A Series of Taboo - Cover

A Series of Taboo

Copyright© 2018 by Clowns

Chapter 23 - Cross Country Road Trip

Sex Story: Chapter 23 - Cross Country Road Trip - As the title says, each chapter is its own stand-alone story covering any taboo that may pop into my brain.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mind Control   Rape   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Big Breasts  

Cross Country Road Trip

“My dad will pay for everything. We just need you to help drive.”

Spending sixty hours in a car with Janie and her dad? No matter how much free pussy Janie put out in the last year, that was asking a lot. You see, Janie wasn’t his girlfriend. She barely qualified as a friend. He and Janie were what you would call drinking buddies with benefits.

Jason and Janie discovered each other at a place called Joe’s Diner. Unlike the campus bars in town, this one was off the beaten path, which is what Jason liked about it. For Janie, the bar was a block from her apartment.

Janie was in her seventh year of a four-year degree. From what Jason could gather, she spent more time partying than she did on class.

As for Jason, he graduated a few years back, double majoring in mathematics and philosophy. Not trying too hard to get a real job, Jason currently made his money as a substitute teacher and the occasional odd job.

Having been awakened by Janie’s call, Jason was still a bit toasted from the night before. He sighed, “Portland? Isn’t that like a thirty-hour drive? One way?”

Janie was speaking fast. “Yea, probably, but I didn’t know who else to ask. My friend, Julie, you’ve heard me talk about her, well Julie was in a bad accident. Totaled out her car, so I really need to get out there.”

And as if she had read his mind, “I wanted to fly, but Mom won’t let Dad give me the money. She’s such a bitch. She knows how close Julie and I are.”

Jason stood up from his bed and looked around to find a shirt. He picked one up off the floor, smelled it, decided it was wearable, and pulled it on. “So, instead, your dad offered to drive you?”

“Yea! If we can get you to go along.” Feeling the need to sweeten the pot, Janie added, “I’ll let you do me in the ass.” She paused to let that sink in, “For a month.”

Two hours later, Jason pulled into a large driveway next to a large house with a detached three-car garage. Seems Janie’s parents had money.

A man who looked to be in his early to mid-40’s was in the garage next to a large SUV. He was packing suitcases in the back.

It wasn’t until Jason got out of the car that he noticed (heard) a woman’s voice, “This is ridiculous. You’re both a bunch of idiots. I talked to Julie’s mom...”

Coming around the corner, Jason saw what had to be Janie’s mom. Subtract twenty pounds and a couple of bra cup sizes, and she and Janie could have been identical twins.

As soon as Janie’s mom saw Jason, her scowl immediately turned into a big fake smile. She came over to him. For a moment, Jason thought she was going to hug him.

Instead, she reached out her hand, “You must be Jason. Janie’s told us so much about you.”

Jason started to speak, “Hello, Mrs...” That’s when Jason realized he didn’t know Janie’s last name and therefore didn’t know her parents’ last name.

Luckily, he was saved by Janie’s mom, “Oh, call me Dana.” Dana looked over to her husband who had now stopped packing. “And that’s my husband, Dr. Weigert.” The emphasis on ‘Doctor’ made it clear she wore that title as much as he did.

Dana paused, “But of course you can call him Greg.”

Jason had never asked what Janie’s parents did. Being a college town, he assumed her dad was somehow connected with the college.

“Oh, nice.” Jason was impressed, “Doctor? As in MD, or do you teach at the university?”

Greg grinned. Jason would find that he did that a lot. Maybe because he was used to not getting a word in when his wife was around.

“Dr. Weigert, my husband, heads up research in the Physics department. They do very important work.” For his part, Greg went back to packing.

Which seemed OK with Dana, “So, Janie roped you into this trip, did she? I guess you’ve dated her long enough to know she usually gets her way, in the end.”

Jason had to stifle a chuckle to the joke he was in on. ‘In the end’. Anal.

Jason also was picking up on the fact that he was now Janie’s boyfriend. He had to wonder if that was how Janie described him or wishful thinking on Dana’s part.

And that’s when the back door to the house opened and out walked Janie. There was no denying that she looked hot. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore short, short denim shorts, and a t-shirt.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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