My Sister-in-law Beth - Cover

My Sister-in-law Beth

Copyright© 2019 by Rhiannon57

Chapter 6

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After losing his wife to illness, Jeff is approached by his sister-in-law Beth who was unhappy in her own marriage. Read how Jeff's life turns into a roller-coaster.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex  

We entered the main room downstairs and looked around for Lance. I soon spotted him sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. After a second, it was apparent to both Beth and I, he was hitting on her. We approached him from behind so he had no idea we had come down from upstairs. Beth walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and when he saw us, we got his usual annoyed look. Beth told him we were ready to leave after he finished his last drink. In typical Lance fashion, he responded.

“Who said this was my last drink.” he snapped at her.

“I think you have had enough, let’s go ok. I want to be home before it gets too late.”

“Well I don’t much give a fuck what you think, I’m not ready to go.” He responded.

I knew this might happen. Lance never knew when to quit. To be honest, I was really quite surprised he had never wrapped himself around a tree or had a serious accident while drunk. I don’t think he ever had a DUI either, if he did I never heard about it. Beth turned and looked at me, I simply shrugged my shoulders. She turned back to Lance and continued to try to convince him it was time to go. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 11:40 p.m., twenty minutes until the new year rang in. I thought to myself what a way to ring in another year, dealing with a drunk. I looked over my shoulder and saw a small table that no one was seated at. I moved over to it, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Beth continued arguing with Lance and the more they talked the louder he became. She reached down and took his arm and tried to urge him off the bar stool. He made a swinging motion with his arm to get it away from her, coming very close to hitting her in the face. I was tired of this and him. I got up and walked over to them.

“Look Beth, let’s not do this here. We are guests of Riley’s and it is the Grand Opening, let’s not make a scene.” I told her calmly.

She agreed and backed off Lance a few steps. He got up and started to move toward her. I quickly stepped between them. He stopped abruptly and looked up at me. I am considerably bigger than Lance in both height and weight. I had continued both cardio and weight training long after my college football days were over. Considering my age, I was in much better shape than most of the younger guys who trained at my health club. I am close to 6’3” tall, weighed about 240 lbs. but have a thirty inch waist.

“What’s your problem?” he barked at me.

I simply stated in a very calm matter of fact voice that I agreed with Beth, maybe it was time to go. I offered to follow them home and make sure everyone got home safe and sound. This family did not need any further tragedy.

“Well, since I don’t give a fuck about her opinion.” he said, pointing at Beth, “What makes you think I give a fuck about yours.”

“Personally what you give a fuck about is the least of my worries.” I calmly replied, “If you want to kill yourself, great, but I don’t want anything to happen to Beth.”

“Take a fucking hike asshole.” he replied and put his finger in my face.

Beth reached over and grabbed my shoulder. She pleaded with us not to do this. She just wanted to go home. But if it was going to cause all these problems, she agreed to stay with Lance. He sneered at me, turned around and sat back at the bar. I knew as long as Lance was getting free drinks, he would not leave. Besides, he was too far gone now to drive anyway. I calmly moved next to him and asked if it would be ok to drive Beth home, that way he could stay. He looked over at her and made a wave of his hand in our direction.

“I don’t care if you leave. I can have a better time by myself.” He laughed.

“Please be careful on the way home.” Beth pleaded, as he turned his back on us.

I took her arm and gently guided her towards the door. I saw Riley in the center of the room and walked over to thank him again. He told me he was really glad I could make it and to come back anytime. He winked and asked us if we enjoyed the private entertainment. Beth blushed and looked down. We shook hands and I told him we would talk soon.

We left the club and walked down the block to the lot where my car was parked. I gave the Valet my stub and he hurried off to get my vehicle. Beth never said a word while we waited. Soon he returned and stepped out of my car. I tipped him and he hurried to the other side and opened the door for Beth. She climbed in and we pulled off the lot and headed home.

We were driving only for a few minutes, when Beth looked at the clock on the dash.

“It’s 11:58.” she said, “Almost midnight. I don’t know how many more years I can keep doing this.”

I drove a few minutes more and approached the on-ramp to the Mississippi River Bridge which connects both the East and West Banks of the river. The signal light turned red at the bottom of the ramp and I came to a complete stop.

“It’s 12:03.” Beth said, “We missed the New Year. Oh well, no use in it being a total loss.”

With that, she reached over and put one hand behind my neck. She moved her lips to mine and kissed me. Soft at first, then pressing into my mouth with more urgency. I felt the end of her tongue on my lips.

I opened my lips and mine met hers. I reached around and pulled her close to me. God, this was so good. Suddenly, a car horn broke the silence. I pulled away and looked up. The light had turned green and the driver behind me had noticed I was occupied. I waved my apology back and drove up the ramp.

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