My Sister-in-law Beth - Cover

My Sister-in-law Beth

Copyright© 2019 by Rhiannon57

Chapter 15

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 15 - After losing his wife to illness, Jeff is approached by his sister-in-law Beth who was unhappy in her own marriage. Read how Jeff's life turns into a roller-coaster.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex  

I picked Jennifer up at about six thirty in the evening at her place. She was wearing a white dress with thin straps and a rounded neckline. The dress was mid thigh and very snug at the hips. She looked absolutely ravishing. We arrived at the restaurant on time for our reservation and enjoyed a fabulous meal, desert and coffee. All the while Jennifer kept asking me what was going on. She said I was acting anxious, not like my normal self. I just kept passing it off that I had a really bad day at work, that it was nothing.

After dinner, we walked down to the Mississippi River and sat in one of the Gazebo’s facing the city. We talked for a while, held each other close and shared a few kisses. We decided to leave a short while later. I glanced at my watch, everything was going according to plan so far.

We arrived back at my car about eleven o’clock, I opened the door and let Jen in. I got in the car, opened the center console and took out Jen’s birthday present.

“Happy Birthday, Jen.”

“Oh Jeff, you shouldn’t have done that, the dinner was quite enough.” she said softly.

“I wanted to Jen, just open it.” I replied.

She carefully opened the long narrow box and opened the cover ever so slowly to expose the diamond necklace I had picked out. There in the long green velvet box, it looked much bigger than it did surrounded by all of the others in the jeweller’s showcase. I knew immediately it was a hit.

“Oh My God, Jeff, it’s beautiful.” she squealed.

She threw her arms around me and hugged me very tight. I held her for what seemed like a few minutes, then she finally eased her grip. When we parted, I saw tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong Jen?” I asked, “Did I do something wrong.”

“No, no, no, Jeff. I am just so happy, I love the necklace. Thank you so much.” she whispered, “Please put it on me.”

I took the necklace from the box and as Jen held her hair off of her neck, clasped it on her. She turned and faced me and I had to admit, it looked lovely on her. She took my face in her hands and gave me a kiss that told me just how much she liked her gift. She leaned up and whispered in my ear.

“Let’s go to bed Jeff, I want to make love all night long.” she purred in ear.

“Soon, Jen, but there’s still more birthday to come.” I informed her.

“More?” she asked, perplexed.

“Yep, more.” I smiled.

“You trust me Jen?” I asked.

“Of course, I trust you Jeff.” she replied, “Why do you ask?”

“Good then, we are going to see a friend of mine before we go home.” I told her.

We drove the few short blocks to the club and pulled into the private lot I had parked in last year. The valet took my car and we approached the club entrance.

“We are going in here?” Jen asked in surprise.

“Well, you told me that you sometimes fantasized about beautiful women. Now you get to see them up close.” I replied.

We entered the foyer area and were greeted by security. I told them I was a friend of Riley’s, they scanned the list and saw my name. Once again we were given the Gold VIP bands and ushered to the entrance. As we entered, we were immediately greeted by the hostess and directed to the VIP section. The club was extremely crowded, there were very few empty spots in the regular section of the club. I had heard over the radio that the club had become one of the hottest new places in the city, I was happy that Riley was having such success.

The hostess sat us near the back, and told us our waitress would be over shortly. She also told me Riley had stepped out of the club for a while, but had left instructions for us to be taken care of.

We were in the club about ten minutes when the music started and a very attractive blonde woman took the stage and began to dance. I asked Jen what she thought about the club. She seemed kind of embarrassed and uneasy of herself. But again, the fact that there were a lot of women patrons in the club seemed to make her feel at ease. We watched several dancers do their sets and I noticed that she was watching them intently.

“So, how do you like the entertainment?” I asked.

“Well, um, I guess it’s ok.” she responded.

“Just ok?” I replied, “I thought this was sort of a fantasy of yours?”

“Well, yes, I guess it is. I guess I am just embarrassed a little.”

“Don’t be, enjoy yourself. It’s only us, no one will ever know we were here.” I told her.

A few dances later and our hostess came back to the table. She informed me that our room was ready and to follow her. Jen looked at me puzzled but I reassured her this was part of her birthday. We followed her to one of the rooms upstairs reserved for private entertainment. This time, we were given the room across from the one I had been in last year. As soon as I entered, it was much the same as I remembered the other one being.

She asked us to be comfortable and have a seat. We both sat on the rounded sofa as the hostess left the room. I could tell Jen was very nervous by the way she was anxiously moving her foot and looking around the room.

There was a soft knock on the door and a turn of the knob. In walked Raine, quietly closing the door behind her. She had a long black silk robe on with black high heel shoes. If possible she looked even prettier then I remembered.

“So this is the Birthday Girl?” Raine asked, extending her hand to me.

“Yes it is.” I answered, “Raine this is Jennifer.”

“Hi Jennifer.” Raine said, again extending her hand, “And Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you, I think.” Jen laughed back.

“Raine, you know Jeff?” Jennifer asked.

“Well, I met Jeff once, last year for our Grand Opening on New Year’s Eve. He knows the owner really well.” Raine replied.

I was so glad that she omitted any other details than those. Of course I am guessing in this line of work discretion is always needed.

Raine went over to the CD player, loaded her music, picked up the remote and walked back over to where Jennifer was sitting.

“You need to move to guest of honor seat.” Raine told Jennifer pointing to the high backed black velour chair in the center of the room.

“You mean you’re gonna...” Jennifer stuttered pointing to the chair.

“I sure am.” smiled Raine.

Raine leaned over and took Jen by the hand and led her over to the chair. Jen looked over at me for some sort of help, but I was just laughing. She said something to Raine about not being sure if this was a good idea or not. Raine assured her that she could stop anytime she wanted to. That seem to reassure Jen somewhat as she sat down in the lush black chair. She tried to pull her short skirt down as far as she could, but I was still treated to a wonderful view of her upper thighs.

Raine pointed the remote at the CD player and pressed start, the music quickly responded. Raine reached up to her waist, undid the belt of the robe and removed it in what appeared to be all one motion. She was wearing a baby blue matching bra and panty set. Her bright red hair looked absolutely amazing in contrast to the light blue. She turned and walked over to me and bent over in my ear, giving Jennifer a full rear view picture of her assets.

“How far do you want me to go with her?” she asked in my ear.

“As far as she will let you go and you feel comfortable doing Raine.” I replied.

“Ok, but this could get expensive.” she whispered in a laugh.

“I will make it worth your while, I promise.” I reassured her.

Raine turned and moved back over to Jennifer and began to slowly sway her hips in sync with the music. Jen would look at Raine for a moment, then back at me. Raine moved closer to Jen and straddled her thighs, placing her hands on Jen’s shoulders. She would slowly sway back and forth until she was almost all the way down on Jen’s lap, then she would move back up again. Over and over this went on, maybe six or seven times. Then she pulled Jen by the hands so that she was seated further out on the chair. I knew what was coming next. This time on the way down, Raine pressed her lap into Jen’s, moving her hips back and forth. I could see Jen’s legs moving with the weight of Raine’s motions. As Raine’s hips moved back and forth on Jennifer’s lap, she was pushing her skirt up her legs. After a minute or so, Jen’s black panties were visible between her thighs, which had parted slightly under Raine’s weight.

Raine’s hands were on Jen’s hips pulling her close and she looked deep into her eyes. I could tell now that Jen’s embarrassment had somewhat faded and she was becoming more attentive to Raine. The red head sensed this as well and she began to get bolder, moving one hand up to softly stroke Jen’s left breast. I saw Jen’s eyes close as she concentrated on the feelings she was experiencing. Raine reached down with her other hand and took one of Jen’s and placed it on her hip. Jen soon followed with her other hand on Raine’s right hip. Soon Jen’s hand had moved up to Raine’s back and was lightly stroking it up and down.

Raine turned and again asked me to move into the chair next to Jen’s commenting that the view was better over there. From experience, I immediately did as I was told. Jen somewhat noticed that I had moved but I don’t really think she cared at this point.

Raine lifted her weight from Jen and pushed her back slightly in the chair. In doing so, Raine was now seated just above Jen’s knees. Raine leaned over and began to softly kiss Jen’s neck. I could tell from the jolt in her body that Jen’s senses were highly sensitive at this point. As Raine was kissing up and down Jen’s neck, I noticed that she moved her right hand down to Jen’s left thigh. She softly moved her fingers back and forth brushing her thigh lightly as she nibbled on Jen’s neck. Then in one swift movement, she slide her hand between Jen’s thighs until she was touching her panties. I heard a soft barely audible moan escape Jen’s lips.

Without moving her hand, Raine raised up slightly and used her other hand to push Jen’s skirt up as far as it could go, exposing a pair of black lace panties. Jen looked down at Raine’s hand stroking her pussy, close her eyes and threw her head back. I leaned forward to get a better view.

Raine took the fingers of her other hand and slid them inside the waistband of Jen’s panties, pulling them down and toward her. She then slid her other hand down Jen’s panties until her fingers were rubbing Jen’s pussy. Jen lifted her head and once again looked down at Raine’s talented fingers. She licked her lips and looked up directly into Raine’s eyes. Raine leaned forward and pressed her lips to Jen’s in a very soft but extremely sensual kiss. As their lips were pressing together, I could see Raine’s finger moving in and out between Jen’s pussy lips. Raine broke the kiss and looked at Jen and whispered in a low tone.

“How about you giving me a hand here?” she asked looking down at her crotch.

Without any further coaxing needed, Jen’s hand went to the crotch of the red head’s panties and began a soft but deliberate stroking motion. She extended her middle finger and pressed it firmly between the lips of Raine’s pussy.

“Oh yes, that feels so nice.” Raine’s whispered.

For the next few minutes I watched these two beautiful women masturbate each other, both of them becoming more and more aroused with each other. Jen had now gotten her hands inside of Raine’s panties and was feverishly working over her pussy. Raine was expertly working over Jen’s clit like only another woman could. Raine looked in my direction and grinned.

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