Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

The next afternoon, I was back in town. I was in the office when the girls first started arriving for their shifts and decided to put my next part of the plan into action. I picked up the phone and called Elliot. It was time to get him to cuckquean Paisley. He answered the phone, thinking it was his bitch phoning. LMAO, what a retard. I invited him to the club, telling him I had a job for him or some shit. Anything to get him there. I did need somebody new in acquisitions I didn’t have anybody to scout out new clubs. The last guy got a promotion.

The next thing I knew, there was a knock at my door, and in walked Crystal. I was expecting her. I knew going into this that Crystal wanted to leave the business and marry Eliot. I knew she was there to ask for her contract to be torn up. Then there was also the fact that girls feel guilty the day after they cheat on their boyfriends. She wanted something to give him to clear her conscience. She thought getting her contract back would do the trick. Stupid bitch should have read the contract. It always surprised me how many people signed without reading the entire thing.

She left no time for greetings. As soon as the door was opened she said, “We need to talk.”

I handed her a water.

“You should drink. If you do not watch your hydration, your 5 song sets will catch up to you.”

She took it and gulped half it down before she continued.

“You know I was planning on quitting so I can leave the life and get married. Is there any way I can get out of the contract?”

I stalled. I needed the drugs to kick in before I could get the conversation going the way I wanted it.

“We can talk about that later. Have you picked out your five songs yet? I know you aren’t used to dancing for that long. You might want to think of doing some easier songs for the first few nights.”

She nursed the drink as I talked. I wished she would drink it a little faster.

“I didn’t realize I had to do 5 songs from now on. I thought it was a one-time thing. That doesn’t matter. I need to talk about the contract.”

“Oh ya, it is in your contract. Haven’t you read it yet? It is a poor practise not to read your contract.”

She was getting frustrated. I was glad. It meant her heart rate was increasing and the drugs were moving through her system faster. It wouldn’t take long for the drugs to work their magic.

“You are right. I should have read it. I am here now. Let’s sit down, read it, and find a way for me to get married. Many other girls want the position, it will be no problem for you to find somebody else.”

“Why do you want out of it? It could help you and your boyfriend. I know you have debt, and this comes with a big raise in pay. In a year, you could have your student loans, car loan and credit cards all paid off. Isn’t that a wonderful wedding present?”

Crystal took another drink of water. She was sweating in nervousness. The conversation wasn’t going how she wanted.

“Yes, but you are asking too much of me. You have pushed me farther than I am willing to go.”

“Don’t tell me you have been pushed. I have never demanded anything from you. I only ever asked and you took the lead.”

That wasn’t true, but I had slacked on my honesty policy. Too many people had fucked me over with dishonesty, it was time to got mine. At the same time, do not let me catch you in a lie. I will still make you pay for it.

“That is not true. You put something in my drinks.”

I laughed so hard on the inside. I hoped it didn’t show. The stupid bitch was accusing me of drugging her while I was doing it again. I put on my best stern look.

“I have done no such thing. I have seen you dance. The more you do up there, the hotter you get. Are you trying to deny that?”

She took another sip.

“No, I love my job, or I did. Now I’m so conflicted. I don’t know what to think.”

“I know you are conflicted. You have made a big step, and are unsure of yourself. You have conflicting emotions and are looking for somebody to pin it on. I am not the bad guy here. I just showed you another side of yourself you didn’t know you had.”

If you are going to lie and manipulate, then use the truth. Everything I said was true except me not being the bad guy. I didn’t have to remember any lies that way, so you couldn’t trip me up. It also had the bonus of every time she went over the facts my story was reinforced.

She took the last sip of the water.

“I guess, the problem is, this is pulling me from my boyfriend. I need to get out.”

Time to make my move.

“There are two things. The first is, it is too late to back out. Yours was the last contract signed. Yesterday, I took the contracts back to head office, and yours was the first processed.”

Truth is, I was at the Texas/Mexican border dealing with an issue with a drug shipment. I was not in California at the head office. The contracts were in the drawer by my left knee.

“We did yours first to get the ball rolling. We have spent a lot of money on you already. You can’t afford to pay us back. As a spokeswoman, you are more than a dancer. You have more responsibilities. You are booked on tours. There are special events in the works. We already spent a lot of money on advertising. Between lost expenses and lost revenue for the next 4 months alone, you would have to pay a good six figures to buy out your contract. I would be willing to let you buy it back, but you have no means.”

As I said this, I got out of my desk and walked around the front of it before sitting on the desktop. I wanted to get closer to her. More importantly, I wanted her to see the outline of my cock. Exercising control over such a beautiful woman always got me hard.

You could see the life drain out of her as I gave that little spiel.

“What is the other thing.”

This was the good part.

“You don’t want out of the contract. You don’t want to admit it, but your relationship is ending. You feel bad and are lashing out instead of acting rationally. I can understand. You still have feelings for him, even though, deep down you know it is over. You are just having a hard time admitting it to yourself.”

She looked a little cross but confused.

“That’s not true. I love him.”

I reached up and touch her cheek

“Oh sweetie, I know you do, and that is what is causing all the conflict. You need to let go. You already started to.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean? Where are you getting this from.”

I gave her a half-smile.

“Let’s look at today. You come in here. Why?”

“To find a way out of my contract.”

“I don’t think so. You are not being honest with yourself. You are an educated woman. You know contracts aren’t torn up the day after they are signed just because one person didn’t like it after the fact. If you wanted out of the contract, before coming to me, you would have read it, and looked for a way out. You didn’t.”

“So why did I come here then.”

“You will not admit it to yourself, but we both know how much you loved it when I had you bent over the desk. It is something you crave, and your tiny dick boyfriend can’t help you.”

“That isn’t true.”

“Think of this. You used to refer to him as your fiancee. The more things you do, the farther you pull yourself from him. You now refer to him as your boyfriend. If you wanted to be with him, then the new experiences would push you into his arms, and not out of them.”

“Stop trying to confuse me?”

“How about this? I have never met him, but I know he has a tiny dick. You can’t deny it. How big is he?”

“That isn’t the point.”

“Yes, it is. You are just ashamed of it, and there is no reason to be. It is natural. You deserve better than he can provide, and you know it.”

The drugs were taking effect and she was becoming more pliable. She looked ashamed. She wouldn’t be if she weren’t taking what I said to heart. She was gullible. She remained silent as she knew not what to say.

Answering her silence, I said, “Here, I will prove it to you. This is what you want.” I reached for her hand and placed it on my jeans over my cock. Then I took a step forward and kissed her. One of my hands held hers in place, and the other massaged her tit. I knew how sensitive her tits were. Even without the drugs, this would have worked. She didn’t even try to back away. Neither of my hands were holding her from pulling away. Fortunately, the sensations from her tit overwhelm her. She started massaging my cock and I ended the kiss. I removed my hand from hers and placed it on her ass.

“You haven’t worshiped it yet. Maybe you should start with that.”

I pushed her to her knees.

“Take it out. You know you need it.”

She licked her lips and undid my pants. At first, she hesitated.

“Come on. You tasted it before. Now get with it.”

I forgot how bad she was at giving head. I was thinking I would have to send her through a training program. I hated to take her away from the job for four weeks, but it was worth it.

I reach over and played with her tits as she sucked my cock.

“Tell me what you want.”

She mumbled something over my cock. She didn’t even try to take my cock out of her mouth first.

“Speak up girl. Tell Daddy what you want.”

“I need you in me.”

“Is that how you beg?”

“No, Sir. Please, give it to me. I need your dick in my pussy.”

It would have to do for now. I had to work on her vocabulary. I liked how she called me sir without prompting. Soon it would be Master.

“Then get up here and mount me, babe.”

She slid my cock out of her mouth. As she straddled me, she didn’t let go of it. She guided me straight in. There was no preamble, but she was too tight and had to go slow. She moaned, both in excitement and frustration. I pulled her forward and feasted on one nipple, while I play with the other. This sent a constant stream of mini orgasms through her. It took far too long before she bottomed out. The next few strokes were painfully slow, but then she picked up the pace, as she loosened up. My lips could no longer keep up with her bouncing around. My hands didn’t leave her tits. A few minutes later, she erupted in the biggest orgasm of her life. Halfway through it, she collapsed on me.

I pushed her off to the side then mounted her from behind. Her face was planted in the couch, and she was kneeling with me behind her. At first, she was still cumming or cumming again. I didn’t know which, nor did I care. I just pound her hard until I filled her womb. I didn’t think she was on the pill, but I needed an heir, so I didn’t care. I was nice enough to push her onto the couch when I was finished.

When she came to, she wasn’t ashamed. She would have been if she wasn’t drugged up. I told her, “You see, you wanted it, and he can’t give it. Your relationship is over. You just don’t fully understand it yet, and that is what is tearing you apart.”

When she woke up the next day, she would be even more conflicted because the things I said were true, but the conclusion wasn’t. Since I drew a line to my conclusion, the more she focusses on the facts, the more she will believe me. I had her and didn’t need drugs or any form of mental programming to get it. I was just lazy, so I continued using all my tools.

When she left my office, I watch her on my tv. The new security system had a feed from the security office to my tv. I could watch any camera I wanted. She didn’t have much time before she had to start work, so she didn’t have a chance to get her head on straight before she phoned Elliot. I listen to her side of the conversation.

She fed him the BS about buying back the contract. I laughed. In truth, there was a clause that let me sell her contract, but I would never sell it to her. At that point, the best she could hope for was to continue to make me happier and happier, so I would make her my house pet, instead of having her fuck, suck and strip all hours of the day until she was washed up. Truth was, how good her life was from there depended on her.

I had another chuckle when she marched back into the change room. While I was fucking her brains out, the new water bottle dispenser was delivered. It had a life-size picture of her dancing in just her panties.

I kept switching cameras on my screen, so I could watch her as I worked. I noticed her being curt with Steve, our new manager. That was not the way a spokeswoman of mine should act. I was busy with Elliot that night. I had to put off fixing her attitude until the next day.

The following afternoon, Crystal was in my office again, trying to get out of her contract. I built an empire doing this. If there were bugs in the contract they were worked out a long time ago. Before I got too into it, I figured it was time to give her a little something, so we could smooth things out easier.

“If we are going to hash this out again, how about we have a little something to drink?”

I didn’t wait for her to answer. I hit the intercom to the bar. When the bartender answered I instructed, “Have Steve bring us a couple drinks. You know what Crystal needs, and I will have a rum and coke.”

She whined, “But I was coerced and drugged. That alone makes the contract void.” It was comical, watching her. She had conflicting emotions. You could see the frustration on her face, and she was rubbing her thighs together, trying to sate her desires. This was without drugs.

Steve was quick with the drinks. He must have been at the bar. He knew he was about to be rewarded.

“Thanks, Steve.”

He was anxious to have his reward, but I had to prepare her first. He looked at her full of lust and undressed her with his eyes. He asked if there was anything I needed. I responded, “Not at the moment, but there is something we need to do in a bit, so stay close by.” Before he left, he gestured with his fingers, as if sticking them up a cunt. Crystal looked at him with contempt. When he left I got up, closed the door and said, “Let’s hope we have no more interruptions.”

I continued before she could say anything. “I know you are a bit confused, and everything around you is happening so fast. Partially because you decided to sign the contract to be the Slutty spokeswoman, and not just the club’s head dancer. That is to say, you are the spokeswoman for the entire Slutty empire, and not just a dancer anymore. There is a lot you need to learn and start doing. Don’t worry your pretty head over it. A week from Monday, we will fly to the head office in California, and you will begin your training. For now, just relax, and be the exemplary dancer that you have been so far.

“But there has been a mistake.”

I gave a half-smile at her comment and pretended confusion.

“How so? You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, and the way you move on the stage is like no other. You are the perfect girl to be spokeswoman.”

My face lit up like I just figured something out. It was just an act.

“Oh Is this because you regret our intimate moments? You were so into it during every moment we shared.”

She frowned.

“I’m not so sure I would say I was into it.”

I’m prepared for that.

“Are you saying that it wasn’t consensual and I forced you?”

She looked down at the floor. She knew I knew she wanted it again. I said, “Sweetie, we both know how much you enjoyed it. What we did was a beautiful act between two consenting adults, and you know it will happen again. We just have to help you overcome your shyness. I’m sorry if you have regrets, but if you had shown any sign that you didn’t want it, I would have stopped. But hey, don’t take my word for it.”

As I spoke, I was bringing up the unedited feed from our first fuck. The TV behind me lit up and showed four of the video feeds from my office. Her jaw dropped as she saw me guide her into the office. She knew about the cameras for safety reasons, but strip joints tended to either not record it, or destroy the video after 24 hours. It was not good for business if tapes end up in the wrong hands, especially if it resulted in blackmail.

The video shows she is obviously willing, being lead and completely nude. One of the cameras shows a shot of her juices sliding down her leg and her labia extended like she is ready to be fucked. You can clearly hear our conversation and her admitting she never thought she could strip completely nude and how she liked it. She never asked me to fuck her, but she didn’t show any sign that she didn’t want it, and once I entered her, you could hear her begging for more and screaming in ecstasy. The end showed her willingly signing the contract. The only threat made was, if she didn’t want to sign it to not bother showing up again. She had no contract with us at the time, so she had no right to work here if she didn’t sign. Everything was legit, and there was no coercion. You could also hear me talk about her financial situation and the benefits of her signing. As the video played out, you could see her begin to remember how it was. She had a lot to drink that night, so she likely didn’t remember it all.

My only regret about the video is it was recorded in the old black and white cameras and not the newly installed high def.

As the video played out, you could see her begin to remember how it was. She had a lot to drink that night, so she likely didn’t remember it all. The video had the delightful benefit of turning her on. I knew she was a bit of an exhibitionist, but I didn’t figure she would get wet while arguing to have her contract torn up.

“You can see there were no wrongdoings there at all. It was something you wanted and for a large part, you were begging for it.”

I sighed pretending frustration, and said, “It is too late. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t tear up the contract. To do so would cost Slutty Inc hundreds of thousands of dollars. You made a good decision when you signed it, and in a year or two you will look back and laugh about ever wanting out of it.”

“I don’t understand. I have only worked for you for a few days. How could I have cost you so much money?”

I talk to her like I was explaining it to a child, “There are a lot of expenses you do not see. Those water bottle dispensers alone are $4k a piece and there is one in every club’s changeroom. That is $268k. Then there are halls booked for special events, plane tickets, advertisements, and the list goes on. Once your contract was notarized, there was nothing I could do to nullify it. The only way to break it is to buy it out.” So I lied by telling the truth. The dispensers were going in any way. The picture on it could have been replaced for less than $10k.

“One of the reasons for you to come to head office is so that you can have a better understanding of all the things going on. Buying the club was good for all the girls here. I’m not stupid. I know some of the girls do not see it yet, but think of this. They now all have medical, dental, compensation, maternity leave and pensions. Show me a stripper anywhere that has any of that. Only Slutty dancers do. Then there are their salaries. They get paid a base minimum. During hard times, they still get paid. Other strippers starve during dry spells. It will not take long and they will be thankful.”

I loved lying by telling the truth. My favourite part was the bit about maternity leave. They had a clause in their contract stating they would always use both a condom and pills unless permitted to go without. If they get pregnant, they were in breach of contract.

She just sat there crestfallen. It was time to lift her spirits a bit.

“Please stop with the despair. It isn’t all bad. I really shouldn’t be telling you this yet, but if you want out of the contract, there is hope. I can’t tell you how yet, but you have already made us $40k. You will understand it all in time. The good thing is there is a clause for bonuses in your contract. It lays out bonuses for how much you make the company. Yes, you have quotas, but when you exceed them, there are bonuses. I reward success. When I told you that you could make $100k in a year, that was a minimum. Work hard, and you may be able to buy your contract, ending it early.”

She didn’t look quite as glum but she wasn’t happy either.

“Could you give me a copy so I can look it over?”

I thought it was funny. She waited until then to ask for a copy. She had no clue. Her contract wasn’t just the two pages she signed.

I took a page from the Canadian military’s book of schemes. Their contracts were only a couple pages too. The deceit was that it gave a list of publications you had to follow and they altered those publications all the time. In essence, their contract was the size of an encyclopedia set. There was no way you could know and understand every clause in the contract and they could change it at will without consulting you. Anybody reading the two-page contract had no way of knowing what they were signing. Even if you did understand it, they wouldn’t give you access to all the publications until after basic training.

The difference between their ‘contract’ and mine was they had a lot of illegal clauses in their books making it a written agreement and not a legally binding contract. Whereas even after my contract had been ironed out, I continued to have lawyers comb over it to ensure everything was legally binding.

I got up from behind my seat and sat on the couch next to her. Then told her, “That is your right. Just remember, we can’t break the contract. Talking about it only makes you depressed. You can’t perform that way. Focusing on it will never get you out of the contract. What we can do is focus on the things we can fix. Get you earning money, and see what happens. You have a problem with shyness. In our business, that is not good. You know your sets have been extended to five songs, and at least one complete song is done in the nude. From now on, you will not wear a top backstage. You need to get comfortable with your body. It is beautiful, and deserves to be admired.”

I reached over and flicked the quick-release mechanism on her stripper top and then her bra. They fell to the couch, one after the other.

“But I can’t dance nude.”

“Stop lying to yourself. You have done it more than once. Do you need me to bring up the videos?”

She didn’t say anything. She just blushed. I liked the way she looked when the blood rushed to her head like that. It also accentuated her tits beautifully.

I smile at her.

“Look, you need to relax.”

I lightly pushed her shoulder, so she turned her back to me, and I started giving her a back and shoulder massage. After a few minutes I began talking again, “You are now the Slutty spokeswoman. I told you I picked you for the job because of your extreme beauty. As the spokeswoman, you need more than that. You have to hold a higher standard in everything. You need to get used to showing your body, and to the way people show appreciation for it.” I now brought my hands under her arms and slid them over her tits. I massaged them. I know what this did to her and was loving it.

“Relax, we both know you love this. You just need to get used to it. We have already been intimate. If you can’t handle being touched by a man you were intimate with, how do you expect to walk the floor semi-nude without flinching every time somebody touches you?”

I nibbled her ear. With what I was doing to her, she was shivering in excitement. I reach behind the couch and grab a bottle of water.

“Hear you are perspiring. You should rehydrate, so you will be good tonight.”

When she took it I leant forward and kissed the back of her neck. Then I began playing with her tits again. This girl was easy to manipulate. I could smell the juices flowing from her cunt.

Steve was sitting in the security room watching us. He knew to come in after she finished the bottle of water. This was her second spiked drink that I knew about. She would be fairly pliable by the time he got here. Eventually, Steve opened the door and came in. She didn’t notice.

I got the ball rolling, “Oh Steve perfect, we are about to need your help, but first, you should feel these tits. They are exquisite.”

I removed my hand, and he replaces it with his. Until then, she was leaning back against me, enjoying herself. Her head was leaning back on my shoulder, and her eyes closed. Steve’s cold hand shocked her into opening her eyes. She didn’t like Steve. He always treated her like a piece of meat. She would have to get used to that. There is no time like the present.

I lowered my hand that was still playing with her tit and wrapped that arm around her waist, so she didn’t move. Steve reached in with his other hand and pinched her nipples. She squealed in both pain and pleasure, leaving a wet spot on the couch. When he let go, she moaned in pleasure, and the scowl had left her face.

“Steve, Crystal still has problems dancing nude. I think we would be the perfect audience for her to practice with. Would you mind helping her up.”

I reached over and hit the remote to turn the speaker on, so we could listen to the music playing in the club. Steve grabbed both her hands and helped her up. I told him, “Undo her skirt.” She didn’t move as he reached down for the button and zipper. I reached up and pulled down both her skirt and panties at the same time. I brought her panties to my nose and inhale deeply. Then handed them to Steve as a souvenir. I leant forward and kissed her ass cheek.

“Crystal, why don’t you move over to the wall and start dancing while the three of us chat?”

She moved because of her submissive nature. That and her exhibitionist desires were a great help in manipulating her. The drugs haven’t gotten her to do anything she didn’t already want to do. They had just helped her to give in to her impulses. She hated Steve. On one hand, she loathed the idea of dancing for him. At the same time, she craved the naughtiness of being naked for him and craved the humiliation. I liked her more and more all the time.

“You already know when Steve started working here, he was working for me. What you didn’t know was he is a long term Slutty employee. I sent him here not just to spy on the place. I had other people for that. I sent him here to learn about the place and you girls. You know he is now the manager. What you may not know is I reward success. With his new promotion, I offered him a reward. He asked for you.”

The look on her face was priceless. Her eyes bugged out and she had an extreme look of fear. Her dancing slowed. I Let a hearty laugh out.

“Do not worry you are too valuable for that. I do not let somebody as low on the totem pole as him, have a woman as important as you. You still need training to open up. He is the perfect candidate to help. If you can get used to giving a nude lap dance to somebody you have no respect for, then you will not have a problem doing it on the floor. Steve.”

I got up and gestured to the couch for him to take a seat. I took Crystal by the hand, and lead her to his lap. She gave me a pleading look, and when I didn’t respond, she straddled his lap and started dancing. At first, he just brought his hands to her hips. She went to remove his hands and I lightly slapped her hands out of the way. I then grab his hands, and put them on her tits. She danced a full song that way, then she turned around and started gyrating her hips and sliding her wet box all over his leg. In doing so, she was rubbing a thigh up and down his cock. Before he reached back up for her tits he undid his pants.

At the end of the song, she stood up and turned to straddle him again and noticed his cock was out. She froze in place. I reach over and pushed down on her shoulder. That was all the coaxing she needed to get down on her knees. On her knees, she still didn’t move. I was thinking, ‘She can’t be that stupid. She has to know what I want her to do.’ I gently pushed the back of her head until his dick was touching her lips.

I then leant forward and whispered in her ear. “If you know what is good for you that cock will be in your mouth and you will give him the best blowjob of your life.” I thought it was a little odd that she wasn’t surprised by the threat. Looking at it in hindsight, I think this was the first indication that she was talking to the police. At the time I just chalked it up to a combination of her suppressed fetishes and her being lost in the situation. It was definitely something out of her realm of usual circumstances. Any drugs in her system would have helped to turn her on, but she would still be revolted by Steve. The drugs didn’t mess with her ability to rationally think through a situation, at least not any more than anybody else that was horny.

It was a little surprising how well the threat worked. The threat was all that it took to compel her to action. I was expecting to have to turn on the subliminal messaging and entice her a bit more.

To reward her for her obedience, I stayed crouched beside her and reach down and stuck two fingers up her cunt. While I fingered her, my thumb teased her clit.

Steve was no athlete. Even though she is shit at giving head, he didn’t last to the end of the song. I notice that he was about to blow and remind him, “Don’t forget the money shot.” He pulled out at the last second. Then blew his load all over her face and tits. At least he gave a reasonably sized load.

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