The Tide Rises... - Cover

The Tide Rises...

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 2: War of Worlds

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: War of Worlds - Chapters one through seven of the sequel to Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit didn't have a supernatural element. Tide Rises definitely has! Willy experiences Mommy fantasies come true if not to life! One, his dead mom as a reincarnated ghost! In Chap 2, negotiation and conflict with the devil! Chap 3, discovers the Wee folk and makes allies and new Mom-in laws. Chap four, lotsa sluts. Chap five revenge and something more. Chap 6, unexpected developments Chap 7, Expected. A Monkey Paw Wish?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Ghost   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Harem   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   BBW   Body Modification   Clergy   Leg Fetish   Size  

Humorous, sexy, depraved, and tongue in cheek philosophy. I Hope Entertaining!

Is the secret of happiness, audible, visual, sensual, cerebral?

Or purely an emotional state?

The Tide Rises: Chapter TWO “War Between Worlds”

( Inside my head )

“I will make it worth your while to listen, an offer you can’t refuse!”

I’ll throw in some sex pots, my succubi daughters, Aphrodite and Venus!” Lou smugly declares.

Now THAT sounds like a real hell of a father speaking.

“Accept the deal, my nasty minded incestuous baby boy! These are genuine, authentic, and ancient, antique, oh so glorious, true fornication goddesses, much revered by the Romans and Greeks of history! They are extremely well aged and mellowed - vintage pussy, there’s none finer anywhere! But beware, even though they’re highly collectible classics indeed, they do have some extreme high mileage on them. You would be wise to insist upon a test drive, before committing your signature on the da-da-da-dotted line!” advises Ava stammering in passion, as she digs her wet finger inside her dripping nose.

I give her, the cardinal who ate the pussy, wolfish grin. Very wolfish looking!

Two pairs of long, varicose veined legs in stiletto heels, castanet their way towards me. Their legs separate, being careful their guts don’t fall out of their tattered, wobbled, gaping chasms. One straddles my face! Looking up inside her, she resembles a toilets vortex! The other slips her hemorrhoid festooned rectum over randy Roger. Their legs have purple bruises, are stubbly with 5 o’clock shadow, discolored without nylons. Their tennis skirts are so short, they look like beaded cords. Desperately, they need, but aren’t wearing deodorant. They begin hunching their saggy cellulite mottled bottoms, and wrinkled, soured piss smelling cunts on me. Good old pussy! Shitty good poophole! Her diarrhea lubricates us. I’m almost ready to cum!

“Wake Up! Wake Up! Willy! Don’t dream this garbage! You’re disgusting me! What’s come over you? I enjoy your erotic dreams. But this? Is psychotic!”

“Wake the hell UP!” Ava telepathically shouts and shakes me!

“Uh!” Rubbing my eyes. Computer message alert. I was waiting for this!

We have been waiting for funds transfer verification. I must of dosed off.

“Now can we shake?” Lou offers his hairy knuckled hand again.

“I have verified the funds are transferred to the account, according to the contract, and we have signed all the documents. We’ll shake.” I insist.

I take charge! I put my hand out to take his.

Lou grins, and jerks his hand away. Gives me a “take a hike, pal” erect thumb gesture over his shoulder. An adolescent sight gag!

“I want a side deal!” Lou says, meshing his fingers together, wiggling them.

“My soul isn’t on the table! Forget it. You can blow me!” I worry Lou plans to try some trick. Tries to have my soul anteed up as a deal sweetener for him.

“You! Your soul? I’d rather have a cow as a house pet! You are a pain in the ass, bub! You not only give me heartburn, but the shitz as well! I don’t want you near me! Keep your damned soul!” Lou dismisses the idea with a laugh.

“Uh, Good!” I try to make it sound like, I refused him.

“What I want, is to try out your recliner.” Lou is covetous of my leather chair.

“You’ll break it.” I don’t want his huge fat ass sitting in MY chair.

“If I break it? I’ll pay for it.” Lou offers.


“Do you like my car? It started basically as a 2014 Dodge Charger R/T 100th Anniversary edition, but I had it completely rebuilt! Customized special!”

“Rebuild in Mexico means assembled from wrecks.” I want King Louie to know, man cub knows more than a few things, too.

“So what? Do you think bored, one piece specialist workers on a Detroit assembly line know and are more expert, more careful, than a true expert, a real master mechanic? Wise up, chum.” Lou is derisive of assembly lines.

“Probably not.” I reluctantly agree. I do need new wheels. Expect to buy a few bikes tomorrow. Bikes are fun, but not in the rain, or during winter temperatures. I wouldn’t refuse his car, as a gift. Wouldn’t give hard cash for it either! A title-less wrecked parts conglomeration. I’ll listen to the deal.

“Besides, this Charger REX? I named it, the REX model! Is quite unique, a real one of a kind! It’s part Dodge Viper, Copperhead edition, and a big part, the Challenger Hellcat engine! A little from a late model Pacifica! A custom frame and a few extra tweaks! Like the 840 hp Demon’s supercharger!”

“So, what do you call this Frankenstein monster 840 hp automobile?”

“My car.” Lou laughs at me. I don’t enjoy being the butt of his jokes!

“Let me sit in that recliner, try it on for size! I’ll buy it at your ask, if it suits me. If it breaks? I’ll recompense you! I’ll give you my car!”

“Okay! Try it!” I challenge. My billion dollar ask, will shock Lou!

Lou swivels, reclines, rocks, adjusts back angles and lumbar support. Tries heat, vibrator, and the 3D roller massage. The NASA designed zero gravity recline position, the option I use for my NASA naps, he also plays with! He tosses his car keys at me. They hit my chest and fall to the floor. I never moved a muscle. Didn’t try to field his pitch. Venus picks them from the floor. Offers them on her open palm. I ignore both Venus and the keys.

“What’s this?” stonily I ask.

“It’s broke! It’s mine!” Lou laughs. He licks the leather upholstery with his slimy, prehensile, green tongue! “Umm! GOOD upholstery!”

“It’s ruined now!” I agree, disgusted. I take the keys from Venus. The ignition key head is a Dodge Ram emblem. Almost! A viper tongue extrudes from the goat’s mouth. Odd, I never before considered the Dodge Ram emblem is also a medieval satanic emblem! Apparently, Dodge with their model names has! No problem. Emblems change ownership! The rainbow was a beautiful emblem of God’s promise, for Jews and Christians, and a skyscape for children’s crayon work. Then the LGBTQ arrogantly usurped it! I refuse to acknowledge they have a legitimate claim! Rainbows belong to everybody!

“Titled? Of course not; silly to mention it.” My face is sour, Lou’s delighted!

“You can have possession of the apartments at noon tomorrow. I’ll leave the keys in an envelope on the table. Satisfied?”

“Daddy? Lord Will signed the contract as ‘Man Cub’! You probably should have him re-sign correctly.” Aphrodite is holding a copy of the contract, her arm outstretched toward Lou. Lou is frowning, trying to figure it out. A trick?

“Lou signed, with a very fine flourish, Louis C IV Satana Rex. Is THAT a legal signature?” I need to see an official State ID, to confirm, I tell him! “Are you actually the one hundred and fourth descendant of the original Satan?”

“I’m kinda disappointed! Here, I thought I was dealing with the one and only!”

“My signature correctly reads as: Louis Si Four, Satan, King! I’m the original! Man cub, is equally appropriate for YOU, son of Ava! I accept your signature as valid! Do you accept mine? Shake!” Lou offered a gnarled paw. I shook it!

“I’ll be back tomorrow and claim possession! Don’t be here!” Lou ordered.

“You don’t need to meet with me again. Any further business between us, can be liaised via my daughters, and they are now your perpetual slaves. Enjoy them! I always have! If I decide to renew the contract, a year from now, the new deposit to your account will automatically confirm another years lease. The succubi really are excellent in bed, and totally uninhibited!” Lou grinned, lasciviously and headed for the door.

“One final detail, Louie! Look out the door! Observe your trucks parked at the terminal. That’s why you want this penthouse. Right? To see your drivers in their cabs, slumped behind their wheels? An epidemic of sudden narcolepsy! This time, peculiar to just those parked drivers. But if? There’s a next time?”

“If you think to, or try to, cheat me, or attempt stealing your car back, perform espionage of any kind, or have your succubi try to do it, or? Well, I’ll rephrase in words you can more easily understand! If you should piss me off? In anyway? You’d better think again, and NOT! I will be delighted for this epidemic to occur again, affecting ALL your drivers! Every where!

Including those with forty ton loads moving seventy miles per hour!

Ava, darling? You can wake them up again, please!

Thank you, my sweet Mommy! I’m happy I’m YOUR cub!

Capisce, King Louie?” I can’t look wolfish as Lou can, but FOX grin, I can!

The old devil, glowering darkly, stomps out the door in such a snit and careless haste, fatso’s jacket snags and rips on the narrow door frame!

Aphrodite and Venus stand looking at me, with openly friendly, and attentive faces and dripping pussies. “Mommy? What shall I do with them?”

“Claim them, for us, my dear! I would dearly love to help you fuck them! Will you permit me to join with you, in your Mama’s place? As, part of Wilma? Except we’ll have to be Avawilly. I simply must insist on top billing! Giggle. I’ve been considering, and wanting to try merging with you, for some time! Since we proved it can work with you and your Mama, I’ve envied her! Succubi can be sexually very dangerous. Domination is their specialty!.

I suspect that, is what old horny toad Lou planned! To enslave YOU to them! They’re too dangerous for you to try fucking alone! Even together with your mom, combined as Wilma, you can’t compete with their wiles and skills, perfected over eons! Let us, you and I, join together. We two combined as an Incubus and Death incarnate, will be sexually indomitable together!. Will you join with me, merge with me? I discovered the morphology is the same as an Incubus! A succubus with a cock hidden in her pussy. We’ll have lots of fun, my darling young son! We’ll be victorious! And we’ll cum together a lot!”

I begin undressing, to the delight of Aphrodite and Venus! They are less welcoming in attitude to Ava’s twinkling lights apparition when it appears. When we merge, and externally I appear as female below my shoulders, armpits actually, they laugh uproariously, pointing at my, our pussy!

When Roger eases out like a fattening, slithering eel, hanging his head, below my knees, the succubi fall to theirs, in reverent worshipful attitude! “Oh lord!” they exclaim, in shocked praise, and chorus in unison!

“Yezzz?” I drawl, encouraging the choir, in their supplication and adoration.

“You whined?”

“Mommy, can Mama also merge? With us? Is it possible for three as one?”

“Interesting! I haven’t considered it! Control would be an issue, I think.

With the two of you, division of labor is simple. With three? Hmmm!”

Ava is considering, and that is better than an outright rejection! I consider tonguing her clitoris in my mouth, as a persuasion, but it’s mine also now. It might please her, but probably will distract the hell out of me!

“Might I suggest, our joint name is AVAwe? YOU assume command, as Captain. You don’t need to personally man the wheel, just order the course! You don’t need to manage the engines, just order the RPMs! A benefit, if Mama is on autopilot performing some licking assignment, unbeknown to her, and incapable of her, you can share conscious residence with me in Roger’s small head! We’ll go spelunking together in strange vaginae and uterui. Sound at all interesting, enticing, to you, my adorable Mommy?”

“Indeed, my delightful fuzzy brained cub! You may be the inspiration for the phrase coined by and credited to Dr.Lotfi Zadeh. Your Mom says it was she first used, mentioned it, in a conversation with him, the phrase, fuzzy logic! I’ll invite her to merge with us! You never cease endearing yourself and amazing me, my darling twig! Wanda? Please appear!”

I call Gidget and tell her about the new car, definitely piquing her interest! We are temporarily relocating to the ranch. Please bring the bus! She agrees.

Soon, Mama is part of three of US as well. She is very excited and highly flattered to be included on this sexy adventure!

“Okay, goddesses? Be honest if you can! Which of you is the best fuck? What? No hands waving anxiously in the air? Come on! Who is the best piece of pussy? Oh my! Does pointing at each other indicate humility? A surplus of respect for each other? Or timidity? Who’s afraid of Roger? Now we have hands up!” Shit! I ain’t raping nobody! How do I seduce a succubus? Or two?

I suggest we have sex without them. Maybe they’ll be inspired to join us. Let’s give them a show! Let’s use the recliner! Our last chance to sit in it!

Mama’s libido is never difficult to arouse since we reunited. I’ve heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but Mama is now, forever and publicly horny! Who am I to speak? I have sex organs of all kinds, including several clitorides, connected to various women, and Ava’s nipples inside my mouth!

I run my tongue across Ava’s clit, and we stumble while walking to the recliner! I was NOT expecting an explosive intensity! Ava gave herself a dynamite clitoris! Maybe she’s always had one! We sprawl rather than sit!

Golly Gee! Ava’s and Mama’s superimposed organs, lumped together are one SUPER PUSSY! The paired uteri and cervices, are an incredible fuck. We need to hole up in our private escape pad, and just fuck ourselves for a couple of days non-stop. Mama and Ava agree, an attractive excursion in sexual outer limits! Roger and I keep poking our head out, for fresh air. It’s hot, incredibly hot and humid inside these two combined pussies! I’m drenched! This last trip out, I saw Aphrodite’s smiling face staring at me. Roger tries to smile back, but only drools like an idiot. Nobody claims their small head is smart! Roger’s, least of all! I already mentioned, he trends to the left? Say no more!

Aphrodite is licking our mutual pussy, and also Roger’s head when he pokes it out. Roger is staying out later and more often! No curfew! Feels good!

My upper lip is flehmening like a horny billy goat, again! I want to fuck a succubus! This one! I reach for Aphrodite and pull her up on top of us. Soon we, and she, are mashing all these pussies together and grinding clitori against each other! Roger scoots out of our hole and worms into hers! Her age doesn’t concern me! I’m already in love with many mature women, in my life, including the oldest woman of all! The first, my Mommy Ava! Adding a faux-goddess, only a few Millennia old, is no turn off! Her appearance suggests she’s at most, maybe twenty! My cup of tea! Sweet! Just as I like it!

“Five rapid shallow thrusts, followed by five deep slow penetrations, and repeat.” as sister Expedite likes, won’t work in this situation.

Five rapid complete penetrations, shuttle fucking, followed by five slow shuttling, total complete penetrations!


Racing and dawdling, both directions! Repeat, about a million times. That’s the ticket! Aphrodite is orgasming and creaming as never I witnessed any female orgasm before! Of course, she isn’t human, and it’s my first experience with a real underworld character! It won’t be my last, I’m sure!

I am not referring to inner-city criminal elements, I mean the underworld nether regions! Ava isn’t classed as underworld in my book! Ava is amazingly OTHER worldly! And She and Mama are orgasming also! So, of course am I with them. I experience and I’m aware of everything they feel, enjoying the sensations they do! It quickens my heart and breathing! Maybe the rapid pulse and panting are Mom’s and Ava’s contributions? Anyway, I am not intensely orgasming, like the feminine parts of us are! I’ve partly filtered them out. I’m in the zone! Focused!

I control my ejaculations, like a sniper picking off high profile targets.

I fire quite rapidly though, whenever I hit bottom! Twice each cycle!

To say I’m cumming is inaccurate! More aptly, BOTH cumming and going!

Finally, Aphrodite either falls by the wayside, or Venus dragged her off of us! Venus is now our new alter-pussy! She climbs on, and matches pussy holes without any direction, or manipulation of our hands. Talented girl! Er, crone?

They’re different, but enjoyable, excellent, multi-talented fuckers, both of them! The main difference, most easily remarked upon difference, between the two succubi, is Aphrodite is tractable, complacently content to grind pussies, and be aggressively fucked by Roger! Venus is more independent and exuberant. She feels the need to hump! But her sense of rhythm sucks! Hasn’t she ever listened to rock and roll? Well, some people just can’t dance! Venus wants to dance, but she’s messing us up! I grab her hips in my hands and clamp her in place, pussy mashed to pussy. Still, she struggles to hump me, hump us!

I give her an inch of slack, to move that one inch, but it literally backfires.

It allows air to enter Venus’ vagina, when I withdraw, and she pussy farts when I return and thrust in!

“Whoever is giggling, please stop it!” “It’s YOU Willy, not us giggling!” The women giggle to show me the obvious difference in giggle noise tone.

I force myself to stop giggling, not by self discipline, it’s not my fault!

I stop by forcing Venus to close the gap! Stop her pussy farting!

Eventually, Mama and Ava ask to quit the show! Just when we were planning to take it on the road! They’re completely fucked out! Can’t take any more! Ava didn’t spread my gifts of extreme stamina and insatiability around.

I’m unique! They reluctantly disconnect!

I carry Venus over and lay her on the table, prepared for a conventional fuck!

“You can move your ass now, baby! Hup, two, three, four!” I tell her.

She gives me a good ride, but eventually she too also, pleads to stop!

“Aphrodite! Get your sweet ass over here! Now!” She misinterprets my order, and bends over the table, and spreads her ass cheeks! Well? When in Rome?Likewise when in Greece, also do as the Grecians do! Did! Do! Fuck it!

She begs off, after fucking each of her juicy sweet holes twice more! Each!

I’m disappointed with succubi! Aren’t they supposed to be insatiable, huh? “What are you, a couple of big old pussies? Where’s your balls?” I demand!

But I didn’t really mean it! I leave to visit Bebe. She NEVER turns me down!

Once outside on the steps, I see the bus is back, and parked across the road.

A beautifully shaped ass, in a pair of mechanics gray and striped coveralls, is provocatively posed on tiptoes, and bent over! The top half is anonymously concealed beneath the open hood of our new funny car! But I have a hunch! I believe I’ve seen that ass before! Up-close and nude! Studying the crack the tight clothing has drawn into, I realize both my face and my cock have been in this particular crack! Numerous times, with great pleasure. Gidget!

I consider, sneaking up behind and surprise my engrossed sexy daughter!

Maybe bury my face between her sweet cheeks, and make a long, loud, fart sound with my mouth. Nah! She’ll criticize me as not acceptable parental behavior. Is she a parent? Where are her better judgment credentials?

Instead, I do sneak up behind her, holding the cars keys aloft between two fingers and my thumb, and rattle them, causing a metallic jingle. Gidget whips around, out from under the hood, swipes at, and swipes the keys from my hand, in a single blurry movement! Fastest thing I’ve ever seen! She throws her arms about my neck, says “Thanks, Daddy!” and kisses me!

She kisses me passionately, and squirms her fine womanly body against me, in front of God and everybody, right there in the street! Nobody else is around to witness the depravity of Gidget, but they could have been! Okay?

“You’re welcome, baby girl! So, is this a keeper? Or, just a parts car?”

“Think I’ll keep it down here in Mexico. If we ever need to race to the hospital again, this beast will ... come ... in ... han ... I’m sorry Daddy!”

She tries brushing away my tears, but gives up, and just hugs me! I hug her back! We stand there together, awhile, just holding each other.

“Helena is sending the truck for the furniture. Should be here soon. Shall I hire some men to... ?” Gidget offered, but I say I’ll arrange the hired backs.

I kiss her and she gets in the car and cranks it. Vroom! Vroom! “It’s got the Hellcat’s 707 horsepower 370 cu in supercharged Hemi V8!” Gidget yells! Vroom! I can’t hear her! I shout! She waves me away! Vroom! I give her a cut the engine, hand sliced across neck. Gidget obeys, not exactly pleased.

“What, Dad?” Oh, I’m Dad now, not Daddy Daddy!

“Did you say 707 horsepower? Because I distinctly recall that old stinker bragging this car was retrofitted with a demon something super charger, boosting horse power to 840 hp! If I recall correctly!” Gidget bailed out and climbed under the hood again. She almost as quickly, emerged and threw her self in my arms all lovey dovey once again.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! I love you!”

Gidget has a bit of speech impediment on tense occasions.

Checking out the restaurant, I’m looking for idle hands, men maybe interested in a few hundred pesos worth of furniture toting work. I take notice the menu has changed. Maybe, even improved! The two waitresses are flat on their backs on adjacent tables, and working their fannies, not off, but up and down! They’re cuter than I recall, with their waitress aprons and skirts rumpled up around their waists. Their knees are also up, around their shoulders. Their pale bare asses hang out and they’re energetically bouncing and rocking, as a couple of drivers are equally energetically fucking them. It’s evidently consensual. Each waitress has a fist full of currency!

A line of drivers is waiting, with more money in hand, and anxious and ready to add to their nest eggs. The waitresses seem to really enjoy this new job! Seductive eyes, sensuous swollen lips, wistful and sorrowful expressions, they project their lust at me. They aren’t ashamed, just disappointed it isn’t me Rogering their hot juicy bodies. I’m a little miffed my self!

Missing opportunities grates on my ergonomic, economic sensibilities.

My fault they ended up in this training position, with a train of eager riders waiting in queue, instead being loved members of my own bevy of gals!

They sent me plenty of signals, that I ignored! That’s how I read it, anyway.

I feel sorry for myself and for them, that I didn’t herd them into my harem!

At the very least, I’d have notched my gun-belt with them, a few times each!

They appear to be enjoying and obviously are enjoyable fucks.

Sorry isn’t a worthwhile emotional state and I move on along.

Something like, violent sounds are coming from the flower shop! Dashing in,

I see a driver wrestling with Fukumi! She has hold of the center of a golf club in one hand, but the driver has a strong grip on that wrist! She has a fist full of the drivers greasy looking hair in the other. The driver’s free hand is under her skirt, rummaging in Fukumis soft underneath! Fukumi is trying to scalp him by yanking tufts of his hair out! Golf balls and clubs are all over the floor!

The noise I heard, must have been the golf bag being knocked over! Did this once belong to her dead husband? Or is Fukumi a golfer? Curious! From the clubs fallen scattered upon the floor! I grab one up, and holding in a baseball bat grip, I holler “FOUR!”! The startled driver turns to look at me, wide eyed, and catches the club head right on his big ugly nose! Blood FLIES from his ruined, and now uglier nose! The driver let loose of Fukumi, and he staggers blindly while gushing blood, toward the door. Fukumi winds up with her club, to break his skull, but I stop her swing, gripping the shank while still at top of the arc! I use the leverage of the club, to pull her to me, for a passionate and grateful kiss. I’m grateful she wasn’t raped! I beg her, to grab her things, lock her shop, and get on the bus! I promise to see her there, on the bus, a little later. Keeping the club I’ve already bloodied, I head for the barber shop.

In the barber shop, I find my crying, struggling, and protesting sisters-in-laws are already on their backs on the floor, being fucked by a couple of Lou’s thug drivers, while two more thugs wait their turn in the wings. The waiting scum flee, shouting warnings to their accomplices, after taking just one look at me and my bloodied weapon. I swing mightily, without warning FOUR!

The driver whose brains I intended for wall decorations, ducks just in time anyway, so I merely crease his scalp. It did dissuade him from continuing his fucking of Claudia! The other fuckers hopped off my women, jumped to their feet, and were beating feet out the door as fast as they could, holding their pants up in their fists at their crotches and waists. Antonia came from the back room. That’s why I hadn’t seen her at first. I hold her while she weeps and clings to me. I spread my arms wide and collect Alexandra and Claudia into our group hug. My feelings for you, are unchanged, I assure them!

Grab what you need and get to the bus! I love you. This was not your fault, but it might be mine! I tell each of them how much they mean to me, how precious they are and I kiss them passionately. It will be alright! Go! I’ll join you on the bus shortly!

Heading down the strip and then upstairs to Arrianna’s apartment, I take the steps two at a time. Two assholes are on Arrianna! One fucking her, and she is enthusiastically fucking him back, it appears! The other one, is holding her down! He has hold of her by her unresisting wrists, and is sucking her erect nipples. Arrianna is pragmatic! Go with the flow! Don’t fight the inevitable!

Another asshole, a nasty fucker, is messing with the little girls. He paws tiny Anna, and obviously considers Gina a snack. Anna stands sucking her thumb, while being pawed over, apparently dazed by these violent, unhappy events!

I swing at Gina’s mouthy molester, and he makes a grab at the hundred plus mph club head. A couple broken fingers is what he gets! He runs off moaning clutching his crippled hand! I try an overhand chop at the spine of the thug, humping between Arrianna’s embracing legs and hooked heels, but the ceiling gets in my way. After a curving clattering, aim deflecting scrape along the ceiling, my missed blow hits his shoulder! Hurts him but not sufficient force to injure him! Gets his attention! Gets his partners attention too! Also, Arrianna’s! Her face loses it’s lust when she sees me, mimes. “I’m sorry!”

The men bow up, like they intend to fight me for possession of the woman. When she launches herself on the hold-her-down assailant, and is raking at his eyes, the other, her actual fucker, figures he’s been left to fight me on his own! He folds cards and bails down the stairs. Only a minute behind him, the fella trying to see his way through cracks between his fingers, is running down the stairs also! His defense against Arrianna isn’t very effective. She’s piggyback mounted, riding him and still raking at his hands that cover his face, trying to protect his eyes! She wants his eyeballs skewered on her nails. She’s making up for her acquiescence being raped. Maybe her enjoying the fuck, was a conscious decision, not to be used? She falls off, after an elbow catches her in the face! Her forehead, was all that was elbow bashed.

“Get your things and get to the bus!” I tell her. She’s worried that I think she shouldn’t have enjoyed being fucked! I kiss her passionately. She grabs and squeezes Roger! Roger is thrilled to have attention, as usual! What to do? She was getting her jollys and they were interrupted. I feel a strange obligation, to leave her not wanting! Am I aroused watching one of my women fuck another man? No, definitely not. I’m aroused by one of my women in arousal! Quickly dropping my pants, she’s quicker. Skirt up, legs open, breasts still exposed! I fall on her and furiously high speed almost violently, fuck her. Almost immediately, I rapid fire in her, once, twice, thrice, four times. She shakes with a violent orgasm. I hold her a minute until it passes. I jump up, pull up my pants, hug the little girls, and holler over my shoulder, as I race down the stairs, “Get on the bus!”

Stopping to warn the pharmacy, I’m wasting my time! The pharmacist won’t leave with his family. I’m sorry for his pretty young wife and two young daughters! They are probably in for some harassing traumatic experiences!

I run onward to the hotel!

Samantha and Paula are having lunch in the main dining room. I tell them, to get ready! We’ll be by shortly with the bus to collect them! They want details! “What you want, is unreasonable! No time! If you trust me, DO IT!”

I turn and run for my apartments. Again, taking steps two at a time, I arrive on the second floor, but I can’t enter. The hall to the apartments is crowded with men. I hear little Flor screaming!

“Oh god! Ava, Mommy! Help me please! Help me save them!”

Suddenly I’m shoved, almost pushed over the banister, by men pouring out of my apartments and running scared for their trucks. All seem in agony and clutching at their crotches. I hope their dicks look like burnt matches!

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