Sisters in Love and Trust - Cover

Sisters in Love and Trust

Copyright© 2015 by TerminusOmega

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - On the campus of Miggs-Tristan University, there exists a unique sorority, dedicated to the full development of all girls, and the bonds of love in Sisterhood. A sorority that accepts all girls, and shows them all that they can be loved, and be someone. Slower pacing and less sex than my other stories. This is the central story in the "Eros's Dominion" Universe.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   TransGender   Shemale   Cheating   Revenge   Mother   Sister   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Double Penetration   Tit-Fucking   Analingus   BBW   Teacher/Student   Big Breasts   Slow   School   Nudism  

Chattering from all sides could be heard as the late August sun beat down on the campus of Miggs-Tristan University. Families saying good-byes, students hauling gear and possessions into their dorms and all sorts of chatter amongst students meeting for the first time. On a rural campus like this one, the noise could be deafening. The nearest town was a mile and a half away, a little suburb known as Freiburg, Minnesota, a few miles south of Belle Plaine. Lush greens, a few ponds and old stone and brick buildings dominated the campus. It was not a large school, not in terms of students. Just about 4500 undergraduates and 1000 grad students. Most students lived on campus, due to the lack of close by accommodations. The dorms for freshmen sat along the northern edge of campus. Near the west sat dorms for sophomores. Junior and Senior students lived off on the southern edge in the exclusive Miggs Commons. Some, regardless of year, lived in the mansions and large houses along the east edge, on Greek Row. It was still four days before classes resumed. Most on campus now were freshmen, moving in to begin their college career.

One such freshmen was 27 year old Susan Myers. Susan was very nervous. She'd never lived away from home before. She had just finished carting all her stuff into her dorm. Her roommate had not arrived yet. She did not mind, it gave her time to be alone with her thoughts, time to quell the anxieties that racked her mind. She was still unsure if she could handle the college environment. She'd be much older than other freshman, and many other students as well. She'd always been a loner sort growing up, her mother her only real confidant. She was still unsure if she should have come all this way. Worse, after the troublesome home life she had lived, she wondered if she could really open up to anyone here. She was seriously considering abandoning the whole college idea. The only thing that kept her from doing so was the fact that she knew giving in would break her mother's heart. Her mother really hoped Susan was finally ready to go out on her own.

She was startled back to the present by a loud knock, then a turn of a key from her dorm door. This had to be her roommate. She stood off the bed and waited by the door. She had no idea who it would be, or what this girl would look like. As the door swung open, she was shocked to see a pretty girl enter. The sight of this girl made Susan blush. The girl smiled as she saw Susan, quickly pulling her bags into the room, then turning to face her new roommate. "Hi, I guess we're going to be roomies this year." She said happily with a wide smile. "I'm Maisy. Wow, you certainly are a tall one." She said, shaking Susan's hand, bending back to look Susan in the eye. At 5'1, Maisy was quite short and Susan was a whole foot taller.

Susan was still very quiet. "You're the quiet type, aren't you?" She asked Susan, who nodded in response. "I don't talk much, I have a lot of trouble opening up to others." Maisy chuckled. "A pretty girl like you, having trouble talking to other people? I don't believe it, boys must be chasing you all over. Unless they're too intimidated by your height." Susan leaned her head down as Maisy said this. She wasn't sure if she should tell her new roomie so early that she was attracted to girls. She didn't want to make things awkward on day one. There was enough about her already that could potentially ruin things. Things that would be a lot harder to hide. She had enough trouble making friends as it was. She didn't want to ruin what might be her only shot.

Maisy just laughed. "I get it, you're a rugmuncher aren't you?" she quipped. Susan's head shot up, surprised at Maisy's brashness. Was she that obvious? "Look, I don't care who you go to bed with. I've had a few of the fairer sex in my time, and hell, sometimes they're just better." Susan still stayed quiet. She could already tell Maisy was nothing like her. Maisy was vivacious, social and quite the talker. She doubted already she could be friends with Maisy. "How the hell did this happen? The person they put me with is the complete opposite of me." Susan didn't think this would work with her and Maisy.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Maisy piped up. "I think our meal plans just went active. Come with me to the cafeteria, I'm starved." Maisy was about to take Susan's hand and lead her out, but stopped herself. "Oh, stupid me, I never got your name. If I'm going to be sleeping in the same room as you I should know it." She giggled. "It's Susan." She replied. "Well, Susan, come with me and let's grab a bite. And don't be so shy. This isn't high school. People here are a lot nicer." Susan almost cried as Maisy said this. She did not want to think of high school. Yes, it was ten years ago for her, but it had been the worst four years of her life.

Maisy led Susan quickly down the halls and to the bottom floor, then pulled her to Milton, the building that housed the student cafeteria. Susan could hardly get a word in edgewise, barely able to keep up with Maisy's motor mouth. She heard little snippets here and there. The time Maisy went nude at a party in her junior year, her love of partying and her latest art project. Susan could barely keep up, especially because her eyes kept glancing at Maisy's yummy butt, jiggling and sashaying before her as they walked. Susan was scared at this point, feeling that familiar stirring down below. She clamped her legs closed, hoping Maisy would not notice. By the time they got to Milton, Susan's arousal had lessened, but she still kept her legs clamped, and she tried her best not to blush as her and Maisy entered the mess hall.

They separated briefly and filled their trays with various foods. Susan tried her best to find the healthier options, like whole grain breads and produce and leaner meats. Maisy on the other hand just piled her tray with whatever she wanted to eat. "I bet she uses a lot of energy just being so peppy." Susan thought as she looked at the foods on Maisy's tray when they reconvened. They soon sat down and began to eat. Susan shook her head as she looked over all the fatty, greasy or even just oversized food sitting on Maisy's tray.

"How can you eat that junk?" Susan asked as Maisy stuffed her face with a second slice of sausage and pepperoni pizza. "Hey, I'm young, I eat what I like." Maisy quipped before digging into her second fried chicken leg. "Well, I'm not as young as you. I worked very hard to get this body, harder than most people. I'm not letting it go so easy." Maisy did not respond. She just stuck out her tongue at Susan, then wolfed down her plate of fries. Susan shook her head again.

Susan ignored her and began cutting into her fish filet when the table suddenly was shadowed by another person standing over them. Susan looked up and saw a cute, but overweight girl standing nervously by them. She was quiet for about a minute, trying to say something, before finally speaking. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked. "There are no free tables and you guys seemed nice." She said, barely audible. Susan felt her heart go out to this girl. Being shy herself, she knew how hard it was to ask something like that. "Sure." Susan smiled. "You can sit by me." The girl gave a small smile, then sat next to Susan. Maisy had not said anything yet, absorbed in her meal.

Maisy first noticed this girl after she sat down. She found the girl kind of cute. "Well hi cutie. What's your name?" Maisy said flirtatiously. The girl blushed, and hid her face. "My name is Janine." She said quietly. Susan shook her head and patted Janine's back softly. "Sorry, my roommate can be very boisterous sometimes. I just met her today and already she's gotten on my nerves." Susan quipped. "Hey!!" Maisy exclaimed. Susan chuckled. "Case in point." She said pointing her thumb to Maisy. Janine did not say anything. She did giggle though when Maisy flipped Susan off with both hands after her quip. Through the rest of their meal, Janine stayed quiet for the most part. The pair got to know her some, and found she roomed in the same building as they did.

After finishing their meals, the three parted ways again. Maisy headed for the bookstore, Susan deciding to take a self-guided tour of the campus, and Janine heading to the registrar to work on minor changes to her schedule. Susan was grateful for this time alone. She finally could spend some quiet time to adjust to her new surroundings. She was still unsure if she could room successfully with Maisy. Maisy was the complete opposite of her. Plus, she was terrified of Maisy finding out about her past. There were many skeletons she did not want found, and with how inquisitive and loquacious Maisy was, there was a good chance she might. Susan was scared. There were some secrets she did not want revealed while here. Maisy seemed to be the open-minded sort, accepting of all sorts of people, but Susan knew from her high school days that even those people had limits. She wondered where Maisy's would be.

With everything she and Maisy had to do, they did not return to their room until later that night, around 10 pm. Maisy was laying on her bed when Susan got back, her headphones on and her computer open on her stomach. Susan was very tired and grabbed her towel to grab a quick shower before bed. She was grateful the showers were empty. She quickly stripped down, still watching if anyone entered. Scared someone would enter at any second, she quickly ducked into a stall and washed as quick as she could. Problem with being so tall was that it still took time for her to get clean. She looked around again before shutting off the water and grabbing her towel. Just as she finished drying, she heard the sounds of two people walking in. Scared they would see her like this, she dressed quickly, not caring she wasn't fully dry, and rushed out before they came in. Her heart was still hammering in her chest when she got back to her room.

When she returned, Maisy was also getting ready for bed. "Jeez, Suz, you're freaking panting. What happen someone try to feel you up in the showers?" Susan looked with annoyance at Maisy, then her face changed to shock as she finally saw how Maisy was preparing for bed. To Susan's delight, and horror, she was stripping down. Susan felt that stirring in her loins again, and quickly dove beneath the covers before Maisy turned to look at her, then turned back to face her bed. Susan could not stop looking at Maisy as she got undressed. She gasped when Maisy removed her underwear, now completely naked. She did not put anything on afterwards, just getting in bed. "You sleep naked?" Susan asked. Maisy grinned. "I love being naked. I'd do it in more places if it wasn't illegal. I hope this doesn't bother you."

Susan said nothing. Maisy took that for an agreement and got under her own covers. Susan's loins still throbbed, the image of Maisy's naked ass still fresh in her mind. It still was at the front of her thoughts when Maisy shut off her bedside lamp. The lights now out, both curled up into bed. "This is going to be Hell." Susan worried in thought. "Not only do they give me a roommate who is nothing like me, but someone who's hot and sleeps naked." She was very worried now. It was going to be hard to hide her attraction to Maisy.

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