My Sister-in-law Beth - Cover

My Sister-in-law Beth

Copyright© 2019 by Rhiannon57

Chapter 14

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 14 - After losing his wife to illness, Jeff is approached by his sister-in-law Beth who was unhappy in her own marriage. Read how Jeff's life turns into a roller-coaster.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex  

Jennifer was in the midst of a very big government fraud trial, so our time together was limited over the next few months. We did get together once or twice a week for dinner or a movie. Jen was so easy to get along with and though despite our age differences she made me feel like a young man. We both kept ourselves busy with our respective jobs, making time for each other when we could.

On one of my normal Sunday dinners to my in-laws, Jen’s parents were once again present, along with Lance and Beth, and one of my father-in-law’s sisters. I was determined to keep the conversation low key and avoid any possible unpleasantness.

I was the last to arrive, which was unusual, but made my way to the table. The conversation was harmless at first until Miss Margie, Jen’s mother asked how things were going between the two of us. I replied things had been very pleasant and that we had been out maybe three or four times, in the past month or so, but our work schedules were really brutal.

I couldn’t help but feel Beth’s cold gaze on me, however I did not look in her direction to acknowledge her. One thing however, I had noticed was that Lance had somewhat began to revert to his former self. Not near as bad mind you, but he was having his moments.

After dinner was over, I got up to help my mother-in-law with the dishes. When we were alone in the kitchen, I asked my mother-in-law if we could talk. She replied that I was like a son to her and anything I wanted to say was fine by her.

“Mom, you know Susan meant to world to me, I loved her with all of my heart. You and Dad have always made me feel like the son you never had and since my parents died early in my life, I can never repay you for the kindness you have shown to me.” I stated.

“That’s why I need to tell you something, Mom...” I continued.

Before I could finish, my mother-in-law placed one finger over her lips to ask me to be quiet for a brief moment.

“I think I know what you’re going to say Jeff. You think that perhaps you might be attracted to Jennifer, but you want to make sure that Dad and I are ok with it.” she replied. “Jeff, you were the most doting, caring, loving, thoughtful and considerate husband that we could have hoped Susan would marry. For the last six months of her life, you never left her side, never let go of her hand. Jennifer is a very nice girl, you two have a lot in common, you have both of our blessings to move on. I know Susan would want you to be happy.”

“Thanks, Mom, I love you.” I replied and hugged her.

I decided to make an early exit and avoid any unpleasant situation with Beth, I arrived home an hour later and found a message from Jennifer. The message said she had closed her case and it had gone to the jury. They expected a verdict by Wednesday or Thursday. She mentioned she would love to spend a nice quiet weekend, just the two of us. That sounded great to me.

I had just gotten home Thursday evening from work, walked in the house and the phone rang. I picked it up and to my surprise, it was Beth.

“Jeff, I really need to talk to you. Do you think the two of us can meet us for an hour or so?” she asked.

“Beth, I don’t think that’s a very good idea. You and Lance are back together, all we are doing is tempting fate.” I replied.

“So you have blown me off already, Jeff?” she snapped.

“Now, wait Beth, what about the letter you wrote. After all we shared that’s the let down I get?” I retorted.

“Jeff, I have to talk to you to settle things once and for all, please.” she begged.

“I will get back to you, Beth. Soon.” was my reply.

Friday night came around, I went to the local Thai Restaurant on the way home and picked up dinner. Jen arrived about six thirty, we sat down and enjoyed a wonderful meal. We sat on the sofa and watched a movie on Lifetime, which I have to admit was not bad. Curled up on the sofa with Jen, just felt so right, so natural.

Right after the movie ended, Jen started flipping channels and stopped on the HBO Channel. They were starting the serials “Reel Sex”. The show started boring with a local strip club in Atlanta for women only, the second segment was about couples massage and the last segment was a sex workshop that was given in Colorado, where married couples went to expand their horizons.

I noticed that Jen’s interest piqued during the last segment. As the show ended, she turned to me and stated quite simply.

“Do you have any unfulfilled sexual fantasies, Jeff?” she asked.

“Where the heck, did that come from girl?” I replied.

“I dunno, I guess I am just trying to get to know you better.” She answered.

“Well, how I about I ask, do you have any?” I fired back.

“A few, but you have to go first, or it’s no deal.” She said shyly.

I went on to tell Jen, with a great deal of shyness, that I always was extremely aroused watching a woman masturbate herself to orgasm.

“What about watching two girls have sex together?” Jen asked.

“I can’t say Jen, I have never had that experience, but I am sure it would be pleasurable. So what about you Jen, what’s your big turn-on?” I laughed.

“Promise me you won’t think any less of me if I tell you this.” She said looking down at the floor.

I agreed and Jennifer began to attempt to tell me, stuttering through the sentences, that just once, she wanted to make love to a beautiful woman.

“Do you think I’m weird?” she asked.

“No Jen, from what I hear, it’s very common these days.” I replied.

Jennifer and I were becoming more and more at ease with each other. It seemed the more time I spent with her, the more attracted to her I had become. Jennifer’s birthday was July 3rd, and I was hoping to do something special for her. I had decided the weekend before her party, I would take Jen, her Mom and Dad, all out to eat. The meal was great success and everyone had a great time.

A few days later, it was time for me to renew my health club membership, so as I went into the trainer’s office to pay, I pulled out my wallet. I found my credit card and handed it to the young lady and as I was waiting, I happened to thumb through my wallet. I reached in and pulled out the gloss back business card that said only “Raine”, with a phone number. I had held on to that card for over a year, don’t ask me why. As looked at the card, I suddenly had an idea.

Two days later I called my friend Riley who owned the club that Beth, Lance and I had went to the previous New Year’s Eve. I called him up and left word for him to return my call. He did the next day and we caught up quickly. I explained to him I had met Jennifer and what a great girl she was. He asked me to bring her down to the club, so he could meet her. I informed him, I was thinking of just that and asked him if Raine still worked there. He laughed, and told me, she was the absolute best, and he hoped she would never leave him. I asked him to see if Raine was up to a private party and I would make it worth her while.

It was Monday and Jennifer’s birthday was Friday, I had to figure out what I was going to do. I had previously bought her present, a very nice diamond necklace. It was a gift that said, I really like you, without coming on too strong. I was supposed to pick it up on Wednesday evening after work. I made reservations at Commander’s Palace, a five star restaurant in New Orleans, which some say in the best in the city.

I figured by Wednesday, I had the entire evening planned out. I had just heard from Jen, she explained the jury had reached a verdict and court would reconvene tomorrow morning, then she would be free for the weekend. After work I stopped at the jewellers on the way home, picked up Jen’s birthday gift. I had just returned to my vehicle and was backing out of the parking lot when my cell phone rang. I figured it was Jen again, so I quickly answered it. I was wrong.

“Hi Jeff, it’s Beth, how are you?” she asked.

“I am doing well Beth and you?” I replied.

“Well, not really that great, can we get together and talk soon?” she inquired, “How about tomorrow night?”

“I can’t on Friday, I have plans that I cannot break.” I stated.

“You going out with Jennifer?” she said in a very annoyed tone.

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