Little Man - Cover

Little Man

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2020 by Just Plain Bob

Fiction Story: Another BTB story.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   .

“What’s the matter little man? You here to cry and beg me to leave her alone?”

“I guess it wouldn’t do me any good would it!”

“Not a bit cuck. She’s great pussy and there ain’t no way I’m going to give her up.”

I’m here to tell you I don’t want you coming to my house and doing her while my kids are around.”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about what you want or don’t want little man. Now get out of here before I spank your wimpy ass.”

How did it come about that I was facing the six foot five two hundred and sixty pound man? It was because he was fucking my wife of sixteen years and I’d stopped by his office (he was a used car salesman) to ask him to leave her alone. I left his office as he laughed at me.

My name is Frank Beamon. I’m thirty-eight, five foot nine and one hundred and sixty pounds. I’ve been married to Janice for a tad over sixteen years and have a son and daughter. Marie is fourteen and her brother Tommy just turned twelve.

Janice and I met in our junior year at college, dated off and on for three months before I asked her to be exclusive. She told me she was too young to commit to an exclusive relationship. She wanted to occasional date others to see what they would be like. She wouldn’t even remotely consider a steady relationship until after she graduated. Two days after I asked her to be exclusive we had a date and at the last minute she broke it telling me there was a family problem she needed to take care of.

Quite by accident I saw her that evening in the company of Brandon Copley. Funny that! Brandon had been around Janice and I since we started dating and she never once mentioned he was family. Okay, that was a bit of sarcasm, but what seeing it did was make me put Janice behind me.

The next day we had a shared class, Production Management if I remember right, and after class she caught me in the hallway and asked me what we were going to do that night. When I told her I had no idea what she would be doing, but that I had a date she seemed stunned?

“What’s the matter Janice? You can date others, but I can’t?”

Then I walked away from her before she could say anything. I didn’t really have a date, but she wouldn’t know that and even if she decided to go out looking to see who I might be with she would see nothing because I was going to be home working on a paper that was due on Wednesday.

I did my best to avoid Janice for the next week, but she finally caught up with me on a Friday. I was having lunch in the Student Union cafeteria when she sat down opposite me at the table.

“Why are you ducking me Frank?”

“Does the name Brandon Copley ring a bell?”

“He is in several of our classes.”

“That’s it? He is just a classmate?”

“What’s going on here Frank?”

“Remember that date you broke with me because you had a family problem to take care of? You never told me Copley was family and what was the problem anyway?”

“That’s family business Frank.”

“If that’s the way you want to play it fine by me. I’ve got to hurry to get to Markham’s class. See you around” and I got up and left her sitting there.

Janice was stubborn and wasn’t going to be put off. I found her sitting on the fender of my car when I left my last class.

“You never told me why you are avoiding me Frank.”

“Oh come on Janice. You are a college student with a 3.79 grade point average and you can’t figure out from the things I said in the cafeteria that I know about you and Brandon?”

“Me and Brandon? There is nothing between me and Brandon.”

“Then why did you lie to me about a so called family problem, break a date with me to go out with him?”

“That’s what’s bugging you? Brandon is nothing to me. Besides, I told you when you asked me to be exclusive that I wanted to be free to date others. You didn’t like it, but you seemed to accept it. You did stay with me anyway.”

“That’s not the problem Janice. The problem is that you lied to me and broke a date with me to go out with someone else. You didn’t make a date and then tell me you couldn’t see me that night because of it. NO! You had a date with me and you broke it to go out with someone else and that is totally unacceptable to me. I do not need a woman like that in my life and that is why I have been avoiding you.”

“Okay. I admit I did a bad thing, but you know that even when I date others I always come back to you. You can’t blame a girl for wanting to make certain sure in her mind before she commits to a permanent relationship. I’ve dated nine guys since you asked me to be exclusive, but I always come back to you because you are my gold standard. I compare them to you and they all come up short.

“Okay, the broken date and fib thing was not cool, but I’m young and I make stupid mistakes. I’ll probably make a whole bunch more before I star to settle down and become an adult, but that won’t be until I graduate. Until then I’m going to do things and get them out of my system so that later in life when I’m a wife and mother I’m not looking back and saying “I wish I’d have done that.”

I was silent for a bit and then said “I guess I can see your point. In fact I think I should adopt your philosophy. I need to start dating others.”

I stood up and said “Nice talking to you Janice. See you around” and I got in the car, started it up and drove off. It was a hard thing to do because I was pretty damned sure that I was in love with her. Who was I trying to kid. I was in love with her, but as I’d told her what she did was unacceptable to me.

I did date others and while I was on those dates I occasionally saw Janice with a date. Never seemed to be the same guy twice with one exception. Maybe every third or fourth time I saw her she was with Brandon Copley. I couldn’t understand it. He was dumber than a box of rocks. He was there on a football scholarship and most of the classes he took were along the lines of Introduction to Nose Picking and he was just barely holding a C average in them. Just enough to keep him eligible for football. He was a damned good football player and the talk was that the pro’s were looking at him.

I fell into a relationship with Susan Knipper and she let me know up front that all she wanted was a fuck buddy until she graduated. I accepted the assignment and we managed to get together two or three times a week. She loved oral – both giving and receiving – and she introduced me to anal. By the time graduation was upon us I almost hoped she’d change her mind and stay with me instead of going home to Ohio.

Even so I had to admit the attraction was wholly sexual. I liked her. I liked her a lot, but I didn’t love her. In fact every time we went out if I saw Janice with some guy I always wished it was me with her instead of him.

Graduation came, Sue went to Ohio, Copely was drafted by the Detroit Lions and Janice dropped out of sight.

I went to work for the company I’d interned with over the last two summers and temporarily put dating behind me as I found and furnished an apartment and settled into adult life.

Even though I didn’t date I did have a social life. There was a bar two blocks from my apartment and I would stop in a couple of times a week. I met a few of the regulars and we got to know each other. I found out it was the local country/western place and on Wednesdays and Thursdays they had free dance lessons. Couples dancing on Wednesday and Thursday and live bands on Saturdays and Sundays.

One Thursday night I tried the line dance lessons and I liked it. As a result I became a Thursday night regular. There were a lot of single woman who came for the lessons and I got to know several of them. A couple I considered dating when I finally got around to it.

A month went by and one night Thursday night Brandy, one of the girls I’d gotten to know, asked me for a favor. She wanted to learn couples dancing, but she needed a partner.

“Could you maybe be my partner next Wednesday?”

I had nothing going on in the evenings except for Thursday and it would give me something to do so I told her I would do it. Over the next month we learned the two-step, western swing, western waltz and the Cowboy Cha-Cha. We got really good at it and on the night we learned the Cowboy Cha-Cha she said:

“It doesn’t look like you are ever going to get around to asking me for a date so I guess it is up to me. Would you like to go dancing with me Friday?”

“I’d like that. Where?”

“Right here. We can do what we learned here to live music.”

“What time and where should I pick you up?”

“How about six? We can go to dinner and be here when the band starts at eight.”

She gave me her address and then the instructor called us back out onto the floor to learn the Coppertown Road.

Friday night’s date went well and I asked out again for Saturday and she said yes. Saturday was a repeat of Friday in that we had dinner and went dancing although the dancing was on the other side of town at Buckskins. Maybe an hour after we got there we came off the floor to find Janice sitting at our table. In a not so friendly voice I said:

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to claim my man.”

“I am not your man. You ended that if you’ll remember.”

“Nonsense Frank. I told you that you were my gold standard and that is still true. My curiosities have been satisfied and I’m ready to be exclusive.”

“You need to leave Janice. Brandy and I are here to have a good time and you are not welcome at this table.”

She stood up and said “I’ll be around Frank. You aren’t going to get rid of me.”

She left and as she walked away Brandy asked “Who was that?”

“An ex-girlfriend.”

“Sounds like she doesn’t think she is an ex.”

“She has always been a little headstrong, but she is still an ex.”

“Are you sure? Your eyes did seem to light up when you saw her sitting here.”

“Once upon a time I had strong feelings for her, but that is in the past.”

“Are you sure? I get the feeling that there is still something there and she seemed determined. Don’t let me stand in the way Frank. I need to be honest with you. You are a nice guy. Good looking and fun to be around, but you and I aren’t going anywhere. My boyfriend goes to college back east and I have his permission to date while he is away and all my dates will be like the one we had last night and tonight. You won’t even get a kiss on the cheek from me. If that’s good enough for you we can continue to date.”

“Thanks for being upfront with me. I had a good time last night and with the exception of the interruption I’ve enjoyed tonight. And I do need a partner for Wednesday’s dance lessons. Speaking of dancing how about we get back out onto the floor.”

When I took her home I found out that she had lied to me. I did get a kiss on the cheek.

But my night wasn’t over yet.

When I got to my apartment building I parked my car in the lot, got out, and headed for the stairs to my second floor unit. I hadn’t gone five steps when I heard:

“About time you got here.”

I turned and saw Janice walking toward me.

“What are you doing here?”

“I told you earlier. I’m here to claim my man.”

“We’ve been over this ground Janice.”

“Yes we have. Now take me up to your apartment and make love to me.”

I just stood there and looked at her. Finally she gave a little shrug and said;

“Okay okay; just take me up to your apartment and fuck me.”

I hadn’t been laid since Sue left for Ohio so I figured why not? It wouldn’t change anything and I would at least give my right hand a day off.

She did her best to fuck me to death that night. She got four times out of me and after the last one as we lay side by side resting she said:

“I sure could a steady diet of this. How about you?”

Six months later we were married.

We bought a house, had Tommy and Marie and I thought I had the world by the ass and then it all went to hell.

I’d climbed the ladder at work until I was a regional manager. I had nine offices in my region which covered three states. I visited those offices once a month which meant I would be away from home for a week and a half.

I was two days into my trip when I got a call from the home office. My boss had a heart attack and they needed me to fly home and fill in for him. Janice was at work and personal calls were frown on so I didn’t call her and let her know what was up. Instead of my nightly call I’d just be home.

I didn’t get ou of the office until after six and I got home around six-thirty. I walked into the house and found both kids sitting at the kitchen table eating their dinner.

“Hi kids. Where is your mother?”

Marie said “She’s in your bedroom with Uncle Brandon.”

The sarcasm in her voice when she said “Uncle Brandon” was not lost on me. Uncle Brandon? There was no Uncle Brandon in our family and even if there were why would he be in our bedroo ... Oh fuck! Brandon Copely. I went to our bedroom, opened the door. There was a blinding pain and things went black on me.

I don’t know how much later it was when I came around and found myself tied to a chair. I was positioned so I could see the bed and on the bed Janice was fucking Brandon Copely. I wanted to scream at them, but there was a sock in my mouth.

The chair I was tied to was one of the dining room chairs and I remembered reading in a novel how a guy tied to a chair managed to push it back and smash it into the wall and he was able to get free. The two on the bed weren’t paying any attention to me. They hadn’t tied my legs to the chair so, even though it was awkward as hell I managed to stand and take the few steps to the wall. I smashed the chair into the wall, but the fucking thing didn’t break. It did however get the attention of the two on the bed. I smashed it into the wall twice more before Brandon got off the bed, came over to me, back-handed me and then picked me up and carried me over to the side of he be. He set me down, said “Behave yourself little man. Jan will cut you loose when we are done.”

He fucked her, she sucked him hard and he fucked her again. Another round of head to get him up again and then he fucked her ass. Something she had never let me do. The most disgusting thing to me watching Janice destroy our marriage was that it gave me a hardon. Watching Janice get fucked was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. It put the porn I’d seen to shame. Copely noticed the tent in my trousers and he laughed and said to Janice:

“The wimp gets off watching me fuck you. Maybe we should have let him see it sooner. Give him something to whack his pee-pee over.”

Janice laughed and said “It’s good that he knows. Now we can do it in front of him when he is around instead of waiting until he goes on hi strips.”

“Good point. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll be back tomorrow at six. Think of me?”

“You know it babe.”

He left and Janice went into the bathroom to clean up before she came back and took the sock out of my mouth while saying:

“Are you going to get violent if I cut you free?”

“And end up in jail for spousal abuse? Don’t think so. Only legal thing going to be involved here is divorce.”

She left the room and came back minutes later with a knife. As she was cutting what was tying me to the chair I asked:

“Why? I thought we had a good thing going?”

“We do. I love you to death and I love the way you make love to me.”

“Then why?”

“You saw it. It wasn’t love making; it was pure assed sex. He didn’t ask me what I wanted; he just took what he wanted.”

“You gave him your ass. You always refused me.”

“I didn’t give it to him. He took it.”

“How long have you been stabbing me in the back?”

“I’m not stabbing you in the back. I show you love and affection every day and I do my best to fuck your brains out every night. You haven’t lost one thing because of Brandon. I can’t explain it. It’s like there are two separate entities in my body. One needs the tender love making I get from you and the other needs to be treated like the slut I am with Brandon.”

“How long has it been going on?”

“Since the night I broke our date to go out with him.”

“My god Janice! That’s over sixteen years you have been cheating on me!”

“Sixteen years and it hasn’t hurt us a bit.”

“Oh shit! Are the kids mine or his?”

“Jesus Christ Frank; how can you even think I would do that to you?”

“Given what I have learned about you tonight? Get serious! You weren’t using rubbers tonight and I doubt you ever have with him so forgive me if I don’t take your word for anything. Marie calls him Uncle Brandon. How long have you been fucking him with the kids around?”

“Not often. Just when you are on trips.”

“Well aren’t you just the mother of the year. Fucking your lover in front of the children.”

“They don’t know. They think we are in the bedroom discussing family business,”

“You are kidding yourself. Marie knows what you are doing. When I got here I asked where you were and when she told me you were in here with Uncle Brandon the sarcasm in her voice was unmistakable. I don’t know if Tommy knows what’s going on, but there is no absolutely no doubt in my mind about Marie. Just what a fourteen year old needs to know; that her mother is a slut.”

“I am not a slut!”


“Come on Frank; get your clothes of and I’ll show you that I’m yours.”

“Mine until six tomorrow right? No thanks. Besides, I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you. I cleaned myself.”

“Okay, not sloppy but still seconds so no thanks.”

“I saw the bulge in your pants while you watched. You aren’t as upset as you are pretending to be.”

“You really think that? Your opinion of me is that low that you think what I was forced to watch made me want you? Yes I was turned on because it was better than some porn I’ve watched, but it wasn’t desire for you. Just a body’s reaction to something sexual.”

I got up and got some clothes out of the dresser and Janice asked me what I was doing.

“Getting the clothes I’ll need for work tomorrow. I’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight. Tomorrow after work I’m going gun shopping. I want to payback that asshole for slugging me when I walked in the door only I want to hurt him a hell of a lot more than he hurt me.”

“You would actually shoot him for fucking me?”

“Fuck no! It’s obvious that you have been his for the entire time I’ve known you. No, I’m going to shoot him for tying me to that chair and making me watch. I’m going to shoot him for cold-cocking me when I walked in the door. I’m going to shoot him for calling me ‘little man’ and a wimp. I’m going to shoot him for the contemptuous way he looked at me when he said he would be back tomorrow at six. But mostly I’m going to shoot him because of the way you said “It’s good that he knows. Now we can do it in front of him.”

“Oh God! I didn’t mean it Frank. I just said it because I knew it was what he wanted to hear.”

“That’s good. Thinking of what he wanted to hear instead of what it would do to me to hear it. You say you love me. Where was that love when I walked in the door? Did I hear “Look out Frank; he’s going to hit you.” Did you protest when he tied me to the chair and then put it where I had no choice but to watch what the two of you were doing? Did you maybe say that if he was going to tie me to a chair he should at least put me in another room? Oh yeah Janice; you sure showed me a lot of love tonight.”

I left the room and put my things on the couch and then I went into the bathroom and got a couple of Q-Tips and went back to the kitchen where the kids were still sitting working on their homework. I told Marie to open her mouth and she asked why.

“I need to take a swab with this Q-Tip.”

“Please don’t that to me daddy. I couldn’t live with finding out that man is my father.”

“You know what it’s for?”

“Of course I do. Everyone knows about DNA these days.”

“You know what she’s been doing and you didn’t tell me?”

“And end up being stuck with her and her asshole? Half the kids I go to school with have divorced parents and the kids always get given to the mother. I did not want – do not want- that to happen to me and Tommy.”

Kids these days know too damned much. But she was right. Janice would get the kids in a divorce. Unless!

“Would you be willing to tell Social Services what your mother does with other men with you and Tommy in the house and knowing what she is doing?”

“Other men? She’s only done that Brandon creep here.”

“He’s a creep?”

“The way he looks at me when mom has her back to us? He is definitely a creep.”

“He does what” I heard from behind me. Janice had come into the room in time to hear what Marie said.

“You are just imagining things. Brandon isn’t that way.”

“Unlike the other female in this house I am not stupid” Marie said as she lifted up her school backpack to show the steak knife under it. “That’s how sure of it I am.”

Tommy, who had been quiet up till then spoke up. “I’ve seen it” and he picked up his backpack to show the claw hammer it had been hiding. No one is going to hurt my sister if I can help it.”

“Both of you are mistaken. Brandon would never do something like that.”

“Yes indeed Janice; mother of the year. Ignore what your kids are saying and defend your lover instead.”

I picked the Q-Tips up from the table and Marie said “You don’t want to do this daddy. At least not until after the divorce. If it says we are his you won’t stand a chance of getting us in the divorce.”

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