Project Manager - Cover

Project Manager

Copyright© 2018 by Westside24

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Visiting various countries affords varied opportunities.There is some sex in the story but it is not intended for this to be a stroke story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Cheating  

Isabel and Scott were sitting at the end of the long table in the dining room drinking coffee and eating the breakfast they had selected from the variety of both hot and cold foods that were there. They weren’t saying much but the looks they were exchanging with each other were saying a lot. Each of them could see an occasional smile appearing on the other’s face as they were doing this exchanging.

Isabel asked Scott what were his plans for today.

“I am going to find a guide with a car to do a tour of your country which I understand is quite beautiful. I have an eleven morning flight to go back north tomorrow.”

“Can I make a suggestion?”

“Sure, what is that?”

“I don’t have anything pressing on my calendar today. How about if I am your guide as I do know the country quite well and I could show you some very beautiful places?”

“On the face of it that sounds great but with your driver and bodyguard accompanying us I would feel a little uncomfortable and somewhat constrained.”

“That is no problem because I can tell the driver and bodyguard that they are not needed today. I can disguise myself and use one of my servant’s cars. My security doesn’t like me doing this but I have done it in the past.”

Scott agreed to her suggestion.

Isabel wore tan slacks and a dark pullover which couldn’t disguise the fine body she had. The large hat and big dark sun glasses did do the job in hiding her facial features. She was going to drive a six year old two door Honda Civic which one of her servants owned.

Scott had some second thoughts about doing this sightseeing with her when she handed him a 9mm pistol along with an extra clip to put in the glove compartment. She said she had another pistol in her purse.

He had to admit she knew the country has she showed him some very scenic and picturesque places. A number of them were well off the beaten path. It became interesting when she would stop the automobile and they would do a short walk to get a better view and take some pictures. If there was no else around Scott would stand behind her with his hands on her waist. After taking in the scenery he would start nibbling on her neck and ear while his hands would rise up to cup her breasts and press on her nipples.

Isabel was not a passive person when he was doing his groping of her. Her hands would cover his hands that were on her breasts and she would wiggle her hips against his erection that was pressing against her butt.

One time he had gotten her so worked up that she took his hand and hurried him back to the car. When they were seated she leaned over and after pulling down his pants zipper she gave him head. She didn’t spill a drop and completely drained him. Besides enjoying himself while she was doing this he had the thought that women politicians first and above all were women and who like most women enjoyed having sex. He mentally chucked to himself about what the voters would think if they could see her head going up and down in doing this.

He was zippering his pants up and she was checking herself out in the mirror located behind the sun visor. In reaching for her lipstick that was in her purse she said, “That should hold you for a while.”

In giving her a look that said he was serious he said, “It’s too bad this car is small as I would like to reciprocate.” He could see her blush in understanding what he was saying he wanted to do to her.

They did stop for lunch and afterwards continued on to make it a full day of sightseeing.

He had to admit that Isabel knew her country quite well as she did point out a number of historic places. When they were overlooking the ocean she indicated where the surfers would gather to surf the waves that were breaking. She did say in pointing to a volcano that one thing some of the professional guides offer is to have the tourists ride a horse up to the top and roast marshmallows over its heat.

They were back at Isabel’s home about six. After having a nice supper they were relaxing in the den sipping on an after dinner drink. Scott suggested to Isabel that she give the servants the night off.

“Now why would I want to do that?”

“Because I am going to attack you. It wouldn’t do the future President any good to be seen by her servants lying on the couch with her pants on the floor and her panties dangling from one of her pretty legs loudly telling me I should do it harder and go deeper.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

He faked a little move going toward her which caused her to move back a little. She laughed at him in dong this but she did rise to walk and told the servants that they had the night off. Coming back she sat next to Scott on the couch and cuddled with him putting his arm around her. They talked quietly about nothing of importance.

Earlier Isabel had told Scott she had sent someone to the hotel to check Scott out of his room and to gather up his belongings which were brought back here. Her doing that confirmed where he would be spending the night.

It had gotten dark but it still was relatively early when Scott gave her a kiss on her forehead and suggested that they should go upstairs. With a smile on her face she rose and hand in hand they walked to her bedroom.

This time their love making was not frantic but was slow and tender. They both knew that this was going to be the last time they would be together since Scott was heading back north tomorrow. That thought was on both of their minds. They made love two times that night and fell asleep with his arm over her with him in a spooned position against her.

This quiet atmosphere continued into the morning. Before Scott left her house to go to the airport they had a good-bye conversation. Scott thanked her for being the fine lady she was and for spending her time with him. Smiling at her and making sure she could see his eyes going up and down her he said she had showed him some very beautiful things which caused her to giggle.

Scott wished her continued success in her political career. He told her he knew she would be a good President which was what her country needed.

Isabel thanked him for saying that and told him he was always welcome to come back here. She said he should consider when he takes a vacation to do it here as she would like to see him again. He could see her having watery eyes as she moved to give him one last very long passionate kiss with her firmly pressing her body against him.

As they were kissing she reached to take one of his hands and placed it on her ass. Ending the kiss her hand was still holding his hand against her ass and she in a caring voice and with a sincere look said, “It’s yours to have whenever you want it.”

To say Isabel had given Scott a lot to think about after he left her would be a gross understatement. The last comment she made to him was quite surprising and he spent considerable time in thinking about it.

Scott’s flight home was comfortable and smooth. In between having thoughts of Isabel he spent some of the time writing up a report on his laptop of what had transpired as to Carley and the project. He was complimentary to Carley as to her ability and indicated that in time she would be a successful project manager.

Walking out of the customs area with his laptop over his shoulder and pulling his suitcase he was in for a pleasant surprise. He had exchanged short text messages with Sandi and had told her the time his flight was scheduled to arrive. He didn’t ask her to be there and it surprised him that she was there to meet him. She greeted him by putting her arms around him and giving him a very nice kiss. Her action in doing this gave Scott some mixed emotions.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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