The Coach - Cover

The Coach

Copyright© 2019 by Westside24

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - There are many challenges that arise in coaching basketball not all of which occur on the court. Being successful in overcoming these challenges can be very rewarding.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Cheating  

Coming home to his condo the next day Ted remembered the nanny cam and became anxious to see what it had recorded if anything. He removed the SD card from the camera and inserted it into an adapter and then inserted the adapter into his laptop computer. The quality of the picture was good and the audio had picked up all that was said. Her asking him to make love to her was clearly heard.

The video captured Marcia taking Ted’s hand and placing it into her unbuttoned blouse on her breast. Ted saw his hand sliding up under her skirt and her pulling up her skirt to spread her legs so he could have more access to her special place. He thought this video was highly erotic and it was starting to arouse him.

He copied the video on to his computer and put the SD card back in the nanny cam.

The flash of headlights of a car caused him to look out his window. He saw it was Marcia parking her car and heading for his condo building. Shortly his phone rang and answering it he heard Marcia say she was there and wanted to see him. He buzzed her in but before he opened his door he turned on the nanny cam. He was anticipating having sex again with her and he wanted to capture the foreplay on video.

Opening his door Marcia entered and she heard him say, “What did I do to deserve this visit? Do you have more ideas on estate planning that you want to share? I did enjoy what you shared with me yesterday.”

In a formal no nonsense business-type voice she said, “This won’t take long since there is something we need to discuss.”

“Okay shoot, what do you want to talk about?”

“I think you should make my son a starter on the basketball team.”

“What brought this on?”

“Parker told me he doesn’t like being a bench warmer and feels he should be a starter.”

“Well, I am sorry to say that is not going to happen. I will say that he does try hard but he just doesn’t have the talent to be a starter.”

“I think he does have the talent and you will make him a starter or you will be in a shitload of trouble.”

“What the hell do you mean by that?”

“If he doesn’t start the next game I am going to go to the Police and report that you raped me. I will tell them the reason that I waited so long to report it is that I needed time to think if I should report you for what you did. I finally decided it was the right thing for me to do to come forward.”

“Rape didn’t happen but we did have sex which I remember you asked for in the first place and I will say was pretty good. No one is going to believe that I raped you.”

“I think they will when they see how distraught I am and when I show them my now torn panties that have your dried semen on them.”

Ted was quiet for a while thinking about what Marcia said and apparently had done. She planned all along to have intercourse with him to get a deposit of his semen on her panties which she later must have torn. It could be that what she said she would do was just a bluff on her part and she wouldn’t follow through, but he couldn’t be sure. Marcia in having intercourse with him would indicate that she was serious about her threat and it seemed to him that she might actually go to the Police.

Don had warned him to be careful in dealing with the parents of his players and this had to be an example of what they would do. Ted was also thinking and hoping that the nanny cam had done its job and recorded this conversation. If it did, he would have proof that she was resorting to blackmail.

He knew however that Marcia’s charge of rape if she did go to the Police would not hold up, since he had video proof that the sex was consensual. Even though he was somewhat confident that he had the upper hand he said, “I guess you have me by the short hairs. There is nothing else I can do but make Parker a starter. I will say however that I did enjoy having sex with you and I suppose having more sex with you right now is out of the question?”

“In your dreams,” and she turned and hastily left his condo slamming the door behind her.

Ted couldn’t wait to see if the nanny cam had recorded this conversation. It had and the quality of both the video and more importantly the audio was good. Now how to use this video was something he gave a considerable amount of thought on how to go about doing that.

Ted finally decided what he would do and how he would use the video to teach Marcia a lesson while at the same time having some fun doing it.

He transferred copies of videos to a USB flash drive. He placed that flash drive in an envelope addressed to Marcia marked personal and confidential along with a little note that said, “My place tonight at six.”

During his lunch period the next day, he drove over to Marcia’s office and handed the envelope to the receptionist asking that it be given to Marcia when she came back from court.

After basketball practice, Ted couldn’t wait to get home. He made himself a drink and waited for Marcia’s arrival. For what he was planning to do he wasn’t going to turn on the nanny cam and record what he anticipated would be said in this expected confrontation.

This time when Marcia entered his condo she came on strong because she immediately tried to bluff him.

“What in the hell did you think you were doing in making those videos? Don’t you know it’s against the law to make this type of recording unless both people consent to it and I sure as hell didn’t consent for you to do it?”

“Marcia, do me a favor and can the crap! You and I know your threat of you filing a false police report and making false charges against me was blackmail and is enough for you to lose your license to practice law let alone have you thrown in jail. Those videos you saw prove you were trying to blackmail me and that there was no rape. What would be your husband’s reaction be when hears you say that you want to make love with me. I would think that would slightly piss him off.”

It was like all the air was let out of a balloon. Marcia’s shoulders slumped and she gave the look of a defeated person. She knew her efforts to blackmail Ted had failed because of the videos and now it was she who was the one in deep shit.

In a more hospitable voice she asked, “Okay, let’s be adults about this, what do you want to destroy those videos?”

“Before I say anything more will you please dump the contents of your purse on the table so I can see if you are recording this conversation?” He checked what was there and made sure her cellphone was turned off.

After doing this checking which didn’t turn up any recording device, Ted didn’t immediately say anything because he wanted to give her the impression he was thinking of what he should do. In actuality, he knew what he was going to do and this appearance of him thinking about it was just an act for Marcia’s benefit. He knew the exact words he was going to use in telling her what she needed to do.

After a half minute or so had passed he said, “Despite your actions, I still consider you to be a very attractive and a extremely desirable woman. You have an exceptionally sexy body and I know you know how to fuck. That being said I would like to sample your charms again so please strip and do it slowly.”

“What? Are you out of your fucking mind? You have got to be kidding!”

Ted didn’t say anything immediately but the look on Ted’s face indicated to her that he wasn’t kidding.

“I said strip but you don’t need to do that if you don’t want to do it. If you do, I will promise that you and I are the only ones that will ever see those videos. But if you don’t strip, distribution of the videos will be made to the police, your husband, and the Bar Association.”

“That’s out and out blackmail!”

“Yes it is and something you are very familiar with in doing.”

Marcia was no dummy and knew she was holding a losing hand. She slowly started unbuttoning her blouse and when that was done she took it off and tossed it to the couch. Pulling down the zipper on her skirt enabled her to step out of it.

“Leave the shoes on but everything else goes.”

Still having a defeated look on her face she removed her bra and pushed her panties down her legs. He again confirmed his opinion that she was men’s calendar material with her slim figure, good size breasts, flat stomach, narrow waist, and womanly hips. Her special place had a little too much hair but he could deal with that. He waved his raised arm in a small circle which signaled her to turn around which she slowly did. Her butt was nice but it did look to him that it had a few miles on it.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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