Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 10

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

The night Elijah and family went on vacation, I visited their farm with a security team. Because of the planted cameras, we knew where the entrance to the dungeon was. We headed straight there. In one of the horse stalls, there was a trap door leading to a basement. The basement was all one big room with blood-stained meat hooks dangling from the ceiling. One wall was a shelving unit filled with recordings. The VHS and Beta tapes indicated that he had been doing this for a long time. There were also newer camcorder tapes. The whips on the wall were positively medieval. Among the collection was a cat of nine tails with barbed hooks for ripping flesh apart and a bullwhip. Those were not the kind of whippings one could survive. The floor was sloped to a drain to catch the blood, so it didn’t pool. I could continue, but the horrors in that basement caused some of my men to start vomiting. There was even a bucket filled with teeth.

I placed a tape in the camcorder and pressed play. Elijah had no sexual contact with his victims. It was all violence and torture, the likes of which I had never seen or heard of before.

Our surveillance video only showed one other person had access to the dungeon. That was Elijah’s lead ranch hand, Zeb. The guy looked after the ranch while the family was on vacation. I didn’t see him in the snuff video, but then again, I wasn’t about to watch any more than I had to. The one video was more than enough evidence to put Elijah away for life. I put the tape back.

Zeb was also a married man with children. He had two boys. The next afternoon, while I visited Zeb on the ranch, I sent a member of my security over to his house. The security officer pretended to be a long-lost cousin of Zeb’s and talked his way into the house for a coffee.

As we pulled up, Zeb was quite curious. Why would a limo, escorted by two SUVs, visit the ranch?

I got out of the car and spoke to Zeb. I didn’t ask. I told him to follow me into the house for a conversation. He kept on saying shit like, “You can’t come in here ... What do you want? ... Who the hell are you...”

Eventually, I answered with a lie, “Your family is in danger, and I am here to help you save them. Where is a computer that is hooked up to the internet?”

That gave him even more questions. He did lead me to the family room and the computer desk in the corner.

“If you want my help, you will shut up, sit down and log on.”

That at least slowed his verbal diarrhea. He sat down and logged in. I guided him to a live site where the camera feed from the shirt on my guard that was in his house. He recognized his place immediately.

Two of my guards stepped forward and quickly cuffed his arms to the chair.

“Now that you see my man has your family, I expect you to listen intently. If you do not do everything that I say, how I say it, my man will do to your family what Elijah does to the people he brings into his dungeon.”

I was in tactical gear, the same as my security. I removed my helmet and set it on the desk with the camera facing Zeb.

“I want a full confessional about what you do in the dungeon, and you will state some shit like it is taxing on your conscience, so you had to turn yourself in. Each time I am not convinced, you will lose a family member starting with the youngest and ending with your wife.”

He gave his spiel, more convincing than I would have thought. I then picked up my helmet and placed it on his head.

“Do you have any envelopes?”

He snaps, “In the office.”

One of the guards fetched one.

“You are going to go to the end of the driveway and show the camera the sign stating the ranch name. You will confirm the address on the mailbox and state where you are, including state, street address and nearest town. Then you are to go into the dungeon and place the latest video into the envelope.”

I get two of the guards to follow him in his task. Then I phone the surveillance van I had monitoring my team. I got the tech in the van to send me a video file of the feed from my helmet cam, only cut so that all that is shown is the confessional and Zeb’s walk of shame. There is no other person in the video. My vehicles aren’t even in it.

By the time Zeb and my guards returned, I had the video burnt onto a CD. I took the envelope from Zeb and placed the CD in its case then into the envelope.

“You will get into your car, drive into Portland, to this address. It is the FBI office. You will hand the envelope to the receptionist, telling her you have a confession recorded. Then take out your knife and slit your throat. Failure to kill yourself will result in your family all being raped for a week. When they are broken, they will be hung on meat hooks, and they will not have the quick death of a whipping. They will receive a thousand cuts each from a hot knife, so the wound cauterizes and they do not bleed out. From there, I’ll get creative. Don’t even think of doing anything funny. One of my SUV’s will be following you and my guards will follow you into the FBI Office. They have business there anyway.”

Zeb looked defeated.

“Who are you?”

“A man that your boss should never have slighted. When you stick the knife into your throat, be sure to stick it in deep. If you survive, your family doesn’t”

I didn’t like lying, but I felt it appropriate for the situation.

The receptionist at the FBI was a bit traumatized. Within the hr, The FBI had warrants and were searching all Elijah’s properties, including the auction house.

The FBI was a bit baffled when they got to the auction house. When Zeb and I were having our chat, I sent in a crew to empty the safe. Thankfully I had a backup plan. There wasn’t enough time to crack the safe in place before the FBI showed up. The backup plan had a tractor and trailer back into the loading dock, which shared a wall with the office that had the safe. A winch from the trailer pulled the safe through the wall and onto the trailer. Ten minutes from the time the truck backed into the loading bay, it was leaving with the safe tucked into the trailer. By the time the FBI arrived, all they had found was a giant hole ripped out of the side of the loading dock and all security tapes missing.

I bet you think that I stole the safe to protect myself. That isn’t the case. I would get a slap on the wrist since I could get all my slaves to confess they were no longer slaves, and the children were kept, not for malicious purposes, but their protection. Sure there would need to be some fancy manoeuvring with the lawyers, but my lawyers were way better than government-paid lawyers, and they had more experience in this type of thing.

The reason I stole the safe was, if the FBI got ahold of it, most of the slave owners would have killed the slaves to get rid of the evidence. I couldn’t let that happen.

I now had the names and addresses of a good portion of the slave owners in the country and a good idea about the types of slaves they liked.

In the drug business, if a big player went down, there was always somebody to take his place. There may be a bit of a drug war first because more than one person was trying to fill the vacuum. In the slave trade, it wasn’t that easy. A business couldn’t grow that quickly without raising suspicions. If somebody tried to fill the void, they would likely be caught. Nobody wanted to take that big of a risk. Because the auction house was down, slavers didn’t have a place to sell their stock safely, and so, a lot of them left the business. The only downside was that a lot of freshly captured slaves were killed rather than the slaver risk selling them. Some were dumb enough to sell, and many of those were caught.

The funny thing was since more slavers were being caught, the news was reporting that there was a drastic increase in slave crimes. In reality, missing person reports were down, and fewer people were being abducted. The slave trade in the US took a significant blow that day.

There were a lot of promotions in my security teams, and we went on a recruitment drive. I also set up a foundation through a dummy corp, whose primary purpose was to free slaves and acclimate them back into society. We legitimized by affiliating with Anti-Slavery International. All activity was to be above board, legal and as long as it didn’t risk people’s lives, all information about the organization was freely given. Unfortunately, this meant the organization was more preventative than corrective. It did give us a new source of intel as people would occasionally come forward with intel for Anti-Slavery USA, our new organization.

The best part was Elijah had no idea it was me that took him down. Most of the money he had stashed away from the slave trade was in offshore bank accounts that were frozen. He had a few million in the safe, but I had that. The only way he could pay for the lawyers was to sell off his land and cattle. He was the second-largest cattle rancher in Oregon. Dumping that much cattle on the market all at once would drastically drop the price of beef. I convinced him to sell them to me for 75 cents on the dollar. That made me the largest cattle rancher in the state. Combined with the ranches I already purchased, I now had 45% of the state’s cattle industry. I even had a shell company buy the auction house because it was a big part of the local industry. I just didn’t want anybody to know I owned it, or they would expect me to start up the slave auctions again.

Elijah’s Daughter was the icing on the cake. Being the gentleman that I was, I helped his family relocate and change their identities. I kept an eye on them. The boy didn’t fall far from the tree and turned to violence. I encouraged a gang to recruit him. They were already in a turf war, so it was easy to arrange to have the rival gang take him out.

Elijah’s youngest daughter started with self-loathing. She was giving her body to anybody who wanted it no matter what they wanted it for. She was often the entertainment at parties doing things like fucking dogs and such. She was in her senior year in high school. I sent Elijah a video of her doing a train, followed by fucking a dog. I did feel sorry for the girl and arranged for her to work as one of our whores. This way, I could at least mitigate the risks she faced. She was trying to debase herself more and more, so after she finished school, I gave her a job in porn doing the nastiest things we had.

His oldest daughter refused to change her name or go into hiding. She tried to continue going to university, but by the end of the year, she had a mental breakdown and was living on the street doing her best to stay high. I found her and against her will, stuck her in rehab. When she was sober, I sent her to work as a stripper. She took it upon herself to become a whore. Soon I had her in porn. It was the younger sister that convinced her to do sister porn. Eventually, they graduated to doing my auctions and working the floor for special events. Soon after they started doing porn was when their mother killed herself. The girls blamed themselves and started taking risks I didn’t like. That is when I approached them to become slaves and spy for me. I didn’t sell them off. I felt bad for them, so I kept them as my personal slaves and occasionally rented them out or traded them. They were given some particularly difficult assignments but never complained. I wouldn’t allow them access to hard drugs, so they kept themselves high on X-Plus-water and were constantly fucking at all times.

When the police find Kelly and Nora, we had seven girls collected from Ian, plus one bought from Jeremiah and three rescued from the warehouse. The girls from the warehouse weren’t that bad. I told them to go home and if the police asked any questions, tell the truth. Just do not give away my identity. I told them to pick their least favourite actor and describe him every time they were asked for my description. I made sure every girl described a different actor. One of the girls even picked an actress.

That left me with eight girls that were too far gone to go home. All of them wanted to stay with me, but I already had too many girls to try and keep satisfied. Worse yet, they could all do the same thing with their kegels as Uma. If I kept them, they would kill me with sex. I kept them in the states as strippers and high-end escorts. I decided if their cunts were so good, I should use them for my sex auctions and swinger parties. They were to be floor walkers during Crystal’s performances. I made sure they knew they owed their freedom to Uma.

Our last night all together, I let the eight girls thank me properly. Boy, was that a mistake. Unlike Layla’s friends trying to please me but only satisfying themselves, these eight knew what they were doing. Just getting undressed, they gave an amazing show. You could tell they had worked together before. They were patient. When one girl held my attention, the others were almost idling. They were still moving sensually but not doing anything I would miss. I decided right then that these girls would teach the spokeswoman and crew a few things.

Since the youngest was the most assertive, she was the one to mount me first. She felt so good I didn’t notice when the other girls moved in. They couldn’t have been there that long. The things they were doing felt so good. Each one would fuck me to unconsciousness, then they would wait for me to wake up, and they would trade positions only to fuck me to oblivion again. Each time I woke up, I didn’t have time to recover before I felt another cunt milking me dry.

I swear, the next morning, I couldn’t even tell you my name, they had fucked me that hard. On the plane home, I made out a rotation for them. There was always to be one of them at the resort instructing others to fuck, three would be working clubs, and four would be available for parties, shooting porn and auctions. On their off-hours, if that weren’t enough, they would work as escorts. These girls would make a lot of money. I also enrolled them in my online school.

The girl that asked about Uma was the first one I sent to the resort. This meant, on Uma’s last day, she and Uma could meet. It was only for an hour, but the girls were grateful.

The great thing about having Slutty employees enrolled in the online university was that Slutty students alone made it a fair-sized university. Then add the students from my other companies, and it was a rather large school. Big enough that it attracted a fair amount of students from elsewhere. I could keep my standard of living and just live off the school, it was making so much money, and it was a new establishment.

It was a good thing I had Mary to pick up the slack since I spent more time on this endeavour than I allotted.

The next Tuesday, I meet Crystal in her office. She had Angel and Uma with her. Uma had her new name, and Crystal introduced her as Emery. I liked the new name. It suited her better. I reminded the girls that for their tour, the club would be closed to the public, and it was a members’ only club, so nothing was prohibited. I also let them know that between sets, the new slaves, Tara and Rain would help them fuck the crowd.

“When the slaves decided to thank me, they put on a show and did things I have never seen on stage before. You girls should spend time with them and teach each other. If you have had a night with Uma, sorry I mean Emery, then you also know they could teach you a thing or two about pleasuring people.”

That Thursday, the girls flew to the first destination on their tour. I followed the next day. They had the extra day because of Crystal’s responsibility managing the strippers, and so they could have one practice on the stage they were to perform on.

I got there and had a quick meeting with Crystal. We were in the manager’s office and like our past meetings in a manager’s office, she was nude and drinking an X-Plus-water. The difference was this time, Emery and Angel were with her. They were also naked and standing on display in front of the desk where I sat.

“This is a meeting. The three of you can sit on the couch. Emery, you sit in the middle and finger their cunts. Each of them is to have a hand playing with your groin. You will need to be able to think and act clearly when you are sexually distracted, so this is how we will have our meetings until I think you are ready. Now, how goes the interviews and managing portion of your trip?”

By the time I shut up and let Crystal answer, the girls quickly obeyed and were sitting on the couch, pleasuring each other.

“It was more difficult than I thought It would be. I was completely unprepared.”

“No worries. I expected that. This is your first kick at the cat. Next time you will do better. You have an entourage now. Use them. Remember, Angel’s job is to do yours in your absence. Give her your authority and have her conduct interviews on her own. Emery’s job is to do Angel’s in her absence. Hence her job is also to do yours when needed. Use her as well. Once the meetings are over, come together and discuss before making decisions, then call back whomever you have to, or if the changes need to be addressed with all the girls, then wait till the next day when you address them all. Whatever you can’t fix today, you will have to do via phone and e-mail.”

We went over the basics for the following evening and a few other sundries. In the end, I was on the floor, and the three girls were doing everything they could to make me cum. It was the perfect way to end a meeting.

That evening, the club was packed long before the spokeswomen were to perform. I knew the police would not show up. In this club, they tried several times before. I sued for harassment every time they entered the club.

It was time for the show to start. The announcer introduced the spokeswomen. Emery and Angel came on stage, framing Crystal’s entrance, and the crowd went wild. The first set was nothing special. It was just a basic stripper set with three strippers on stage. They each took a catwalk and did all kinds of mini laps.

When they were done, they remained nude and walked off the stage into the crowd. As they did this, the announcer piped up, “Let’s hear it for the Slutty Spokeswomen. If you take a look at the back, you will see three slaves enter the floor. These are Mr. Brown’s personal slaves. You know these girls are hot and can make you cum in your pants. Just think of all the women Mr. Brown can choose from, and these three are the rare women that made the cut. Be sure to sample their charms throughout the evening.”

The evening was young. Nothing too wild happened. The spokeswomen and slaves did lap dances and the occasional blowjob, but that was it. The announcer then introduced Tara and Rain. This set is a bit different, as Rain dominated Tara. Rain danced like any stripper, slowly removing her clothes. Tara acted tentatively.

When Rain removed her top, Tara didn’t, so Rain ripped her top. Then she pushed Tara away to dance in front of some punters. This pattern continued until both strippers were naked. When their set was over, they too worked the crowd. Their performance set the tone for the rest of their time working together.

The second set for the spokeswomen was even better. The three girls danced on the centre catwalk, where they were forced to dance close to each other. They started dancing as a team. Emery ended up between Crystal and Angel, but they started pushing her about and ripping her clothes off. Once she was naked, they began to take their clothes off one piece at a time. With each article, they debase Emery. Crystal was the first to take her top off, then she grabbed Emery by the hair and shoved Emery’s face into her chest, screaming, “Suck them until I cum bitch.”

Then Angel followed suit and sandwiched Emery’s head in her tits. Emery knelt, swaying to the music as she played with both girls’ tits. They dance like that for a while, then Crystal pushed Emery to the stage, ripped her own bottoms off and sat on Emery’s face. Angel remained dancing. When Crystal came, she slid off, presenting her cunt to a punter. Angel dragged Emery to the edge of the stage, then grabbed a punter by the hair and shoved his face in her cunt. Once the punter was settled in, having his fun, Angel ripped her bottoms off and sat on Emery’s face. Soon after Angel came, their set was over.

They didn’t just walk off the stage. Crystal and Angel picked Emery up and carried her to the first table. They threw her on the table. Crystal grabbed the closest guy by the hair and guided his head to Emery’s cunt, saying, “Have at her boys. She is all yours eat her, finger her to your heart’s content and make her suck everybody’s cock, just no fucking her until after our next set.

Next, Tara and Rain took to the stage. Rain had a whip in one hand and Tara’s hair in the other. They walked straight out to the stripper pole at the end of the middle catwalk. Tara was in a special costume. It was lined in places with metal and could be taken apart in pieces. It is held together by thin strips of velcro. The whip Rain carried looks like a bullwhip but was much lighter and made out of material that didn’t work well as a whip. It still hurt because the tip was a powerful electromagnet. The momentum of the magnet caused it to leave small welts when it landed.

Loud enough for everybody in the club to hear Rain instructs, she told Tara, “You will hang onto the pole and not let go. If you do, your punishment will be even worse.” She then took four steps back and turned the whip on. She hit Tara with the whip. The magnet in the whip grabbed the metal in the outfit and ripped a part of Tara’s costume off. When the whip was pulled back, Rain turned the whip off, and the piece of cloth went flying. It looks as if Rain is whipping the clothes off of Tara. Tara screams as if in pain. It takes a full song to whip all the clothes off of Tara. The next song, the girls danced, and Tara sensually stripped her mistress. The third song Rain dominated again forced Tara to the edge of the stage and put the fingers of different punters into Tara’s mouth and cunt. One punter dropped his pants and went to stick his dick in Tara’s cunt. Rain reacted quickly, spinning Tara around and shoving his dick into Tara’s mouth. The crowd went wild, seeing Tara give head in the middle of her set. When the song ended, Rain grabbed Tara by the hair and dragged her to the table beside Emery.

“Same thing, boys. Use her as you see fit, just no actual fucking until after our next set.”

Things started getting a little wilder in the club. There was no actual fucking, but half the punters had their dicks out. The other half had a hand in their pants. All the club girls were working that night. With the extra nine girls, there was no shortage of pussy working the floor.

The third set really wasn’t a set. The spokeswomen took centre stage, and the DJ announced. “This third set is a little different. It is an auction. The first song is a regular auction, the winner comes up on stage and gets to fuck all three spokeswomen at the same time until he cums once from oral and once from actually fucking the girls or 10 minutes. Whichever is shortest. Given how hot these girls are, we don’t expect you to last ten minutes. Next, the girls will dance two songs, one girl at the end of each catwalk. During that time, there will be a silent auction. The winner of each girl gets her for 10 minutes, where she stands. The rules are the same as always. Let’s hear it.”

The crowd shouts, “No piss ... No Shit ... No Marks or permanent injuries ... Wear a condom.”

Think of this. A good escort made $450 an hr; these girls just earned 5k each for 10 minutes’ work. The winner came on stage with the biggest shit-eating grin. The girls made it worth his while. They stripped him as quickly as they could, then work as a team, quickly disposing of his clothes. Then Angel pushed him onto his back. Crystal landed on his cock and Angel sat on his face. Emery helped Crystal suck him off. Soon he blew, but the girls kept sucking, and he was hard again in no time. Crystal stuck a condom in her mouth. Using her mouth, she put it on his dick, then sat up and mounted him. Emery turned and started playing with his nipples. The guy only made it to the seven-minute mark but was slow to get up. The girls didn’t care. They simply strutted to the end of their perspective catwalks and got ready to dance. Before the punter was off the stage, the girls were already dancing, and the silent auction began. The patrons all got into lines at the end of the catwalks to place their bids.

The auction ended, and the winners were announced. Before long, Crystal was receiving it missionary style, Angel was riding like a cowgirl and Emery was getting it doggy style while receiving a spanking. You could see Crystal’s guy isn’t doing it for her. She coaxed him into a side scissor position. Then he was getting in deeper, and his groin was rubbing her clit. It excited her, and she was able to give a better performance. Only Angel’s man lasted the full ten minutes, and she rewarded him with a blowjob. Walking off the stage, Emery walked back to her table and instructed two gentlemen to spit roast her. Angel and Crystal walked up to the first guys they saw and sat them down, giving lap dance fucks. The entire time, the guy’s cock was inside them.

Tara and Rain entered the stage to do the auction followed by the same set, namely the auction succeeded by the silent auction. The first auction was almost comical. The punter thought it was going to be a typical fuck and suck, just like the auction with the spokeswomen. Rain dominated, ripping his clothes off while Tara knelt between his legs, sucking him off. When his clothes were gone, Rain stood behind him and played with his sack, then shoved a finger up his ass. He wasn’t expecting it and shortly blew his load. Rain kicked him in the back of the knee, so he fell, but she caught him, so he didn’t hurt himself. She violently sat on his face and commanded him to eat. Then she grabbed Tara by the hair, instructing her to put a condom on him, then set her on his dick. While Tara rode for all she was worth, Rain reached forward and planted Tara’s face in her chest.

“Suck them, bitch. I better come before he does.”

It was close. The punter started cumming before Rain did, but she came before his second spurt. She leaked her juices all over his face.

When they got up, Rain smacked Tara on the ass.

“You are lucky. I am in a good mood. Get to your catwalk, Bitch.”

The silent auction began. I was surprised how many guys lined up to bid on Rain. I didn’t realize we had so many cuckolds with us. I was thinking, ‘If I ever get bored, I may just look into who their wives and daughters are.’ I made a note to have security look through the footage and make me a list of cucks.

The auction ended. Tara had her master for the next ten minutes and Rain, her slave. Tara’s man was uninventive. He did her doggy style and, every so often, slapped her ass. He wasn’t rough enough for her satisfaction.

Rain had her guy flat on his back. She rode him cowgirl and was constantly slapping him in the face, complaining that he wasn’t bucking up enough to please her. She teased him for having a small dick and laughed at him in general. When the ten minutes were over, Tara was trying hard not to look bored. Her man came a couple times, but he did nothing for her, even though she was hopped up on X-Plus-water. She just walked off to her table for a nice spit roast.

Rain’s man thanked her and kissed her hand. She told him to get off the stage and followed suit. She too found a guy to lap dance fuck, only she slapped him around, and he was loving it.

The DJ announced, “Next up is the three slaves. Our five guests so far have all been gorgeous and superb dancers, but their cunts don’t hold a candle to these magical cunts. I call them snapping snatches for a reason. These girls can sit on you and without moving, make you cum. They are a treat you may never get again.”

The three slaves took stage.

“Once they get to their perspective catwalks, the bidding will begin. The same rules apply, and the bidding book for each girl will be at the end of her catwalk. I know you will enjoy this, so have fun.”

They start the set dancing together on the main stage. Exotically, they stripped each other in a way not generally seen in a strip joint. The girls steal attention even from those currently being fucked.

The first auction was anticlimactic. The punter came quickly from the oral and was slow to get it up again, but once he did, he didn’t last. I felt sorry for the loser.

At the beginning of the second, song they headed to their respective catwalks. The entire time, they were doing mini laps and even made a few punters cum.

When the winners took stage, a couple tried to take charge, but without success. The slaves were in complete control and were working their john’s for all they are worth. By the time the 10 minutes were over, all three punters were unconscious. I took the mike from the DJ.

“Bad slaves.”

They all looked like I hurt their feelings and were sad.

“How are you supposed to take more of their money if they are not awake to give it to you? No more fucking people to unconsciousness. Just fuck them silly, so they can’t tell how much money they gave you. Now go, have fun.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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