Sleeping Sister - Cover

Sleeping Sister

Copyright© 2022 by JohnMurray4173

Chapter 2: Creeping on My Sister

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Creeping on My Sister - Realising my sister has a drinking problem, I take advantage of her.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Facial  

Hello again, readers. I’m Joseph Cuomo, a 19-year-old university freshman. If you remember, we met in my earlier story­ -- Short Tales 02: Sleeping Sister. A year has passed since that story, and I hope I’m not still the same overexcited kid who wrote that piece. I’m a little embarrassed when I read it now because, boy, was I shouting all over the place.

My sister is still the most beautiful and sexiest ever. She’s 23 years old and in the final year of her law degree. She has long blonde hair, wide bright blue eyes, full ‘bee sting’ lips in a perfect cupid’s bow and a long graceful neck. Kailey has high, pronounced cheekbones and a small, delicate chin with just the hint of a dimple when she smiles. She has small, even white teeth.

My sister is tall and thin, standing at the perfect model height of 5-ft. 8-in. tall (173 cm.) and weighing just 110 lbs. (50 kg.). According to her Cheerleader stats, her measurements are 34-22-34. Her boobs are high, firm apples on her chest, and she never wears a bra.

Seriously, readers, my sister is gorgeous!

Kailey attended rehab to fix her drinking problem. It worked, and my sister hardly touches alcohol at all now. She still hides a secret, though. Another inpatient turned Kailey onto peyote beans. So, instead of getting drunk every night, Kailey takes mescaline and gets high. Along with her mescaline addiction, Kailey takes sleeping tablets to help her fall asleep.

I’m the opposite of my sister in almost every way. I’m average—average in looks, height, and grades. However, I have improved physically since we last met. After the night I described for you, Kailey had a little ‘buyer’s remorse’. She never said anything to anyone about us cumming together, but she told me in no uncertain terms that we wouldn’t be doing anything like that again.

I thought that perhaps my ordinariness put Kailey off having sex with me some more, so I tried to improve my appearance by exercising regularly. Much to everyone’s surprise, including mine, I’ve become an elite long-distance runner. I can’t run fast, but it seems I can run almost forever. I hold various state and national records for distances from the half-marathon to twenty miles (32 km). I’m training to run a marathon as I write.

The exercise cleared up my zits and leaned out my body. A late growth spurt means I now stand close to 5-ft. 10-in tall (178 cm) but weigh only 165 lbs (75 kg). Unfortunately, my cock, didn’t experience a ‘late growth spurt’, though. It’s still only 4-in. long, measured from the abdomen to the tip, but it’s at least 4-in. wide at the head. I have a huge ‘mushroom head’ cock, in other words.

I can confirm that this shape is best for pleasing a woman. That’s because the most sensitive part of a woman’s vagina is only a few centimetres inside her vulva. With a mushroom head cock being wide, it hits a woman’s G-spot and presses against it beautifully, thus giving the lucky woman many orgasms.

With my newly found sporting prowess and fame, I’ve dated and fucked many girls over the last year. However, my masturbatory fantasies still centre on my sister, and that night I described. Cumming inside my sister as I thought she slept is still the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, and I desperately want to experience that euphoria again.

Kailey and I attend the same Uni. Kailey is doing law. Unfortunately, my grades aren’t up to that, so I’m working my way through a teaching degree. During breaks between classes, I find myself walking to the sporting fields in the hope Kailey and the other cheerleaders are practising their routines.

If they are, I’ll run a few desultory laps pretending to be training so I can perve on my sister. Harper, my latest squeeze, is the new girl on Kailey’s team. Harper thinks I’m there to ogle her, a miscomprehension I’m happy to foster.

Harper is similar to my sister in looks, which is why I date her. I close my eyes and pretend she’s Kailey when I’m intimate with her. Thankfully, Harper has no idea about my obsession with my sister, or so I thought.

I’ve considered and discarded many plans to experience my sister’s delights again, but I keep coming up against this fact—the last time I did it, she wasn’t asleep, and I got caught. Since Kailey has emphatically emphasised that I am never to do that again, I know that I can only fuck her if she can’t discover my misdeed. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way that guarantees a successful sneak raid.

With Harper being a biochemistry major, I discovered that chemicals could provide the answer. Harper and I regularly discuss things like how they make drugs, how to combine drugs to give the best therapeutic result, and how the right mixture helps each drug enhance the effectiveness of the others, but ill-considered mixes can be lethal.

Most of these discussions are over my head, but when Harper talks about her studies, her eyes grow bright, and her libido flares. I’ve learnt to nod in the right places and say, “Oh?” or “Really?” or “How does that work?” Whenever she seems to expect a response.

“You’re the best boyfriend ever, Joey,” she says as she pulls my pants down to fondle and suck the head of my wide cock. “You really listen and don’t get bored ever. And who would have thought a cock shaped like this would be so yummy in my pussy? I’ve told all my girlfriends to look for a guy with something similar.”

Because her parents are deeply religious, Harper prefers oral to penetrative sex. She doesn’t dare take the pill in case they find out. She also says, “Condoms stop your cock from rubbing against my G-spot properly, but if you cum inside me and I get preggers, Dad will force us to marry. I’m not ready for marriage and kids yet.”

Harper talked about her classes and the research she did into chemicals so often that she eventually made me wonder if there wasn’t something else going on here. I understood her excitement with her experiments, but what was with the sexual arousal?

“Harper,” I asked. “Is it only the potential of mixed chemicals that gets you hot? Or is there something else going on?”

Blushing, Harper brought her phone out, looked through her files and then queued a video for me to watch. Then, silently handing me her phone, she flushed an even deeper red.

Wondering. ‘WTF?’ I played the clip. On the screen, a porn star pretty actress pushed her lover away, “Not in my ass, Joey, okay?”

Pausing the film, I lifted my eyes to Harper and raised an eyebrow.

“I know, I know. Just watch the rest of the clip.”

The two actors ran through some fairly standard porno fucking, so I had no idea why Harper wanted me to watch this movie. However, it became interesting quickly when the female star asked her lover to get her a glass of water.

The male took a brown paper wrap out of a jar he had in his cupboard. He then dropped some crystalline powder into a glass before filling it with water and mixing the concoction to clear. Handing the tainted glass to his lover, the male sat naked, trying to be calm as he waited for his mixture to work. This mixture was very fast working, and the woman had ‘passed out’ only a few seconds after drinking the water. As soon as he confirmed his ‘victim’ was under, the male lover squirted lube onto his long dick before shoving it up the woman’s ass.

The clip ended with the standard ‘facial money shot’.

Still bewildered as to why Harper had shown me this clip, I said, “Okay, umm, that was good, I guess. But, Harper, WTF?”

Harper couldn’t meet my eyes. Then, looking at her clasped hands, she said, “It’s my favourite fantasy, Joey. Being with someone I trust and pretending I don’t want him to do a particular activity like cumming in my pussy, or fucking me in my ass. Then, saying he won’t, my lover ‘drugs’ me and does it anyway. It’s like consensual non-consent, you know? I think it’s so hot. Whenever I’m horny at home, I bring this clip up and imagine you’re doing that to me.”

“I can’t do that, baby. You know that. If you change your mind, I’ll be charged with rape.”

Harper’s eyes flew up to mine, “But I wouldn’t change my mind, Joey. And you know that!” Then, becoming embarrassed again, she said, “Let’s just drop it, okay?”

I gave Harper a quick kiss and hug, “I’ll think about it, okay? But I have no idea where I can get something like that that would work.”

Harper gazed at me steadily before texting me two common ingredients that, in the right proportions, would create a drug with similar effects to the one in the movie.

In this forum, I won’t discuss what I mixed, but testing it on myself, it worked exceptionally well. I was out like a light no more than five minutes after ingestion. The night I took my pill was one that Harper had promised to sneak out and visit me. According to Harper, even her sitting on my face didn’t wake me.

The next day at Uni, Harper laughingly said, “You asshole! I was really horny last night, and I was looking forwards to riding that massive cock head of yours until I passed out. But when I got there, you were already asleep, and nothing I did woke you. I even blew you until you came in my mouth, and still, you slept!”

Hugging her, I apologised, “I’m sorry, Harper. Did you get anything at all?”

“After I blew you, I sat on your face and ground myself to a minor orgasm. You owe me a decent fuck, Joey, and I’ll be over later tonight to collect it.”

‘Perfect,’ I thought. ‘I’ll try one of the pills in a can of soft drink. Then, if Harper passes out as deeply as I did, I’ll get to fulfil her fantasy.’

Around 11.00 pm that night, Harper entered my room. I’ve offered to sneak over to hers, but Harper reckons her dad will kill me if he finds me in her bed. Her parents might be worried about premarital sex, but mine aren’t, so Harper sneaks out her bedroom window and comes over to mine. Harper and I live only a couple of blocks apart, and she has a key, so it’s no big deal. Excited, I pulled Harper into bed before pulling her pants off and going down on her.

“Oh, God, Joey!” Harper moaned. “You’re so good at licking me!”

Holding my head tightly to her puss, Harper guided me where she wanted. Following what my lover shows me they want as they moan, groan, or guide with their hands is why I’ve now got a reputation amongst the dorm girls as a top-notch root. With her legs straightening as she tensed up through her orgasm, Harper came on my mouth. Her sweet juices flowed out onto my tongue, and I lapped at them eagerly.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Fuck, that’s a good start!” Harper groaned as she came. “Now stick that magnificent mushroom head in my cunt, and fuck me until I beg you to stop!”

Rolling onto Harper, I kissed her cupid bow lips and slipped my tongue into her mouth. Lifting her tongue to meet mine, Harper reached between us and guided the prodigious head of my rigidly erect dick into her soaking wet nether regions. As soon as my cock’s head popped through her pussy ring and into her, it immediately rubbed across her G-spot.

“Oh, Gawd! I’m cumming again,” Harper breathily said as her eyes rolled back and her hips thrust up at me. “UH! UH! UH! Oh, fuck! UH! UH!”

Digging her nails into my ass almost deep enough to tear my skin open, Harper came on my cock a second and then a third time. Pushing on my chest, Harper said, “Let me up for a moment, Joey. I need a drink before I take care of you, okay?”

“I’ll get you something,” I quickly said. “Wait here.”

“Pepsi Maxx, if you’ve got it, babe, please.”

“I think so. I’ll have a look.”

Slinging my dressing gown over my shoulders, I headed for the kitchen. My robe pocket concealed one of the little yellow pills I’d concocted. Pulling the fridge door open, I grabbed two cans. I popped the tabs before deciding that a whole pill might mean Harper slept all night. That would be disastrous because she needed to be back in her bed in time for her mother to wake her up.

Doing the time math in my head, I decided a little less than a half dose should mean Harper slept for around four to six hours. That would mean she would be home later than normal but still have plenty of time before her mum woke her at 7.30 am. I broke that amount off the pill and dropped it into the can.

‘Make sure you hand her the correct can, dopey,’ I admonished myself. ‘You already know how well it knocks you out. Harper’s in my left, Harper’s in my left,’ I repeated in my mind as I walked down the hall.

Reaching my room, I handed my girl the correct can. I hoped Harper wanted to stay and cuddle after we’d made love some more. She usually does, but I worried she might get up and go home immediately. The pill took close to five minutes to work, so if Harper left straight away, she’d probably crash on her way home, which would be a huge problem. Mentally slapping my forehead, I thought, ‘So, make this session last at least that long, idjit!’

Harper’s oral skills are far too good for me to be a chance of lasting the entire five minutes, so I insisted she let me go back down on her before I entered her sweet young pussy again. After raising Harper’s arousal to a fever pitch with my tongue, I said, “Baby, I want to make up for last night. Let me use my cock to send you diving into bliss again, please?”

“Just don’t cum inside me, okay? I don’t know where I am in my cycle, so it’s too risky.”

“I won’t. I promise,” I replied. In my mind, I added, ‘At least not in your pussy.’

Harper came twice more before she yawned greatly as her eyelids drooped.

“Sorry, baby,” She muttered. “I’m going to need a quick few minutes shut-eye. I’ll suck you off as soon as I wake up, okay? Don’t you go to sleep; someone needs to make sure I wake up in time to get home.”

“You owe me a blowjob, and if you think I’m not waiting up for that, you’re nuts!” I grinned as my heart pounded in anticipation.

Harper muttered something else before her mouth fell open, and soft snores emanated from her. After waiting another five minutes to ensure Harper was completely under, I got off the bed so I could move her to where I wanted. Shifting my girlfriend to the edge of the bed and rolling her onto her side, I took my cock in my right hand and held the back of Harper’s head with my left. Then I rubbed the head across her lips.

Muttering again, Harper’s tongue emerged to lightly lick at the precum fluids seeping from my cock’s eye. A sudden flashback to the night I did this to Kailey nearly sent me crashing off the edge into an orgasm. So, I took a quick step back before I lost my lollies over my girlfriend’s face.

Testing how far under Harper was, I took her right nipple between my thumb and forefinger and twisted it harder and harder. No matter how hard I twisted, Harper didn’t react, so I was sure she was completely out.

I tried poking my finger and then my thumb in her ass, and she didn’t react to that, either. So, grinning to myself, I started preparing Harper’s virgin ass to accept my hugely-headed cock. I was scared my extreme girth would rip Harper’s colon open, so I flipped her onto her opposite side. Then I pulled Harper’s hips to the bed’s edge and knelt so I could tongue her ass.

My girlfriend may have passed out, but her body responded enthusiastically to the stimulation I gave it. Surprisingly, her mind rode along, too, because as I ran my tongue around and over Harper’s ring, she moaned and groaned before reaching for her clitty with her right hand.

Taking some lube from the top drawer, I poured a liberal amount over my first two fingers and spread it over Harper’s ass. Then, satisfied she was adequately lubed, I slowly forced my index finger into Harper’s rosebud and through her knot. Then, I added my middle finger and repeated the action. Harper’s ring gaped enough to take my first two fingers readily, but when I added a third, her ass’ sphincter clenched down on my fingers and tried to force them out. So, leaving only two fingers in her ass, I gently twisted them back and forth as I spread them wider.

Before long, I created a noticeable gap between my first two fingers, so I re-added the third. This time, Harper’s knot allowed my three fingers inside without protest. Then, using the same process I used to encourage a third finger inside her, I gently widened my fingers inside Harper’s tight ass ring.

As soon as the gap was wide enough, I introduced my pinkie finger. Harper now had four of my fingers in her ass past the second knuckle. As I worked on opening her knot, Harper rolled onto her stomach. Her hands moved between her thighs as three fingers on her left-hand thrust into her cunt, and the first two fingers on her right hand stroked and manipulated her clitoris.

Taking my fingers out of Harper’s ass, I pushed the head of my rigid penis against her ring. Then, looking at the difference between the gape I had created and the circumference of my cock’s head, I decided Harper’s knot had spread widely enough to accept me inside her. So, pushing slowly forwards, I began inserting my cock into my girlfriend’s lewdly gaping starfish. Harper grunted loudly as my cock’s enormous head forced its way through her ring.

Even unconscious, Apparently, Harper loved feeling a cock thrusting into her tautly toned ass for the first time because a whined sigh flew from her lips. Having heard this sound many times, I knew it meant my girlfriend had cum.

A vision of doing this to Kailey as Harper watched exploded through my mind, and I immediately spat my chocolates into Harper’s tightly gripping ass. ‘Fuck!’ I thought. ‘If blowing in Kailey is first best, then doing this is a close second!’

Exhausted and fighting to stay awake, I climbed off Harper and pulled my student’s chair from my computer desk to sit on. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was nearly 2.00 am. So, if my math was correct, Harper should have woken up in around two hours.

Unknowingly, I slipped into sleep. Harper woke me; she was on her knees, sucking my cock. Letting me out of her mouth, Harper said, “My ass hurts. Baby, did you drug me and fuck my ass?”

Worried about her reaction, I replied, “Well, you said it was your favourite fantasy, so yes. Yes, I did!”

“Gawd, baby! Did you cum? Did I?”

“Ummm. Yes, and yes.”

“Next time, use my phone to record it, okay? I want to see you fucking me as I lie helpless.”

‘Fuck!’ I thought. “I need to get rid of my obsession with my sister; only then will I be worthy of Harper’s love,’

Harper returned her mouth to my cock. Then, on her knees and looking fetchingly up at me, she stroked and pulled on my shaft and licked my balls. She seemed about to say something a couple of times but stopped herself both times.

“What is it?” I asked. “Come on, out with it!”

Still looking up at me and stroking my cock, Harper asked, “So, are you going to use a pill to fuck your sister?”

Startled, I stood up and tried to move back, but Harper refused to let my cock go. Instead, she insistently pulled me back towards her and returned her mouth to my balls. Bluffing, I said, “No! Why would you even think that?”

Continuing to pull on my dick, Harper released my balls from her mouth, “Kailey told me what you did and how hard you both came and how disappointed she is that you haven’t done it since.”

Utterly flabbergasted, I mumbled, “But she said I was never to do that again.”

Smiling, Harper replied, “So you did do it. I wasn’t sure if Kailey was telling the truth or just a nice fantasy story.”

Stunned, I didn’t know what to say, but my mind was whirling away somewhere in the farthest galaxy.

Unfinished with blowing my mind, Harper added, “Brother/sister incest is so hot, don’t you think? I wish I had a brother I could fuck. How cool would that be? Having a cock on tap whenever I need one and never needing to wonder if the asshole I’ve married will leave me.”

Staggering from one revelation to another, I still couldn’t find any words. “Kailey and I look like we could be sisters, don’t we? People ask us if we’re related all the time. It’s why you date me, isn’t it?” All I could do was nod a little ... no ... a lot ashamed. “It’s okay, Joey. I like it. I love to pretend we’re brother and sister when we fuck. It’s why I call you Joey, like your sister does.”

Unfinished with the mind fuck she was giving me, Harper added, “Sister/sister incest is pretty hot, too. If you’re going to creep on your sister, can I come along? I’d love to taste your sister’s pussy and watch you fuck her.”

Suspicious, I asked, “Have you and Kailey got it on together?”

“Not yet,” Harper answered. She was lying, but I didn’t know that. “It’s inevitable we will with how we flirt all the time, but I haven’t had the pleasure yet. It’d be so hot to do her the first time as she lies there helpless, though.”

With that, Harper swallowed all of me back down, then ran her fingers across my perineum and onto my chocolate starfish. With my mind totally blown, I couldn’t hang on for another second. Grunting as if someone was punching me in the solar plexus, I came copiously into Harper’s greedily sucking mouth. Standing, Harper pushed me onto my back on the bed. Swinging her lithe leg over me, she lowered her cunt onto my face.

“Eat my ass and pussy, Joey. Give me one more fucking great orgasm before I run for home.”

My cum was still leaking out of Harper’s ass, but I didn’t care. Like a starving man at the buffet table, I licked up every moist secretion I could find. Tongue fucking both of Harper’s holes as quickly as I could shift my mouth from one to the other, I swiftly brought my girl close to the edge of Mount Orgasmic’s cliff. Slipping my finger inside Harper’s pussy, I found her G-spot as I forced my tongue into her newly gaped ass.

Trying her best not to scream, Harper came all over my face. With her divine womanly sex fluids pouring onto my tongue, I came with her, cock untouched, imagining she was Kailey.

Smacking me with one last shock, Harper climbed slowly off me before saying, “Did you fantasise I was Kailey? I did. Fuck! I came so hard pretending we were brother and sister!”

I didn’t answer. Harper grinned broadly, “You did! I can see it in how you won’t look at me. Fuck, Joey! This is going to be so much fun. When do you think we should do her?”

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