My Sister-in-law Beth - Cover

My Sister-in-law Beth

Copyright© 2019 by Rhiannon57

Chapter 10

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 10 - After losing his wife to illness, Jeff is approached by his sister-in-law Beth who was unhappy in her own marriage. Read how Jeff's life turns into a roller-coaster.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex  

I laid on the sofa that night so frustrated at myself for letting things get this chaotic. How could I allow myself to fall in love with Beth?

I couldn’t get the sight of her and Lance out of my head. I wanted to go over there and drag him out of the house and beat the crap out of him. But, from where I was sitting it certainly appeared Beth was co-operating fully. Suddenly I knew I was going to be sick. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, barely getting there in time.

I was restless all that night and awoke early the next morning. As I opened my eyes, my mind immediately went to work. Did Lance spend the night? I think what really bothered me the most, was that Beth had not even tried to contact me and try to explain. I got dressed and left for work.

Christmas was Saturday, we were off on Friday, which was Christmas Eve. Jennifer’s office party was Thursday night at one of the five star restaurants in the French Quarter. I left work early that Thursday to make sure I was ready on time. I pulled into my drive about an hour later and opened the box to get my mail. I went inside through the mail on the table and went to get cleaned up. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I noticed I was about an hour early. I turned on the TV and grabbed the mail. As I was sorting through it I came upon a letter hand addressed. I opened the letter and pulled out a small piece of folded paper. On it was printed :

[ I know this is not fair to you. I can’t imagine what you are going to think of me after you read this. I wanted to tell you in person, but I can’t bear to look you in eyes and see the hurt I am causing you. You have been through so much already. Know that I do love you but I have to try and make this work. ]

No name, no signature, nothing but those words. As I stared at the letter, I was numb. This was it? After all we went through I was going to get a generic Dear John letter. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. No names. That way if I did decide to try and get even, nothing on the letter really proved it was from Beth. In fact did she even write it?

I went over to the drawer where Susan had kept sentimental things she had gotten through the years. One of her most prized possessions was a letter that Beth had written Susan about a month before Susan died. It was a touching letter that thanked Susan for being the best big sister a girl could ever have. I opened it and compared the writing. As I thought, Beth had not wrote the note personally, I am guessing so she could deny it in case it ever came up. I guess she had one of the girls in her office write it for her. I took both letters and put them in the same drawer.

I arrived at Jennifer’s condo about seven that evening. The last thing I felt like doing that evening was being around a lot of people drinking and having a good time. I would have much preferred to stay home and feel sorry for myself. I walked up to the entrance and pressed the buzzer for 4D. A few seconds later the buzzer sounded.

“Jeff, can you come up for a second, I am not quite ready.”

The buzzer sounded again and I pushed open the door. I took the elevator to the fourth floor, got out and found my way to 4D. The door was slightly ajar, so I knocked briefly, stuck my head in and announced I was here.

“Come in and sit down, I will be right there.” Jennifer called out.

I walked in and closed the door. I looked around and noticed how well the home was decorated. Everything in its place, very expensive furnishings. The kitchen was open to the main living room and it was spotless. I moved over to a large beige leather sofa and sat down. About five minutes later, the bedroom door opened and Jennifer walked in.

She was wearing a long red dress, floor length. She had on black heels and her hair was pulled up off her neck and shoulders. She was absolutely stunning. The gown clung to her body like a second skin, showing off all of her natural assets. She scurried around the condo grabbing things and putting them in her purse. We quickly exited and made our way back to my car.

The party was pretty much as I figured it would be. People drinking too much, giving them an excuse to behave differently than they could under normal circumstances. All I could think about was Beth and the letter I had just gotten. Apparently, I must have seemed pretty down, because a young lady, maybe mid twenties, came over to where I was standing and said hello. She introduced herself as Katie, she was one of Jennifer’s secretaries. She proceeded to fill me in on who was who in the rooms. Jennifer was against the opposite wall talking to two other attorneys. Katie, then started to ask me questions. Routine at first, but then getting a bit more inquisitive.

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