down at her and calmly said, “That is enough, Emily. I’m leaving now, but I will be in the other room. Now do as you were told and I will see you in a bit.”

I looked at the strippers and said, “Grow the fuck up. You are not in kindergarten anymore. Stop making assumptions. If you want to know something, fucking ask. I will not get mad at you for asking a stupid question. Ask a stupid question and you may be a fool for a minute. Don’t ask and you are a fool forever. If you bitches knew how many people I lost just because they were too stupid to open their fucking mouths.”

I know I rant when I am mad but after everything, I think I deserved a little leniency. I knew I needed to calm down and the euphoric effects of X-Plus could help. That was the first time I actually tried the stuff. When I sat down, Elliot looked at me like there was something wrong. I didn’t think he had ever seen me drink water. I had one open in my hand and another in front of me on the table.

The year I lived with him, back in Jr high, I was almost always drunk. If I wasn’t drunk, I had an OJ to nurse the hangover. Since this whole thing started, we had only ever been to restaurants and this club. In both cases, I would slowly nurse a drink. He probably thought I was still a big drinker.

A little over one set later, I saw Emily crawling towards our table, coming to claim her place by my side. She snuggled in and was content to sit there and rub up and down my leg. A couple songs later, I saw Emily fidgeting with her clothing. I leant down to speak so Elliot didn’t hear.

“Is there something wrong, Kitten?”

She still didn’t know me that well and didn’t want to offend.

“I’m sorry, Master. I love that you bought the clothes for me, but I’m not used to kneeling at my master’s feet with clothes on.”

“It’s OK, Sweetie. Do you want to take them off?”

“Oh yes, please, Master”

I signalled a waitress to come over.

“Escort her to my office, wait for her to fold her clothes and put them on my desk. Then escort her back. Make sure nobody touches her ... OK, Kitten. Go with the nice lady”

She crawled away, happy as could be.

Soon, she was crawling back. The waitress had a difficult time keeping the punters’ hands off her, but they made it back safely and I thanked her. I looked down and saw Emily naked and rubbing her body on my leg. I then looked over at Angel and had an Idea.

I reached up and rip Angel’s top off. She was startled. It was not like it was expected. She was horny so she just smiled. I demanded, “Take your bra off too. It isn’t right that my pet should be naked and you fully clothed. From now on, if you are with Elliot and you are not in public, you will wear nothing above the waist.” She giggled then quickly removed the bra. Elliot just sat there shocked.

That night, I had Crystal drugged, but not as hard as normal. She didn’t need it. There was an advantage to keeping her drugged in that she had more energy to dance. I weened her off as she gained the endurance to do her extended set. After her second set, I instructed Emily to sit with Elliot.

“He is your master until I get back.”

“Yes, Master.”

I went backstage. Most girls spend a minute cleaning sweat of their body after a set, so they do not stink when they work the floor. Dancing made her horny, and the added effect of the X-Plus gave her a bit of a glow.

“Crystal, I need to see you in my office for a minute.”

I went there without her. She was only a minute behind me. I stood to greet her.

“I just wanted to make sure the girls were fine. I sometimes overreact when I am mad. I’m not apologizing. I shouldn’t have to explain myself, especially when I am trying to do good. I just could have worded it better.”

“Give it a day. Between the anger, and helping the poor things, that was two sides of you we haven’t seen before. Most of the girls don’t know what to think. In truth, you made a few of them wet.”

I stepped forward, place a hand on her tit and kissed her.

“How about you? Are you wet?”

At first, she tried to pull away but, I lightly tweak her nipple through her top. She moaned and stopped resisting. I leant in and kissed her with more passion as I removed her top.

“It seems like you are hot.”

She took my shirt off. When necking with a stripper, it didn’t take long for her caresses to remove your clothes and hers. Her job was to take clothes off and she knew her job well. Before I knew it, we were both naked and standing in front of my desk.

I guided us over to the chaise. It had been a while since I had been ridden cowgirl, and it was one of my favourite positions. We glided on down, so I was laying on my back. She was on top of me. When I pushed her away, breaking our kiss, she got an evil yet sexy smile. She lifted herself onto my cock, then slowly lowered herself. At first, she stroked my cock slowly with her tight velvet cunt. She sped up, just a little at a time. I pulled her over, so my hands could play with her tits. Moments later, she was into rolling orgasms and was milking me like never before.

Since I took the X-Plus, I couldn’t hold on as long, but I stayed hard. When she ran out of energy, I pushed her off me and got her face down, ass up. Then I continued plowing into her. Her nipples were sliding back and forth on the carpet and she kept up with the rolling orgasms. She had no energy, so her orgasms weren’t as intense. We went at it until I had my first dry orgasm. Despite being horny as all hell, I stopped fucking her. She had a lot of cum dripping out of her snatch, so I plugged her with a bullet vibe.

I rolled her over and broke a smelling salt capsule under her nose to wake her up. I fed her two more bottles of water. The first she gulped down in one swallow. The next, I force her to drink quickly. I then reached down and took some of the cum that dripped out of her and coated her lips as thick as I could. I got her to lick my fingers clean.

I dressed and we walked out to the floor with her wearing only panties to hold the vibe in. Just before we opened the staff door to the floor, I whispered in her ear, “Kiss Elliot until all that cum is gone from your lips. Feed it to him.”

When we got to my table, She pushed Angel out of the way and locked her lips on Elliot. At first, he was willing, but when he tasted the cum, he tried to back out of it and attempted to push her off. Angel was still on his lap, and he couldn’t get the leverage to escape.

Before the kiss broke, I told Angel to take Elliot to my office and have fun. She licked her lips. When the kiss ended, Chrystal let him go. Angel pushed Crystal out of the way. Eliot didn’t have time to recover before he was pulled to his feet, and was halfway back to the office.

I told Crystal to clean the cum off her face and work the floor. She did. She was trying hard to be a good girl but ended up letting guys play with her vibrator and she gave the odd BJ. That was when I asked Emily if she wanted to keep my cock warm. I figured it was the least I could do since she likely wouldn’t be able to later that night.

“Don’t make me come, Kitten. I have already had my fill and you might hurt me.”

The rest of the night I had a cock warmer.

When Elliot got back, he looked like he was ready to die. Angel had a big smile, knowing she wore him out. All she was wearing was a wet thong and she had their combined juices leaking out, with a little cum on her face. I had to talk to Angel about breaking her contract and letting him cum inside her. I signalled for Crystal to come over. After she was done her table dance she apologized to the table for having to leave and came over.

“Crystal, do you remember me forcing you to get a $500 tip?”

She bit her bottom lip, moaned and said, “Yes, Sir”

“This time, it is $1000, only you will have help. Angel here didn’t get enough before Elliot gave out. Take her to that table over there. Put on a show by licking the cum off her face and have fun. She was a bad girl and didn’t use a condom. As punishment, you are not allowed to touch her filthy cunt, but she is to remove your plug and eat out ALL of your cream pie.”

The table I pointed to was the one that had the most people. Between the girls, the only clothing was their heels and panties. The girls left giggling like teenagers.

They walked over to the table, sat on it and started making out. After the song ended they stopped making out and Chrystal licked all the cum off Angel’s face. With that done, they started beside each other giving lap dances, unsolicited. One girl went clockwise around the table. The other went counter. They were only two men in when they stood up, faced each other, bent over and pulled down their panties. At first, it was only the guy receiving the lap that fondled the girl. By the fourth guy, the recipient of the lap dance started actively fucking Crystal with her vibe. By the 6th it didn’t matter who’s lap they were on the other guys were getting a feel. I had one of the bouncers throw a box of condoms on the table. When the girls got around the table Crystal laid face upon it with her head hanging over the edge. Angel dove in and started to eat out Crystal’s cream pie.

That was when I sent two bouncers to watch the festivities. I told them to let it go unless the punters stopped using condoms. The girls were barely in position and somebody lifted Angel’s ass and drove his dick into her cunt. Another guy stepped up and started using Crystal’s mouth like a pussy. She was at the perfect height, so her head was bent back and her mouth lined up with her throat. Any guy could get down her throat with minimal effort, no matter how big he was. The pounding in Angel’s cunt, drove her to more passion, eating out Crystal. Guys started coming at them from the side. Before long, Crystal had a guy on each tit and a dick in each hand. Angel only had one hand free to jerk a punter. The other was supporting her body so she could eat Crystal.

Guys moved in from around the club to watch the action. With everything, happening, Crystal was having one continuous orgasm. The extra X-Plus was keeping her going.

After I was sure Crystal’s cream pie was clean, I sent Steve in to get the punters to back off for a sec. He then pushed the girls onto the floor. We had the guys line up and the girls pulled a BJ train. Crystal needed the experience. My Hope was that next time I tried her mouth she would know a thing or two.

They continued until closing. The other girls were not happy. How were the other girls supposed to earn tips if those two sluts kept all the punters busy? On the other hand, Crystal and Angel had a record night. They easily got their $1000. Elliot didn’t think I noticed, but almost the entire time, he was on the verge of tears. I just sat back relaxed, watched the show and enjoyed my cock warmer.

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