Next Door Neighbors - 2 - Cover

Next Door Neighbors - 2

Copyright© 2018 by JRyter

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The continuing story of Derek Cutter, a 16 year old who didn't know a lot about sex until his family moved to another town and he began meeting his next door neighbors. In a week's time, it was like he'd earned a college degree in sex ed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Humor   Incest   Mother   Son   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation  

Well, we’ve been living in this new town a little over a week now, and it’s not quite as bad as I first thought it was going to be. I still haven’t met any boys my age to hang out with, but I’m sure there are some who live here. Maybe I’ll go over to the sports complex in a day or two and watch some of the softball games. I saw an article in the newspaper about all of that. I need to get out and make some more friends, other than our next door neighbor Melanie and the Carpenters across the street.

When I met Ms. Carpenter and her daughter Alice earlier, they had just bought some new bikinis and invited me to come over and swim with them.

I was happy to meet new friends this fast and ran back to get my swim suit while they put theirs on. When I got back, I just went around to the gate and into the back yard. I was walking by a window and heard loud music playing and looked that way. The window was open and the shade was up about 6 inches. I just happened to look inside and there was Ms. Carpenter, dancing to the music, her bikini still in her hand. Her titties were almost as big as Mom’s, but not quite.

Her pussy has a little bit of black hair on top, but none on the sides. Her pussy is fat. I mean it’s really swelled out and her pussy lips aren’t tight and close together like Mom’s and Melanie’s. It looks like they’re puckered up to kiss something the way her lips were pooching out.

She must really like her titties. She’s rubbing them, pinching them, then running her fingers down to her pussy. She turned to the window and I thought sure she was about to see me, so I ducked down and walked around back.

No one was in the pool, so I ran and jumped in, bombing the round swim ring floating in the middle of the pool. I hit right on it with my knees pulled up, my arms around them.

When I came up, Alice was standing on the side of the pool, clapping her hands. She’s wearing a really tiny orange bikini that barely covers her titties. When I looked at her bottom part, I knew she must have a really small pussy because the strip that went between her legs was very narrow.

“Hi Alice, I just came on back and jumped in. I hope that’s alright,” I said as I kept looking up at her. She was tugging on her bikini, trying to get it to fit right, but I could tell it was just too small for her big titties. I could see where her bikini bottoms have already slipped into her pussy split. Her pussy is a lot smaller than her mom’s.

“Sure, that’s alright I saw you bomb the ring. That was a good shot.”

“Thanks, I’ll put it back and you can bomb it.”

“I never can hit it in the middle like you did ... but go ahead and put it back, I’ll try.”

I put the swim ring back in the middle of the pool and Alice backed up almost to their house, then started running. She jumped high and landed with her butt right in the middle of the ring. I was close by when she came up and her top was pushed up over her titties. They sure looked good too and I had to smile when she looked down at her titties then back at me.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t have it tied too good.”

“That’s alright. I see lots of titties all the time. I think you have some really pretty ones.”

“You do? Thanks ... Who lets you see their titties?”

“Well, I’d hate to tell you and them find out I told about it. It would make me look like I was bragging and I might not get to see them again.”

“Yeah, I see what you mean. But I’d never tell, ‘coz you’ve seen mine now. I really don’t mind though, you’re the first boy to ever see my titties.”

“I am? Thanks, I mean for letting me see them. I bet they feel good don’t they? I mean, well, the ones I have seen, felt good and yours looks as good as they do.”

“You’ve felt of a girls titties?”

“Well, yeah, sort of. She’s a little older than you though.”

“An older girl let you feel of her titties? I bet you were excited. I got excited when my top came off my titties and you saw them I bet it feels good to have a boy touch them.”

“Well, it sure felt good to me and both of them said it felt good to them.”

“You felt two older girls titties?”

“Yeah, and two younger girls titties too before we moved here. I put oil all over both their titties and that was a lot of fun.” I told her.

I liked this, it sounded like I was getting good at seeing and feeling titties.

“Maybe when we’ve been friends longer, you’ll show me how it feels to have my titties touched. I may even let you put oil on my titties too. Mom and I put it all over each other, and I like that.”

“Hey, I’d like that too, Alice. The two older girls told me it felt good and they really liked it when I sucked them too. I sure hope you don’t think I’m bad. Just because I’ve seen and touched titties and sucked them too.”

“Heck no, I wonder all the time what it would feel like to have mine touched, uh oh, here comes Mom. I’m going to get her to bomb the ring too, she and I play like that a lot ... watch this.”

“Hey Mom, come on in. Derek and I bombed the ring. I told him you were good at it ... Show him what you got, Mom.”

“Hi Derek, I see you did come back. I’m glad ... Alice doesn’t have a lot of boys her age come visit, but we knew you were new here and we wanted to make you feel welcome to the neighborhood. Alice and I just went through a bad divorce with her dad and we’ve not had a lot of company.”

“Alice, I’m afraid my new bikini will come loose if I jump in. I’d hate to expose myself to Derek the first time he comes over.”

“Oh it’s alright Mom. My top came up and Derek saw my titties. He’s seen a lot of titties before, so he won’t mind if yours pops out.”

“Oh wow! We have us a ladies man with us Alice ... Alright get ready ... here I come.”

Ms. Carpenter ran and jumped really high. She’s got her knees up and locked with her arms. She hit right in the middle of the ring with her butt. She and the ring went under with the ring popping up. It floated away with her both her bikini bottoms and top hanging across it.

I looked at Alice and she had her hand over her mouth laughing as her mom came up with all her bikini gone. She sure looks good too ... They both look good.

“See, I told you that would happen. Derek, you better never tell anyone about this. I would be embarrassed if you did.”

“Oh he won’t Mom. He won’t even tell me who the older girls and younger girls he’s seen and felt of before.”

“Good, we have a gentleman here. A gentleman never tells of his conquests”

Ms. Carpenter swam over to get her bikini bottoms.

“Mom, you don’t even know all of it yet, he’s already felt of two older girls titties and he wouldn’t tell me who they were either. He put oil all over the two young girls bodies, their titties, and rubbed it in all over them ... even their butts, bellies, and backs. That really makes him a gentleman doesn’t it?”

“It sure does. I knew when I first saw you Derek, you just have that air about you. Like you weren’t as innocent as you acted. I bet you’ve had a lot more experiences with older girls too, other than feeling up their titties ... if the truth were ever known.”

“Well, I uh, I mean, well I didn’t mean it to sound like I was really experienced, I mean. Uh Alice, I never meant that I had done all that. Ms. Carpenter, I’m not really experienced.”

“See Alice, Derek really is a gentleman. Here we are, just talking among friends and he won’t even admit to having sex with those four girls. Derek you’ll make a lot of female friends happy to know you’d never kiss and tell.”

“I will? I mean, yeah I will. Thanks for telling me that.”

“Derek, you mean that you have already had sex with two older girls and two younger girls? I bet it happened when you put oil all over them. Did you get oil down in their cunnies too. I bet you did ... Don’t you Mom?”

“Well, no, I mean not all that. I mean I really don’t want to talk about that.”

I tried to explain and they just kept on.

“Alice, don’t you see. Derek is an experienced young lover and he doesn’t want to sound like he’s bragging. Women don’t like a braggart ... Do they Derek?”

“No, and I sure wasn’t bragging either. I mean what we did was good and all and I sure hope I get to do it again, but I wasn’t trying to sound like I was an experienced sexual expert.”

“Mom, while you’re naked, why don’t you let Derek put oil all over you and just see if you think he’s an expert with women ... then we’ll both know. If I was a little older, I’d sure get naked with him and get oiled up.” Alice said and smiled at me.

“I may just do that.

“Derek would you mind if I asked you to give my body a good oiling?”

“Heck no ... I mean, that is if you’re sure ... I’d love to.”

“I bet you’d love to oil Alice’s sexy young body all over too wouldn’t you. I’d let you, that is if she wanted to ... but she thinks she’s too young.”

“I sure would. I’d love to oil both of you all over. I mean if Alice wants to I would. I really want to oil you all over really good, Ms. Carpenter.”

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