Dear John - Cover

Dear John

Copyright© 2017 by Matt Moreau

Chapter 43

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 43 - He's a soldier overseas. She send him the letter: bad news.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Tear Jerker   Cheating   Slow  

Déjà vu all over again. Randell was a big guy but today he was a pussy. He didn’t faint like Mort almost did, but he was nervous. Oh my, he was nervous! I had to allow that in his case he had reason to be. Both his mother and his sister had had miscarriages in what were supposed to be routine hospital deliveries. He was mortally afraid that he might have inherited some terrible gene or something.

Just as was usual, a white clad man with a stethoscope around his neck came out, and he was smiling. Randell did seem a little shaky then, well, to me. The doctor came up to Owen and whispered something to him. Owen smiled.

The doctor broke away from Owen and came to the big man, well at 6’6” and 250 Randell Davis was by definition a big man.

“A girl, 7 seven pounds, he said and healthy,” he said. “Momma is doing quite well. You’ll be able to go in in a few minutes.” He motioned to all of us.

Owen had disappeared for a few minutes after his word with the doctor. He returned now with a nervous Abigail on his arm; she’d been hunting down a coffee machine. Randell was accosted by a nurse at just that minute and led the parade into the mother’s room.

“Hi Mom, Dads,” she said. “Everybody meet Cecilia Abigail,” she said. Abigail began to cry; she was quiet about it, but the tears were flowing.

In attendance were me and Lana, the Cords, the Glass family including baby Sam—who they did allow in baby or not—and of course Randell. Jeff and Harriet had meant to be there, but had a problem they had to take care of. I didn’t know what the problem was, but I’d likely be finding out later. Cecilia and Greg Williams were not present: Cecilia was ill.

Abigail was clearly very happy about her name being in the mix; in spite of everything I was happy for her. Owen? He was clearly relieved. I think Owen was the only one who was not actually invested in the naming thing. Well, I wasn’t really either, but I would not deny being happy that I had been first in that respect. I guess it was a matter of perspective.

The congrats and promises of good times for the baby girl and all of it went on for a while, but inevitably, we all parted to allow the stars of the show to rest. Randell stayed, but I don’t know for how long; we were gone right after the Cords and Glass family.

“Well woman, are you happy now?” said Owen. She went to him and laid her head on his shoulder. She hadn’t said anything. He had to allow that she didn’t have to. He knew she was thrilled and probably relieved that Sarah had honored both her mother and herself. He knew that she would have been happier if Mia had chosen to name her son after him, but she was resigned at this point to follow his lead and keep her mouth shut forevermore. Well, he hoped that that was the case.

“We have to have them all over for a party soon,” she said. Everybody. Okay?” she said.

“Of course. It’s already in the planning stage,” he said.

“Thank you for that and for everything,” she said. “And...”

“And?” he said.

“And for helping Sam out with the leg thing and the mask and all of it. I think my leaving him may actually have been a good thing. I mean if I hadn’t he and I would still be poor and he’d still be in a wheelchair,” she said. “Is my thinking that way bad of me?” He could see that she actually wanted him to answer her.

“Of course it’s not bad. It’s pragmatic I suppose, and from a pragmatic viewpoint, I suppose you actually do have a point,” he said. “Sam needed the help I was in a position to help him with and I still may be able to help him some more one day, I mean with the face thing. But, we’ll just have to wait and see about that one. My man Devon is still on the lookout. Oh, and the young man has been promoted to head up my overall research thing. I mentioned to you before that I would likely be teaching him my methods one day. That day has come. He’s learning about how to exploit opportunities in the market place. I guess even a Biology guy can learn the hard core elements of moneymaking.”

“Wow!” she said. “Well good. I hope he does well.”

“It’s not a matter of hoping. It’s a matter of him doing what I tell him to do, and he is,” said Owen. “Making money is not the great mystery of life; it’s just hard work.”

“I sure wish that my ex would have had the gumption to think the way you do and act on it,” she said.

“Well, I’m glad he didn’t and that for purely selfish reasons,” he said.

“I’m glad too, my husband. I did love Sam back in the day. But when I met you, even before I actually knew anything about your skill at making money; I was drawn to you. I love you, Mister, don’t ever doubt that,” she said. He smiled.

“I don’t doubt you, and I’m grateful to whatever gods were involved in my chance meeting up with you that day in the parking lot. And Missy, I do love you too,” he said.

Her husband was a real man, she thought. A man who knew how to do things and how to deal with people like few others did. She had caused him so many problems in these past years. Some things relating to her ex, but other things as well; things merely personal and between just the two of them. She swore to never disobey him again, not on purpose for damn sure.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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