My Brother Brad - Cover

My Brother Brad

Copyright© 2019 by Jake

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Brad first lures his respectable married sister into sharing a weekend break with him and in doing so reveals what a slut she can be when she really tries! But then the stakes are raised with Brad joining his sister and her deliciously young daughter at The Eden Resort.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Lesbian   Cheating   Mother   Brother   Daughter   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Revenge   Slow  

The Return of Robert

Linda’s husband Robert, had completed his overseas task and was now back in the bosom of his family. He’d found his family had gained a long lost ‘Uncle Brad’ and my presence was something he soon got use to and enjoyed.

To make up for the time he had been away, Robert decided to take his wife Linda on a Golf Tournament tour in Scotland. And who better to watch over things in his absence than that reliable Uncle Brad!

So off in a Cab they had gone, leaving me and Rachel together! But I was careful not to do anything a trustworthy Uncle shouldn’t; other than to slip off with her on a dirty weekend for two!

The warm weekend soon passed and then Linda had phoned me to say they were homeward bound. Linda had also chatted with her daughter on the phone; the pair enjoying a good gossip. Rachel had clearly given all my activities a glowing report; because I was soon to find I’d earned back my sister’s warmth and affection.

I had been bare-chested in the sun-drenched driveway, putting a finishing polish to Robert’s 4x4 when their taxi arrived.

Linda emerge from the cab looking great and she came over to hug me and there was something special in the way she’d held me; as her lips brushed my neck. “Oh it’s so good to see you Brad! Where’s Rachel?”

“Oh yeh, she’s out on a dog ramble; she’s been really good the whole time. We’ve really enjoyed ourselves.” Linda put her arm through mine and while Robert sorted out the luggage from the cab, we went indoors and in the brief privacy of the hallway, her tits pressed into me and this time her kiss was sensuous and sexy; while her hand gave my cock a little squeeze!

“That’s for being a good boy with Rachel.” she purred softly, “ You’ll be rewarded later; so don’t rush off home; OK?”

Then when Robert had confronted me I’d also received his approval; saying their Scottish vacation had been made all the more relaxing, knowing I’d been back home looking after things.

Initially it had alarmed Robert to discover I’d taken Rachel off in his car; on a weekend trip into the mountains! Then she’d came in from her ramble and while fussing all over her father, she’d joyfully enthused on her weekend adventure! Robert soon decided it had been a good tonic for the girl; especially after her tough exams; and so I was praised for my initiative!

But more important for Robert, was his personal success with the tournament trip.

His club was delighted with his organisational skills which had brought them much valued prestige. In fact Robert was expecting a significant announcement regarding his position at the Golf Club meeting that very evening!

I caught Linda’s resigned glance implying, ‘ here he goes; back to the golf club again!’

I gave her a wink, realising now that we’d have the evening alone.

Robert left for his club at 6pm, so it was just the three of us having the roast beef with all the trimmings, that I had earlier prepared and now cooked for dinner.

Having laid-up the table all pretty with wine glasses, I gave the girls a shout that dinner was being served. They had both responded with an appreciative yell, and Rachel then appeared.

My jaw dropped as I took in her beauty. It was the first time I’d seen her in a simple one-piece dress and wearing heels; looking so slender and elegant. I held out my arms and she came against me; our lips hovered, then met very softly for a few seconds as my cock expanded. She murmured in my ear,

“Thanks for that weekend Brad; hope we can do another sometime.”

Then I became aware that Linda was stood closely beside us and saying softly,

“Is there room for one more; or is this a private thing?”

I turned and saw she too was elegantly dressed. Linda’s lips brushed past mine and settled on her daughters; their kiss was one of practised lovers! Had they been at it previously in the bedroom?

Linda turned to me saying, “You were saying something about dinner being served Brad?”

Sharing that meal with them was a wonderful feeling of belonging together. We chatted and laughed over anything and nothing really; simply relaxed and content being with each other.

The fine wine did rather flow and eventually young Rachel became ready for bed.

We both supported the tipsy girl into her bedroom and while she giggled we undressed her. Before we’d reached for her nightdress she’d laid naked on the bed. I looked to Linda for guidance.

“Stay with her Brad; I won’t be a moment.”

Linda went to her bedroom but soon reappeared. She’d slipped out of her elegant dress and was now in just beige bra and panties; and holding a large personal vibrator!

Linda gazed at her naked daughter and spoke in a low smouldering tone,

“She’s been asking for me to use this on her for a while now Brad, and this would seem an ideal opportunity to break her in.”

A mixture of emotion swirled inside me but only the coarsest blurted out,

“I’ll fuck her for you if you like Linda?”

She looked at me scornfully,

“I don’t like Brad! Just spread her legs apart for me!”

I soon felt the perspiration beading on my brow for as I was spreading Racey’s legs apart, Linda pulled aside her panty-gusset and slid the dildo into herself! My rock hard cock throbbed!

“Yes, that’s it; now just hold her pussy-lips apart for me Brad.”

My heart was thumping and with quivering fingers I did so, revealing the girl’s pink inner flesh! The girl had become restless; her senses beginning to recover, “No ... don’t...” she’d murmured.

Linda came forward and introduced the tip of the vibrator to the youngster’s glistening entrance and I watched intently as the girl’s virgin cunt seemingly swallowed six inches of greased vibrator shaft!

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