Pursuit of Happiness - Cover

Pursuit of Happiness

Copyright© 2019 by Yob

Chapter 1 Making the List

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 Making the List - Stroke Story. No redeeming qualities. A study in turpitude! A critic of chapter one, complained there wasn't enough sex to be a true stroke story. I try to remedy that in chapter three. Chapter three also sets up the situation for the sequel, "The Tide Rises". The characters in the story seem to be writing or steering the story. I'm anxious to learn what they do next! Sex will be involved! They're beginning to act real nasty! Join me, we'll investigate together. Comments and vote appreciated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Hypnosis   Rape   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Farming   Humor   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   InLaws   Humiliation   Rough   Harem   White Male   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Amputee   BBW   Clergy   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Geeks  

Humorous, sexy, depraved, and tongue in cheek philosophy. I Hope Entertaining!

His flippant disregard of our some of our most cherished ideals provides a brief insight into the main characters flawed personality.

Happiness! Pursuit of: Chapter One

This is thinking out loud, a dangerous practice! It’s not my theory, but I have one!

Is the real secret of finding happiness, finding it within? Or with someone?

Still looking for that special someone who can MAKE you happy? Still optimistic?

A TRUE OPTIMIST benchmark would be, someone to make you PERFECTLY happy!

Does forced cheer and a rictus smile, permeate and crystallize from sheer habit?

Does counting your blessings work? Or just numb you, busy work, a distraction?

Weighing your achievements and acquisitions in the balance scales against your unsatisfied wants and desires may-haps produces contentment? Can cataloging?

Could be auto-hypnotic like counting sheep, inuring you to ennui and sadness?

Are you contented? Getting any closer? Want more? Will you ever have enough?

Are contentment and happiness even the same thing? Or even a little similar?

Is contentment merely acceptance that it’s futile to struggle, the price too steep?

Does Pursuit of happiness imply it’s unobtainable? Elusive and uncatchable?

“Pursuit” does not instill hope or raise expectation. It offers the specter of a long difficult chase with obstacles, dead-ends, disappointments, and a sense of futility.

In contrast, wedding rings, imply a happy culmination. Assumes a marriage.

Our minds apply nuances. Perception colors reality. Perspective colors hopes.

I have a theory about happiness and a planned experiment, an idea how to test it!

It’s quite an adventure!

If you can wade through the preambling background story, to get to it.

Is everybody happy? Re-phrase, is ANY body happy? Getting close or closer to it?

“Unhappy I had no shoes until I met a man with no feet!”

Should I be content because I have feet and shoes both?

Steel toes, After Six Patent Leathers, Office Wingtips, running shoes, boat dockers, Golf cleats, shower clogs, and then boots are another category by themselves!

Choose a single shoe that serves adequately in all places, just of the above types!

One pair of shoes can’t be enough!

“If you’re happy and you know it?” show it, suggests the song.

Am I happy and do I know it? Hmm! Including the many types of shoes as reasons? Well, I am also rich in a minor sense, and disgustingly healthy!

I am pain and debt free! I SHOULD be very HAPPY! But I am not!

Nearing, in close proximity to happy? I wish! Billions suffer daily. Many are in debt!

Am I so rare among earth’s masses?

A member of a tiny minute minority fraction of people actually debt and pain free?

Am I an Elite? No aches! No debts! I check my mailbox for party invitations daily!

Only party invitations I ever get, is to donate to political parties. RSVP? BYOB?

Okay! Everybody gets them. But mine come addressed to me personally!

I bet yours are addressed Resident!

I ignore pleas for donations! Get a job I say!

I want a HELL NO check box for political parties getting a tax dollar on tax returns!

My parents had me when they were middle aged successful academicians.

I was a pampered, spoiled, only child, and now I’m a self centered greedy orphan.

My expired parents bequeathed me a mortgage free, duplex. A two story brick home, with a full basement and two car garage. The garage has a second story apartment above it. Left side of the duplex and the garage apartment, are rentals.

My home is located in an upper middle class, tree shaded, crime-free, peaceful, quiet neighborhood. It’s quite near campus, in a quaint small town, that is home to a major Ivy league university. My parents were professors there.

The rent I charge for the two rental units, pays for all my expenses. Here’s the list:

Maintenance, lawn service, trash removal, Wi-Fi, Cable TV, pool cleaning, power, water, sewage; and of course, taxes. I am asking a lot less than reasonable rent!

I could probably get, maybe double. It’s a prime location, really close to campus!

Having too much fun just now! The apartments generate more fun than income!

After I retire, I will need to consider more income and maybe set the rates higher.


I’m content to live in and own my home, without any apparent expenses.

Of course, there’s always exceptions: my groceries, entertainment, and phones.

Fortunately, I’m senior with my firm, have an impeccable reputation in my data processing position, and they pay me a good salary for a low stress job.

Good as in, better than adequate but only bordering on ‘decent’. If I had normal ordinary expenses, like nearly everybody else, it would be totally inadequate.

The rental units provide me with lots of entertainment and some real happiness. More than offsetting the cost of Wifi and cable, I mean. All my tenants! ( They change nearly every school year. )

All my tenants, are cute college co-eds.

Three bedrooms in each unit. Three girls or more in a unit. They can roommate. Sleep together. I don’t mind if they share, but don’t move ten girls into one unit!

While I was a student, I dated intelligent girls who could converse on anything.

The jocks attracted the big boobs airhead beauties. Wasn’t a jock so I envied!

Previously, out of my league, unattainable, I now live with these gorgeous girls!

My asking price for the rentals, is initially greater than I actually need to cover the afore mentioned expenses. Negotiating the rent screens out the less desirable girls, and I reluctantly allow myself to be wheedled down, by the attractive kids.

Am I happy yet? Why not? Are you in a hurry? Going someplace important? Let’s consider all the factors and benefits before jumping to conclusions. Let’s not be negligent. Besides, remember, I have a theory and an experiment to test it!

As I was saying, I have no debts, and the reason is, I pay cash for everything!

You could too, if your living expenses were minimal, and your salary good, bordering on decent, and stable for decades.

One additional ingredient is required in this recipe for success. Discipline!

Avoid capricious, impulsive, binge spending! And!

Rigorously save! Hoard until you can afford to buy major items for cash! Like cars!

Possibly, the three most ridiculous things to purchase are: Expensive Love-dolls!

You know you expect to fuck it up! Wedding rings, same reason! And NEW cars!

The minute you own it and drive it, it becomes used and massively depreciated!

That also applies to the realistic Love-doll you fucked just once and wish to re-sell!

Those people who DO buy new cars, I appreciate them and thank them, earnestly!

They provide the new used cars I buy for cash! Cars are not good investments. Like washing machines and refrigerators, except no insurance or plates on those,

cars are merely useful appliances. Just more expensive to replace! And to own.

This isn’t a course on how to invest and manage your finances.

It’s an entertainment hopefully!

My resources are invested in my own pleasures! Sustainable pleasure.

My home was a gift, and I can’t take credit for earning it.

Improving it, I can and do take pride in that! I do invest my own money in that!

I did not religiously devote all my salary for four years to the renovation project.

The total cost was equivalent to four years salary. I already had the funds.

My personal savings were already considerable, and my parents left me some stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and ready cash in their will.

This in addition to the house. Also, I was the beneficiary of their life insurance!

Do you know what a money pit is? It’s a big hole in the ground.

Excavating the in-ground pool, basement renovation, and underground garage as one big hole, was about the same price as a small hole. Economy of scale works!

The house was built in the early 1950’s. The basement was originally built as a crawl space and only half-walled with field stone. After I had the house raised a couple of inches on a forest of jacks, the original field-stone walls were relocated as a garden walled landscaping scheme. The new basement is deep. Engineered. Code complying foundations and nine feet high walls were built! I had structural glass installed as a wall of the new basement, as it is also one of the pool sides.

Imagine my pool as a live co-ed aquarium! Why? Some co-ed parts smell like fish!

There are two genders in my world. I’m male, and my pool is full of young nubile females, in the skimpiest imaginable bikinis. It’s a happy thought and lovely sight!

The basement pool window is also a very expensive gigantic plasma wall display.

With the pool closed, low level pool lighting ideally back-lights the plasma panel. Anything displayed on the plasma screen is recorded automatically!

Keyboard input, transfers desired scenes from small monitors to the plasma wall.

Being a geek pervert, I have spy-cams literally everywhere inside the apartments! Also, I monitor and record what the girls do on-line! They provide me an endless variety of really hot entertainment for live viewing and recording!

Surprisingly, I can say, most of the girls are exhibitionists! Some of them deliberately tease me. Some do video-chat strip shows and some are video whores masturbating with on-line clients. Some masturbate on line with friends, lovers, and family! All the girls masturbate. Doesn’t everybody? Some, like me, are seriously addicted to masturbation! A few mutually masturbate with me!

I have hundreds of hours of secret videos of my former and current tenants! Bathing, shaving, eating pussy, tribbing each other, sun bathing, sometimes nude, and swimming in my pool, sometimes nude. And, oh yes, masturbating!

Like any connoisseur, I have a hoard of “preferred stock”! Favorite videos!

Excuse me a minute. Family obligations have priority...

“Gidget? Come out of the shadows, munchkin! Come here into the light where I can see you. Why are you hiding back there in the gloom? OOF! No, I’m alright.

I wasn’t expecting you to leap on my lap from such a height, and with such vigor!”

“I’m happy you’re glad to see me, Daddy!” Gidget wriggled on my erection.

“Oh, I see you’re wearing your mouse ears! Didn’t you get those at Disney world? I had no idea you’d saved them all these years. Honey-bunny, your nose is dirty, has grease or something on it, Working on your cars? Mascara? Oh, let me guess. This bit of gray garden hose hanging on your blue overalls ass, is? A mouse tail!

You have welding goggles on your head. Hmmm! You seem really really familiar!”

Gidget was smiling and nodding enthusiastically.

“Wow! For a minute, I was confusing you with my cute blond daughter Gidget!

But I know YOU! You’re Chip and Dales girlfriend!

The saucy genius-supermechanic blond-girl-mouse, Gadget Hackwrench!

Did I guess right? Thanks for the kiss, darling. I’ll take that as a big YES!

Tell daddy why you were hiding in the dark back there. You were looking for me? You missed me? I miss you too, sweetey. We should make more of an effort to spend time together! Don’t you think? Slow down, baby! I’m not going anywhere!”

Gidget is special. She’s brilliant! Her brain, her mind, works just a bit differently than most of us. A slightly different perspective on the world!

Only dysfunctional in one sense, it’s at odds with norms! The accepted norms are the inferior perspective! Gidget is what is called an Idiot Savant!

My senior year in high school, I sowed some wild oats, and Gidget sprouted.

My parents raised her as their own. They died. Gidget wasn’t as distraught as I expected. Concerned she was in denial, internalizing the pain, I confessed I was her real father, thinking that would help! Thinking it would overcome orphaned feelings of abandonment, she might be suffering. Gidget’s perspective is different!

Gidget called me “SILLY!”. She’d always known I was her daddy, and so did Mom and Dad! The only one confused we were brother and sister, was ME! Ahem!

She definitely sees things differently, alright!

Gidget’s thoughts are so rapid fire, her mouth at times, can’t keep up.”Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” was all she could manage now! She can’t say what she wants! A frequent phenomenon. Patience with a few minutes calming, skips her ahead, back on track, grooving correctly again.

“Are you ready yet, baby? What were you doing?” Gidget stuck her fingers under my nose. Communication is often more show than tell!

“Is your pussy happy, baby? Did you have lots of orgasms while spying on me?”

She nodded, not quite yet in possession of her voice.

“Were you watching ( Her favorites ) Toon Porn? Hot Gadget, Super Bimbo Spy?”

She nodded.

‘Well, Ms. Gadget Super Spy? Want DADDY to love up your little mousey hole?”

My sex mouse nodded.

“Want to sleep in my bed? Make love with me? You KNOW I love mouse pussy! Do you want a big bald-headed rat named Roger, to fuck your mouse pussy for you?”

“Yes, Please Daddy! And my name isn’t Gadget Hackwrench!” she said! Her words functioning again, inventive and glib. “It’s Gadget Heck-of-a-wench!”

She laughed. Happy, secure, and loved.

She’s brilliant! And! That’s all you get. Our love making is private! Gidget prefers masturbation same as me. Thank you, I don’t need you, I get my jollys my way!” We became lovers when, at a tender fourteen, she seduced me. I was thirty two!

On rare occasions when she feels the need, we make love! Her needs get met!

She could never relate to other boys, or men, and none are ever or will ever be good enough for her! I LOVE her! Gidget loves me. We need each other. We HAVE each other! We’ll ALWAYS have each other, until death separates us!

Her entire life, the two upstairs bedrooms are hers, a suite! The decor hasn’t changed in twenty years. Still reflects the twelve year old Gidget’s tastes and interests. Provocative, prurient, pubescent, Gadget Hackwrench is everywhere!

Although she has a thirty two year old body, the twelve year old Gidgit still lives!

Gidget doesn’t just roleplay, she identifies with, and resembles Gadget. Not only the similarity in names, but, both have big blue eyes, thick blond hair worn in a ponytail, small A cup breasts, a heavy bottom, and thick short legs.

If Gidget sits next to me, we are eye to eye, but standing, at 6’2”, I’m half a foot taller. She is not a runway model, she was literally short in the legs! But she really is cute, and as Gadget Heck-of-a-wench personified, Damned cute and very sexy!

The twelve car subterranean garage, was my idea and I created it for Gidget and for her classic car collection and restoration projects. Gidget has a trust fund our folks set up for her. Her only expenses are her cars. She’s very talented and skilled at restoration. Best mechanic I’ve ever known! Deliberately learned skills augmenting the Gadget obsession or natural talent, I don’t know! But it fit’s her!

She’s so appreciative of orgasms! A speech impediment can be an exaltation in a different situation! “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” HOT!

While I would never post prurient material of my daughter on line, other fathers apparently feel differently! I’m not suggesting they love their daughters any less!

Let me share with you a video of one of my favorite tenants. This one is an all time favorite “Preferred Stock” video! Oh, Man! Gets to me every time! The video is labeled ‘Daddy’s Girl! 01”. She is currently a tenant and I’m hoping for a series of “Daddy’s Girl” videos. I taped her on a video-chat with her father a week ago.

“Hi Daddy! Are you okay?”

“You sounded so tired and worried on the phone, I had to see your face. You do look awfully tired, Daddy!”

“Daddy? If I got a job, would you be able to quit your second job?”

“I know college is expensive, Daddy, and you’re so sweet to take a second job to pay for it. What if you damage your health working so hard and such long hours?”

“A friend of mine is working her way through college and she believes she can get me a position with her company.”

“No, I wouldn’t let a job interfere with school, Daddy. You see my grades, whenever they come out. I’m a good student!”

“It’s just I’m worried about how hard you’re driving yourself Daddy!”

“Every since Mom passed, you’ve had to do the job of two parents, and now you’re working two jobs to put me through college!”

“I love you too, Daddy!”

No, Daddy! I don’t need more spending money. You send me enough. The problem is, you are working too hard, and I’m doing nothing to help!”

“I want to help, do my share, relieve you of some of the burden, be responsible!”

“The only reason I would take the job, is to help pay for college and you could quit that second job! I’m afraid it’s killing you!”

“It’s an on-line job, Daddy. I safely work here in my room. The hours are flexible.”

“Oh it’s mostly talking to people. A communications job. Public Relations position! Mostly it requires a friendly attitude, a pleasant personality, and a sweet voice.”

“Kathy says she does real well, money wise, but I’m not sure exactly how much they would pay me. Kathy says it depends on how many generous clients I have.”

“Kathy sponsors and mentors me! She promises me I won’t be cherry for long!”

“Thank you Daddy. I wouldn’t do it if you didn’t agree. Yes, I do want to try it out., “I intend to give 110% effort! Hoping you won’t have to work so hard, If I do well!”

“Yes, Kathy says I can start work right away. Tonight! Yes! In about half an hour!”

“Certainly I’ll call you after work and let you know how it went! But it might be late, Daddy! You need to sleep! Okay. I promise. I’ll call after tonight’s session.”

“Love you too, Daddy! Talk to you later! Wish me luck! I miss you! Kisses! Bye!”

“Hi Kathy! Yes I’m all set. Daddy said I could take the job if I don’t let it interfere with my studies. Yeah! My Daddy is a sweetheart. Costume? What kind of a costume? Bra and panties? These? Not sexy enough? How about these? No? Kathy! Put your clothes back on! Yes your undies are much sexier than mine, but I can’t wear your undies! Oh, no I didn’t mean ... no, of course I believe ... I never meant to hurt your feelings! No, I don’t think your undies are dirty or disgusting. Just for tonight? Well, yes if I make some money I certainly could buy my own costume. Try them on? Well, okay. They feel warm from your body. It’s really strange to put on another girls warm undies. Ooh! These panties are crotchless! What? The what? What’s a coin-brater? Giggle! It vibrates when somebody drops a coin on me? Put it where? Are you kidding? Inside my ... Okay! Yes I want the job. Okay, it’s in me! Pose on my bed? Like this? More like? More? How? They can see my, Ooh, everything! Okay. Just nervous! I’m ready! I’m online? Am I on? Okay!”

“Those boxes are my clients? What kind of messages, Kathy? Oh! Talk sexy trash?

Hello visitors 451, 154, 413, and 397. Thank you. I’m fine, How are you? Horny? Everybody’s horny?Kathy. What do I say NOW? They’re talking nasty!

Yes, I’m horny too! Not! My pussy is! Ding! OOH!” Dingaling!

OOH! Kathy!” Can I take out the coin-brater, it’s vibrating too much!

ding, dingaling! “Oh, GOD! MY PUSSY HURTS FROM THE ViBRATOR!

Kathy! Is it supposed to be making ... Ding, ding alinga linga ding!

It’s making my pussy hurt so good! dingalingaduwangdading.Ding!

Shit! it’s making me wet myself!” Ding! Dingding! Ingdida!“Ahhrg SHIT AHaha!” dalingingdang! “I’m cumming! SHIT!“ Dingding! Ding! “On camera!“ “They’re watching and hearing me CUM!” Ding DlingDlanga “KATHY! dingalang abang dindong! Oh FUCK! Kathy!”Pinga!

They’re watching my honey drool! Dangding! From my honey-pot!“ Dadadadading! “More! Give me more, fellas! I’m almost there!” Baringdling!”Don’t leave me hanging, Please! Dingdida duwangdading! “I’m throwing my panties to you! Oh, Yeah! Oh, Yeah! Adadading!

You sweeties are giving me many orgasms!” Bringnrang! “Oh, God! YES! Thank you! Kisses! Kisses! Bingbangbong! Thank you all!”Here’s my bare pussy! Look at ME!I’m spreading my pussy! Want it? Come on, get in my pussy!“Badabing! Brrelingingabarding!

I’m for YOU fellas! Oh, I wish I could fuck all of you!” “Degrading the cute girl next door, flayed on camera, continues thirty more minutes!

“Hello, Daddy.”

“Yes, work was okay. It was pretty intense! Yeah, only half an hour, but I’m exhausted. Yes, I’m going to keep the job. I can manage. No, it isn’t fantastic.”

“Tomorrow night is my next ‘Show’. Kathy says I was very popular and the boss is happy she hired me. Tonight? Guess what! I made a hundred bucks tonight!”

“You can? I’ll try doubly hard to be good at this job, if you quit your other one.”

“Of course I’ll thank Kathy for you. Her next ‘Show’? Tell her you’ll see her? Daddy? Umm? Do you KNOW Kathy? What do you know about Kathy’s ‘Show’?”

“You are user 451? There was a visitor 451 at my show this evening. Was that you? That was you, Daddy? DADDY! Oh, God! YOU? You saw my ‘Show’? Oh, Shit!” “Daddy, what must you think of me! I was beautiful? I’m sexy? Really? What can you be thinking of! My naked pussy? DADDY! That is not parental correctness!”

“Daddy! I’m so embarrassed! What? Shouldn’t I be embarrassed? You think I’m still beautiful? I’m extremely sexy? Thank you Daddy! You’re sexy too, Daddy.”

“Daddy? Ooh! You really masturbated for me, your own teenage daughter? That’s pretty kinky! You think my pussy is pretty? Pretty tasty too? Giggle! Kiss, kiss!”

“You are still masturbating now while talking to me? I’m not sure what to think about that! You put Kathy up to recruiting me? You know her, recognized her when you visited me? You’re a long time client of hers? You wanted to see me naked?”

“I think maybe I’ll not do any more ‘Shows’! Maybe I better quit my job! I know you’ll be watching me and masturbating. Well, I guess I don’t mind too much!”

“And the money IS good! Yes, I liked making a hundred bucks for a half hour ‘Show’! You want me to? So you can masturbate for me? DADDY! OOH! My Word!”

“Is that really your, wow! Your penis is HUGE Daddy! You want a private show? Oh, Daddy, I wouldn’t charge YOU anything! Yes, I’m still wearing Kathy’s undies!”

“Can you see me now? Aim the camera lower? Open my pussy for you? Can you see? Play with myself? Okay, only this once! You want this to be a regular thing?”

“I have a sexy voice? DADDY! Okay, I’ll only say it for you! “PUSSY, FUCK, Pussy! My voice makes you hot? Pussy, PUSSY, PUSSY! More? Pussy, Pussy, Pussy, Pussy!”

“Nice of you to say! DADDY! You are doing what to your camera? You are jacking off? Giggle! It makes me feel silly watching you stroke it. It’s so big and hard!”

“Daddy? Did you ever masturbate while thinking about me, I mean, before tonight? Wow, that’s pretty kinky, Daddy! No, I’m not upset. I like your feelings.”

“Sometimes I think about you, when I’m masturbating. It’s sexy imagining sex with you! How often? Oh, maybe once or twice a day! I love you too, Daddy!”

“What daddy? what’s Kathy doing? She’s licking me! Yes, it feels good, Ooh! Kathy! Yes, Daddy! If Kathy keeps licking me I’m going to orgasm! You like orgasming with me, Daddy? Really? I don’t think about what Kathy is doing.’

“I prefer to imagine it’s YOU licking me! I’d like it! Yes I would. I really WOULD!” “Giggle! I’ll let you kiss my pussy, if you want to. Anytime, Daddy!. Well, all you want! Daddy! I’m your little girl! Forever! You can kiss me anytime, anywhere!”

“You can kiss my pussy, it’s part of your daughter! You did? I don’t remember. Maybe I remember something! Daddy, did you ever imagine fucking me?”

“When you masturbate? You do? Wow! Youmake me feel gooey, Daddy.! Where? Makes my pussy feel gooey! Warm and tingly, and butterflies in my tummy, too!”

“Really, Daddy? You want to fuck me? For real? Giggle! I know what to buy now!”

“When I get my check. I know the first thing I’m going to buy! Something for us!”

“You can’t guess? A bus ticket home! I’m going to ask my Daddy to fuck me!”

“I’ve wanted to be Daddy’s girl even before we lost Mom! You didn’t know?”

“You have no idea how disappointed I have been! You’re sorry? I’ll forgive you!”

“If you quit that second job! You broke my heart when you didn’t make me Daddy’s girl after Mom passed! You will? You’re going to drive up and see me?” “You’re going to eat my pussy and fuck me? DADDY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I want that so much, TOO! I’ll be the best Daddy’s girl for you! I’ll be your daughter-wife!”

It’s a moving, inspiring, heartwarming, double tissue-box tear jerker, watching a father and daughter discover their hidden secret passions for each other! Reality, it’s actually mutual and reciprocated! They are making plans to consummate their incestuous love and romance! Their relationship is so tender, it elicits such an empathy for both! I’m so choked up, my hand is choking my chicken!

I hope they consummate the Daddy’s girl relationship right here in the apartment.

I will record it and give a reception for them afterwards! Maybe he’ll share her?

No, I didn’t neglect to mention the daughters name! You can fill in the blank with any name important to yourself! It’s YOUR fantasy now, as much as mine.

Well, masturbation is only fun for the participants. Sorry for boring you.

Let me regale you instead, with tales of my vacations!

When my entire backyard was a muddy hole, I escaped to Mexico.

Mexico. Where my experiment takes place!

Avoid the border! Away from the border and border towns, Mexico is old world charming, the people friendly, and it’s reasonably pretty safe.

Mexico is not a third world emerging nation. It’s old world!

An anachronism of the aristocratic past, the rich land owners own everything!

Then there’s the impoverished everyone else.

You can hire a day laborer for ten bucks a day, and they will work hard for eight to ten hours! And they seem glad to get the work!

I am here, on vacation, to get away from the renovation mess and construction racket, enjoy some leisure time, and perform an experiment!

“Happiness is a warm wet pussy.” Ever heard that philosophy?

I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness, what it is, and how to acquire happiness. My theory, I’m here to test is:

“Happiness is a variety, a plethora of warm wet pussies!”

Think I might be on to something? We’ll see!

Arrival on the Red-Eye!

Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico 6:00 AM

Promptly after arriving at Tampico airport at dawn, I bought a bus ticket for interior Mexico. I got off the luxurious bus after two hours. Mexican buses are indeed luxurious compared to Greyhound!

After a bit of car shopping, I bought a cheap chocolate car with tags already on it. A chocolate car, means ‘stolen’ car.

Driving myself from pueblo to pueblo, stopping to eat whenever I felt hungry, I was enjoying exploring the scenery and myself.

The food is incredibly inexpensive and delicious. There is only one problem. Sameness. Mexican food every meal, every day, gets old.

An apartment would allow me to cook for myself, and enjoy some variety.

Apartments are located n towns or villages, called pueblos. I hate all cities.

Construrama is a chain of building supply and appliance stores.

A pueblo needs a Construrama before I’ll be the least bit interested in looking at apartments. Whatever the condition of the apartment, I’ll want to make improvements. Construrama has the tools, supplies and appliances I’ll need!

Stopping for gas at a Pemex gasolinero, I parked next door at the OXXO store after servicing the car. At the glass front entrance doors, a shy teen indian girl was peddling handwoven woodstrip tortilla baskets, hand fans, prayer wheels and whatnots.

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