The Tide Rises... - Cover

The Tide Rises...

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 1: Mommies

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Mommies - Chapters one through seven of the sequel to Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit didn't have a supernatural element. Tide Rises definitely has! Willy experiences Mommy fantasies come true if not to life! One, his dead mom as a reincarnated ghost! In Chap 2, negotiation and conflict with the devil! Chap 3, discovers the Wee folk and makes allies and new Mom-in laws. Chap four, lotsa sluts. Chap five revenge and something more. Chap 6, unexpected developments Chap 7, Expected. A Monkey Paw Wish?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Ghost   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   InLaws   Harem   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   BBW   Body Modification   Clergy   Leg Fetish   Size  

After Tess Garcia’s funeral where Helena, Gidget, Carmen and I, desecrated Tess’ grave by pissing on her, the four of us walk forlornly together to the main house. Anger permeates the air. There is no sense of closure. The desecration was not as soul satisfying as I anticipated! Wanted for myself! Asking my companions, if they feel any better, isn’t necessary. Their scowls express their own dissatisfaction.

Helena told us, the candle Tess punctured and killed my wife Carla with, was returned to Tess, in a like manner! Tess stuck Carla, so Carmen shoved it up Tess Garcia’s dead pussy, too! It is now buried in her, and with her. It’s poetic justice maybe, but Tess is dead when it’s done to her. Not the same thing! At all!

Carla died an agonizing death, after being stabbed in her genitals. It allowed horrible disease bacterias to enter via the wound and digest on Carla’s internal organs, including her brain! And what is Tess Garcia’s punishment for murder so foul? Suffers our insult! After, she is dead, buried and can’t appreciate our graphic derision! She got peed on. That’s it! Justice? Should have at a minimum, shit on her! Damn her to Hell!

Once back in the family mansion, we sit with my Mother-in-law, Julia. Servants bring refreshments at Julia’s instruction. Carmen is in Julia’s arms, seeking comfort. It’s an appropriate place to look for love and comfort! I know! I, myself, have spent many wonderful hours in Mom’s arms. Plan on returning for more!

Normally, I would happily seduce all four women, but I’m too depressed!

Carmen wants to stay with Julia, and begs for Oracle, her assigned companion, to be sent for forthwith. We’ll arrange it, but Carmen’s reason for not returning with us, is unsettling. Especially for me!

Marysol completed her filthy incantation and spell, and burned herself and those two poor girls! I’m no witch, but I think that is a powerful and effective sacrifice! I believe Marysol will be successful! I can’t bear to hear Carla’s resurrected voice come out of Bebe’s drooling mouth! I’m sorry! It’s too much! I can’t be there when that happens!” Carmen tearfully explains and bemoans not returning, and her reasons for staying here.

She weeps bitterly, and Julia pats her soothingly, and I agree, Carmen shouldn’t see that! I don’t want to see it, or allow it too happen! I’m powerless to prevent it. Today just, sucks!

We decide it’s best NO ONE under age twenty sees Carla. What can I do about fourteen year old Flor? Bebe is Flor’s mother! Bebe’s addict mom consumed embryo brain death. Wasn’t labeled that. Named Paradise, or similarly attractive.

Bebe and Flor are dwarfs and both have mental problems! These are additional disorders, and not connected to dwarfism. Dwarfs have normal intelligence.

Flor is one of my wives and so is Bebe. And Flor has down syndrome! She is a very devoted daughter, and won’t willingly leave Bebe! Bebe is the target of possession for my dead wife Carla, although Carla has nothing to do with it.

Flor can not be allowed to witness her mother be permanently possessed by a dead spirit! Even if it’s my darling deceased wife Carla’s spirit!

The possession is a devious plan by a self-immolated, murdering suicide, old brujeria witch named Marisol. She sacrificed two troubled girls and herself, in the incantation possession spell ritual! She is, was, the grandmother of my eldest and astonishingly beautiful wife, Helena!

My daughter Gidget and chief wife Helena, have gone together after our family, to collect all my wives and their ladies. Gidget returns in the bus, with almost all of my brides and troupe, but without Flor or Flor’s ten year old companion Carlita. And without Bebe’s nanny, Nana.

Helena is trying to convince Flor and Carlita to get into our car with her, but it’s a tearful struggle of wills. Gidget passes along a message from Helena. She will bring me the car soon, and alone, if unsuccessful with Flor.

Nobody needs my loving arms, except to carry luggage. I make myself useful to my darlings, offloading the bus and dragging the trunks, crates, cases, boxes, and valises into the mansion and up to the bedrooms. I collect perfunctory kisses as gratuities. My girls are too occupied being excited girls, to bother much with me.

Helena returns with only Nana and Carlita. Flor remains with Bebe. Helena leaves the keys in the ignition, smooches me warmly, and ushers her passengers inside.

I drive too rapidly back to the apartments. Just as recklessly, I haphazardly park and anxiously dash upstairs, to mine and Bebe’s bedroom. My hand’s on the doorknob before I stop to catch my breath. A minute of forced hyperventilation steadies my breathing. After smoothing back my hair, I’m feeling ready. Adjusted and straightened, dignified, presentable, I can approach Bebe now.

“Hello beautiful!” As I enter, I say to Bebe. Her eyes crinkle at the sight of me, and her lips smile, but not as broadly as usual. A strange little smile, familiar, but not! Not her! Not one of hers. At least, not one I’ve ever seen her use before. She IS and can be surprising! Often!

“That’s a lovely way to be greeted! Thank you!” a voice in my head says.

“Did you say something Flor?” Because otherwise, I’m hearing voices. Of course mute Bebe hasn’t said anything, but that voice in my head is familiar. I have never heard voices in my head! Not before! Not that I can remember.

Flor sadly shakes her head, “No”. She is hugging Bebe, seized on to her, like she’s afraid to let go of her. Flor’s tear streaked face is buried against Bebe!

With her eyes shut tight, she weeps silently! Flor is intense, and focused only on her mom, and her need of her, her love for Bebe. Her terror of imminently losing her Mama! Their last moments to be together in this world! Flor is too aware of the import!

“Well, I suppose if my voice sounds familiar to you, I must be satisfied with that! Recognizing my voice would have been much more pleasing, Willy.” I heard inside my head.

“Mama? MAMA? What, what are you doing inside my head, Mama?” I say in my thoughts. Responding to my deceased mother’s disembodied voice, feels foolish!

( This entire subsequent conversation takes place, only inside my head. )

“That is not easily told. Are you where you can sit and not fall down? I don’t want my Willy boy to be hurt!” Mama begins, “I’ll begin with a fight. A short while ago, a witch tried to seize control of Bebe’s mind. She was very ill prepared for a battle with Bebe’s personality! Bebe easily kicked her ass over the center-field fence, speaking metaphorically, of course. This witch was, however, very powerful in casting spells. She enhanced our incorporeal Bebe’s connection to the living corporeal Bebe by, by Magnitudes! She conjured an enchantment and spell-cast it while she still lived, and then sacrificed her life, and two others, to give it effect!

Everyone else here, appears about as substantial as a sunbeam. Except Bebe! After the enhancement, she glows like a full moon in our midst! It’s very attractive! So, I made an effort to make her acquaintance. We are both delighted, we share a love of YOU in common. Isn’t that cool? Fantastic? Fate? God’s Will? Improbable coincidence? Serendipity? Destiny? Luck? Good fortune? To die for?

We’ve discovered our shared psyches, merged together have certain amazing abilities! We are now symbiotes. Part-time. Or, by mutual sustained accord. Temporarily-voluntarily? Not, necessarily, permanent. At will! I suppose. My best approximations can’t well define here, or anything in here, where space and dimension doesn’t exist. Sorry, but that’s it! An inadequate explanation despite my utmost considered, careful, and well parsed incisive effort!”

“Was the witches name Marysol? Will she return, do you believe? Can she cause more trouble?”

“Yes, I think that’s her name! She’s under a restraining order to keep away.”

“Good. Good! Is Carla there?” I have to ask. She was temporarily. But she left. Marysol’s plan from the beginning, was to self-resurrect, to steal Bebe’s body for herself. Never was her intention to resurrect Carla. Only resurrect Marysol herself!

Carla doesn’t want resurrection, is happy, and plans to return to sleeping away the eons. She has very pleasant realistic dreams, and you feature strongly in them. She enjoys being with you in her fanciful dreams, and sends you her love.”

“Tell her I love her too, and I miss her.” I mentally choke. Weird. “Is Dad there?”

“I will tell her, if I see her.” Mama promises, “He is. Sleeping, just like most of his adult life! When he wasn’t reading, studying, researching, or writing. Dear man! I’m used to missing his presence. I have a lifetime of experience to draw upon!”

“If he wakes up ... Mama? Did you say, you are in contact with, and know Bebe?”

“Yes, I’ll give Dad your love. And Yes. Bebe is right here!

We are metaphorically fused. Like layers in the same photo-shop project.”

Mama has a sense of the weird. Or, is that Nerd? Is there much difference? Mama was always a computer nerd! I was a nerd, too! Once, for awhile, before I became a cocksman! Cox man?

“How can Bebe be there, when she is here with me?” I want to understand. I look carefully at Bebe wrapped in Flor’s arms, and rub my eyes, making a positive ID!

“That is a strange and unique, an unquieting thing about Bebe. The librarian says it’s never happened before. And I’m certain SHE would know. I will try and explain it, if you’ll try to be patiently receptive to understanding it.

Bebe is more than half dead! And yet, partly alive. Dear dead Bebe is with us and technically, her life is over! Living Bebe is somehow, still with you! She was, part of her, left behind, and sadly, that part is very diminished mentally.

The psyche has different parts, as you know. Id, ego, superego. Bebe’s superego and bulk of her ego is here. That part of her brain was destroyed, in utero by her mother’s drugs.

Bebe alive, apparently, has all of her id, all of her libido and then some extra, I think! Bebe is perpetually horny, and wants you to know that! She also has some preconscious, some limited consciousness, and even maybe a pinch, of ego is possible. How much? Perhaps in time will tell!”

“Can you tell her I love her?” I ask hopefully

“Oh, Bebe knows that! Wow! Doesn’t she! She absolutely exults in your love! She loves you with her entire being. Her ALL! She is absolutely enthralled with YOU! And she constantly craves your enchanting cock!”

Gee! That makes me feel very nice.

“Can I please speak with her?” I want to hear Bebe speak.

“Bebe has no voice to speak with. Only thoughts! Which it seems, I can hear and unfortunately, you can’t! Apparently you can only hear mine.” Mama sounds sorry for me.

“Why do you think I can hear only your thoughts Mama?” It’s all very confusing.

“Well, maybe carrying you inside me for nine months has something to do with it.” Mama has a wit. “ But also, it’s because of what your witch did. She enhanced Bebe’s connection between her two halves, dramatically!

Before, I only had a dim remote sensation of the physical Bebe when I layered with the recumbent, expired, intellectual Bebe. Now, it seems I’m right there with you. I can see you, Willy.” Bebe’s eyes crinkled, her cheeks hollowed, her lips pursed. “Give us a kiss, Willy!” Odd! She didn’t say kiss ME! A two of them, kiss?

Wow! That familiar small smile, I know it now! It’s my mom’s teasing smile! Now, she offers a kiss with Bebe’s mouth! Of course I’ll kiss her, I won’t pass that up!

Just a warm smooch on her lips! SMOOCH!

I considered giving my mom and Bebe, an open mouth kiss with some tongue! Tempting, but no! Doesn’t seem right! Besides, it’s Bebe’s sexy naked body offering me the kiss! Where would I stop? Suppose I didn’t want to stop?

“Ah, Willy. Such a chaste kiss! You ARE a disappointment sometimes.” Mom teases. “Won’t you try again, only this time, with just a bit of, make it interesting ingredient, this time? Please, my darling Willy, Willy boy?”

Limbering up my lips, licked wet with my tongue, I glued one on her. A juicy, tongue trilling, sloppy tonsil searching, full flame on, wet steamy scorcher of a kiss! The best in my repertoire! Reserved Special Reserve!

“Wow! THAT! ‘s more like it Baby boy! And I’m very happy to see you, too! Any more ideas like that one? You know? I’m the only woman ever, who had all of you, completely inside her pussy! Did you ever think of that? Think about that! You have been totally inside my pussy! In your entirety! Fully inside only one woman’s pussy in your entire life! Your Moms! Mine! Mommy’s Pussy, Baby? Imagine it!”

“I suspect that might be why, we can have this uniquely intimate connection!

Do you want to know a carefully guarded dark secret? YOU, Willy, gave me the hugest, biggest, most powerful orgasm of my whole life! You never knew that?”

“It’s deliberately shrouded, a secret, an innocuous sounding “Birth Euphoria” lie. Women have many secrets.

The ultimate minute of giving birth, when the pressure and strain to achieve your release, was the most dominant focus of my being, your sweet body suddenly, exquisitely, slid through me! Intensely pressing and rubbing on my G-spot, stretching my over-taut nerves in my vagina and my gaping orifice, stretching me immensely, deliciously! Rubbing your slick body across my distended thrilled clitoris as you passed out! Forcing me to ejaculate massively! You know it feels good when you ejaculate a couple of spoonfuls of Jizm? Try and imagine ejaculating seven pounds of baby! Damn, that was a powerful release!

It was the HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE, and my most massive orgasm ever!

Another “female” secret”?

The vibrator invention, was a great labor saving device for doctors, and was invented by doctors to treat “Female Hysteria”. History reports, at the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a serious epidemic of female hysteria in Europe, Canada, and the USA!

“My wife has “female troubles” and is visiting her clinician!” their husbands explained! Women afflicted with the condition, regularly visited their doctor, who gave them a finger massage on the clitoris until they orgasmed!

You gave me the best one Willy! You left me quaking with a fantastic, maximum orgasm! I put you on my breast, you gave me orgasms, every time you nursed! That’s another of our secrets. Nursing is very pleasurable for moms, Willy!

In natural childbirth, this phenomenon known as “Birth Euphoria” happens almost always! In the third world, home delivery is common, and typically, women have six to a dozen kids, or more! In the west, delivery is almost always in hospital, with spinal anesthetic. Appointment for cesarean, is becoming popular among women with busy agendas! Neither provides the “Birth Euphoria” experience! Ever wonder why, one to three children is the norm in the west? And dropping lower near one? Birth in the USA hasn’t kept up with death replacement, since 1971. Only immigration prevents our population figures from diminishing! Controlled, screened immigration is good!

Western, self righteous self-important, know-it-all crusaders, attempt to foist birth control on third world women, and consider failure as a rejection of advanced “western wisdom”! They see rejection as foolish and short-sighted, attributed to ignorance and lack of education! Of course they’ve never had a Birth Euphoria experience themselves, so themselves are woefully ignorant and foolish! They stupidly ignore the main incentive to have tons of babies! An earth Shaking Orgasm called “Birth Euphoria”! You gave me mine, Willy!

“Can’t a boy kiss his Mom without incurring wrong interpretations of it’s intent?

With you and Bebe sharing, I figured you needed a double scoop kiss! That’s all!”

Well, I am sorry, Willy! I think, I may have made an error, stop the presses! Wait for this! Maybe I’m not, just the only one, who can connect with you! Somebody, actually two, say they can, and they want to say hello. Can you hear them? They insist you should be able to hear them. I’ll intermediate for them, if you can’t!”

Mama cares about communication.

“Hi! Remember us? “Wild thing, you make my heart sing!” the wild girls sing on key, in harmony for me.

“Are the two of you okay? Please, what are your names? I couldn’t very well ask you before, you weren’t rational and I never heard or learned your names?”

“Giggles! We’re dead, silly! And you ask are we okay? It’s okay. We aren’t insulted. We’re fine now. No more pain. I’m Emmy and my sister is Mimi! We belong to you!

We love you. Didn’t have the capacity in life for feeling more than lust and hunger, but now we know! We love you. You treated us as girls, as real people! Not some savage wild things. We had some good fucking together! That was wonderful, by the way! We really enjoyed our singing Wild Thing together with you! Tremendously fun! Thanks! We want you to have a special gift! Us!”

“Thank you! For the performance and your gift of yourselves and your love, too! The song was very entertaining! Great fun for me too! I think I love you two, too!”

Thinking about it, I am serious. I care about them, and I did, while they lived!.

“Can we layer with your Mom and Bebe, if it’s, alright with them also?” Mimi asks.

“You can ask them! I don’t figure into it. Can’t imagine how I would!” I supposed.

“Wonderful! When does the love making start? We can’t wait!” Emmy is excited!

“It’s been great talking with you. I hope we will again, real soon! Put Mom back on, please? Bye! Bye! Sweethearts!

Those are two of the Craziest girls, Mama. In BOTH worlds!” I insist. “I wonder why they can talk with me, and Bebe can’t?

It’s too bad I can’t communicate with Bebe when I’m making love with her.”

“You can dear, through me! I will be delighted! I’d love it! I think you would too!

Is Bebe responding to you at all, Willy? What are the two of you doing?”

“We’re just smiling at each other, Mama. Bebe’s happy to see me. Didn’t you say? Er, I thought? You were actually being her, or inside her?” I caress Bebe’s cheek.

“Oh! That’s so nice! That feels delicious, Willy! Do it again!” Mama sounds ecstatic! I caress Bebe’s other cheek, and Mama squeals in delight again! Tempting fate, I caress Bebe’s thigh, high toward her hip.

“Ooh! Willy you naughty boy! Do it some more!” Is Mama sexually turned on? “Bebe is chanting one thought at me, over and over! Make Willy! Make Willy!

I am Bebe, or with Bebe, or I’m part of Bebe, but control comes and goes. Bebe is always in control and normally only lends me driving privileges for a few seconds, and just once in awhile, not often. I demonstrate a muscle movement, she catalogs it and can repeat it. That’s how she learns. You taught her facial control by kissing her. Stimulated her muscle memory! She thanks you!

Today, is special! She says you and I can spend all the time together we want, doing anything we want! That stimulate any ideas?

She thanks you for all the kisses! And for the pleasures! For making love with her! If you want to make love to both of us? You are welcome to! Bebe likes the idea she’s your Mom-in-law! She wishes she could have a Birth Euphoria! She’s sorry she can’t make more babies. She’d love to have yours!”

Bebe was only nine when Flor was born, No way could Bebe have survived a vaginal delivery and I don’t imagine it would have been in any way euphoric!

Caressing Bebe’s small plump tummy, I open the crease where her rotund Mons hinges with her rotund abdomen. There! Faint, but still distinct. A bikini-cut-cesarean scar. I trace my finger lightly along the scar, where Flor emerged into this world. Bebe’s or Mama’s, their body quivered and shivered uncontrollably!

“Much more of that, Willy boy, and Bebe and I will be orgasming!” Mama squeaks!

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Both of you! Does Bebe know what that scar is?” I ask.

“An erogenous zone? Bebe has no words, no vocabulary. Only, emotions, feelings, desires! I supply the vocabulary and interpretations. I’m assuming by the scar, Bebe had Flor by cesarean? Too bad she was deprived of a real birth experience!”

“She was nine, Mama. They would have cut her for a vaginal delivery too, and she would have hemorrhaged to death! I hope she had anesthetic for Flor’s delivery!”

“Bebe has no memory of it. Knock off the macabre, and get back to those delicious caresses! We want orgasms! And you are our man! Willy boy, Willy boy!”

Caressing the cesarean scar with a gentle finger, and running the palm and fingers of my other hand over Bebe’s, error, Mama’s thighs, soon has her growling deep in her throat! Bebe is just riding shotgun on this drive to nirvana, claims my Mom. Dropping my trousers may seem futile considering both my hands are occupied. Roger is too confined in my pants, and now is free to take the air, bob and bow as much as he likes. Roger is ambitions of becoming a rocket! Fuel at full pressurization! Ten, nine, eight, seven, premature ignition! Rumble, roar, spit! Ah!

Bebe wants an original, and Mama wants a repeat performance of the Birth Euphoria? Impossible, but I’ll try to give them the sweetest releases possible!

“Want another kiss Mama?”

“Well, I would love one just like the last one, but only if it won’t interfere with caressing us. Don’t stop the caresses for any reason! Oh, My GOD!”

In addition to continuing the caresses Mama covets, I decided to passionately kiss precisely where from, I once descended! It surprised and shocked Mama into blasphemy! Working my tongue and lips, I lick everywhere! My instincts suggest what will be the most effective! Shock, surprise factors, and greatest reward in pleasure sensations, are my objectives! Constantly, I change target, duration, and tactics. Mom’s legs are open to the max, her pussy swollen, offered up, pouting!

Mom’s hands are fiercely clamped behind my head, and she is furiously rocking her pelvis, in a frantic hunching of my mouth!

“WILLYYY!” If I tried writing this sustained, continuously wailed “Willy”, it would have carriage returns scattered through out the overlong one word sentence!

I am assuming Mama is orgasming, and a fairly massive orgasm at that? I’ll ask.

“Was that good for you, Mom?” She is shuddering less and less, calming slowly.

blank space:

Blank space: represents important silences. Such as, Mom is rendered speechless!

“Not even close to Birth Euphoria, but, it’s the best orgasm I’ve had since you peed in me, Baby! God, I love you so much, Willy!

I love you so much more, for that long, lovely kiss! I have never been kissed liked that! Never been kissed THERE before! You got my cherry, Willy! “Did you eat my cherry pie, Willy boy, Willy boy? Did you like my cherry pie, Darling Willy?” Mama sings to me.

I remember the lullaby, and mom singing it often. Those aren’t the original words!

“You mentioned a librarian?” I’m apprehensive about where a “peed in me” conversation might take us. I’m afraid to ask. Uncomfortable with the implications! Uneasy over a dim early fragment of memory! Change topic time!

“Everyone here is a book, a life story, Willy. That’s why there is a Librarian! My book is closed, Willy, just like Bebe’s! Can’t be added to or subtracted from. No more points go up on the board. Nothing more counts.

We can have a relationship, a new relationship Baby, superior to, better than we ever had in life! Much more intimate!” Mama’s into rigmarole! Huh? Did Bebe just wink at me? “Excepting leaving or modifying my book, I’m FREE to do anything I want, But nothing is here for anyone to want to do! Until YOU! I want to do you!”

“The books and librarian, Mama? Explain them in more detail, please?” There appears there is indeed a spirit world! Apparently so! A spirit plane exists, and I have lost my marbles there! My mother has seemingly lost her inhibitions there!

Wonderful possibilities exist! My uninhibited mom suggests possibilities I have long fantasized over! Would she really fuck me, in borrowed Bebe’s body? I believe so; I don’t think I have any doubts! Certainly sounds like, she’s nearly begging for it! Mommy begs for my hard cock! Mom wants very much to fuck me! Wants me to shove it up in her pussy and fuck her! Many years of my youth were spent erotically dreaming of and masturbating for the very thing she now offers! Mama is encouraging me, a persuasive advocate! She’s welcoming, willing! Am I?

Oh, Mama! If we were to have sex, would this be considered necrophilia? A threat heard, and I have screamed myself, “You are one dead motherfucker!” comes to mind. Is this a worthy ambition? To be a dead-mother motherfucker? Nah! No, no! I just want to make love to Bebe! Okay, Yes, YES, I’d love to fuck my Mama too. Damn, Emmy and Mimi, three and four! Shit! I want to fuck some dead women?

Something about that, just doesn’t seem right! Oh, Mama? What are we doing?

Mama lectures: “There are zillions of people here! Everyone has a life story. Their story includes everything they ever did, said, thought, wished, or failed to do!” Their physical bodies died. Their psyche became unanchored, cast adrift from the physical world, when they died, and is now here, attached only to their life’s story.

Some spend time rereading their life story. Laughing or crying over it. Some vainly try ripping out pages or rubbing out a passage. Can’t be done. Can’t be edited, abridged, or expanded. The books are finished, sealed, and closed.”

Can you understand and appreciate what that means and offers, to us Willy?”

“I’m speaking metaphorically because we are not physical and this isn’t a physical place. We are a little bit like data packets, without storage media. Just floating or strolling around in cyberspace! Most stories simply rest, repose. Sleep.

We appear, when we appear, as young adults, eighteen year old versions of our former corporeal bodies, but without the blemishes. Perfect faces and bodies!”

“I have tried to masturbate, lusting for these beautiful young people! But I had no joy from it! The sensation was like thumbing through a book, just rifling my pages. No pleasurable sensations! None at all. My life story is over. Finished! I’m just an attractive embossed spine, a name on a hinge for my bland covers, glued to my unbreakable bond, hard bound signatures, stuck with my own sticky ectoplasm.”

“The Librarian keeps us safe, and answers some questions, such as: Where in the racks to find a relatives book? She stops the rare fights. Hair pulling mostly! Generally keeps the peace. Some call her La Huesuda ( The Boney Lady). Others, Lady Death! She runs a tight ship, alright. No rebellions. No coups. Nobody, and I mean it! Nobody wins in an argument with DEATH! Death is always victorious!”

“No problems! Though, while we are free to do as we wish, until you and Bebe became a diversion, there wasn’t anything to do, other than sleep. Sleeping exhausts me! I’m so tired of just sleeping! I need some excitement, some FUN in my life, for a change! You see the problem? I don’t have a life! I’m fucking DEAD!”

“But then, a miracle! And I’m only speaking metaphorically? All hell broke loose, thanks to Bebe, and that screwy witch! Thanks to Bebe, and with a little cooperation from you Willy, I can enjoy carnal delights again. Very delightful enjoyments, like you sucking my pussy some more! Like a family reunion? Want a reunion with Mommy’s womb? It’s especially alluring to me, because you are my own flesh and blood, my son, and it would be very naughty! Ooh! So deliciously naughty! Don’t you think? Please, don’t be mean! If you’re nice to me, I’ll be so particularly especially nice to you, I’ll excite you so much, pleasure you so much, you’ll rupture yourself when you cum! I’ll even whisper naughty things to you while you spew your innards out, in a soul consuming, body destroying volcanic ejaculation! Wouldn’t you like that Son?”

Damn you’re HOT Mama! But that isn’t as enticing as you expect or might wish! That is just a bit too weird, too vivid in the extreme, too intense a description! It fails to inspire desire! I do appreciate the passion behind the sentiment, though!

Mama continues:”I can invite an orgy if you like! Famous beautiful actresses? A little past their prime, but a renewed, youthful eighteen again? Of course, without scripts, they’ve no idea what to say! If they do think of something to say, they only self incriminate, they speak without thinking! They’re brains are apparently their pneumatic tits! The original inspiration for “On the Air” is those airheads!

Famous Queens and rare beauties of the ancient world? Cleopatra? Helen of Troy? Catherine the Great? Lucrezia Borgia? Aphrodite? Joan of Arc? Aspasia? Salome, Lady Godiva, Samyukta, Queen Guinevere?

Yes Queen Guinevere really existed. Interested? She is here, with King Arthur and their son Lance. In the days before film and TV recording studios, live Royal command performances could be risky, especially, if the material was sensitive or potentially offensive! Stories were changed to protect the neck of the story teller! Son became sun became night became knight! Tada! Sir Lancelot! No, Lance’s name wasn’t changed to disguise him. The kid was hung like a horse! Had a lot of lance poking out in from of him. Lancelot! Mother-son incest was seen as too offensive, especially when it involved Royalty! Incest was then more the norm, but discreet! Legends are created to inspire us, not to titillate and inflame! A pity!

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