The Tide Rises... - Cover

The Tide Rises...

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 6: The Devil Made Me Do It!

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: The Devil Made Me Do It! - Chapters one through seven of the sequel to Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit didn't have a supernatural element. Tide Rises definitely has! Willy experiences Mommy fantasies come true if not to life! One, his dead mom as a reincarnated ghost! In Chap 2, negotiation and conflict with the devil! Chap 3, discovers the Wee folk and makes allies and new Mom-in laws. Chap four, lotsa sluts. Chap five revenge and something more. Chap 6, unexpected developments Chap 7, Expected. A Monkey Paw Wish?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Ghost   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Harem   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   BBW   Body Modification   Clergy   Leg Fetish   Size  

Humorous Parody, Sexy?, Depraved, and Tongue in Cheek. I Hope Entertaining!

Is the secret of happiness, simply revenge?

The waitresses! Are now my girls, and their spirits refuged with me. Poor, misguided, greedy, affection starved, impoverished and uneducated girls are dead! They didn’t deserve what happened to them! They didn’t deserve to suffer the abuse heaped upon them by King Louie’s rapacious drivers! King Louie is to blame, and King Louie has a talent for pissing me off!

The devil only has powers of temptation, misdirection, lies and spin, and a dwindling army of demons to cause discomforts, like nightmares, migraines, and substance addiction. He doesn’t wield power over them either! Has to trade with them for supporting him. King Louie is a con-man. Always was. He isn’t judge, jury, police, executioner or warden. El Diablo can’t convict, inflict, or damn anyone. He himself is damned, and in his misery, he just wants company!

Me? I have lot’s of power Lou wishes he understood how to defend against!

Red tape! I can cause Louie no end of legal problems! He is vulnerable because he foolishly believes he is King of this world, above man-made law, and pays little attention to it! Ha! Silly rabbit King Phouie! Let’s see you con your way out of jail!

“Hellena darling? Are you awake? Are you there, or do I need to use my phone?”

I send an early morning telepathic call. It’s a long distance telepathic call. Collect! The energy or beam or source for our telepathic communications, is Bebe in Hidalgo, Mexico. Bebe is our switchboard. Long distance but it’s free to me.

“Yes, Will darling, I’m here! I gave the angelic defense shirts to your pregnant nuns as you asked. Anything else?” Hellena can be a bit jealous at times, when I haven’t paid her attention, eaten and fucked her pussy for a couple days.

“How about joining me for the honeymoon we promised each other, and never lived up to?” I preamble.

“Why, that sounds perfectly lovely! I would love to! Where do I join you?” Hellena’s spirits recoup rapidly.

“Pack a small satchel, carry on size, and I’ll pick you up, when you’re ready.” Promise only what I am sure I can deliver is my code.

“Where are you taking me?” Hellena wants to know.

“Well, how would you like to visit, check out, and claim your vacation house, or second home in the United States? What’s mine is yours, too! We’ll go clothes shopping when you get here, so pack light. We will be sneaking across borders!”

“You are a darling, Willy! I can’t think of any place I would rather choose to see!

We don’t have much of the fifty grand left. Maybe I should bring enough clothes, so we don’t have to buy much! At least we don’t have to splurge on fancy hotels! Did I ever tell you, I’m a pretty good cook, when I want to be? We can eat at home most of the time. Do we have to sneak over the border? I’m you’re legal wife! Don’t I have rights of entry, as your wife, into the USA? If not, why not?”

“Unfortunately, some people have abused matrimony to gain entry in the USA. Even hiring someone to marry them, to gain access. Spouses are now suspects!

Illegally entering cheaters, flagrantly demonstrating their contempt for US immigration law, and by inference, all our laws, have more assistance and options than foreign spouses of law abiding, productive, tax paying, US citizens. It’s true!

You are not seeking asylum or a work visa! We’ll sneak in and out, for temporary visits, as we choose! No worries! I know a safe, unmonitored, comfortable route!

Am I contemptuous of politicians and the mess they’ve created of immigration? Absolutely! Politicians are proof, anal sex can cause pregnancy! Little shitz, they nascence by defecation!

Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. If it’s acceptable to congress for outlaw non-citizens to sneak across the border? We also, will sneak across the border avoiding the red tape and delay! We are entitled to equal treatment outside the law as well as under the law! The Constitution demands it! Maybe apply for free medical care and foodstamps for you, as sort of a Welcome Wagon basket?”

If you have revealing bikinis, pack them. We have our own pool in the back yard! Sun decks, too!” I entice her, unnecessarily. She isn’t the least reluctant to come.

“Oh! Do you know any reliable newspaper reporters? Paparazzi or TV reporters?

I have a scoop, if you want to give it to a pal.”

“Yes, Willy, I do have media friends and bikinis. I would love to be owed a big favor! What’s the scoop?” Hellena is intrigued.

“At least two dead girls are in the former restaurant, now operated as a pussy parlor in your building in town. Word is, the dead whores are still being fucked, and theres a line of fuckers waiting. Necrophilia is a crime in Mexico, isn’t it? A big scandal at least! Our tenant, King Louie is the planner-promoter behind the pussy parlor. I recommend the reporter or reporters bring a large number of police with them! These are violent men! I have experienced it of them!”

I nail King Louie’s case down, shut-up like a coffin!

“That’s horrible! Disgusting! I’ll call someone right away! You don’t want ME to call the police, did I read that correctly, dear?” Hellena and I communicate well.

“Yes ma-am, my lovely Mrs. Cox! Don’t want you under police, or court orders to remain available, and restrained from leaving town. Stay under the radar!”

“We? Have some honeymooning to do, and Gidget is already here and anxiously awaits your arrival! She wants a piece of your pussy too!” I sweeten the deal for Hellena. She and Gidget are hot for each other from the day they met! I have married girls, to get their moms. Hellena and I married before she and Gidget met. That’s good! Alleviates any doubt Hellena married me just to get Gidget!

I don’t doubt she would have!

“Can you be here in thirty minutes? I’ll be ready then!” Hellena is anxious to start honeymooning! Since telepathy is strong, maybe I can surface read some minds. I haven’t bothered trying, believing it would be a waste of effort. Let me see if any of the co-eds is broadcasting anything other than adolescent preoccupations. Hmmm. Interesting. What do you make of this? Ava? Aunt Lilith? Am I wrong in identifying we have another succubus on the premises?”

“Kathy is definitely a succubus, nephew, but a sad and lonely one. She’s lost her partner. Dead or abandoned, I can’t tell, but she’s solo!” Aunt Lilith tells me.

“Her partner died! Kathy killed her.” Ava says.

“Well, that means she’s outcast and very dangerous! No one will ever partner with her, and no magic folk will associate with her. She’s doomed to a lonely forever!” Lilith remarks.

“Can we rescue her?” I ask.

“She’s a dangerous criminal, Willy! Probably psychotic. Nobody kills their partner! She did!” Lilith sounds angry.

“We don’t know the circumstances. Maybe it was unavoidable, self defense, or defending someone else!” I’m plucking at straws. I want to capture Kathy. She is the one who seduced Angela into appearing on the net as a cam-whore for her father. I want to find a way into Angela’s panties! Maybe Kathy’s too! Maybe first!

“You’re incorrigible my horny young son! We’ll protect you if you want to play with fire! Go ahead.” Ava promises.

“Kathy! Report to the basement entrance door on the sub-garage level!” I command. Since I already have five succubi incorporated, including Lilith, I feel powerful! As I was told, demons absorb the power of demons they consume. You are what you eat! I didn’t consume the succubi, though I ate their pussies often enough! They voluntarily merged with me. Is that much different from ingestion?

A knock at the door. Gidget answers. It’s a worried Kathy.

“Come in Kathy! Take a seat and lets talk a bit!” I command.

“Who are you, that you can command me?” asks a suspicious and quite worried Kathy! She’s unaccustomed to being commanded. Finds herself unable to resist!

“I’m your master, Kathy! Remove your clothing! Get up on the bed!” Kathy does as commanded. “Open your legs! Open your labia! Play with your clitoris!”

“I obey against my will, Master! What do you intend with me?” Worries Kathy.

“You will obey me, without question! I intend first, to taste you.” I taste her by pressing on one of the clits behind my teeth, the left one. She tastes fine.

“Why do you not have a partner?” I demand.

“She died!” Kathy says in a fearful quivering voice.

“How?” I demand.

“I ... I killed her!” Kathy is weeping.

“How?” I demand.

“Starvation! I kept her locked up and prevented her from feeding.” Kathy moans in terror.

“How long ago?” I ask

“1,234 years ago. I’m very sorry!” Kathy is begging forgiveness.

“Why did you starve your partner to death?” I accuse

“Jealousy! She stole a rich, handsome, young, lover of mine. I revenged myself on her!” Kathy isn’t as contrite as she tries to sound. Some pride leaks through!

“The death penalty, Kathy, is my judgment on you! By slow poison or self surrender your spirit.” I offer her the eyedropper of duende milk. A moan followed by a death rattle as her body expires, and Kathy’s ghost stands before me. She refused the poison, gave up her ghost voluntarily. Very well, she’s my captive now.

“Merge with us Kathy!” Kathy dissolved into me. “Welcome Kathy. You are no longer alone! 1234 isn’t a real figure, just a euphemism for an extreme number of years! Your partner died many eons ago, correct? As I thought! You’ve suffered enough for your crime! We are your family now! All the sex you can stand, and love as well!” I put her body in the freezer chest with Aphrodite’s and Alma’s. She’ll reclaim her body when I disenfranchise my guest spirits. Feeding succubi is easier at a dinner party. That’s what I’ve invited them aboard for. I will again, frequently! As I said, succubi need lots of feeding and a feed lot trough is suitable!

“What do we do, with so many of us in one body?” Kathy asks. Roger surged through us thrilling all! “Oh! That was...”Swoosh, Roger surges again.” I’m going to cum!” I tickle her, my tongue in my right cheek! “Oh, YES, I’m cumming! I feel incredibly happy and accepted! I love you Master!” Wait! Cupid didn’t influence Kathy, and she didn’t take the duende milk! What gives with her loving me?

“That’s what we do! We fuck, silly! What did you think we do? We have a jolly time getting our jollies!” Aunt Lilith explains and many more things including introductions all around.

“We’re the Get Set! Not the jet set!” says Ronnie aka Ronalda. “Get set for some real fucking fun!” I showered, dressed to impress, a little English Leather spray, and whisked us to Hellena’s private rooms in the Hacienda. The big three story plus, mansion at Rancho Parabrisas centro, in the state of Hidaldo, Mexico.

“My darling!” I hold her in my arms and kiss my Hellena.’Are you ready to go?”

“Did you just teleport in here?” shocked Hellena has the biggest, worshipful eyes!

“Yes, and I’m prepared to teleport us to EUA. Estados Unidos de América! Ready?

‘Yes, my darling husband!” Hellena kisses me tenderly. My wife is impressed!

Picking up Hellena like carrying my bride across the threshold, I blinked out and cross the border unobserved, sneaking into my own country and home.

“Welcome my dearest! Mi casa es tu casa!” I kiss Hellena passionately before setting her on her feet.

“Welcome, stepmother and my dearest love! Mi casa es tu casa!” Gidget kisses Hellena passionately.

“Thank you both! Are those sweet fleshed young temptresses in the pool more of your conquests dear?” Hellena asks. I say no. Gidget says yes. “Is Gidget contradicting you husband?” No we both say. They’re Gidget’s playmates.

“Good! Now, if I could only believe you, everything would be fine! You swear you have never fucked any of the girls in the pool or living in the apartments here?”

I swear! “Well! We’ll have to remedy that, won’t we!” Hellena laughed. “I intend to fuck everyone of them, you may as well too, husband! Right now, I’m going to fuck yours and mine, our delicious daughter, and my sister wife!”

Hellena and Gidget are obsessed with each other! They won’t be interested in anything other than each other, for hours! I want to fuck something young!

“Kathy? Are you intimate with any, many of the girls in the apartments?” I ask.

“Yes Master! With all of them! They are my herd! I feed off of them.” Kathy says.

“Can you entice one of them down here? No, wait.” I mental scan and Deidre is alone in her room and there’s no one else in her apartment. “Let’s visit DeeDee!”

Knocking on the door, Deidre peers through the spy hole, then opens to me.

Deidre greets me, only wearing a flimsy scissored up tee shirt, cut off below her breasts and exposing her midriff, and French high-cut panties. SEXY oh, yeah!!

“How nice you’re home again, Mr. Cox. The three months back rent, I have right here! You are so tan! You must of enjoyed your vacation immensely! Imagine being able to take a three month vacation like that! Wow! You certainly are lucky Mr. Cox! I wish I were as lucky, but only bad luck follows me, I’m afraid!” DeeDee aka Deidre aka Didi says, she almost whines. I don’t tolerate whining.

“You can make your own luck, Didi. Good or bad, it’s YOU and what you do, that attracts it. You need to prepare yourself to be ready to accept good luck, when it appears! I can teach you to attract good luck, if you like.” I tempt her.

“Would you, Mr. Cox? That would be fantastic! I would be very grateful!” Didi leans gently against me, toying with my tie. Looking coyly up at me with big innocent blue eyes! The gratitude she offers, gives me an erection!

“Wonderful! I’ll accept your offer of gratitude! How is your father?” I put the poison on her plate.

“He ... he broke my heart, Mr. Cox!” Didi falls into my arms sobbing, her arms about my neck, her tee shirted, bra-less breasts pressed against my vest...

“There, there, darling! Everything will turn out for the best, you’ll see! How did he break your heart?” I pretty much know the story. Auto-recorded spy clips during my absence. Remotely monitored by me on my computer in Mexico.

“He came to see me one weekend, as he promised. He had three other men with him. Daddy spent all weekend with Kathy! He left those three men with me, and told them they could have the little whore, ME, any way they wanted! They gave Daddy money, and they abused me all weekend! Daddy didn’t speak to me or kiss me when he arrived, nor when he left, and not once in between!” More sobbing.

“He doesn’t deserve you, Didi! I would be honored to be your Daddy! I’ll adopt you, if you’ll let me! Your father neither loves you nor respects you, I’m sad to say it about him! But I do! I will! I’ll be a good, loving father to you Didi! Will you consent to be my daughter? I have a large loving family that will adopt you too!”

“This is so sudden, Mr Cox! I don’t know what to say!” Didi isn’t comfortable.

“Why don’t you talk with my wife Hellena? She is very understanding, and I’m sure you will get along together just fine!” I assure her, reassure her. I’m certain Hellena will seduce Deidre for us. Blue eyed honey blonds are collectibles!

“This is some of that good luck you were talking about, Mr. Cox?” Didi is intrigued.

“Yes, Didi, but a big part of good luck is recognizing it as an opportunity, and seizing hold of it. Do you understand?” I wink at her.

“I think I do, Mr Cox!” Didi threw her arms about my neck and kissed me passionately! “Am I guessing correctly, Mr Cox, I’ll be a, your, Daddy’s girl?”

“Absolutely, Didi!” She’s brighter than first impressions would suggest.

“Can I start calling you Daddy right away, even before the adoption? Would you mind if I started being Daddy’s girl right away?” Didi’s mood is chameleon.

“I would love both of those things. To celebrate, I hope you’ll let me kiss you!”

I tell her.

“Oh, I love kisses, Mr Cox. Especially Daddy kisses!” I rub her bulging panty crotch with a finger, making her instantly wet. “I especially love Daddy kisses there, Daddy” Didi is willing and anxious to play.

“As My daughter, you won’t need to worry about finances anymore. You won’t need to do Internet shows anymore. I’ll take care if you, sweetheart.” I promise.

“But I enjoy doing my shows Daddy! Not just the money, which is terrific, but the adulation of my public! I don’t think I can give that up easily! Also, the coin-brator gives me such fantastic orgasms! I’m addicted to it. I even give shows at odd hours, by invitation only, to preferred clients, just so I can cum with the coins!”

“Ava? Is it possible to simulate a coin-brator sensation with my clitorides?”

“Well, darling boy. If you gave up press to taste, you could have press to vibrate? You can always lick to taste. Just a quick little lick. I believe you worded it, so you don’t cause the lady to spill her coffee? I suspect an unfamiliar virtual coin-brator, unexpectedly used on an unprepared lady, may cause more than dropped coffee! But, it’s your option, if you wish it. I love giving you things. You’re so unselfish and smart in what you ask for!” Ava gives me this, another gift!

“Didi, are you wearing your coin-brator now?” I ask.

“No Daddy! Don’t be silly. It only works when I’m on-line and someone deposits a coin for me.” Didi explains, and kisses me with tongue, so I will forgive her for calling me silly. I demonstrate my forgiveness by pressing the anonymous clit in my left cheek while focusing on Didi. Fortunately, I had my arms about her waist and she, hers about my neck, or she would have fallen. The virtual coin-brator knocked her legs from beneath her. Turned her knees to jelly and her legs to rubber! All Didi said was a tiny, “Squeak!!” as she clung to me quivering!

I scooped her her, cradling her in my arms. Didi promptly rummaged, a futile search, in her panties and exploring her orifices for something not there.

“I don’t understand it! I’m sure I don’t have the coin-brator in me! Put me down. Excuse me, but I need some privacy, please? Thank you for offering to adopt me.

I need to go on-line and see who’s dropping coins on me, when I’m off line.”

In answer, I tongue pushed her hidden button in my mouth, and held it down. Her back arched, her hands frantically clawed at her pussy, she gasped and moaned, and her legs shook spasmodically! Walking into her bedroom, I laid her on her bed. For several minutes, as I undressed, I watched Didi writhe in prolonged orgasm! After denuding myself, I peeled her soaked panties off! Spreading her legs, I began kissing my way up the inside of her silky, perfectly shaped thighs.

Licking the right cheek button, extracts another squeak from Didi.

“How can you lick me, and your mouth isn’t near my pussy? YAHAH!” I pressed the right button and held it a few seconds. “You! It’s YOU doing this to me! How?”

“Magic! Don’t you believe in magic, my darling little girl?” I tease her.

“Well, I believe in science because they teach us science in school, but I would like to believe in magic! I did when I was a little girl and ignorant! Just as I believed Daddy loved me! That was a lie! Do you think I could believe in magic and Daddies again?” Didi wants to believe.

“Do you trust your new Daddy, Didi?” I set her up.

“With all my heart, Dadadayyy! Don’t coin-brate me when I’m tatallking! DADDY!”

“You like the feeling, except it’s a Daddybrator. No money, no coins, just pleasure, Baby! I’m going to show you some more magic. I’m going to invite a ghost to join you and teach you real pleasure! Okay with you?” I ask her to indulge me.

“I trust you new Daddy! If you say it’s safe, I believe you.” Didi isn’t confident.

“Alexandra? Will you join with Didi?” I call the ghost of Alexandra to appear!

Didi is rigid with fright at seeing a ghost but doesn’t resist as Alexandra merges with her. “Hello, and welcome Alexandra. Do you prefer to be called Alexandra, or Sandra, or Sandy? You look like a favorite fantasy of mine as a boy. I named my daughter Gidget in honor of Sandra Dee. Maybe you and Didi can be a Sandra Didi? The two of you do resemble her!”

“Call me Zandy. I like Zandy. It’s nice to be remembered. Thank you, I’m honored to be here. It’s nice you named your daughter Gidget, Sandra Dee will be pleased! I’m very pleased to be breathing again! Sigh! Lovely sensation! Deep Sigh! Why did you summon me? Just to enjoy my company? The young woman who’s body I’m sharing, Ah, she’s very much on display! Lovely, just like me when I was younger, but I was pregnant and a mom at her age!

I hope you have plans to thrill and pleasure us! YAHAH! What in hell was that? Do it again? Please?”

“Zandy? You were a fun loving girl, who smoked, drank, and liked sex! Then your life deteriorated, went to shit! You had health problems, diet and so forth, Alcohol and drug addictions. It’s sad you died so young!”

“Any advice for young Didi here?” I exit stage right, tongue in right cheek. I’m ready to do the special effects for the story, if I can script them in!

I was born in 1944.

My life long problem with anorexia began early! In 1950 my mother re-married. He was much older than she was and a pedophile! I loved that man! While my mother was dating him, he began fondling me., right in front of her! He would lick me, too, which I liked very much! He taught me to have vaginal penetration sex with him. I didn’t understand what was going on. I was just a child, but I enjoyed it. He claimed he married momma to get me! He used to tell me “I’m not marrying your mama. I’m marrying both but mainly YOU!” I went on the honeymoon. After a movie, during which he fingered fucked my pussy the entire time, we went back to our hotel. He had me sleep in the middle. It was my honeymoon too! I was Daddy’s six year old bride. I slept between them every night there after. My stepfather fucked me daily and every night. What could I do, tell my mother? She was there in the same bed with us. She had to feel the bed shaking! Daddy was a vigorous fucker! Momma enjoyed Dad having sex with me, I think! I could feel and hear her masturbating while he was fucking me! Dad was my lover until he died of a heart attack when I was fourteen! I was very devastated! I loved him so much! I missed him! I miss him still! I didn’t have sex again, except with my fingers, until I was married at age 16. I didn’t date. Boys didn’t interest me. I wanted a man!

When I was eight years old, I began developing breasts, probably because I was sexually active with my Daddy. He was pumping a lot of cum into me! Stirring up my hormones prematurely! I was sensitive about the way I looked with my preteen breasts! Soon I was a 32C! I couldn’t control my bodies sexual urges or my bra size, I could only control what I ate. I wanted to be thin. I was already anorexic when I got married to an older man when I was barely sixteen. I weighed about 90 pounds! A dozen years later my husband died. I never remarried. My mother died of cancer not long after. All the people I loved were gone. I was sad. Heartbroken! So I drank. I took drugs. I ruined my health and my life, and I died! Sad, huh? I can help you avoid the mistakes I made, and more importantly, let me be your friend? Didi, you’ll never feel abandoned. Never feel lost, alone like I felt!

You can’t know how much I love you and appreciate you for letting me share your body and your life with you! I fucked my own life up beyond recognition! My first advice, if you’ll listen, is grab your new Daddy, enshrine him in your heart, and never let him go! He is so special! You’ll find out how special when you know him better! He’s MAGIC! He has powers and powerful allies!

He has a wonderful huge family for us to join! Wives, Moms, Mother-in-laws, Sister-in-laws, daughters, stepdaughters! You’ll feel right at home, fit right in. Also, he’s smart, rich,, and healthy. He makes beautiful babies, if you want one! He’s very considerate and loving, too!”

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