Sisters in Love and Trust - Cover

Sisters in Love and Trust

Copyright© 2015 by TerminusOmega

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - On the campus of Miggs-Tristan University, there exists a unique sorority, dedicated to the full development of all girls, and the bonds of love in Sisterhood. A sorority that accepts all girls, and shows them all that they can be loved, and be someone. Slower pacing and less sex than my other stories. This is the central story in the "Eros's Dominion" Universe.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   TransGender   Shemale   Cheating   Revenge   Mother   Sister   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Double Penetration   Tit-Fucking   Analingus   BBW   Teacher/Student   Big Breasts   Slow   School   Nudism  

Susan was still very anxious as the festivities began. She was thankful the music was not too loud, but she was still unsure if this party was where she should be. All through her teens, she had never gone to parties like this. Even as an adult, since leaving high school, she could not imagine being in such a place. She was very glad this was a dry party. She knew how she got when she drank. Too much and she'd spill some secret she did not want revealed. The last time she got drunk, it ended with two other girls beating the hell out of her, finding out she liked women and some other facts about her. Thinking of that always made Susan never drink. She did not want a repeat of that.

Maisy, on the other hand, was in heaven. She was practically chatting up every girl there. She had come to like most of the active sisters who were here. None so far had rubbed her the wrong way. Of those who were seeking to join like herself, she had a few she hoped would not make it. The twins definitely. Maisy had always hated girls like them. Daddy's money paid for everything. Sure, her family had been well off too, but not like them. Maisy still had to earn some things. That Courtney girl she could do without as well. Courtney definitely had that air of self-importance. All she talked about was how rich her family was, her most recent hook up and how she'd soon marry some man who was handsome and richer than her family. Maisy really wanted to slap this girl.

Janine was in similar spot to Susan. Sure, she had wanted to be here, but this was not how she expected they'd gauge her worthiness to join. What would they think of her, when she was so shy, anxious and withdrawn? She hoped this would not make them look down on her. She was still unsure how to approach anyone. She was so lost in her own thoughts she did not see someone come up to her side. She was shocked back when someone put a comforting hand on her shoulder. It was Annabelle, the girl who had convinced her to pledge. "I know you're nervous. Don't worry. We don't disqualify people for being shy. Quite a few of our Sisters were very much like you when they joined." Annabelle said to her, smiling slightly. "Just be yourself. We only want that here." Janine smiled more as Annabelle said this, then smiled wider when Annabelle hugged her. To Janine's surprise, she hugged back. "You'll be fine." Annabelle whispered as she released Janine and walked away. Annabelle's encouragement gave Janine the kick she needed, and she slowly walked to join in the party.

Across the room, Alex and Sonya were chatting with another active Sister. This girl was named Amanda, and she was definitely a Class A flirt. Sonya and Alex could both see that Amanda was eyeing them both up. Neither minded. Alex was blushing a bit even. "I think both of you will fit in very well here." Amanda quipped. Sonya chuckled as she said this. "Are you sure you don't just want us in to get us in your bed?" Sonya retorted. Amanda laughed heartily. "Sweetie, if that was all I was after, I wouldn't need you two to join. I could have you both upstairs right now if I wanted." Sonya was mildly shocked at Amanda's brashness. "Don't mince words, do ya?" Alex giggled. "Why bother, girls like honesty. Why waste time with workarounds. If I want them, I just tell them." Sonya shook her head. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I don't usually go that way." Sonya said.

Amanda shook her head, still smiling. "Too bad. Still, your friend here is more my type. I'm a total tit woman." Alex blushed more as Amanda said this. "You might be in luck there, Alex is a total lezzie." Alex looked angrily at Sonya and gave a light punch to her arm. "Don't be putting my business out for everyone." Alex whined. "Calm down roomie, I told you again and again this ain't back home. Not many here care if you prefer licking to sucking." Amanda nodded in agreement. They all turned their backs when they heard a loud "tut" behind them. They saw it was that Courtney girl. Amanda's brows lowered angrily. "She'll never make it if she's as homophobic as I think she is" Amanda whispered to Sonya and Alex. Both laughed. They already knew from earlier they did not want her here.

Courtney did not seem to talk to anyone. She was roaming about the room, her back straight and her chest out, as if she was making a claim to territory. She did not smile as she looked around the room. This room was filled with no good people. Poor fools who thought they deserved to be among the rich and powerful, lesbians who were denying their natural call to mate with men. Courtney did not really like anyone here. She only had come because she knew AAM was the premiere sorority on campus. If she did not get in here, she knew she could pledge Alpha Sigma Alpha. That had been her mother's sorority. Her mother really wanted her to join that, but Courtney saw a good opportunity here to raise her status, so she would try here first. She was starting to wonder if this would be a good place for her. These people were too accepting of the poor and weak. Maybe AMA would be better after all.

Gina tried her best to socialize with the other girls here. She was starting to wonder why she had considered pledging a sorority at all. It was not her style. As she talked with more of the active Sisters, her attitude started to change. There were many girls here like her, who cared about their grades and studies. The girl who had brought them into the room, Jaclyn, was one such sister. She got along great with her. She was currently talking to another active, an Asian girl who was quite chubby and short. She felt her heart go out to this girl when Jazmin told her she was adopted by white parents after her parents were killed when she was ten. Jazmin was much like her too, caring a lot about her academics. She admired Jazmin's major choice. "How do you deal with learning so much about other languages? It seems so complicated to learn the different styles and flows of languages." She said. Jazmin nodded. "It can be, but I've always been interested in how people communicated. My birth parents spoke Japanese mostly and my adoptive parents spoke French and English. So I came here already grasping three different languages in different families, so I wanted to learn more about them." Gina giggled. Her parents were Chinese immigrants but gave her an English name when she was born. "I only know English, and some Mandarin. I'll stick with my numbers and formulas. I like that they're more constant." Both laughed as Gina said this.

Daphne was probably the most social of all the prospective pledges. She had never had trouble talking with others. She'd never have become the star athlete she was if she had. Team sports were very tough to play in when you were shy. She had seen a few girls on teams she'd play for have trouble playing through games because of their anxiousness to speak up. Right now she was talking with a fellow campus athlete. Stephanie was just like her. From a poor family, a promising athlete and a real go-getter. She liked to hear how ambitious Stephanie was. "The team has our first meeting tomorrow. Hopefully this is where the coach will tell us who she has picked for captain. I really hope it's me." Stephanie said. "You think you have a good chance?" Daphne asked. She herself hoped to one day be captain of the basketball team, but that would probably not be until next year, her final year. "I do. I've been with the team since my first year. I've never missed a game, I'm at every practice and I am a team player and a born leader. I am sure I'm the perfect fit." Daphne laughed. Stephanie looked at her incredulously. "Sorry, but your cocky attitude just made me laugh." Daphne said. "Don't mistake confidence for cockiness." Stephanie said. "I've worked very hard to get to where I'm at. I wasn't given anything on this team." Conversing with Stephanie was really changing Daphne's opinion of joining.

She looked over at Faye, who had not said much during this conversation. "You've been quiet, Faye, what's up?" She asked. "I don't really know if I can make the commitment to this. I just got my starting position and I still need to prove I'm worthy of keeping the job. Between that and my grades, I don't think I could commit to this, at least not this year." Stephanie nodded hearing this. "Don't worry. If we feel you're not fit this year, we may let you come back next year." Faye smiled at this, but she was still unsure if she would even try next year. She was only here because Daphne had asked her to come along. She wasn't sure if Greek Life was the place for her.

Over back near the center of the back wall, Susan had finally worked up the courage to talk to Angelique. She had to get to know this beautiful girl. Something about Angelique made Susan's heart skip a beat. Her heart hammered in her chest as she walked up to Angelique. "Hi." She said nervously to her. Angelique turned to face her, smiling. "Hey, I was hoping you'd come. You seemed so nervous. I'm glad you decided to try us out." Susan blushed as Angelique said this. Could she be right? Could Angelique like her back? It was too early to tell, but she had to at least try to find out. "I was nervous. I've never really been a social person. I probably would not have come here if it weren't for my roomie." Susan said. Angelique smiled. "I should probably thank her later then." Angelique teased. Susan's heart jumped hearing this. "Don't worry, not that way." Angelique quipped. "I've done my share of hookups, I'm looking for a real relationship now." Susan blushed as she heard this. Maybe it was true, maybe Angelique did like girls, and she wasn't just an ally. Susan had to know. "I know this may sound very personal, but I saw your HRC tattoo. Tell me, are you a lesbian or just an ally?"

Angelique smiled again. "I'm a lesbian. Out and proud. I don't care what people think of me for that. I like girls and I'm not ashamed of it." Susan smiled deeply inside as she heard this. "Does your family and friends know you're gay?" Susan asked. Angelique nodded. "Everybody back home who knows me knows I'm gay. For the most part, my parents accepted when I came out and told them I was gay. The only thing they did not like is they were sure this meant they'd never had grandchildren." Angelique sighed, then looked down briefly. "They were really the only ones who accepted. Where I grew up, people were very old-fashioned. I came out publically when I was sixteen. I lost a lot of friends then. I'm not sad about that. If they can't accept that I'm a lesbian, then they're not my friends." Susan felt a tear in her eye as she heard this. She had faced similar problems back home, though hers had been much worse. She had endured a few beatings from her peers when she came out, and not just from the girls. Susan told this to Angelique, and she almost smiled when she saw the pained expression on Angelique's face. She didn't tell Angelique the full story. Not yet. She wanted to know Angelique better before she laid out her whole painful past.

They soon heard the house door open and looked over to it. Angelique smiled and shook her head when she saw who had come in. Susan's mouth gaped when she saw this girl. Her tits were ENORMOUS. Susan had never seen boobs that big in real life. "That's Melanie, our chapter "slut"." Angelique said, air quotes around the word slut. "Hopefully you won't yet see why we say that." Susan laughed and watched as Melanie walked up to them. "Hey, Ang, I see you guys have already started getting to know the new girls. I'll be back in a second. I need to get into something more comfortable." Melanie said, before turning towards the stairs and quickly walking up, removing her jacket as she entered her room. She briefly turned back to face Susan before she went up. "This one is a tall drink of water, that's for sure. I wouldn't mine climbing that mountain." She quipped, and giggled as Susan blushed. "Don't worry about her. She flirts with everyone. She can't go one day without fucking somebody. I hope she doesn't mean what I think she means when she said "something more comfortable." Angelique said nervously. Susan was stunned. What could Melanie possibly mean? She put that in the back of her mind as she resumed her conversation with Angelique, surprised at how easily she opened up to this girl.

As they talked, Susan saw Angelique's eyes widen as she heard someone come downstairs behind her. "Oh dear, not again." Angelique said in exasperation. Susan turned to face where Angelique was looking and got the shock of her life. That busty wench they had chatted earlier had come back downstairs, but that wasn't what made Angelique upset. No, it was the fact that Melanie had come downstairs completely naked. Susan blushed as she saw this, clamping her legs again. Until she came here she'd never seen another girl naked, now she'd seen two in the last week. "I tell her again and again, PLEASE PUT SOME CLOTHES ON WHEN NON-SISTERS ARE IN THE HOUSE. Does she listen? Nope. I know she's a nudist and all, but seriously." Susan chuckled. "She's always like this?" Susan asked, still laughing.

"Unfortunately." Angelique sighed, her hand going to her forehead. "She claims to be a nudist, but most nudists I know don't flaunt the way she does. I think she's an exhibitionist, she probably gets off on being seen like this. We've tried for the last four years to get her to tone it down. No luck." Susan could not hold back anymore, and just started laughing. There was just something so funny about this whole situation. She could not believe there was someone so carefree about being naked in front of people she did not know.

Many around the room looked on in shock when Melanie came back down. Most of the potentials were so shocked she was so brazen about being naked around other people, everyone except Maisy. Maisy could not stop staring at Melanie's naked form. "Damn, and I thought I was brave." Maisy thought. "If I wasn't so concerned about making a good impression, I'd join her." Maisy licked her lips admiring Melanie's body. "She's a hot one, and her tits are huge. I'd love to go to bed with her." Maisy thought. She had a feeling that with Melanie's current state of dress, in such a public setting, it would not be too hard. Maisy was glad there was someone as free spirited as herself here. She HAD to get to know this girl and walked right up to Melanie. Melanie saw her approaching and a wicked grin spread across her face. "Hi, I'm Maisy." She said to the naked girl. To Maisy's shock, instead of taking Maisy's offered hand, Melanie pulled Maisy to her and kissed her. Maisy could not move. She was still stunned when Melanie pulled away.

"Let's skip the banter, gorgeous. You want to take me to bed." Melanie teased. Maisy was stunned. "Don't worry, you weren't obvious. I've taken many people to my bed over the years, I can see "bedroom eyes" a mile away. Besides, I think you're pretty nice looking, so the desire is mutual." Maisy's breathing labored as Melanie said this. Melanie smiled lustfully and leaned in to Maisy's ear. "Follow me." She whispered. Maisy could not respond, she just let Melanie take her hand and followed her upstairs. Her eyes were glued to Melanie's naked ass. It shook and bounced enticingly before her, and without thinking Maisy reached forward and took a hard squeeze on Melanie's butt. "Mmmmm, someone is eager." Melanie whispered teasingly. Maisy just blushed as she said this. Her mind fogged by desire, she did not even notice when she entered Melanie's room and when Melanie closed the door.

Back downstairs, Angelique saw this and shook her head again. "I think your roomie just got ensnared in the Melanie Web." Angelique said to Susan. Susan looked back and watched as Maisy went with Melanie into her room. "Don't be shocked. She does this every party. She's a total nymphomaniac. She has someone in her room every damn day." Susan looked at Angelique with a curious look. "She does that every year. Every rush party she takes a potential to her room. Looks like Maisy is that girl this year. She's definitely got Melanie's vote. Melanie always upvotes whatever girl she takes to her room." Susan started laughing again, her hand over her mouth as Angelique told her this. She had a good feeling about being here. Maybe, just maybe, with how open and honest with each other these girls seemed to be, she could finally find a place where she was truly welcome. This could be the place where she could finally open up. "I'll have to thank Maisy later, for convincing me to come here." She was also pleased to see Janine walking around chatting everyone up. She'd only known her two weeks but Susan had never seen her so open and talkative. Seeing Janine like this made her smile. This could be good for both of them.

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