Next Door Neighbors - 2 - Cover

Next Door Neighbors - 2

Copyright© 2018 by JRyter

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The continuing story of Derek Cutter, a 16 year old who didn't know a lot about sex until his family moved to another town and he began meeting his next door neighbors. In a week's time, it was like he'd earned a college degree in sex ed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Humor   Incest   Mother   Son   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation  

When I got out of the shower, I went to my room to get some shorts. Mom was there, lying on my bed naked.

“Hi Mom, I didn’t hear you come in. how was your day at the salon. Were you real busy?” I said as I walked naked over to my bed and sat next to her.

“Hi Hon. I was trying to be quiet so I could get in your bed naked and surprise you. Yes, we were very busy and I did nails all day long. My legs are tired too. Come here and let me see that beautiful cock. It looks like it’s not as red and maybe getting back to normal. Have you hurt any at all today?”

“No. I’ve been really feeling good. I went back over to see Melanie and we swam some more for a while.”

“Did she give you some pussy?”

“Yes, she really likes to fuck and we did it for a long time. Just like you and I did.”

“Well, I’m still glad I was your first. I bet her pussy is really tight ... her being younger and all.”

“I like your pussy better, Mom. I think you have the smallest pussy ... but hers is the next smallest.”

“Next, you mean you’ve had more than her and me?”

“Well, I met the neighbors across the street and they invited me to swim with them. We kind of just got to oiling bodies and that led to me getting my dick in Ms. Carpenters pussy from behind.”

“My Baby is getting to be a real pussy hound. I’m proud of you Derek. Come up here and rub Mommy’s titties while we talk.”

“Heck yeah, I love your big titties. Can I suck them too?”

“You know you can Hon. Now tell me ... did you get anymore pussy beside Melanie’s and Ms. Carpenter’s?

“Heck yeah, I fucked Alice. That’s Ms. Carpenter’s daughter. She’s 16 like me and she’s got some really nice titties too. I was her first and she bled a little, but she said I really fucked her good. She got some good cums too.”

“Come over here and lay on my belly Hon. This makes Momma wet, hearing you talk about all the pussy you’ve been getting. I bet you’re glad we moved here now aren’t you? We’ve only been here little over a week and you’ve already fucked four women.”

“It makes me hard too. I’d like some more of your pussy ... that is if you’d let me to put my dick in your pussy.”

“Here, put this condom on. We need to be more careful, we don’t need any babies. I hope you used condoms on Ms. Carpenter and her daughter.”

“No, they both wanted me to fuck them with my naked cock. They said they take pills.”

“Well, I don’t take pills. I use a diaphragm when your daddy and I do it, but I just had to have your naked cock in me yesterday.”

“I know what you mean Mom. I had to have it in you too. It sure feels good going in you now. I can already tell you that your pussy is as tight as Alice’s and she’s just 16.”

“I’m glad I have a tight pussy for you ... you are very big. I need to make sure that monster is still working properly. Fuck my pussy Derek ... fuck me good.”

“Like this Mom?” I really fucked her hard, and I felt my dick going deeper and deeper inside her.

“Yes Baby! YES! No one has ever been where your cock is going. You do me so good. Hurry and get a good cum Derek, so we can go again. I need to have supper ready when your daddy gets home. We’re going over to his new boss’s to play cards tonight. I hope you don’t mind staying here.”

“I don’t mind a bit. I’d rather be here than having to watch all of you playing cards.”

“I know Hon. They’re older and their kids are grown. They’ve have grandkids your age, your dad said.”

“Lets get a new condom Mom, and you get on top of me. I really like to fuck that way.”

“I do too. Here, let me get that wasted condom off and get you a new one. I’m glad I got two dozen instead of one. I can see you’re going to need them.”

“Yeah, and thanks Mom. Hurry and get on me. I want your pussy bad. Ride me Mom, fuck me good. Next time I want to fuck you from behind. I fucked Ms. Carpenter while I laid on her oily butt and we both really loved fucking like that.”

“You oiled her, then got on her butt and fucked her? In her pussy I hope.”

“Yeah, she’s got a really big pussy, but it feels good from behind like that. I like the way her butt felt rubbing my belly when we fucked.”

“Shit ... That makes me want to try it like that. We can get in the back yard some day and you can oil me up and fuck me like that if you want to. I think I’d like that too.”

“Heck yeah. I know I’d love to fuck your tight pussy from behind Mom. Fuck me really hard now, I think I’m about to get a good cum.”

“I know I’m about to get one Derek, shove that big fucker into me hard. I just love your big cock. I need to measure you. I bet you’re at least 8 inches long.”

“Is that big for a boy my age?”

“It sure is, your dad’s not even 6.”

“Wow! I like having a big dick. Fuck me hard Mom, here I come again.”

When mom and I got through with that hot fuck, she went to shower and fix supper. I took another shower because I was sweating like crazy while we fucked like that.

Dad came home, we ate a quick supper and they left. It was still early and I decided to ride my bike through the neighborhood ... since I didn’t get to earlier, after meeting the Carpenters.

I got my bike out, closed the garage and headed out. When I got to the first intersection, I stopped for a car, and saw a girl on the other side, waiting to cross ... coming my way. I waited because she looks really pretty. She’s got some really big titties too. It must be something in the water here that’s making all the women have big titties. When she got across the street, she stopped. Smiled and spoke.

“Hi ... I’m Patricia. Are you the new kid that moved in this week?”

“Yeah, I’m Derek. I live across from the Carpenters,” I said. She really is a pretty girl and she’s as tall as me. I liked that. She’s got some really big tits just like I thought when I first saw her ... and I really like that about her.

“Well, I wouldn’t brag about living across from those two. They think their shit don’t stink since old lady Carpenter got that huge divorce settlement.”

“Oh ... Well I hardly know them, but I did meet them earlier and went swimming for just a little while. Then had to go home when mom came in from work.” I told her most of the truth.

“I hope you took a shower when you got out of that pool. My mom told our neighbor that she wouldn’t go near those two ... she’d be afraid she’d catch something.”

“Goodness, I sure am glad I met you. I may have gone back and caught something myself.”

“I’m in a hurry now ... but did you say your mom worked? Mine does too, maybe we can hang out together some days, that is if you want to. We have a pool too.”

“Really? I love to swim.”

“Then I’ll come get you one day. We live over there in that big two story house on the corner, across from your house.”

“Yeah, I can see it from my bedroom window.”

“I can see your house too. Is that your bedroom window overlooking your backyard?”

“Yeah ... I bet your bedroom window overlooks your back yard too. I can just barely see your pool for the tree in our yard.”

“Well ... I’m glad that tree is there. My best friend and I lay out in the sun naked to get our tans. You could see us if that tree wasn’t so big.”

“I may just climb up in it and cut that long limb off. I’d like to see that.” I was beginning to like meeting new girls, and they seemed to like me too.

“I bet you don’t. You’re just saying that, to make me think you’d look at my friend and me naked.”

“I’m going to get dad’s ladder and cut it down tomorrow morning. I’ve got some really powerful binoculars too.” I told her and she laughed.

“Silly ... I dare you to. If you do, I’m not telling Josalyn. She may want to move over next to the fence where you can’t see.”

“I like you Patricia. You’re funny and you’re pretty too. And when you tease, you do it for fun not like the older girls where we used to live.”

“How old are you Derek?”

“16. How old are you?”

“I’m 17, but I like you. Is that your thing I see there in your shorts?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. It starts getting big when I talk to pretty girls.”

“It sure does ... I mean its REALLY big.”

“Heck, it’s not even big yet.”

“You mean it gets bigger? Wow.”

“Yeah and I better go. If that wind blows your skirt up any higher. My ... uh ... it’ll come out the bottom of my shorts. I hope I get to see you again. I mean to be friends. Not just see you tanning naked...

“You mean if my skirt blew up and you saw my panties your thing would come all the way out the bottom of your shorts leg?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I guess that makes me some sort of freak doesn’t it? But I really like it big like this.”

I love it when girls want to talk about being naked and talk about my dick getting big ... it makes my dick really get big then.

“Heck no, you’re not a freak. I’ve never seen one that big before though. I mean my boyfriend’s is nowhere that big. I want to see yours.”

“Show me your pussy and I’ll show you my dick.”

I sure do like the way girls talk in this town, I never got to talk to girls in our old town this way.

“You don’t think I will, do you?”

“I sure hope you do. I like looking at girls pussies.”

“Do you see a lot of them?”

“I have seen my share I guess. I’d like to see yours now. I know it would make my dick hard and I’d show it to you then.”

“Here goes then, you better not be lying. I’ll never speak to you again, if you don’t show me yours.”

I thought she was just going to pull her skirt up ... she did do that, but then she pulled her panties all the way aside and I saw her pussy as she sat on her bike seat. Her pussy has the same color hair as her head and she’s tanned all over her legs and belly. Her pussy is really tan too and I like looking at it. My dick jerked and started to grow really fast ... and really big.

“Wow! Your dick does get bigger Take it out ... no one can see us for these shrubs,” she said as she stared at where my dick was swelled up inside my shorts.

I unzipped, unbuttoned my shorts and pulled my dick out. I was proud of it ... it’s as big as I’ve ever seen it. Probably because I’m looking at her naked pussy.

Gosh... That is really a big one. Wayyyyy bigger than my boyfriend’s. Have you ever done it with a girl? I mean have you had sex?”

“Heck yes. Lots of older girls too. I mean they really liked it and I really liked putting it in them too.”

“I think my pussy is too small don’t you?”

She pulled her pussy lips open and my dick jumped out of my hand.

“I think you have a pretty pussy, and I bet it would go inside you ... that is if you ever wanted it to. Your pussy gets wet when you want a boys dick inside you.”

“It must want one bad right now then, ‘coz its running wet.”

“Patricia, I really like you. I hope we can be friends ... thanks for letting me see your pussy. yours is just about the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.

“I may come over and see you one day, when your Mom’s working. Keep looking out your window, I may just let you see me naked in my bedroom.”

“Hey, now I’d like to see that. Mom and Dad’s gone to his boss’s house tonight. I may go to my room about dark and look out a while.”

“I may go to my room and take a shower, then do my exercises naked.”

“Patricia, you better go. I need to put my dick away and get out of here.”

“Bye Derek. See you soon, I hope I get to see your dick some more too ... I have a telescope.”

“Bye Patricia. You sure are pretty, and you’re fun to talk to.”

“Thanks Derek. See you when it gets dark.”

She rode on down the sidewalk, looking over her shoulder.

I almost got run over when I crossed the street ... I wasn’t even paying attention.

It was still a long time until dark and I decided to keep riding, since I haven’t been this far from home. I came to another corner and turned left on the sidewalk. They decided to make the block and come back out on our street to go home.

When I turned the corner, I heard someone holler. I looked over at the house next to the sidewalk. There was shrubs were as high as the windows along the side and I didn’t see anyone. I started to ride on and heard them holler. It’s a woman, it sounds like.

I saw some bare feet at the bottom of a window, behind the shrubs. Then I saw an arm wave, “Come over here, I need your help.”

I rolled my bike over and lay it on the side in the grass then walked over to look through the shrubs.

“Don’t come any closer, I’m naked. I locked myself out of, y house and I’m trying to get in my window. Every time I look, there’s a car coming.”

I still haven’t seen her ... but I wanted to now. She said she’s naked.

“Well, how can I help you, Ma’am? I mean I can try to climb in the window for you, but it’s a long way up to the bottom of that window.”

“Come over here, but turn your head. I’m naked. Maybe I can help you climb up there and you can go in and open my door and throw my robe to me down here.”

“Where is your robe anyway?”

“I went out to get the mail and my robe got caught on the door. Then I pulled it the door closed and it was locked. All I got was this sleeve that I tore off,” she said and waved a thin, silky little sleeve that was see-through.

“It may be better if I tried to help you up to the window. I may weigh too much for you to help me.” I tried to tell her.

“No, I’ll be seen. Besides you’d see my naked butt and pussy.”

“Well ... if you’re sure, but I need to get behind these shrubs before someone sees me and thinks I’m trying to break in your house.”

I walked between two shrubs to see her standing there ... trying to cover her titties and pussy. There was no way she was ever going to cover those big titties.

“Well ... don’t just stand there looking at me.”

She laughed and I laughed too ... then we both started laughing hard.

“What’s your name anyway?” she asked.

“I’m Derek. We just moved in a week ago, down the street about eight houses.”

“Hi Derek. I’m Beth and my husband and daughter went to take his truck to get it serviced when all of this happened. I have to get back inside before they get back. This is the third time I’ve locked myself out of the house. He put a hide-a-key outside and I forgot to put it back the last time I used it. Here, just get a good look at my naked ass and then help me ... please.”

She laughed again before her hands off her pussy and titties, and turned all the way around to show her butt and her huge titties. And her little pussy.

“You sure look good.” I told her, she really did too.

“Thanks, I wish you wouldn’t just stare. I see your cock getting bigger already.”

She pointed to my shorts.

Heck, it had never gone all the way down from when Patricia showed my her pussy and now here was a really beautiful blonde, naked outside her window.

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