Guilty Secret - Cover

Guilty Secret

by Sven the Elder

Copyright© 2020 by Sven the Elder

Flash Sex Story: Look after her 'til I get home Pat said, so I did. Several times!!!

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Oral Sex   .

Look after her ‘til I get home Pat said, so I did.

I love Boobs - well actually I love all the pieces of sexy ladies. But mostly I love Boobs, of a certain type and calibre it must be said. If truth were but known’ I’m greedy and ‘picky.’ But the ones that I was being teased with right now were close to perfection. Dangly, with areola like chapel hat pegs. Solid, big, plenty to suckle on when you could reach them, which I couldn’t.

Currently the lady they belonged to - Julie - had me embedded in her at one end and was dangling them either side of my neck. Sensuous, teasing and in time to my gentle flexing in the other end. Both of us, sap rising, close to nirvana. It broke seconds later for her and as her sex clamped down on me she took me with her as well - both of us screaming as the wave broke.

However - we need to go back for an hour or so. In my favourite coffee shop, I was getting a takeaway for my other half who was working all day. When who should walk in but Julie. She’d moved away from town a little while ago, but, as it turned out, was back in home for a couple of days. I got a huge hug and a kiss - this was a lady who I would take to bed in a heartbeat - and not for sleeping either. The look and the hug said it all. Reluctantly we stood back and stopped when we saw the startled look of the Coffee shop owner - a friend of us all.

I left to take the coffee back to my other half who still had about six hours of the day left to work.

As I got home my phone pinged with a message from my other half. - ‘Hello love - Julie just came in but I’m too busy to talk or spend time with her - I’ve told her to come around later and we’ll give her super tonight - please ‘look after’ her till I get home.’ The quotes were hers.

Now I’m of an age where a little chemical help does not harm, so as to cover eventualities I popped a little blue one ... Well, you never know!

Which is where and how I got to what was happening right now. The doorbell had rung and standing there was Julie. “Hello, Sven - Pat said to come around and you would ‘look after’ me until she gets in.”

Jeez! That phrase again. She came in and I took her overnight bag and helped her out of her coat. The hug and kiss were longer and I was slipped a little tongue - her hand moved down between us and she squeezed my now hard cock - which instantly got harder.

She stepped back and without breaking eye contact found my belt buckle and undid it, then without pausing slid my chinos and underwear down around my ankles. Kicking off my shoes I took up her invitation to step out of them.

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