My Sister-in-law Beth - Cover

My Sister-in-law Beth

Copyright© 2019 by Rhiannon57

Chapter 1

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After losing his wife to illness, Jeff is approached by his sister-in-law Beth who was unhappy in her own marriage. Read how Jeff's life turns into a roller-coaster.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex  

I have read a few stories before and to be honest, always thought they were fictional, no way this happens to ordinary people. But I have to admit, I was wrong. My wife died about 8 years ago from cancer at the age of 39, I was 42. We were high school sweethearts who married very young. We were both faithful to the day she passed away and I still miss Susan every day.

We live around the corner from my wife’s younger sister, Beth and her husband. It was quite known in the family that Beth’s husband Lance was lazy and thoughtless. He very seldom worked and was very demanding. Why Beth stayed with him was always a mystery.

I was about to have my 50th birthday and had absolutely no plans of any sort whatsoever. I figured that, this birthday like the seven previous ones without Susan would be spent at home watching TV. For some reason, I had never pursued another relationship after Susan died. I am not into the bar scene and I work at a company that only employed two women and both were young girls in their twenties, flighty and very immature.

My sister-in-law Beth, who is 42, called me one evening and asked what was I doing for my birthday.

“Nothing.” I told her.

“You’re turning 50 and you’re not celebrating?”

“I don’t really feel like doing anything, I would probably spend the weekend around the house.”

“We have to go out and at least have dinner.”

I really liked Beth, she was always so kind to me, but the thought of dinner with Lance just was not the way I wanted to spend my birthday. I kind of dodged the issue, we made more small talk and she told me we would talk later that week.

I was watching TV Thursday night when the doorbell rang, and there stood Beth when I opened the door. We kissed on the cheek and hugged as she entered.

She was coming home from work, where she and my wife had been partners in business for many years. They worked in a professional setting and always dressed very business like. Beth, like my wife Susan was simply stunning. Always the lady, always dressed impeccably.

We entered the family room and sat down, Beth on the large leather sectional and me in my favorite old recliner, that was the one piece of furniture in my home that looked out of place. Susan had decorated our home from top to bottom and it is simply beautiful.

We started chatting about going out to dinner for my birthday and after a while, I could not help but notice how short Beth’s skirt was. She had pulled it down as far as she could, but it was still mid thigh. We started talking and lost track of time. The conversation turned from my birthday to her problems with Lance. She confided that she really thought he was having an affair, but had no proof. She asked me “How did you and Susan do it, you always appeared to be so much in love?”

“I really don’t know, I think it was just two people who really got it right. We never really worked at it, it came natural.”

I could see her eyes water a little, maybe thinking of her sister. To get off the subject, I offered her a glass of wine. Both Susan and Beth were wine drinkers. Susan turned our basement into a wine cellar, she was quite the expert. Personally I never could really taste the difference in the wines, so I always let Susan choose. Beth went downstairs and came back with a Merlot she was fond of. I took the bottle, went to the kitchen to open it and get two glasses. I returned to the family room and handed Beth her glass and took my seat.

After taking a sip of the wine, I could not help but notice that Beth had slightly parted her thighs giving me a view of her silky white upper thighs.

As we talked, I found it increasingly difficult to carry a conversation with the view I was getting. I was not sure, but I sensed that several times she caught my eyes wandering.

“Can I get another glass of wine?” she asked.

“Sure, let me get it for you.”

I went to the kitchen and returned with a fresh glass for her. As I sat down again, I immediately noticed she had parted her legs even further. I could now see her lacy white panties between her thighs.

Ever since Susan had died, my entire sex life consisted of masturbating alone. It became so stale, that I might have been only indulging once a month for the past year or so. But suddenly with this new visual stimulation, I could feel my penis swelling with absolutely no physical contact. I was trying really hard not be obvious, looking her in the eyes as we spoke. Only when she would look away, would my eyes dart down to her legs. We talked for a few minutes more, then she said she had to be going. I thanked her for stopping by and as I leaned in to kiss her cheek, she turned her lips to mine and gave me a soft, very moist quick kiss on the lips, followed by a hug.

As soon as she pulled out of the driveway, I sat back down in the recliner and tried to watch TV, but my mind kept wandering to those white lacy panties and that soft warm kiss. I decided that it was time for a shower and head to bed, this was getting me nowhere.

Later in bed, I simply could not sleep. All I could think of was Beth. Was she really coming onto to me? Or was it just that I have been very lonely for too long of a time. Whatever the case, I soon found my hand around my cock, slowly pumping it up and down. In no time, my cock was throbbing and I could feel my orgasm coming. I closed my eyes, thought of Beth, and exploded into the best orgasm I had experienced in quite some time. I can honestly say, I fell asleep that night and slept like a baby.

The next day, I was at the office, when I got a call from Beth.

“How about dinner tonight?” she asked.

Even though, I could not imagine spending a night with Lance, I accepted.

“About 8 p.m.” she said. “We will pick you up.”

There it was confirmed, Lance would be attending. I trudged through the day and soon was headed home to get ready. They arrived right on time and we headed out to a really nice restaurant not far away.

Lance as always, was his old charming self. I just simply could not see what Beth ever saw in this guy. But as always, I held my tongue and made small talk.

Dinner was more of the same, but I did notice that Lance was really drinking a bit more than usual. While waiting for dessert, Lance got up and excused himself to go to the restroom. Beth as always, quickly apologized for his behavior.

“It’s not your fault Beth” I replied. “You simply have to quit excusing him for being this way.”

She nodded in agreement just as he returned to the table. We finished desert, while Lance finished two more drinks. When we got up to leave, I just knew he was not in the position to drive home. As to not get Beth into an argument with him, I stepped up and said “Lance, let me drive home, you can relax, why take a chance on a DUI?”

Lance gave me one of his looks and replied “I am not even close to being ready to go home, let’s head to a club.”

Not being the drinker, I declined. We rode back in silence, I could tell Lance was pissed as usual. I felt bad for Beth because I knew she was going to bear the brunt of it. As we pulled into my driveway, I thanked them and got out quickly. Being already late, I decided to head straight to bed.

I was probably asleep for a couple of hours when my cell phone rang. I reached over half asleep, looked at the phone and saw it was Beth calling.

“Jeff” she said.

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” she replied, “I just can’t sleep.”

She told me that Lance had dropped her off at their home and went back out. He was still not home. I looked at the clock and it was 3:44 in the morning.

“Does he do this often?”

“Yes; lately a lot.”

She then pretty much opened up to me about her entire marriage with Lance and how she had just about come to the breaking point. Somehow during this conversation she began telling me about her sex life. She told me that she used to talk to Susan about this, but since she had died, there was really no one to confide in. She told me for the past few years, the only person Lance was interested in satisfying was himself. She hinted that she was pretty much having to take care of herself just to be able to relieve a bit of tension.

“Well,” I replied, “I know that feeling well.”

She giggled and the conversation ended a minute or two later. I looked at the clock and it was almost 5 a.m., so there was no point in trying to go back to asleep. It was Saturday and being alone that meant I had to buy groceries, wash my car and clean the house up a bit.

The day flew by and I got a lot accomplished. That evening I went to a local Chinese Restaurant, got a lot of take out and went back home. I took a quick shower, then sat down to eat and watch TV. About five minutes later my phone rang and once again it was Beth. I actually debated on whether to answer the phone or not. I really was not up to being the considerate listener tonight. But after two more rings, I picked up.

“Hi Beth, what’s up?”

“Not much, Lance went to the basketball game with his friends, won’t be home until late.” She added, “Would you like to go out and grab a quick bit to eat?”

“I just got back from the Chinese Restaurant. I have a lot of food spread out here...”

Before I could say anything else, she chirped “Oh, then I will join you.”

I couldn’t say anything else but, “Sure, no problem” at that point.

“I’ll be right over!”

About 45 minutes later the doorbell rang and it was Beth. As she passed me in the open door, I immediately smelled a fresh, powdery fragrance, with a slight hint of perfume. I figured she was just out of the shower. She had on jeans and a “T” shirt, something which I have rarely seen her wear. I got her a TV tray and set her up on the end of the sofa with a plate.

We watched TV, ate and chatted for a good while. The program went off at 8 p.m., and there wasn’t much else coming on.

“How about some wine?” Beth asked.

“The bottle we opened few days ago is still on the island counter.”

“Great”, she replied and was back with two glasses in no time.

We talked for a while about her job, family and whatever else I could think of to keep the conversation off of Lance. Then, right out of the blue, she blurted “Jeff, can I ask you a really personal question?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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