The Tide Rises... - Cover

The Tide Rises...

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 3: All Good Little Things

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: All Good Little Things - Chapters one through seven of the sequel to Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit didn't have a supernatural element. Tide Rises definitely has! Willy experiences Mommy fantasies come true if not to life! One, his dead mom as a reincarnated ghost! In Chap 2, negotiation and conflict with the devil! Chap 3, discovers the Wee folk and makes allies and new Mom-in laws. Chap four, lotsa sluts. Chap five revenge and something more. Chap 6, unexpected developments Chap 7, Expected. A Monkey Paw Wish?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Ghost   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Harem   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   BBW   Body Modification   Clergy   Leg Fetish   Size  

At dawn, the morning after our wedding ceremony-celebration, an impending shower threatens a deluge! Amaru and I are anxious with concern! The damp will ruin our love warmed wedding bed, where we spent the night making love under the old oak tree. Can’t dampen our spirits! A little precipitation can’t fog our happiness! It CAN make our bed miserable to lie in!

Out of the foggy haze came riding shiny knights in wet slickers! Muddy clay clods spraying from their horse’s galloping hooves, our caring, rain-slicker jacketed cowgirl rescuers appear! Above and behind, kiting in their wind draft, a canvas tarpaulin sails over our four poster bed’s canopy! Released, the kited tarp, falls over us, enshrouding us in a timely temporary dry gloom! Our friends and guardians have arrived, just as the first drops filter through the saturated foliage on the dew laden tree, to splatter us! The cowgirls lift high a pair of the corners. Holding the tarp’s apron aloft above our heads, even higher because they’re mounted, a dawn lit marquee is formed!

Smiling at our grateful curious heads poking out of the bed curtains, they respectfully tug at the brims of their sombreros, as salute to Amaru! Only cold and emotionless faces are directed at me, reviled defiler of virgins!

The brims of their tugged at sombreros shed a bumper crop of harvested rain! Strings of silver rain drops, like pearl bead curtains, screen their sun browned faces! Beneath their unplucked brows, defense against sun glare eye slits curve like upside down smiles. Permanent squints behind long feminine lashes, hide amused sparkler bright eyes that pierce the mists! If there is a doubt they are pleased with Amaru and themselves, their brilliant happy grins disabuse that notion! Acquainting her with news of a fresh day, a respectful, optimistic “Buena manana, Senora!” is their salutary greeting.

Playfully, half seriously, they suggest and offer Amaru their willing assistance, if she requires or wishes any, in the taming of her fierce male! Referring to me, I assume they mean. Fierce raises conjecture it isn’t me.

Amaru thanks them for their kind generous offer, and confidently states!

She has ridden me to ground, wore me down to a nub, and I am now docile as any lamb! She has completely halter broke me and she reins me in, tamed to her will! I only need her own bits in my mouth, to remain domesticated and managed, kept well in hand!

Amaru is now accepted as one of them, an intrepid outdoors woman. Not a cowpuncher, but never-the-less, a sister, an unfettered spirit! A woman who chose to spend her wedding night beneath an open sky, rather than coddled in a posh hotel! They hadn’t had an earlier opportunity to get to know Amaru, only heard the rumors about her. A girl from the amazon jungle, who is the spitting image of the primitive original Ava! Bullshit to rumors! They want proof of true grit and internal fortitude. They have it! In one night she is elevated equal to their status. They celebrate her with gusto, and applaud her subjugation of the male, boisterously!

“Yeehaw!” all four cry in unison. Their shout reaches the top of the mighty towering oak. From there it climbs, now a visible phenomenon, towards the sky! The roosting birds, sheltering from the drizzle, panic in explosive flight at the shout! Like a gleeful screeching swarm of discordant music notes arising, the swirling expanding torus of startled birds ascends, carrying the raucous joy of the cowgirls, to cheer the leaden skies! Highly amused, these outdoors-women, together agree they have created, in flushing the birds, have sculpted a physical form to represent their exultant yelps! They admire the poetic nonsense of it. The spectacle isn’t less real by being the stuff of fantasy. They observe Amaru with wonder! Is she magical? With additional triumphant whoops, wild cries, and uproariously laughing, they recklessly engage in an impromptu rodeo! To impress and entertain Amaru, they show off their best mounted acrobatics and graceful jumping off and on their running mounts! Amaru is delighted at their clowning antics and rejoices in their regard for her, laughing with them in high humor.

A breakfast feast for the bride and groom is prepared. Would bringing us a basket, of assorted dishes, please us? Amaru chooses to go herself, to the breakfast. She asks for loan of a horse. Responding to a question of her knowledge and ability to ride? She replied, “Having conquered the monster in her bed, never more, can any beast hold any terror for her!” This bravado earns her more esteem! Starts anew additional approving whoops, and more caterwauls from the celebrating cowgirls!

Estrella skillfully sidles up to the curtain clinging Amaru, standing on the bed’s edge! Grasping Amaru in a mutual doubled forearm grip, she slides off the far side, as she pulls Amaru up to her former place in the saddle. After passing Amaru the reins, Estrella leaps aboard the rump behind Amaru, and embraces her around the waist. “ARRE! ( Are Ray! Rolling R’s means Gidyup )

Estrella commands with a shout! “ARRE!” Her horse bolts, whisking them quickly away in the cloudbursts sudden downpour!

Layla backs her horse up to me, and I leap upon its rump, my arms encircling Layla’s waist. All the wild cowgirls are my lovers and Layla is my favorite!

Ducking beneath the rear brim of her sombrero, I nuzzle Layla’s neck and insert my hands in her pants, working them down. Layla momentarily lifts in the stirrups, allowing me to slip into the saddle beneath her. Roger prods at her Suzie cooze! Layla impales herself and taunts me, “Hah! Tamed are you, Hacendado? Mi culo! ARRE! ARRE!” The second ARRE! Is orders for me!

Off we meander in a slow dawdling pursuit of the others. Into the gray chill rain we gently trot, taking a long roundabout return! Stylishly posting, Layla rides my churning, thrusting cock! She’s wet inside and out, and getting wetter by the minute! Soon I thoroughly wet her more, with a good old-fashioned internal drizzle of baby batter splatter! Layla is pleased, a part of the wedding night is shared with her! Even if it’s the next morning, and only a few stolen moments, outdoors on horseback fucking in the rain. We provide our own level of comfort! I respect and admire Layla’s tough independent exterior and delight in her feminine, clinging, slippery soft interior.

No one waits for anyone! The cowgirls are protected by sombreros, slickers, chaps, and acclimatization to living outdoors, nearly twenty four hours a day all year long. Their concern is for their nearly naked, and they wrongly assume fragile, young sister. Estrella tries protecting her with her own sombrero, but Amaru declines with the warmth from her smile. She is a girl from the tropic rainforests. Rain is no stranger and wet is a familiar state for her.

She rides like Lady Godiva, a wrapper clear as cellophane, her transparent sodden negligee is a chrysalis to metamorphose from! She sprouts wings. Spreading her arms wide, expecting liftoff is imminent, she’s ready to soar from the saddle! Rain drops bead on her hair, a glittering crown of a million tiny jewels, before being flung into her wake by the wind of her passing! Her dense abundant hair, nearly reaches her shoulders again Her amazing hair grows rapidly and thick, and it seems to shed rain like a thatched straw roof! Wind whips her wet hair leaving a prismatic contrail behind, an illusion she flies towing a rainbow! Joyously at home in the rain! Rapturous at her first time on a galloping horse! Amaru poses as an equestrian rain goddess!

Her escort is awestruck! This and the sky trumpet of birds, are phenomenon seldom if ever seen, and Amaru seems to collect natural miracles to herself! Agreeing she is something special, and not knowing exactly what, they elevate her again. Amaru is now their adopted precious young queen!

Amaru, queen of the cowgirls! They celebrate this with more whoops! They unintentionally alert the people waiting at the dining hall with their nearing whoops!

Amaru finds an adoring crowd already waiting on the porch, and some standing outside in the rain in front of the dining hall! Out to greet her, includes all of Amaru’s sister wives, and in addition to all the ranches staff, are Julia, Fukumi, Antonia, Ariceli ( aka formerly Arrianna ) Alexandra, Claudia, Nana, Paula, Samantha, Cupid ( aka Anna ) Amaru is a very popular girl! Everyone loves her innocent natural generous personality, and applauds her presence among them!

Estrella slips off over her horse’s rump, and assists Amaru to dismount. Actually, she carries Amaru in her arms, above the mud, to set her clean bare feet upon the rain washed steps of the dining halls roofed veranda.

Amaru’s ruined negligee is useless as a garment! Amaru isn’t embarrassed by nudity. She wasn’t raised to think nudity is wrong. Nudity is natural to her.

She sheds the useless and mud fouled negligee like a second skin.

Regally, and glistening wet with rain, she walks naked into the hall. She is greeted and welcomed, with fervent hugs from her Mother-in-law Regina and from her Daughter-in-law, Gidget. Noticeably absent but not missed, are the five succubi. I’m told. I believe I know where to find them. My daughter Gidget also relates to me later, all that transpires during breakfast!

Furniture has been rearranged for this special breakfast. One table is set in the middle of the hall, crosswise, perpendicular to the rest! Rows of tables rank in front and to the rear. Apart but in their midst, the special table is centered between two massive fireplaces, located on the opposing outside walls. Normally only used in winter, the hearths are today unseasonably pressed into service. Small fires counter the rainy day’s damp chill air!

This is the table of honor, and Amaru is ushered to the table’s central place. She seats herself, to enthusiastic applause. The hall quickly fills, and there are more to come, those outside awaiting a turn. Slipping off Layla’s horse in front of the hall, I arrive in time to watch with pride, my bride in her glory, being welcomed and accepted by our people! She basks in their friendly smiles, adoring eyes, and the glow of the two fires. It’s enough to be happy!

Cupid, Gina and I wander off, to where I suspect the missing succubi are holed up. My storage/trysting uninhabited cottage. We are not wrong.

As we walk, I’m lost in fond memories of the events of the previous evening. I remember standing, dressed in my feathers and still wet from my shower, waiting in the court of the Cantina. I fidgeted impatiently, as the typical nervous groom! The wedding procession had just begun to wind its serpentine way down the hill toward us! I’m not late! I’m way too early!

I’m so excited in every possible way. There is a huge number of bare bottom females, walking about everywhere! Family and friends from near and far.

I try not to stare! Try to resist tasting them. My tongue is very busy on the taste test clit-button. I simply can’t ignore it. Temptation is just too great! This is an only chance, with some of these ladies! Who knows, when next I’ll see them, and highly improbable, I’ll ever see them again, so provocatively undressed! I’m vicariously tasting all, every last one of them! Young and old, all are delicious! All are my prey! I drool over them! Yummy!

My erection is fierce, and forces up my breech-clout!

I swiveled the damn thing around to the sides, out of my way. Roger was naked, openly, excitedly, nodding to everyone. Many women, invite me with their eyes, and lascivious glances. I return their hungry looks with my own! Furtive future encounters are silently planned and silently promised!

Asmodeus was there. I met him. “Call me Cupid! It’s easier!” He said, in a baritone voice, issuing from little three year old Anna’s mouth, appears to be! He suggests recruiting Gina, his resident staff Genie.

Gina also appears to be, and isn’t a little girl either. She’s a Djinn. A Genie!

Gina is a shape-shifter. And quite ancient! Djinn existed before man, older than Ava. According to Cupid! Some of what Cupid tells me, needs a dose of salts! My Bullshit detector’s red flags wave! But, what does it matter?

“My one advice? Get chummy with Gina! She can be a good ally! And thanks again for caring for us!” Asmodeus, aka Cupid graciously said. And almost immediately after he finishes speaking,

Here’s Gina! No theme music! She makes an unconventional entrance! Announces her presence, by ramming me in the rear, with one of the Cantina’s lawn chairs. Tripped my not-expecting knees and I collapse onto the molded plastic arm chair!

Gina, looks like a nude six year old girl wearing only a beaded waist chord! The feathered wedding regalia on her head, hides nothing worth hiding! Gina, uninvited, climbs on my lap! Care to guess what she chooses as a convenient grab to pull herself up with? Is it difficult to imagine?

“That isn’t friendly, Gina!” I said. She and Roger disagree. She says what I did, might class as an unfriendly act, but in her own opinion it’s the opposite. Very friendly indeed! What did I do that’s unfriendly yet very friendly?

“Do you like how I taste?” She embarrasses me asking that. She giggles. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell! If you’ll do it some more, and more than taste!”

I can’t I say. “You mean you won’t?” she challenges. I won’t! I admit.

“Magic folk are aware of magic performed on them. Wise to remember that!” Gina advises. “Did Cupid tell you, I can change my shape? Good for him, and it’s good for you too! If you don’t feel attracted to my present appearance, what form WOULD please you?” Gina asks provocatively. My mind is reeling!

I can’t think of anything cuter, but her cuteness isn’t sexy. Attractive, as an adorable child, she’s very appealing! But six year old little girls aren’t sexy!

“Something for you to think about then. Choose something small, though! Like I am now! I can’t change my size like Roger can! I can only puff my self up or out a bit. C’ya later!” Gina puffs out her cheeks, pops off my lap and is gone in a sprint. The amazing hyper-energy of little kids. Even ancient ones!

Hellena appeared, in wedding finery and her robes of office as high priestess. I thought Julia was performing the wedding? Hellena officiated a premarital ceremony. Regina and I were called to stand before her. She bound our hands together, advised us to live and love in peace, and pronounced us mother and son! My heart swelled to bursting! Regina looked as if she might swoon! People moved back, in fear of being squashed to the ground, if she fell. Regina and I passionately kissed, she gave me a motherly kiss, a pat, and left me standing alone in the center of the circle.

My bride Amaru was brought to my side! Cupid played father of the bride and gave her to me! Hellena moved over and to the rear. Julia presided.

My mind was unable to parse this avalanche of emotions and think simultaneously, or record the exact process! I was numb! Within a few blurry minutes, I’m half surprised to be married to Amaru! My newest mother, and Amaru’s new Mother-in law, congratulates us with hugs and kisses. My daughter Gidget, hugs her new Mother-in-law. Gidget and I hug and my wife Amaru, hugs her Daughter-in-law Gidget! Amaru and I, kiss passionately!

We danced the whirlyjig with hands bound together, and danced a few slow romantic cling and swing dances, and some latin dances.

Then, we were carted away on the shoulders of cheering friends! Returning us to the oak where I deflowered Amaru earlier in the afternoon!

The huge carved bedstead had been erected under the oak tree, and decorated with many bouquets of flowers! Wye topped posts were set in the ground, supporting laths and a diaphanous canopy over us! Mosquito nets, with sprays of aromatic herbs pinned to them, drape around us, sealing us inside our private fragrant romantic world. My four cowgirl-best-friends ride a singing night-herd serenade around us, in a generously wide perimeter!

Singing in fine, melodious, harmonious voices, songs of romance, longing, and love, our cowgirls guard our privacy! We won’t be molested by man or beast, with them on the alert!

Amaru said, she just couldn’t imagine there could exist a more romantic or lovelier setting for our wedding night, than this! She said this with gratitude and eyes moist with affection, and assures me, she truly loves our wedding bower. Absolutely loves me too, she added!

I pronounced the whole affair, the torchlight ceremony, the al fresca boudoir, and my exquisite bride, to be bodacious! Amaru invented a new word for it! Bodadacious! La Boda means Wedding in Spanish, combined with bodacious! Stop reminiscing, now!

We’re here! A War Council is called! All the succubi and magic folk attend!

If we win or have won the war? Or Lou wants an armistice, what should our terms be? What concessions can we demand and get? What restrictions on his activities will Lou accede to? What alliances, territories, assets, treasure, properties, exclusions, and exclusivitys can we reasonably or unreasonably seek to gain? What long term goals do we, or should we aspire to, and what inadvertent, detrimental, unhappy or dangerous consequences shall we be vigilant of, careful to be wise and avoid? Big questions!

Why are only magical folk invited to discuss these issues?

They know this devil personally. Who can better predict his reactions and hidden agendas? Lucifer is the prince of lies! Not to be trusted even a tiniest bit! We, have a very difficult situation. Dealing with the devil, is fraught with danger! Even if you believe you hold all the cards, he might have a few hidden up his sleeve! A couple of complete, spare trick decks secreted!

Be wise, and count on, he always does! He is the sleight of hand master!

Gina insists on sitting on my lap during this meeting. Thanks for asking, she is dressed today! Mostly, she still appears as the six year old girl, I’ve known for the past, almost a week. Today, she has big, or bigger feet it seems.

Gina wants this change to be enough for me. Claims these are her natural, non-magic or non-shape-shifted real feet.

I tell her, she still looks to me, like a six year old cute little girl, with big feet. Show me more real you! I insist.

Now she has added green eyes with an oriental slant!

Claims they are original equipment. Cute, I tell her, Now you look like a green-eyed little Chinese girl, with big feet.

She still looks six years old.

Woah! Ridiculous! A six year old with Mae West boobs? Gina! Stop fooling around! Show me you! She refuses, afraid I’ll think she’s ugly. The huge breasts disappear when I complained, THOSE are ugly on her!

How about ears? Are the human ears original? Show me your real ears. I bet they have points! Okay, she does have rounded slightly pointed ears, but they don’t lie flat to her skull, like it’s portrayed in the movies. They bend, or fold in the middle a little, and stick out to the side. They aren’t unattractive, just different. Caressing her ears, makes them straighten up nicely. Gina warns, her ears are erogenous zones, and when she’s aroused, they pop straight! Damn! I recognize her type of ears; in a sows ear! Gina has Miss Piggy’s ears, with a mouse ear shape! When a sows ears pop up straight, she’s ready for sex! Actually, Gina’s ears look like Koala ears, without the fur!

Gina isn’t a little girl any more! She’s a very cute aroused koala piglet!

I’m trying to pay attention to the meeting! The interaction with Gina above is intermittent, not continuous. Resolved two things in the meeting so far. Both negative gains.

We don’t want to chase Lucifer away somewhere we can’t keep tabs on him. Keep your enemies close! Also: We don’t want him expanding operations, or increasing capacity. These are things we don’t want. Negatives, but we are all in accord, with these two.

The current topic of discussion, is can we demand Lou get out of the drug trade. Stop carrying narcotics! Would he comply? How would we verify? Inspect every cargo just prior to rolling out? It’s doubtful, he’d even waste time arguing about it, he’d just abandon negotiations and walk away. I argue he can’t walk away. We have already stopped all his shipments and parked all his trucks. He resolves nothing in his favor by walking out. We do have Lou over a barrel and he must, like it or not, negotiate with us!

But is this really worth negotiating for? Or better to use it as a trade off tactic to get something else he’s reluctant to agree to? If Lou abandoned drugs, how long before another carrier picked up his slack?

I think, keep this as a trade off chip, for something more valuable, and we’ll reluctantly concede this point in exchange!

Fresh point, revisiting an earlier negative. More than just avoiding driving Lou away, why not make him centralize all of his operation here! See all of it! If not control it all exactly, we can influence all of his business, that is, if all of it is here! That gets all ayes! Making some progress. Three and maybe four consensus points!

What does Gina call her people, djinn? No, they refer to themselves as the Duendes or wee folk! Not only because of their smaller statue, but in a “We are We” group pride, solidarity identification.

“Leprechauns are referred to as wee folk. Kin?” I ask

Yes, we’re known as Pixies, Brownies, Hobgoblins, Elves, Faeries, Gnomes, Yordles, sprites, selkies, and Leprechauns! Duendes in Spanish, and other names in other languages, but all refer to the same wee peoples.

I ask, “Aren’t there some physical differences between those creatures?”

Gina replies, “Not really. Superficial differences of no importance! Different individuals, have different preferences regarding minor details! Customization is easy! We’re shape shifters, Gina reminds me!”

“Do you ever appear as normal people, older than children?”

She ducks the question, and asks one of her own.

“Do you know, perhaps remember, we’ve met once before? Many years ago! I wonder if you remember me? I’ll revert to who I was then, and see if it triggers a recall! Rings a bell!” Her form didn’t exactly blur, it was more like she writhed and twisted into a similarly sized but new personae. Wow! My seventh grade homeroom and history class teacher, Miss Zanders, is sitting on my lap, looking just exactly as she did, when I was twelve years old.

Now THIS form, I inform Gina, is very sexy!

“Really? Miss Zanders is thirty six years old, and not at all pretty. Her body is dumpy, she’s very short, her face is pockmarked with acne scars from her teen years, and that mass of super dense, super fine, super curly hair is impossible to manage! Every day is a bad hair day! Yes, amazingly, you are really attracted to her! To me, because I was and am her! It’s visibly obvious! Were you attracted to me even then, when you were a boy? Did you ever look up my skirt? Did you ... fantasize about doing sexy things with me? Would you like an opportunity to realize those fantasies of your deprived youth? Have you been thinking naughty things about me lately? Do I have a secret life in your fantasies? I’m now, just as I was then! I can make fantasies happen, come true for you, except for one thing! I can’t make you a boy again. I could make you, and I will love making you, into my very own special bad boy! I’ll be giving you lots of detention and plenty of personal attention! I’ll use my hand on your bare bottom if you need disciplining! Want to play naughty student at my school of pulchritude, majoring in slave, teacher’s pet? Call me Mistress Maestra! Look up my skirt! Get your face up in there!”

I need to pay better attention to the council. The current question before the panel, is how many demons does Lucifer control, or have as allies, or are obligated to come to his defense? Part of that, or as a side related question, how many succubus daughters does he have, that are summon-able to his cause?

Certainly, he must have countless immortal daughters, but if they belong to a different master, he has no claim on them. Has to petition that master, to loan his daughter back to him, before she can return and aid him!. I wouldn’t loan any of my women to any other male, regardless of how they pleaded and swore oaths! And certainly not to Lucifer! Nobody with a modicum of sense, will trust Lucifer! At least, not anyone knowledgeable enough to possess a succubus! Especially a daughter of Lucifer! Is the number of demons really important? If we had control over all, who cares if all is many?

“How can we get control over all the demons, by hook, crook, negotiation, or magic? It wouldn’t matter if they are few or many, if we control ALL! Cupid? You’re boss of the incubi and succubi? Is that a finite control? Or nominal?”

Cupid hems and haws. I gather he doesn’t really understand the extent of his authority, never having tested it. Cupid is a laid back, disengaged supervisor.

“Does anybody have one of those beaded chords laying close to hand?” Elba produces one from beneath her skirt. Got me an eyeful too! “Anybody know what these beads are made of? Looks like polished stone. Do these stones have any magical mystical properties? I think they make the beads on the ranch, from local raw materials. Is this anything we can use?”

Miss Zanders, sitting comfortably on my lap, asks to see the beads.

‘These are interesting! All these stones have powerful mystical properties!

We have among these, a “Cyclops” a peculiar occurrence of red and white chalcedony, some other varieties of Quartz, Jasper including Red Jasper, Prase or Green Quartz, and Clear Crystal!

Also, Green Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald or a finely-colored beryl, and Precious Jade or Jadeite called Chalchihuitl, prized by the Aztecs! And!

Tccali also known as Mexican Onyx, Opal, Agate, Amethyst, Carnelian, Topaz, Yellow Jade! And Volcanic Obsidian! Is there an extinct volcano on the ranch? Evidence of lava flows?

Four species of the garnet-group, pyrope or Bohemian garnet; grossularite in the pink variety, almandite; essonite or cinnamon garnet, and pink garnet called rosolite!

Surprise, here is a bead of Turquoise! No known deposits exist in Mexico. All Mexican objects of Turquoise are believed mined in New Mexico! Interesting! Interesting indeed, if it was actually collected here on the ranch! An unknown native Mexican deposit of Turquoise! The first discovered! If it exists!

No surprise at all, the stones are tumbled round, polished and drilled here, or nearby, would be expected.

Do you think they’re really mined here on the ranch? That would be startling fantastically amazing!”

“I think so! I’ll ask. Hellena? Hellena?” I volunteered. Miss Zanders tweaked my nose! “Hey!”

“Hi, Will. You haven’t been on the inner-net for several days. Welcome back!” Flor says. I ask her if she knows where the bead minerals come from. She is positive they are mined or gathered on the ranch, but doesn’t know what part of the ranch. Hellena should know.


“Yes Will, they come from our mining operations at the far end of the ranch, high in the hills. The cowgirls can take you there, if you wish. They know every trail, canyon, stream, and hill on the ranch.” Hellena offered.

“I want to come. I bet there might be some wee folk there!”

Miss Zanders is optimistic. She’s the only one of the magic folk willing to make the trek. Except, she won’t be trekking. She will give me her summoning stone and teach me the spell. She will also provide me with scrolls of return. I can summon her, once we’ve arrived at the destination. And we both can zip back here, by actuating the enchantment in the scrolls.

Miss Zanders feels she’s too old and heavy for riding around the countryside on horses for more than about an hour at a time.

Our war council meeting concludes, with the determination and assignment of an endorsed mission. Find magic stones, if they exist. Upon acquisition of magic stones, or failure, our future tactics must depend. Why plan, when we don’t know our own capabilities? Either we have many options, or a limited few! Discovery is of paramount importance. Sounds like a bunch of lawyers!

My bride Amaru, caught a chill, or something, and has the sniffles, a sore throat, and low grade fever. She hasn’t develop immunities to our local bugs yet. She’s staying in bed. Have fun, she says. I plan to!

The cowgirls act very professional, when Hellena gives them their orders.

No war whoops! I ask how many days travel?

Lorrita says three. Farrah says three going and three returning. Layla says “If we make good time and don’t dawdle!” Estrella agrees, it will take all of three days, or maybe more, for each leg.

Hellena asks, did the far end of the ranch move to the next state over? Or maybe a different country? Will we need passports to make this trip?

Everybody grins, except Miss Zanders. She isn’t in on the joke, and I don’t plan on explaining it. We gather our gear, and say our goodbyes. The goodbyes took all night for me. Lot’s of women needed personal farewells, including mama Regina and Gidget as a pair. Tell you about it later!.

At dawn, with big breakfasts tucked under our belts, we ride out. The clothes come off, before we’re quite out of sight, but nobody was checking on us, and soon we are safely beyond visual range.

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