The Coach - Cover

The Coach

Copyright© 2019 by Westside24

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - There are many challenges that arise in coaching basketball not all of which occur on the court. Being successful in overcoming these challenges can be very rewarding.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Cheating  

Ted didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that having sex with Kate was good, very good. Besides being an intelligent interesting person she had a maturing body with all of her curves in all the right places. He chuckled to himself when he thought of the attorneys and people who stand before her when her court is in session and do not know what a hot number she is. She certainly wasn’t bashful in making love and he could see that while she enjoyed it, she also wanted to make sure that he enjoyed it as well.

That she didn’t make any overtures to make another date bothered him in that he thought it was somewhat unusual. He at the same time had a concern that her circle of friends was different from his circle of friends. His thought was that he was probably out of his league with her because of what he perceived her social set to be. Maybe he wasn’t, but so far that was how it appeared to be.

The basketball season continued and just as Ted had thought it looked to be a five-hundred season as to his team’s record. The Junior Varsity was doing well which gave Ted some hope for the future.

About two weeks later Ted received a cellphone call one evening at home. The caller id showed the caller to be Kate.

Answering the call he heard, “Hi Ted, this is Kate. I was hoping you are available to be my escort this coming Saturday.”

“Well hello to you as well. What escort duty are you talking about?”

“A pretty powerful Alderman who is Chairman of the Finance Committee and someone that I am beholding to is having a fundraiser and I need to attend to keep my good standing with him. It isn’t a formal affair so a dark suit will suffice. Do you already have plans made or can you take me?”

“No, no plans and I can take you. What time should I call for you?”

She gave him the time and shortly thereafter ended the call.

How quick she ended the call without engaging in any small talk bothered Ted. It bothered him and he thought about this short and sweet phone call for a while and of this relationship he had with her.

They lost a basketball game they should have won Friday and that bothered Ted even more. He was in a bad mood for most of the day Saturday. His mood improved quite a bit for the better when Kate opened her condo door.

She looked good, damn good in the form-fitting black dress with a provocative neckline she was wearing. She also seemed generally happy to be with Ted.

The dinner dance somewhat followed the format of the wedding he had attended with Kate. There were speeches given but these speeches were concerned with raising funds and getting out the vote for this Alderman. The dignitaries including the Mayor that was there were introduced and included Kate who received a nice round of applause. Ted had a few dances with Kate and they left when they saw a number of those in attendance leaving.

Kate invited Ted to come up to her condo when he was parking the car. Once in her condo, it wasn’t long before she was in his arms and they were having their tongues doing battle with each other. After doing some of that they went to the bedroom and made love. In fact, they made love twice that night. Ted thought Kate had a healthy appetite for sex and he did his best to feed that appetite. His staying the night was a given.

The next morning she made breakfast for Ted and sitting at the table he heard her say, “Maybe I am wrong but I sense something is bothering you.”

Ted per his habit was always deliberate and took his time in weighing his words before he said anything. Kate could see that he was thinking of what to say to her. Finally, he said, “Yes something is bothering me. Let me preface what I am going to say by first saying that I find you to be an extremely attractive and intelligent lady. You are an excellent lover with an enticing body who makes me feel good that I am a man. With that being said it seems to me, however, that we run in two different social circles. I am not that comfortable socializing with your associates and friends. I think you shouldn’t, but you probably would feel a little uncomfortable being with my friends.”

“I certainly do enjoy how you express your thanks for me doing these so-called escort duties but what man wouldn’t? You are very sexy and a great love partner. I don’t know if anything further could develop between us but I think because of my concerns nothing probably would.”

“You know Ted I have similar concerns. I did notice that you were somewhat uncomfortable socializing at these events that we went to. Unfortunately, my position requires that I socialize with these people for a number of reasons which I know you can understand. I do however look forward very much to being with you especially when we come back here. I think it is obvious that I enjoy making love with you or to put it another simpler way, I enjoy getting laid. Your love shaft is the biggest I have ever had and it gives me much pleasure.”

Continuing she said, “I agree with you because of what you say that nothing more would probably develop in us having a serious relationship. Maybe it would, but that would be a long shot. I am not however against us having what is called a ‘Friends with Benefits’ type of relationship with you. Making love when you or I have the want or need can only be a phone call away. What do you think about us having that kind of an arrangement?”

Listening to what Kate had said and what she was proposing was interesting and something he wasn’t against doing or having. Being able to jump her pretty bones when he was feeling horny was quite an appealing offer. Her words were starting to arouse him as he looked at her waiting to hear his response to her proposal. Ted liked the idea but he didn’t know if he should be serious or flippant in his response.

After about fifteen seconds had passed with him thinking how to respond he said, “I am saying this to you because I consider you to be my friend, my very good friend. How about you losing the robe and getting your ass on the bed assuming the doggie position because I want to do you that way.”

His remark shocked her. No man had ever talked that way to her or used that language and she didn’t know if he was serious or if he was he kidding. She certainly didn’t expect him to say something like that. But because he called her “friend,” a “very good friend” she made a decision. She stood and unbelted the robe. She shrugged letting the robe slide down her arms to the floor. She was naked and felt herself moistening in walking to the bedroom. He stood and followed her watching her fine ass undulate while at the same time unbuttoning his shirt.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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