Vengeance - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Ronin74

Chapter 1: The Setup

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Setup - Trent, free from his duties running his drug, porn and business empires decides to make vengeance a hobby. Like the rest of the books in this series, this is a stand-alone. It is best to read the previous book but there is no need.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Slow  

Going back to my youth. You already know I had a bit of a past. I wasn’t the only one. The natives that stayed on the reservation were left alone but any that moved into the city or the smaller communities surrounding it were often bullied harshly. Some natives were also foster children. There were no foster families on the reservation. These kids had it almost as bad as me. In fact, there was one native in our village who was a gay native foster child. Every one of those things guaranteed you were beaten on a regular basis. All three meant you were fucked. He was the only kid who had it worse than me. He was a couple years older than me and was the only one wanting to help me, but he couldn’t or it would make things worse for me. It was a fucked-up situation in a fucked up time. My point here is I acquired some Indian brothers. We had been through a lot together, and we had ties stronger than most brothers.

Eliot was the younger brother to one of my Indian brothers. I lived with the Paddon family for about a year when my parents kicked me out while I was in junior high school. I got along with the entire family except with Eliot. He was younger than me, but I had no choice but to let him get away with a lot of shit. He regularly stole anything of value I would bring home. He was verbally abusive. He continuously directed all his anger at me. Let me tell you, a native kid living off the reservation in that community had a lot of reasons to be angry. He turned a place that should have been a refuge into a place I didn’t want to go to. He was my first target for vengeance.

I hired a private investigator and had him track Eliot down. It turned out he had moved to Kelowna. Kelowna had one of the nicest climates in Canada. Most people would love to have lived there but there weren’t enough jobs for everybody that already lived there. He found himself a good one as a real estate broker. The problem was he tended to drink a lot and did drugs. He was good at his job but was always on the verge of getting fired. Now that I had found him, I needed to find a way to punish him. I knew he was living with a girl, so I start my research there.

She was an amazing girl. She had the body I love, an athletic build with a tight shapely ass and legs with lots of definition. She grew up a ballerina and was smart enough to know she was good but wasn’t good enough. She knew it didn’t matter how much time she put into it, she couldn’t ever be the best.

In college, she dropped the ballet and started Karate. It kept her in shape and gave her the competition she craved. Like most people that went to university, when she graduated, she couldn’t get a job in her field. She was a political science major. Don’t get me wrong, that degree was needed and if you had the experience, you were sought after. The problem was the volume of people that took the degree versus the small number of entry-level jobs available. The only way she could get experience was to volunteer her time. With the student loans coming due, she didn’t have the time for that. She needed a job that paid.

I did a little more digging. Elliot also had a large student loan for some useless degree. When he realized he couldn’t get a job he decided to get his real estate licence. It was the only intelligent thing he had ever done. His loans were being paid, but if he lost his job he was screwed. The interesting thing we uncovered was the fact that he just bought a ring and was going to propose.

This was perfect. He didn’t deserve to be a eunuch like I had done to a few other guys that crossed me. Besides his brother cared about him, and if I turned him into a eunuch, his brother would have never spoken to me again. Elliot had tried to steal a girlfriend from me once. I like to make the punishment fit the crime. I decided cuckolding him would be appropriate, but I was going to go all out.

I had a team of investigators finding everything they could about his girl. Elliot tended to like slutty girls. He wasn’t much of a catch, so it was the only way he could get any. Surprisingly, she was almost virginal. Elliot was only her 2nd steady boyfriend. She didn’t date or even party at university.

The best work she could find was in a boutique. I bought the boutique, turned it into a top-end retail outlet and refused to rehire anybody. I brought in my own staff. I figured I might as well start another legitimate business and over time I made a chain of stores out of it, but that is another story.

Needing money, she took a job at a restaurant. I bought it and turned it into a Twin Peaks, one of the chains I was cultivating. After the rebuild of the restaurant, I didn’t rehire her. She then got a job at a shoe store. I bought the shoe store and sent Dian to work there. Dian befriended Paisley, Elliot’s girlfriend. I loved how Dian manipulated women for me. First all those virgins and now stuff like this.

She convinced Paisley to go on the town with her for a girl’s night. Paisley had never been to a strip club before, but with Dian paying, she was hesitant to complain. Dian was intelligent enough to take her to the classier of the two strip clubs in town.

It was women’s night. They got there early, so the club wasn’t packed. Paisley preferred it that way. She was embarrassed and didn’t want anybody to know she was in such a place. It was her first time doing anything wild, and she was embarrassed.

Paisley was thankful, Dian decided to take a seat at the bar. It was the farthest place from pervert’s row. Since it was slow, Dian was able to engage the bartender in conversation. She flirted with him, and encourages Paisley to do the same, but she resisted. Eventually, the conversation turned to their jobs and their lousy pay. Dian claimed she was curious and asks how much a typical dancer took home in a night. Considering she was taking a hiatus from being a stripper to help me out, she already knew what a stripper could make. The conversation was strictly for paisley’s benefit.

The bartender answered, “The classier the joint, the better a dancer can do. In a place like this, you could take home a few hundred a night. It depends on how good the dancer is and how much milage she gives. I have seen girls take home more than a grand in one night, but that isn’t the norm.”

“And how much would I make if I had your job?”

“I make minimum wage. On a Friday night, you wearing the right clothing would likely make a hundred in tips alone. The more you show and flirt, the more you can make.”

Paisley knew strippers made good money, but she never knew it was that good. And $160 total for one night bartending, she thought was ridiculously high. She thought of how it would be nice to have that kind of money. Then she thought about how she could never do it.

Dian didn’t want to push Paisley too far out of her comfort zone, so they left before it got busy. The next few days at work, Dian kept bringing up the strip club and how much everybody there made. Every time the issue of money was raised for any reason, Dian mentioned how much money they could make as strippers.

A little over a week after their visit to the strip club, Dian swapped some shoes into the wrong boxes. Paisley was caught, on camera, selling a $200 pair of shoes for $45. She got fired.

After losing three jobs close together, there was no way she could find another job. The market was filled with potential employees, and so, employers had their pick.

At the time, Paisley was a couple months overdue on her student loans, and Elliot didn’t have the money to lend her because he snorted all his money away. She spent a couple weeks looking for work but found nothing. She gave in and headed to the strip club.

Thankfully, the manager wasn’t creepy. He was disappointed that she wouldn’t work as a stripper. She didn’t even like the idea of waitressing. The manager was no dummy. He saw how gorgeous she was and would do anything to get her in the door.

He had seen it time and again. Some bitch too uptight to strip would start at the bar but would see all the other girls making easy money, and she would end up stripping or more. He agreed to hire Paisley as a bartender but warned her not to dress as conservative as she was, or she wouldn’t get any tips.

Elliot got mad at her for taking a job in a strip club. Being the asshole he was, the complaining stopped when she started paying her half of the rent, and he had more money to get high.

They thought that things were going well. What they didn’t know was I bought the apartment building they lived in and in 7 months, when I was legally allowed, I would hike their rent up the maximum amount.

Feeling secure in his situation, Elliot started doing more drugs and selling fewer properties.

Paisley started working the bar dressed classy but conservatively. She was upset because all the other bartenders were making a lot more in tips than she was. She was lucky to average $20 a night. It was better than the shoe store but not by much. Eventually, she learnt to wear more revealing clothing. She wore the most revealing clothes she owned but they were still too conservative for a strip club.

She didn’t have the money to buy sexier clothing but she did it anyway. Now she was making closer to what the other bartenders did. She couldn’t bring herself to wear as little as they did.

Seven months passed, and I raised their rent. They no longer had enough money to pay the bills. She broke down and bought a bunch of clothing that was as sexy as the other women bartenders. Unfortunately for her, it was not enough. Yes, she got $100 on Friday and Saturday nights but the rest of the week was dead. She had no choice but to become a waitress and walk among the punters. The first night, she made a few scenes when some guy or another grabbed her ass or felt her side boob. She wouldn’t get tips when that happened and guys were starting to leave her section to sit elsewhere. She learnt to ignore the groping.

Just like when she started working there, Elliot got jealous. Once again, when the money came in he decided it was ok. Since Paisley was waiting, she was interacting with the dancers working the floor. She was getting more and more friendly with them and regularly saw how much money they took home.

When a druggy started using heavily, he didn’t slow down just because his circumstances changed and he couldn’t afford it anymore. Elliot didn’t slow down, even though he was making a lot less money. In fact, Paisley now made more money than he did. She was paying all the bills.

I gave her a few months to get used to waitressing and seeing how much the other girls were making. Then I had the building manager inspect their home. I made sure he found all kinds of things broken, even if there was nothing broken. The manager did a bunch of work to the apartment and billed Elliot and Paisley.

They didn’t have the money. Her only choices were to start dancing or be thrown out on the street. Eliot pushed for her to strip, but warned her she was only to strip down to her panties. Anything more was for him alone. Between her boyfriend pushing her and the threat of being kicked out, she felt she had no choice. She talked to her boss. He didn’t like her stipulations but agreed because he knew she would cave and eventually be working, nude in the VIP rooms.

Her first night stripping was difficult for her. The other girls didn’t help her and she didn’t have a clue what she was doing. The other girls saw her as a threat. She didn’t understand their sudden indifference, which made the evening worse.

She had two sets she had to dance. She chose songs that suited her ballet, but not a striptease. She did move gracefully, except when she was trying to take off her clothes. When she didn’t take off her panties the crowd booed. She did get some pity tips but nothing like the other strippers got.

The thing that surprised Paisley was how much she liked it. For her, stripping was exciting work. She liked the naughtiness of it. Every dance was a rush.

I had Sophia apply for a job there. She had the looks talent, experience and could get the job without trying. I had her blow the manager anyway.

Sophia and Paisley quickly became the best of friends. She taught Paisley how to strip. Paisley taught Sophia some dance moves and how to move with more grace. A few days after they started training together, both of their tips started to increase. Paisley did as agreed and kept her panties on, then went backstage, got dressed and started waiting tables again. It stayed this way for months.

Then one day, Eliot and Paisley argued as she was getting ready for work. He wanted her to keep bringing home the money, but he didn’t want her to show her body. She was upset because he pushed her to strip, yet got mad at her for it.

He refused to quit doing drugs, even when it affected his work. He was bringing home almost no money and she was providing for both of them. Their quality of life continued to decline.

That day, he followed her into work and sat at a table, waiting for her dance. For the entire performance, she scowled at him. After the set was over she didn’t go backstage and put her clothes back on. She walked off the stage and started waiting tables. There were a few more ass and tit grabs that night, but she didn’t care. She did make more tips than she had ever seen before. From that day forward, after she stripped, she served wearing nothing but her panties. A couple months later, the club changed ownership. About 1/3 of the girls were let go. She was told that if she was going to dance, she would work the floor like a proper stripper and stop waiting tables. She continued to refuse using the VIP rooms. She did work the floor, doing table dances and lap dances.

Elliot was irate. There was nothing he could do. Every night for the next month he sat in the back corner and watched her work. There were a few times the bouncers had to kick him out. He would get drunk, and then jealous. If a guy grabbed her ass, he would be in the punter’s face, getting ready for a fight. In the end, he had no choice but to get used to it.

On the other hand, he enjoyed the extra money she brought home. It didn’t take long and he was taking money out of her purse to pay for his drug habit.

Patty was always given the closing shift. It was great for a weekend, but no so much for a weekday. One Tuesday, Coral, one of the other strippers, was working the early shift and her ride cancelled on her. Rather than taking a cab she asked Elliot for a ride. He wasn’t about to turn her down and she knew it.

He had been watching her at the table next to him for the past hour. She was doing lap dances and pushing the boundaries of what was legal. This had Elliot turned on to no end. on to no end.

I didn’t see it. I only heard the rumours. She invited him in, and they fooled around until he had to pick up Paisley. From that time forward, he started giving girls rides home. He would offer to do it for gas money, but if he could, he would get himself invited inside, except when he figured the girl would rat on him. He was playing with fire. Given how vindictive strippers got, I was surprised that she never found out.

Over the months, as new girls came in, Sophia and Paisley would work with them, teaching them moves and the basics of stripping. Unlike most clubs, the girls were becoming a tight group. Late Saturday and Sunday mornings, they started having group practice sessions. One day, they just started inviting their boyfriends to the practices so the boyfriends could give feedback. It turned out that Elliot was good with the costumes. His suggestions and alterations were a big hit. This helped him become friends with all the girls. Elliot’s jealousy became somewhat sated but not completely.

One Friday night, he was drinking and doing drugs again. He got jealous and they had another argument before she headed off to work. As soon as she got there, Sophia could tell what happened. Sophia pretended that she didn’t notice, so she could use it to our advantage.

Sophia was working the floor when Paisley started her set. During her last song, Sophia was giving a punter a lap dance. She leant over and whispered in the guy’s ear, “I am trying to get her to start using the VIP room. If I can get you and your friend to pay for a room, I can get her to follow. If not, I will make it worth your while.”

He agreed, so as soon as the song ended, Sophia went running up to Paisley.

“I have two guys that want to take the two of us into the VIP room. I know you normally don’t, but can you do it with me this once? You will not have to do anything that you don’t do out here and I will be in there with you.”

Paisley gave a sort of half frown and replied, “I’m pissed at Elliot right now so why the hell not?”

Sophia gestured for the men to follow. They were regulars, so they understood how much of a treat it was to get Paisley to go into the VIP room. Paisley played nice and gave a little extra as a stripper norma does when in the VIP room. The situation made her horny, so she rubbed up against her punter a lot more than she normally would.

A month later, Elliot finally proposed. He had the ring for months but didn’t like the idea of proposing to a stripper. In the end, he caved. They agreed to get married after their loans were paid off, and they had enough money to have a proper wedding. Ironically, this pushed her into doing more VIP visits. They weren’t making any headway into their debt, and she wanted to get married sooner than later. At first, she only went in when two or three dancers were required. As time went on, she started doing it without the other girls.

What I was waiting for was for her to start stripping all the way. I waited almost a full year and she was still only going down to her panties. The club changed ownership again and was starting to lose business. I was also looking into buying the other club in town. It too was a failing venture. It was in a good location, but it was mismanaged and had ugly dancers.

I started frequenting the club when I knew Elliot wouldn’t be there. That meant after the early-shift was gone. He was doing his best to keep the early-shift happy. Coral was the main recipient of his generosity, but there were others. This was perfect for my purposes since it gave me more time with Paisley.

There were a few visits, in particular, I should mention.

The first was when I decided to move my scheme forward. I introduced myself to the manager as a prospective buyer and asked if he would set up a meeting with the owner. That visit, I met the girls in the change room. I had a private conversation with Paisley while she waited for her set. We flirted as strippers get paid to do. That was when I first suggested that she could be the head dancer. Before I left, I got a lap dance from her but didn’t push her for more.

That same day, I had Sophia quit and leave town. She and Paisley had become best friends. I wanted Paisley off-balance and suddenly removing her best friend was an easy way to do it.

A couple days later, I was meeting with the owner of the club. He mentioned he was short-staffed. I gave him the number of some guys to hire. They were really my men. One of them I wanted to eventually take over as the manager. These men spied for me and helped me with my scheme.

That visit, I again met Paisley in the changeroom and watched her get ready as we flirted. This time, I took her into the VIP room. I teased her about not being a real stripper because she left her panties on. She blushed and smiled but didn’t say anything. During the dance, I didn’t touch her.

The dance ended and I paid for another. This time I nibbled her ear and said, “You know I decided to buy the club. To have you as my dancer would be worth it. You are going to take off those panties to be the head-dancer.”

Her reply was a simple, “I’ll think about it.” The truth was, I could see she enjoyed the taboo. Giving her future boss a lap dance caused her sent to grow stronger.

I decided to add to her excitement. I knew despite being a native, Elliot’s dick was smaller than the average white man’s, and he was second to the only cock she had ever got to play with. I reached for her hand, then placed her hand on my hardening cock. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t pull away. I then pushed her hand down to the head, so she could both see, and feel how big I was.

“I bet you have never had one like that before.”

Her face turned red.

“I have a fiancee. That is why the panties stay on.”

“They will come off. I can see it in your eyes. You want to know what something this big feels like. You have heard stories. Soon it will be time to find out.”

The song ended and she smirked. She had no idea how primed she really was. From that day forward, I did the full-court press. Every visit I pushed a little farther. I didn’t stick my finger in her cunt, as I did with the other girls. I tried to make her feel as if I was giving her more respect than I did others. She knew I was a horn dog. The media had made sure everybody knew that. By the time I was at the club with Elliot, she would be primed to do what I want. I never let on that I knew who her fiance was.

The next time I visited, the owner introduced me as the future owner and informed everybody that they were to treat me as such. That was when I started to take liberties. While watching the show, I would keep two girls on my lap, often fingering them. I would start slow and watch their reaction. I didn’t want to push any of them farther than they were willing to go. When a girl didn’t know you were willing to hold back, they tended to be willing to give more.

The girls were all afraid that, when I took over the club, I would fire them. There was almost always a high turnover of girls when a club changed hands, and they knew I had plenty of strippers I could bring in from other clubs. It was common knowledge that I owned, Slutty, the fastest growing porn empire on the planet.

Whenever I walked by a girl, my hands were all over her. You could tell which bouncers were dating which girls by how they react to my intrusion. Any scowls made me want to fuck their girl. I mean, who doesn’t want the forbidden?

For about a month, I started visiting the club regularly. Each time, I would bring some guys with me. They were mostly my employees that I thought needed a break. It wasn’t a reward. These girls weren’t trained up to my standards, and we couldn’t get away with as much as we could in one of my other clubs.

I would pay the girls to get friendly with my guests. Each time I sent a girl into the VIP room, I would check her oil first. To begin with, they hated it but quickly got used to it.

To fuck with Elliot, the day the girls were told about me buying the club, I had Bob, my manager in charge of hotel acquisitions, contact Elliot. Bob facilitated the deal to buy the club. I knew Elliot had heard stories about Slutty forcing girls to sign slave contracts. I wasn’t ready for him to know it was me that was buying the club. I didn’t want him to force Paisley to quit. Bob kept stalling the talks until I was ready.

One week before I decide to meet with Elliot to close the deal, I got the bartenders to stop watering down the dancers’ drinks. Punters typically bought girls drinks to loosen them up. The bar usually watered them down, so the girls could keep their whits about them. Two days before I met with Elliot, I got some of the bartenders to slip X-Plus into drinks. I only had them slipping the girls drugs when signalled to do so. I didn’t want the girls breaking the law and getting arrested.

The day I met with Elliot, I held an early meeting and everybody from the club attended. I let them know my plans for the club, and that I hoped Paisley would be my spokeswoman, or at least the club’s head-dancer. Most of the girls thought that was a good idea. I told all the girls if they wanted to stay working, they would have to sign a contract. I also told them I was buying the only other club in town. This gave them no choice. If they wanted to stay working they had to sign a contract. It was my new standard stripper’s contract. It was worded to confuse the girls. They were all gullible enough to sign it.

That day was when I started Elliot’s transformation into a cuckold. He was supposed to meet Bob. He had no idea that Slutty was involved in the deal, and he had less of a clue that I was involved. Just before Elliot and Bob were to meet, Bob phoned and reschedules the appointment for two hours later. He also moved the meeting to the restaurant in an expensive hotel.

I was rattling Elliot’s cage. I wanted to make sure he was off his game and not thinking straight. I fucked with his entire day with one bad thing after another. I loved being me. Before the evening began, I had one last stunt. I had the air drained out of his tires. This made him late when he was trying to be early.

He showed up to the hotel restaurant 20 minutes late. I had already ordered and was eating my food. I was having my usual steak dinner, and in that place, it was a $200 plate. Elliot only ordered water and an appetizer. He was paying for this out of his pocket and couldn’t afford it.

We only talked business for a short bit, simply to make sure he had the right paperwork for the two properties I was buying. Then, we talked about what we had done in the past few years. I rubbed it in his face. He was a failure, and I was a multi-billionaire.

He always thought he was better than me. I receive great satisfaction knowing he was impotent enough he needed his fiancee to pay his bills. As I finish my meal, I commented about wanting to visit the clubs. I acted like I was going to visit the shitty one first. He thought I would get drunk and stay at the first club I went to. When we were younger, that was the kind of thing I did. In reality, I knew he and Paisley only had one car. He always picked up his girl from work. I had to leave the club early every time I visit since I didn’t want him to see me. He excuses himself from accompanying me, claiming he needed to pick his fiancee up from work.

It was custom for the realtor to pay for the meal, but I had expensive tastes, so I always insisted on paying, not this time. I knew his credit card was maxed. He had to use the money he stole from Paisley to be able to afford the bill.

I headed to the strip club, but park a block away, and took a nap. I wanted to make sure he was settled before I entered the club.

I entered the club with perfect timing. Paisley was doing her set. I could tell her drinks had been spiked, as I ordered. She was dancing with far more heat than normal. I had some good fortune. She was in lust, dancing, but when she looked at Elliot, she had a deep scowl. She was pissed at him for something. She didn’t take her panties off, but she went farther than normal. She was letting punters at the tipping bar stick their hand in her panties to give her a tip. Elliot wasn’t happy.

I noticed he had two girls sitting with him when I arrived. When Paisley’s set was over, they were leaving. It was a strong indication they were friends with him. It was common for a girl to sit with a friend when they needed a break. They were still visible, so they were not forgotten. It was easier to get back into the crowd than if they had gone backstage.

I grabbed Angel, one of the stripers that were sitting with him. My hand was on her far butt cheek, as I guided her to Elliot.

“So you decided to join me after all.”

Trying to cover his true reason for being there, he lied, “She has to work late, so I figured I’d hang with you.” He knew my hatred for dishonesty. He also knew I usually discover the lie. Given all the shit he pulled as kids he was used to lying around me. As kids, he always knew I knew he was lying, but the lies weren’t for me. They were to turn people against me or to hide something from them that he did to me. I’m sure his Pavlovian conditioning played into his actions, as I could see no reason why he would lie about who his fiancee was.

I sat down and pulled Angel on top of me. I absentmindedly caressed her bare skin, then gave her a deep and passionate kiss.

“Angel, This is Elliot. He is another friend of mine. You will show him a good time.”

Angel moaned, pretending to be in lust, then in a sultry voice said, “Any friend of Mr. Brown is a good friend of mine. She slid off my lap and moved to side-saddle on his. Her feet were pointed toward me. My hand was still on her thigh. I worked my hand up her skirt as she rubbed her tits all over his chest. I was glad her bouncer boyfriend wasn’t there that night.

Elliot didn’t think I had seen, but he wasn’t all that sneaky when he gestured for Angle to play along with his deceit. I told him, “I’m glad to see you here. Maybe I can entice you to join my empire. I can use somebody in property acquisitions. I’m always looking to help family and it is something I need. It’s a win, win situation.”

Angel moaned into his chest in response to my hand. It had slipped farther up her leg and into her panties. My trigger finger was playing with her clit and the next two fingers were inside her.

Paisley was on her way out of the change room to work the floor.

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