The Tide Rises... - Cover

The Tide Rises...

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 7: Unexpected! Developements

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: Unexpected! Developements - Chapters one through seven of the sequel to Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit didn't have a supernatural element. Tide Rises definitely has! Willy experiences Mommy fantasies come true if not to life! One, his dead mom as a reincarnated ghost! In Chap 2, negotiation and conflict with the devil! Chap 3, discovers the Wee folk and makes allies and new Mom-in laws. Chap four, lotsa sluts. Chap five revenge and something more. Chap 6, unexpected developments Chap 7, Expected. A Monkey Paw Wish?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Ghost   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Harem   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   BBW   Body Modification   Clergy   Leg Fetish   Size  

Humorous Parody, Sexy?, Depraved, and Tongue in Cheek. I Hope Entertaining!

Is the secret of happiness, SIMPLE? It’s hard to not complicate things, do simple things eludes us?

As I’ve mentioned, King Louie has a talent for pissing me off! Now red tape has caught up with him and he’s bound away for several natural life spans. With exactly zero hope of parole. Since Lucifer’s life span is tied to the planet Earth’s life span, I reckon he’ll be cooling his heels in the pokey for a little while! King Louie is a con-man. Always. Let’s see you con your way out of a Mexican prison, Lou!

The way I heard it. Lou stank so bad after several days in holding, what with no showers or bathing facilities, the lady judge barely spared the time to read the charges! Her admonishment to Lou’s lawyers was their defense stank too, and was disallowed. She gave him the max penalty on every charge, and the entire hearing was over in fifteen minutes. What was the charges? Various, but the crime, was getting arrested! How is this possible? No juries in Mexico, just a judge decides your fate. Guilty until you prove your innocence is the law in Mexico! Seriously! And case law doesn’t exist, or just barely. Precedence has no bearing. What other judges did or said, doesn’t count for beans what a future or present judge decides! Each judge is completely unrestricted to make up his or her mind, independently! You have to stay under the radar in Mexico. Don’t get arrested! Lou was vulnerable! Never mind Lou’s crimes, many, or his court case. His mistake was pissing me off! I warned him!

Buried balls, well those are buried up inside me now, so I guess I can say, buried root deep in Hellena’s sopping wet pussy, I just keep cumming. I didn’t fabricate my ejaculation, which I can at will. This time, I let it build up to the boiling over point naturally, the normal old fashioned way. Once I started cumming, I didn’t want to stop! That’s when I willed my body, decided to continue cumming! An advantage of a bottomless pot of jism is big massive cums, cums, cum some more!! Thank you, Ava!

“Hellena darling? Are you awake? Honey? Honey, Hellena? There you are! Are you okay? You went tits up! Out like a light! Seems you lost consciousness there, for a minute or two!”

“Darling Willy! Yes, Willy, I did conk out for a minute! You fucked the daylights out of me! That’s why I went lights out. I would love to be fucked tits up, like this again, real soon! Next time, I’m on top though, and you can be tits up! Giggle! Just not at this moment right now. I think Gidget wants some Daddy dick, though!” Hellena is exhausted from a long day! Ranch business started early this morning, then packing and prepping for a trip, whisked away to another country, lots of sex with Gidget, and then fucking for hours with me and my dozen spirit hangers on. Hellena has reason to be tired! Nobody deserves a rest more than my first wife Hellena! She carries the biggest load of responsibility!

“Yes ma-am, my lovely Mrs. Cox! Do you want to sleep here? Or upstairs? Gidget and I can go to her rooms, as an option, so you can enjoy peace and quiet here. If you like. You choose honey.”

You are a darling, Willy! Yes, please! I’ll crash here. I’m too exhausted to move!” Hellena yawned.

Gidget and I ran upstairs to her suite three levels above. Gidget led, I followed! I enjoyed the view of her bare ass cheeks and swollen pussy lips jogging up the stairs at eye level before me! Yummy!

“We have some honeymooning to do, Gidget girl! Are you anxious for a husband-Daddy fuck? Gidget is hot, and more than usual from eating pussy with Hellena all day! Me, I’m always hot for my beautiful daughter Gidget, whom I also married, and she has guest ghosts too! My mom and my grandma have merged with Gidget, just as have twelve spitits merged with me! I’ll be fucking all three of them at one time!

Ava, mother of us all. And her first born, Lilith, a succubus and queen of demons share my body. Five additional succubi are also feeding off my sexploits. Kathy, a just discovered succubus, is one of my tenants, and capital punished for past crimes, is with me now, also two ancient goddesses, Aphrodite and Venus, are also succubi. And Aphrodite’s two daughters, or a pair of her daughter, I think she has a few score, Elba and Alma bring the total number of succubi to six. Then, the two waitresses fucked to death by Lou’s drivers, and continually fucked some more even afterwards! Mimi and Emmy, the two wild girls Marysol burnt as sacrifices to her ego, I invited along! Finally, an early ancestor of my elfin wife Gina, is a Wee folk spirit named Connie. Total. An even dozen! My personal cargo of hot babes!

“You’re incorrigible son! Well, we’ll help you fuck your mom, granny, and Gidget!” Ava promises.

Gidget answers. “Actually, I really like your pussy, Daddy! Open your legs! Open your labia! Play with your clitorii! Looks like a bunch of grapes! I only have three! Mine, grandma’s and great grandma’s. I envy you, Dad! “ Who is Gidget to command me? Yet I must obey! No magic involved, unless love is magic. She’s my daughter, and if possible, I give her what she desires!

I taste her by pressing on one of the clits behind my teeth, the right one. She tastes fine but I forgot. That’s a virtual vibrator now! Gidget is squirming on the bed, both hands clutching her crotch!

“Ooh! Daddy! You are so good to me!” I’m glad she liked it.

Feeding succubi is easier to feed as a group, while I’m fucking other women. They feed on sexual energy. If I’m skimpy with the portions of sex, they’ll abandon me to seek greener pastures! Today, has been a feast day for the succubi. Gluttons always want more! So do I!

“Gidget? I have too many of us in one body?”. Roger surged through us thrilling all! Roger is hanging out watching Gidget. “There is an interesting bit of history, I found on the Net! POLYMELIA. People born with more than four limbs! Ashley Braistle was born with four legs. She died on May 11, 1996 due to a skiing accident. She’s not the first! Josephine Myrtle Corbin, born May 12, 1868, died May 30, 1928. She had four legs, two separate pelvis, two pussies, and she bore children from both! Connie has the ability to shape shift. If I lent Connie to merge with you, I believe she could add on to you, your fourteen year old pussy, as you were when we first made love. If, you are interested in revisiting the past? Just an freakish idea!”

“Sure, Dad! Send her over! I might as well freak out, since you have with a combination woman-man body! Sounds like fun!” Gidget is more than interested! She definitely sounds enthusiastic! C’ya later, Connie dear! Constance merges with Gidget.

“Well, what do you think, Dad?” Gidget spreads her legs, two to each side!

Gidget honey? You’re beautiful and very sexy, but those little legs are too small for when you were fourteen. You want to whisper something to me? We’re all alone, baby girl! No need to whisper. Okay, you can whisper to me, but wait! When you say whisper, you mean tell me something? You aren’t planning to pee in my ear are you?” I remember something about whisper euphemistic for urinating. Gidget whispers to me, something startling!

“Please Daddy? For your Gidget?” Her arms are hugging my neck and all four legs are wrapped around my waist. I can’t speak because her soft mouth is kissing mine and her tongue has mine tied in a knot! If possible, I give Gidget what she wants. Nuzzling my big old multiple contributor pussy against Gidgets tiny one, Roger slips, stumbles, tries to slide into Gidget, but her new little pussy is virgin! Roger is one size fits all, so he tries to worm in, as earth worm size! Alright, try spaghetti noodle! That works! Now, slowly gently expand, allowing Gidget to stretch, not tear. Now about wiener sized, I begin to fuck my thirty three year young daughter’s little pussy. Damn she’s snug!

“You feel wonderful inside me Daddy! You won’t hurt me. Fuck me like you mean it!” Gidget encourages me. I let myself go. I love her, I desire her, I enjoy fucking her, no matter what form ... no, no, Gadget has gone way far to young, this time! Before I can protest, she morphs into a large cartoon mouse! Gadget Hackwrench! I’m really not into furrys, not even cartoon furry. Gadget morphs again! Jaundiced Lisa Simpson! No, no! No cartoon kids, Gidget! Pipi Longstockings, changed now Alice of Wonderland! Gidget, please stop! Gidget now looks like my Mom! This is good! Hi Mommy!

“Stay looking like Mama awhile Gidget! I want to fuck Mama! Thank you, the toons were interesting, but ... well ... I’ll have some custom Tee-shirts printed. I fucked Gadget, etc, etc. Hows that?” I ask.

“Connie wants to stay with me, Dad. Find another Wee folk ghost for your morphs.” Gadget giggles. “Connie says my morph ideas are more interesting than yours!” I bet they are!

“How about letting me fuck grandma? Your great grandma? Oh wow! I Granny! Your boyfriends back!” I’m having a great time! Gidget is a lot of fun, and a great piece of ass! Fucking my Mom and Grandma, I came a lot! Thanks to Gidget for furnishing the bodies!

“Okay, Daddy! My turn again. Fuck ME!” Gidget is really pushing the envelope trying to break my inhibitions! Or, annoy me! I’m not sure, hell, I plain can’t guess what her motives are! I trust her, they’re not evil motives. Gidget wants to play? I’ll play! I whisper something to her, and she accepts with glee! Yes, I figured this was where she was leading me. Actually, it worked out okay! We both enjoyed fulfilling Gidget’s fantasies! When she thanked me, I was already prepared with this response. “Let’s do it again!” I loved the shocked look on her face! Gidget is no dummy. Quickly she caught on this might be one-up-manship. So, she happily agreed to perv again. Then we did it a third and fourth time! I enjoyed her everytime! She’s my daughter. We’re already anathema in most folks moral codes, because it’s incest. What difference does it make if we age roleplay? Even if Gidget can body morph!

“It’s been quite an adventure, sweetheart. I need to go take care of some pressing business. Thank you for you, my precious daughter and your gift of yourself! I love you very much! Is Connie staying with you? Okay. Mama Ava? I need another Wee dead person’s ghost!”

Things get regulated, with Ava’s intercession and assistance.

My new bunkie is named Cecelia. CC or Cici or Sissy for short. She wished she’d been with me during all the fun we just had. We all assure her, the fun has only begun! Sissy shrinks the body parts that don’t fit my suit, until I fit into my three piece suit. Off to the races.

It’s early morning, just as dawn is breaking. Teleporting to Gina’s office, I discover not only is Gina already at work, she hasn’t left work since the previous afternoon. Pulled an all night-er! Not unusual, Gina informs me. Wee folk seldom need a little sleep. A couple hours nap, every other or third day, and they stay fit and healthy! Interesting information. I ask for an update on the data Connie gave Gina regarding the duende milk. Gina says, not all duende milk has that drug attribute. Just miners. Because of the Lichen they use in mining. I want to see this lichen! Gina hands me a hazmat suit. We suit up!

Gina locks her door, and leads me into the silver mine opening at the rear of her office. Everything entering or leaving the mine passes through Gina’s office. She is the safety engineer. Not the same job as human mine safety engineers. Different in a number of ways, and primarily because a Wee folk safety engineer has to be clairvoyant. Prescient. Precognitive. Psychic. Gina is, and can foresee cave-ins and collapses and structural failures. And she can see the lack of such events! She makes certain all tunneling and column supports maintain a lack of forebodings! An adjunct to structural integrity and safety, is hazardous material safety and control. The lichen is aggressive and prolific, and if it escaped to the surface, would become invasive and disastrous for civilization.

We are walking down a long, gently sloping, arch roofed, alabaster tunnel. Perplexedly polished and smooth as glass on the walls and ceiling. The floor, is fish scale patterned, like shingles, but appears to be sculpted on cast in place. All one continuous surface without cracks, crevices or seams! Amazing work, all of it! Imagine the hours of labor devoted to this perfection! For a mine tunnel? It beautiful and ridiculous! My curiosity is unbounded, and I cannot refrain from asking.

“How much further does this tunnel go? How old is it? How many sculptors and how many years did it take to make this?” I’m awed and let my awe be evident in my voice.

“This mine excavation was begun barely two years ago. I think the anniversary is this week, but the exact day, I’m afraid I would need to back-check records. Before you ask, no, there’s no celebration of the date.

The work crews vary, and today, two “sculptor” as you refer to them, crews comprised of three duende each, are working the vein. Another crew of five is building columns. A construction crew you might call them. Another larger crew of about a dozen duende are cleaning, logistics, toting, carrying, fetching, sifting, washing, scrubbing, all the menial tasks. Call them a housekeeping crew or staff. A supervisor, or shift forewoman is in charge of all and brings the total to twenty four workers. Two dozen. This tunnel extends about half a mile, and slowly descends to a depth of five hundred feet, more or less. Other side tunnels, here are two now, to the left and right, follow branches when the vein split and veered. Any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask.” Gina answered all I asked, and I will ask more!

We are in a cavernous nexus space with four tunnels leading from it, counting the tunnel we arrived from. Five thick fluted columns arranged pentagonally in the center, support the polished dome of the high ceiling. Curved staircases hug the walls, rising to, appears to be, closed stone doors at their upper landings! Amazing.

“Those stairs and the stone doors at the top? Where do they go?” The mystery of this place has me intrigued!

“Nowhere except the future. Those doorways at the top of the stairs, are only shallow niches, indicating possible future tunnels to deepen those niches. This is about the half way point. You don’t need a rest do you? Good, let’s continue.” Gina leads into the opposing tunnel mouth.

After a further roughly equal distance walking, we arrive at the digging. The face containing the vein, is obvious, the silver threads in the Acanthite are visible to the eye. The vein appears to be veering, as the last short stretch of tunnel curved clockwise as we walked through. The miners are excited about a new discovery, a vein of electrum. A gold silver alloy! The vein the mine has been harvesting is Acanthite crystals with Pyrite on a Calcite matrix.

A group of three arrived, two carrying an arch top door, the third a bucket and large brush. Examining the door later, when it was set aside propped leaning against a tunnel wall, I discovered it was made of stiff hide. Placing the door against the sheer rock face, they looked to Gina for approval. Ginal hand signaled small moves left and right until she was content with the situation. The three took turns with a bit of charcoal, tracing their section silhouette of the template, for such the hide is, on the rock. All three used both hands to press against the template except the one drawing pressed with one hand. When fully traced, the hide template was removed. The duende with the pail and brush began wetting the inside of the sketched arch, carefully cutting in to the line. Once the interior is fully wet, she and her bucket backed away. Large lanterns with fresnel lenses and highly polished reflectors, mounted on heavy bases were then located to illuminate the wet silhouette. The pattern on the wall began to darken, and grow fuzzy as we watched! Within minutes a heavy growth of lichen covered the design. A sand glass had been inverted when the lanterns were in place. Once the sand ran out, the laterns were removed, and the three miners proceeded to scrape the lichen off, into a largish tub. The stone came away with the lichen. Inside of fifteen minutes, from arriving with the template to removing the tum with the lichen and rotted rock, a four inch deep niche was inset, was carved into the stone! Incredible!

Other duende pour the contents of the tum through a series of finer meshed screens, and then washed. The liquid is saved to replenish the liquid in the painters pail. On the sifting screens, are silver wires and thread silver natural sculptures, and several pebbles, claimed to be gems in the raw. One berl and several topaz. Meanwhile the painter has re-wet the interior wall of the cavity, and soon they’ll scrape away another third of a foot of stone. The lichen and scraping process leaves perfectly smooth walls and a glassy overhead vault. It’s is such a quick process, I’m left speechless! Not hard labor, and not technical, not that I can see, only mind numbing tedious, the same routine over and over, four times an hour. Hour after hour, day after day, year after year! Let me out! Suddenly I’m feeling claustrophobic!

Nothing is wasted. A pint or two of vinegar and more water is added to the stone slurry remaining from the screening, and this natural cement is poured into molds to create columns! The mold is leather also. A wide belt bent into a great circle, is tightened around a column base under construction, so part of the belt ring protrudes above the columns top. The slurry is poured into this dish shaped depression. After about fifteen minutes, the belt mold is loosened and shifted upwards, ready for the next slurry stone batch. When the shift is over, everything and everybody gets a vinegar bath. Vinegar kills the lichen. Imagine what an infestation of the lichen would do to a modern city of concrete skyscrapers? Don’t let it loose! Gina is responsible for being certain it doesn’t and can’t contaminate the above surface world!

Back in Gina’s office, she gives me a neck and temple massage to relieve my tensions. She also gives me another eyedropper stoppered vial of duende milk, a kiss, and a fuck. The fuck was in guise of Miss Zanders, my old seventh grade teacher. Gina decided a fuck was necessary for my health! You don’t argue your health care with clairvoyants! They KNOW what’s good for you!

“So, as I’m massaging your temples, I’m picking up snippets of memories. Did you really fuck a horse?” Gina almost is accusing!

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