The Tide Rises... - Cover

The Tide Rises...

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 4: Little Things continued

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Little Things continued - Chapters one through seven of the sequel to Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit didn't have a supernatural element. Tide Rises definitely has! Willy experiences Mommy fantasies come true if not to life! One, his dead mom as a reincarnated ghost! In Chap 2, negotiation and conflict with the devil! Chap 3, discovers the Wee folk and makes allies and new Mom-in laws. Chap four, lotsa sluts. Chap five revenge and something more. Chap 6, unexpected developments Chap 7, Expected. A Monkey Paw Wish?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Ghost   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Harem   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   BBW   Body Modification   Clergy   Leg Fetish   Size  

(This truncated off Chap 3 when I posted. Bad File! Smoothed Transition)

Bebe, Bebe, listen to my heartbeat! I need Bebe! During the long days ride from the Wee folks mining colony back to the ranch house on the opposite end of the ranch, I’m thinking about Bebe! Maybe, lusting for Bebe is more the truth. There are so many women, I have so many intimate relationships in my life now, maintaining an ardent intensity of attention to each and everyone is difficult. Trying to divide my self evenly is not a workable agenda. Instead, I do my best, what I do best, using skills long practiced. I continue to be the self centered heel I have always been! I’m good at it. Generally, I fuck who I want and when it’s convenient. Works out fine for me. Usually works out for everyone I’m momentarily interested in fucking! My conscience isn’t the self critical type. Mine serves me, not by making me suffer guilt, but as a personal assistant, reminding me of birthdays and anniversaries, recalling how delicious a certain lady’s memory is, and lists whom I’ve neglected lately. I call this appetite for the not recently fucked, “missing” them! I miss Bebe. Others in my harem as well, but particularly Bebe at this moment, is on my conscience and mind. When I arrive home, Bebe is the first girl on my agenda, on my face, and impaled on my dick!

When I arrive, I go straight to Bebe’s room. Flor and Nana share Bebe’s room. It’s their room too! But, it’s always Bebe’s room! She’s the dominant personality, the hottest flame, the attention magnet in the center of that micro culture! Amazing role for someone effectively brain dead! All three are there together. All three are ecstatic to see me. All three are horny and hungry for affection, and sex is affection!

Flor leaps upon me, showering me with kisses. I yank her panties down immediately and admire her swollen aroused pussy lips. I get those succulent generosities sucked into my mouth and hang her upside down, her legs around my neck, suspended by her panties fettered ankles. I hang my head keeping my mouth glued on her crotch. Her panties are in a twist about her ankles behind my neck. They complete the loop of her leg shackles. Flor can’t get loose and doesn’t want to ever be loose. I’m blinkered by her plump thighs. My field of view is nearly as one track narrow as old Roger one-eye! Flor’s felating me, hunching her hips and I’m munching Flor’s sweet pussy, as I walk up to her mother Bebe’s large custom built crib. Bebe crinkles her eyes in a smiling eyes smile, and she also grins from ear to ear. She is very happy to see me! She likes seeing me eat Flor’s pussy. Bebe’s loves her daughter Flor. She likes pleasing Flor herself. You should see how Flor loves her Mama’s pussy with her energetic tongue! Both are married to me. Bebe has her hand in her crotch and is rapidly masturbating! She wants to cum! Cum for me, while I’m with her. I’m the object of her desire! Bebe begins making little grunt sounds. This is new! Unh! Unh! Bebe is working industriously for her orgasm. I’m working on Flor’s. I quickly undress! They cum almost at the same time. Bebe is already orgasming when Flor begins. I suck up on both their pussies, taking all of their juices afterwards.

Disentangling myself from Flor, I’m face down in Bebe’s valley in seconds, passionately kissing Bebe’s beautiful pussy! Bebe is never not ready for sex! Inserting myself in Bebe’s fat lipped and juicy pussy, I gather her in my arms and walk to the large luxurious bathroom, with Bebe impaled on my cock. We are fucking as we walk! Bebe is hugging and nuzzling my neck! Another couple of firsts! How did she learn those? I’ll ask Nana for a Bebe progress update!

Standing beneath the warm spray of the shower, I fuck Bebe in a half crouch. Bebe loves showers. Bebe loves to be fucked. Bebe loves to be loved. I love Bebe! I sit on a concrete seat built into the shower, specifically designed to fuck on. Leaned back about thirty degrees, with Bebe on my chest and hugging my neck, I hump up into Bebe furiously. I tell her how much I love her, how much I enjoy her pussy, how much I missed her. She understands attention and sweet tones, but not my words. Bebe is pure raw emotion only!

From the shower, I move to a low table with a waterproofed pad on top.

Bebe knows what this piece of furniture is used for. I catch Bebe’s heels on my collarbones and rock her back on her shoulders. This position makes her pussy the most exposed and vulnerable to me. I begin fucking Bebe deep and fast! This is what this table is for. Fucking the shit out of my girls. Bebe loves violent fucking, or any kind of fucking, for that matter. She begins making grunting noises and rocking her pelvis up to me!

“Bebe, you are full of surprises tonight! Damn, your pussy is so good, Bebe! I’m cumming in you Bebe darling!” Nana cleans Bebe up and puts her back in her crib. Bebe goes back to masturbating while watching me. She knows she’s going to get some more fucking in a very short while.

“Flor! I’m ready baby! Did you know, besides being my wife, you are also my step daughter? Since I’m also married to your Mama Bebe, too?”

“Really? I never thought about that. Does that mean, I can call you Daddy sometimes?” Flor is pleased to have additional close ties with me.

“You can call me Daddy anytime, all the time, if you want!”

“Oh, Daddy! I love being able to call you Daddy! But maybe I shouldn’t when we’re making love!” Flor is worried about propriety.

“For me, that would be the BEST time to call me Daddy, Baby-girl!” I tell her.

“Ooh! That sounds naughty and sexy! Daddy and Baby-girl fucking!” Flor is not inhibited!

“Shall we?” I ask with a wink!

“Yes oh yes, Please? Fuck me Daddy! Fuck your Baby-girl! I love you Daddy!” Flor is an impetuous happy spirit. Flor is a dwarf. I love Flor very much! Bebe is an even tinier dwarf! I love Bebe, probably the most of all my women! Bebe is the psychic power tower of our family! I wonder?

“Gina? Jan? Can either of you hear me?” I send a telepathic call, hoping it might reach the mining camp away off in the hills, in a remote corner of the ranch. No response. The magical items I brought back with me. Would any of those have telepathy boosting attributes? I left them in safe keeping, in charge of the Non-Nuns.

Blowing a nut in Flor, every time she orgasms, improves the intensity for Flor. Not laboriously or naturally arrived at, just willed to happen, over and over for Flor’s pleasure! I call Nana over, and invite her up on the table above Flor, intending to get at Nana’s pussy with my lips and tongue. Nana has a large clitoris, and it is aroused and tumescent. I perform a clitoral felatio on Nana, that drives her crazy! I withdraw from Flor and spear Nana! Knowing Nana likes ferocious fucking, I let out the stops and pound her thoroughly. Delights us both! I should marry her, I tell Nana.

“Oh, no, lord! Then it would be less exciting. Fucking a wife isn’t naughty! Fucking a servant is!” Nana protests. “ I like you sneaking around to fuck me. Makes me feel very wanted, lord!” I assure her I do want her very much!

I get dressed. Kissing my three ladies, I give Nana some extra attention with my secret clits behind my front teeth. Nana feels me licking her pussy as I tongue the clit in my right cheek. Bye!

Trying not to run, I walk quickly to the Non-Nuns cloisters!

Once again, I’m warmly greeted! More horny concubines. I have one chief wife, Hellena. She is legally by law, my only wife. Hellena added other names to the marriage certificate. Not forgeries, these are merely some private unauthorized additions. Unauthorized by Mexican government bureaucracy or law. Very authorized by Hellena, myself and my young brides!

We are the principles, and our authority is paramount. Mexico really doesn’t give a shit, so there! Fortunately for me, for us both, my daughter Gidget showed up for the wedding, in time to add her name, and for her to marry the man of her dreams! Her Daddy! Me! Incest is BEST!

More recently, I married a very young girl, Ninell, with whom I have a close loving father-daughter relationship. I married in order to acquire her mom and two sisters as in-laws and concubines! That is the only reason why I married her, to have a formal relationship with my new in-laws. Only after marrying her, did I fall in love with nine year old Ninell. She’s my darling, and I will wait five more years, before I take her and make her a real wife to me! Next, I married Amaru! A very special young woman, I love dearly. Most recently, I was forced to marry a duende wife, and I gained her very sexy mother as a concubine as an unexpected bonus! They are allies in the war with Lucifer.

I posses five succubi concubines, and four witches ( subtract one I don’t like and ignore ), and two of them are Nuns. Total eight more concubines, and add my four cowgirl best friends as concubines. My mother-in-law Julia, who is Hellena’s mom, and my adoptive mother Regina, are more than mere concubines! They are my special love affairs, and not very secret. I’m very much in love with both of these incredible women! I also have numerous spirit lovers. My deceased mother and grandmother, and other dead, I have fucked as reincarnates. Also, AVA, my darling incredible sexy prime Mama! The mother of us all. She is death now. She and I fuck as partners all the time. If I’m getting laid, so is she! Also, we frequently fuck just the two of us!

Other women of the ranch, like the cooks and dairy maids, are occasional casual fuck buddies, and that includes two American journalists, Paula and Samantha, guests at the ranch. Several young Ladies in Waiting have been promised marriage when they’re old enough! The bottom line, I have ten wives at present. I married eleven, but Carla died. Carmen, Xotl, her sister Neneti, Bebe and her daughter Flor, all their names are inscribed on the marriage certificate as brides, and so are the recent brides. Eighteen concubines and half a dozen or so fuckbuddies at present give me solace and variety, and there’s a promise of more brides and concubines in the near future! Possibly many more! Pretty good start on a harem, I think!

There is another. Not a concubine, but I have fucked her quite a few times. Araceli is a colleague of Cupid. She is a nightmaera, or nighthag. I believe she is negative energy, a sink! A depressor of our psychic energies.

I will miss her accommodating hot pussy, when she leaves. If she leaves?

As I was saying and went off on a tangent, once again, I’m warmly greeted, in the Non-Nuns cloisters! More horny concubines that I have never seen before! How do I know they will become concubines?

I can read their surface secret thoughts. Each of the four new women in the Nun’s parlor, hope there is an opportunity to seduce me. I hope so too! They are attractive mature women. Motherly looking, and I’m a motherfucker! I’m a dead motherfucker!

Sister Expedite makes introductions. She stands before me, as I sort through the trinkets she safeguards for me. In front of these strangers, Sister Expedite hoists up the skirt of her nun’s habit, exposing to me and all, her nude body beneath. She has a line of soft dark curls, extending from her navel to her Mons. Otherwise, she’s clean shaved below. Her pussy is bald, swollen, and leaking! Expedite tends to lube up in my presence! I brush the backs of my fingers down the line of soft curls, causing her to shiver! “Beautiful as always” I remark.

“Say hello to your new daughter!” Expedite suggests, caressing her slightly swollen abdomen.

Xavier normally wears men’s clothes, but today, only a robe. Xavier also stands before me, opens her robe and displays her naked body. She was very anorexic before but is plumping up nicely now.

Caressing her swollen abdomen, she introduces me to another new daughter. Both women carry my embryos. I kiss their tummies. “Hey, baby girls!”

Two of the older women come over, and each hugs her own daughter.

Expedite says:

“This is my mother, Wilhelmina. She prefers Billie.” So do I, I say. “Hi Billie.”

“This is MY mother, Muriel,” Xavier says. “Hi Muriel” I say.

“These other two ladies are sisters. One is Xotl’s mom, Axochitl. The other is Sesasi, Neneti’s mom.”

“Welcome ladies, all of you! Sesasi and Axochitl? I’m your friendly neighborhood son-in-law, William. My hope and intent, is we have a very good warm relationship! I intend to be loving towards my mother-in-laws!

I give each a bit of a tease with tonguing that right cheek clit and they know it’s magic, it’s me licking their clitorises. I get big smiles in return.

Returning attention to the women involved with my unborn daughters, I inquire with a leer. “Are you ambitious to be my new mothers-in-laws?”

Expedite and Xavier, hem and haw, “Well, uh?” Their mom’s are less unsure!

“Yes, lord! Please?” Their pussies have been getting a secret licking as encouragement, and they grin broadly in anticipation of a fierce fucking!

I’m focusing now on the unborn, and they kick and thrash in the womb!

This earlier than expected movement thrills everybody! My embryos or are they fetuses now? Asking how far along are the pregnancies, Expedite is 12 weeks and Xavier is eight weeks. I think they are correctly called fetuses.

When I pass my hand over the magical trinkets, over some, I experience a reactive glow from each of the fetuses. Using this phenomenon, I single out three rings and a bracelet. Each is set with greenish brown glassy stones with scored surfaces. Putting on my ring finger the only ring large enough, I experience an electric jolt. The onyx heirloom ring on my pinky adjacent to this new ring, is vibrating or humming with some force or power! And my unborn daughter’s auras are very apparent in my mind. I connect with them, and project love and calm. They respond by glowing brighter. Marvelous! Gina? Jan? No response. Hellena?

“No need to shout, Will! I’m here. What do you need?” Hellena is a bit short.

“Two things, or three. I have a powerful psychic enhancing piece of jewelry to give you, and I’d like your advice who else gets one. Oh, by the way? Could you perform two urgent weddings, without the pomp and circumstance? I’m to be a father again, I’ve just been informed!” Silence.

“Where are you?”

“I’m with the nuns!”

“Coming. I am. You had better not!” Hellena let that sink in a moment before she began laughing. “Well, with all these women at your beck and call, you’ll soon get used to these kind of notices!” More laughter. “I’ll be right there!”

Hellena chose the bracelet and a ring for herself! When she put them on, she only managed to say, “Oh, WOW!” I said it too! Our power was at least doubled! Inquiries from Julia, Flor, Nana, Mama, Mimi, Emma, and Ava required explanations. Everybody is pleased. I hold up the remaining ring.

“Bebe? Or Julia?” I suggest. “Bebe!” Hellena decides.”Bebe is Grand Central Station!” She is correct!

Expedite’s, Xavier’s, and my hand are bound together. Words are mumbled. Their names and date of marriage with me, are written on the back of the marriage certificate, because the front is full! Hellena kisses each with a perfunctory “Welcome to the family, sister!” Hellena takes her document and jewelry away with her.

“Okay! I want a honeymoon! Anybody else feel the same way?” I offered.

Eight women volunteer. “Montserrat? Angel? You didn’t get married!”

Only because I failed to ask them for their hands, I’m sorrowfully told.

“Well, how about I fuck the bridesmaids right along with my new Mothers-in-laws and my pregnant brides? Anybody object to fuckall?” The ayes have it.

Moving beds from the cells to the parlor, and pushing them together into a romper room bed, we found space in bed for the eight women to be comfortable. Me? I’m king of the hill! I’m on top! Even fucking quickly, and using all my tricks, including deliberately cumming, it took three hours to satisfy all eight. In truth, no one was completely satisfied, but everybody came at least once!

My new Mothers-in-laws, except for the two sisters, were unknown to each other before today. I’m impressed with their organizational skills. They ganged up! They told my pregnant brides, they were restricted to lip service only, no penetration, in deference to the fetuses. Montserrat and Angel were relegated any crumbs of stamina I might have left, AFTER the Moms were finished with me! It was suggested their proper roles, were pussy fluffers! Orally maintaining the Mothers-in-law’s pussies in a wet state of readiness until actively being fucked! They insisted on and enforced that suggestion. Poor Montserrat was forcibly held down by two moms, while each mom took a turn grinding her pussy on Montserrat’s face! The fourth Mom was being fucked by me of course. Muriel claimed me first.

“Is that all right if I go first? I won you in a game of odd man, er odd woman out! If you prefer one of the others-in-laws?” I haven’t fucked Xavier yet, and I WILL work her into the rotation. She stole my essence when I was drugged and the only good thing to come of that, is my new daughter. Fucking her mom Muriel, is a double adventure; a new mommy and a preview glimpse of what the daughter might be like.

“You are perfect as first of my new Mommies. You are beautiful! Did you know that? More beautiful than even your daughter Xavier! Normally, I would eat your pussy first, but in interest of time, I promise I will on our next encounter. You seem to be quite wet. I’m entering you now, for the first time! I’m going slow! I’m savoring this first experience of you! Any discomfort, let me know, and we’ll go slower. Hmmm! Muriel! You have a wonderful pussy, I just love the sensations of entering you. Almost, almost there. I’m all the way inside you, Muriel. Now, I’m your Baby inside you, Mommy! Can you feel Baby kicking? Ooh, I have a sweet Mommy! I’m fucking your sweet pussy Mommy! I have to have all of you! I can’t restrain myself! I have to fuck you hard! You feel so good! I’m going to cum in you Mommy, but don’t squeal. I want to keep on fucking you. I’m cumming, Mommy! Don’t let on i’m cumming, I want more of you. I love the way you’re humping me Mommy! You are a fine piece of ass! We are going to be close! I’m cumming again!

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