Project Manager - Cover

Project Manager

Copyright© 2018 by Westside24

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Visiting various countries affords varied opportunities.There is some sex in the story but it is not intended for this to be a stroke story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Cheating  

Rolling his suitcase into his condo Scott Biell could smell the fresh coat of paint that had been applied to all the ceilings and walls. He had just come back to his condo after spending a little more than two and half years has the project manager of a hydroelectric dam that was being built in South America. Since he was single it wasn’t that big of a hardship for him to be away for that length of time. The generous compensation package he received for being there was well worth the sacrifice. He expected the remainder of his personal items to be delivered in a few days.

His condo had been rented out by a realty firm while he was gone which insured that it was taken care of. At their suggestion Scott had authorized the unit to be painted. The excess of the rental fees after the bills had been paid along with the bonus money Scott received had been applied to reducing the mortgage on the condo. What little mortgage remained would be paid off in another two years.

Scott was told that he was being assigned to the operations department of the engineering company which was headed by Roy Damaron. In a phone conversation he had with Roy it was agreed that Scott would take a portion of his accrued vacation time now, that being four weeks as there were a number of things Scott needed to do that he was back in the States. Shopping, purchasing an automobile, seeing his doctor, renewing some acquaintances were just a few of the things that were on Scott’s to-do list. It was good to be back in the States was the main thought that was running through his mind.

The next morning Scott went to a Honda dealer and after looking at the various models he purchased a brand new Honda CRV. He could have purchased something sportier but if he was one thing it was that he was practical. He would not have been comfortable in driving a sports car. His first stop with his new car was to Walmart were he purchased various food items along with some household supplies he knew he would need.

Back at his condo he put away these items and at the same time made a list of additional items he would need to purchase. A large flat screen television was right at the top of the list along with increasing the speed of the present internet service.

Instead of waiting till the next day Scott drove over to Best Buy and purchased a sixty five inch flat screen television. Back at his condo he installed the television and patted himself on the back for having accomplished quite a bit in his first full day back.

Watching a baseball game on the tube and sipping on a cold beer Scott did some reminiscing about his time in South America. One thing that was on his mind was how he would go about finding some female companionship here in the States. The one lady he was seeing fairly regularly before he left the States, a Sharon Jensen was now engaged to be married in about two weeks which is what the wedding invitation that he received said. Maybe he would find some lady at the wedding as he did plan on attending Sharon’s wedding.

He remembered that he had pondered this same question when he first arrived in South America. As it turned out the problem or question sort of solved itself. His position as the project manager of this large dam construction project elevated his social status. He received gratis membership in two country clubs that were rather upscale and frequented by the upper class society living in the area. That put him in contact with a number of people to include some fine looking women.

One thing that Scott discovered in his time there was that these women of obvious Spanish decent were very passionate and exciting love partners. That they were married or single didn’t seem to matter to a number of them as they wanted to enjoy making love frequently and to the fullest. He was fortunate to have had a number of affairs in the time he was there.

The one affair that he thought was the best one and lasted for just over six months was the affair he had with Sofia Cortez the wife of Minister Cortez who was the government official overseeing the project Scott was managing. The Minister initially was screwing up Scott’s project by demanding the workers be paid a low labor wage rate and that was causing a work slowdown. With some help that was sent down from up north that labor rate problem was solved. It seemed somewhat ironic that Scott then wound up screwing the Minister’s wife.

He had been introduced to her by her husband at the country club and there was an immediate strong attraction that he felt for her. Later he learned that she felt this same attraction. She was not bashful as she contacted him later at his office saying she enjoyed meeting him two nights ago. Sofia casually mentioned that her husband was on a trip to the interior and extended an invitation for Scott to have lunch with her. She said she wanted to hear more about how the dam project was going.

Scott accepted her invitation and met her at a restaurant and dined with her in somewhat of a secluded area of the restaurant that she had requested. She was a very beautiful woman, a few years younger than Scott who while having a slim frame was amply endowed in in the breast department which the neckline of her dress showcased. He became smitten with her and her with him. It was a good lunch and in thinking about it later Scott realized that she never once did ask a question about the status of the dam construction.

Two days later Sophia phoned Scott and invited him for dinner at her home. Scott arrived at her rather large home and noticed other smaller buildings that were on the grounds in what Scott would call a walled estate. Sophia informed Scott that her husband was on another of his fact finding trips of his and was expected to be gone for a few days. It wasn’t that much later that Sofia mentioned that she had given all of the servants the night off which would give them some privacy.

The meal was excellent but Scott didn’t remember what was served. His eyes were on her and her eyes were on him. Besides not remembering what was served he couldn’t remember either what they talked about.

After they had finished eating she told him to leave the plates where they were and the servants would take care of them in the morning. They rose from their chairs and were walking to the living room when Sofia suddenly stopped and turned around to find Scott right there behind her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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