Beggars Can't Be... - Cover

Beggars Can't Be...

Copyright© 2000 by Kenny N Gamera. All rights reserved.

Chapter 14: A Cop and a Doughnut Shop

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14: A Cop and a Doughnut Shop - Kenny has been hurt before. Can he get over his past hurt and open up to new love?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Light Bond   Polygamy/Polyamory   Food   Oral Sex   Violence  

I was between lab and work. The early afternoon sun hung still high in a cloudless sky that was filled with a hazy blue. My rearview mirror was filled with the blinking red and blue lights of the local police. The police car was a car length and a half behind me going at exactly my speed, not that much over the limit. Still, if I were wanted, I were wanted.

I pulled to the side of the road and shut the motor off. I left my hands at the classic ten and two positions while I waited. It wasn’t a long wait. From the edge of my peripheral vision, I saw the motion of the cop next to my door. I reached over to the crank and lowered the window, feeling like an ass as the process took the required time.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Gamera.”

“Good afternoon, Officer,” I looked up, “Sherry?”

If it weren’t for the clear effort she was making in trying not to break out laughing, she would have looked very official in her crisp blue uniform. She had her blond hair stuffed beneath her cap, but her bust was very apparent beneath her shirt. The polyester slacks did nothing much for her ass, but they were after all polyester. She gave me a wink with a crystal blue eye.

“How’s it going, Ken?”



“Is it?”

Sherry sighed and shook her head. “I think you’ll find so.”

“How are you Sherry,” I asked feeling the need to divert the flow of conversation.

“Pretty good,” she answered. “Haven’t seen you for a while.”

I shrugged. A flash of her sitting in Charlie’s chair and Jenny crying against my arm floated unwelcome in my memory.

“It’s been a few months.”

“Yeah,” she squirmed a little, “Ken, I get off work at about five. Do you want to meet later?”

“Is this what this is all about?” I said with a laugh.

“Don’t knock it. I get a lot of my dates this way,” she answered with a grin. “Where do you want to meet?”

“The Golden Cafe okay with you?”

“No sweat. About eight?”

“How about six?” I suggested. “I’m out at five as well.”

“Ho’kay, doe’kay, Mr. Gamera. I’ll see you at the Golden Cafe at six.”

We made our farewells before she began the trek back to her car. I reached my hand over to the ignition without watching. Instead, I looked into the rearview mirror on the driver’s door and watched Sherry walking away. It was pleasant enough inspite of the polyester pants.

Sherry turned an instant before reaching for the door handle. She waved at me. I blushed at being caught.

Deciding not to pretend that I hadn’t been watching, I turned and waved back.

We have now reached a point in the narrative that frankly I find difficult. In short, do I waste all of our precious time, bandwidth, disk space, and what all with a boring account of a short drive to work, a descriptive bit about starting the car, pulling out into traffic, and the rest of the trivia thus associated? Or shall I just a say something such as ‘I arrived at work’ and continue from there? Or do I just babble some humourous babbling (or something that I hope passes as humourous) to distract you as I get ... there ... such ... as ... I’m ... doing ... now ... Um ... well ... that decided ... I ... uh ... arrived at work.

Mr. Slot’s was busy with all the normal inducers of lower anatomy pain. Between people looking for romance novels without the dirty parts (which sort of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it) to the geeks looking for the James Blish Starlogs (no, I won’t explain. If you don’t understand, bless your ignorance), the time passed with the slowness that time can only acquire when contained within a period of work. I rang up sales. I smiled and nodded in sympathy to complaints I had no power to hope to fix. I watched Teresa ‘sort’ through the adult magazines.

I looked out the open area at the front of the store a lot, as well. Girls walked by. Women walked by. More pretty than not. A young girl walked by holding the hand of a young boy. She stopped and waved at me. I waved awkwardly back at her. She turned and marched into the store, dragging the boy behind her.

“Hi, Mr. Gamera.”


“You don’t, like, remember me do you?” She giggled and continued before I could confirm her guess. “I’m Lisa. I’m one of Ms. Smith’s cheerleaders. We met at MacBurgerSlut’s a few, like, months ago.”

“Uh.” I shifted on my feet. I couldn’t remember her, even though parts of the night were still crystal clear in my memory. “Hello. Again.”

“Rick, go look, like, at the Star Trek novels or something.”

“I don’t like Star...”

“Now, Rick.”

“Yes, ma’am,” answered the boy, who I assumed was named Rick, before he padded off to the science fiction section.

“You’ll have to excuse him; it’s his first year in the chess club.”


“Gosh, Ms. Smith is right. You are cute when you are confused.” She continued over my confusion, “I just wanted to let you know that we all think that it’s pretty, you know, shitty what Ms. Wright made Ms. Smith do to you. We’re all, like, cheering for you,” she giggled, “on the cheerleading squad. Even Colleen and Kim.”

“How do you know about all that?”

Looking at me with that look that teenagers save for brain dead adults, she said with a sigh, “We’re young, not stupid. Speaking of which, if things don’t improve between you three, I’m, like, all legal and everything in a couple of years.”

She turned to gather poor Rick from the science fiction section (where he was staring off into ... space). A few steps away she looked back to me and added with a wink,

“and if that isn’t important to you, it isn’t important to me either.”

Now take a lead weight about the size and shape of a cider block (which if you don’t know looks like the piece that is used for three armies in Risk and is about thirty-five centimeters long. If that doesn’t help, well don’t worry about it. It won’t be on the exam). Now, have a partner hold a mirror up so that you can see your face.

Take the lead weight that I described earlier in the paragraph and drop it on your foot. Either one but not both, as you will need the other foot to limp to the hospital. As the weight lands on top of your foot, look into the mirror, taking note of your facial expression.

This was the look on my face.

“Well, it seems you may have a new girlfriend.”

I swallowed, “did you hear that, Teresa?”

“Yep,” she said from next to me (not pointing out to me that she must’ve heard in order to tease me about it). “A little young, but very, very cute.”


“Don’t start that shit with me, Kenny. Besides I’m just kidding.”

“Still,” I said with a glance as the two teenagers headed out the open area, “it isn’t right.”

Teresa shrugged. “What’s right? I don’t know, and I don’t really care. I just know what I like, which is just about anything that I can get away with. Speaking of which, my husband and I are having a party tonight. You can come if you like.”

“I’m afraid that I can’t.” She gave me a look that could be described as ‘that sort of.’ “I’m meeting a friend after work.”


“She’s just a friend, Teresa.”

“So you found someone to replace the bitch.”

“Jenny is not a bitch, Teresa,” I all but shouted. “I know bitches. I’ve been with bitches with a capital ‘bee, ‘ a capital ‘aeche’, and all capitals in between. She isn’t one.”

“Sorry, Kenny,” she said. Her voice was meek. “I just don’t like what she’s done to you, that’s all. You’re a sweet guy and you deserve better.”

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t’ve yelled at you.” I released a sigh. “It’s been a pretty rough few months.”

“Ken, you only need to relax a little.” A devilish grin erupted on her face, and she grabbed my hand with both of hers. “Come with me to the office.”

“Teresa! We can’t...”

“Sure we can,” she said as she pulled against my resistance to the back. As we passed one of the regular perverts at the adult magazines, she told him, “Andy, I’ll get you a copy of Naughty Naked Schoolgirls if you keep an eye out for shoplifters.”

She didn’t wait for the reply, but continued to tug me through the stock room to the closet that served as a place to fill out paper work for Bruce and me. Teresa manhandled me to the desk and forced me to sit on the edge. She then rolled the chair away from the desk and sat down on it, facing me. She reached over and began to knead my crotch through my pants.

“Kenny, I’ve been trying to get you to my place forever. I want to play with you so bad, but you never come over.”

She looked up at me with her green eyes. “Tonight, I’ll get you here.”

She pulled the tongue of my belt through, the belt loop and undid the buckle. Letting the belt droop, she reached up to the button of my chinos and popped it open. Her free hand pulled the tab of my zipper down. I swallowed as I watched her peel the flaps of my pants from each other.

She giggled as she pulled back the elastic band of my underwear from my waist and reached inside. She felt around for my private parts; her fingers grasped around my nearly not at all flaccid penis.

“I can’t believe that I am letting you do this,” I said as much to myself as to Teresa.

“Lift your butt.”

I followed her command, and she slid my pants down to my ankles. My underpants found their way there a moment later. She rolled the chair forward, trapping my legs against the desk with her knees in the process. With separate hands, she started to gently stroke my penis and fondle my testicles.

“Nice.” She looked up at me and smiled. “Nice and comfortable.”

With these words, she lowered her head and put her mouth over my shaft. She sank down with the ease of much practice, until I felt her lower lip touch my scrotum. She held herself there, and I felt her tongue between my penis and her lip. My eyes closed.

I tossed my head back such that I would have been staring at the junction of ceiling and wall, except of course that my eyes were closed. I saw nothing; I only felt and at that I felt only through my penis, trapped in Teresa’s mouth.

Except for her tongue, she remained motionless. Her hands kept my legs apart. Her head remained glued to my body. I leaned back on the desk, using my arm to support my weight. With my free hand, I reached to her face. My fingertips slid against her cheek.

She started to hum. I think that it may have been Betovenen’s Fifth based on the rhythm, but I may be wrong.

Anyway, whatever it was, it felt nice. It just didn’t feel nice enough.

“Teresa, you better hurry up. We need to get back to work.”

She said something that felt like okay around me. She lifted her face from my body just as slowly. Then, we much quicker but shorter thrusts, she began to nod her head.

Her lips slid along my shaft. Her tongue stayed in constant contact with the notch in my head just below the pisshole.

With her prior teasing, that was enough; I reached the point of my orgasm. With the first pulse, Teresa maneuvered herself so only my glans filled her mouth. Each time my penis jerked and ejaculated into her mouth, she swallowed hard. This pressed her tongue against the underside of my penis, hastening the next spasm of my orgasm.

Rolling away from me, she said, “Mmmmm, that was good.”

“Teresa, I...”

“Ken, can it. I’m a big girl now, and I enjoy this kind of thing. A lot.” She reached down and pulling my clothes from my ankles, lifted them to my butt. “Lift yourself up. My husband doesn’t care either. Heck, he likes the extra pussy I bring home as much as I like the resulting creampie.

“So, if you’re not seeing anyone, you have nothing to feel bad about. You’re alone, and I made you feel good for a little while. That’s nothing to feel guilty about.”

She slapped my hand from my fly and finished taking care of the repackaging herself. When done, she stood from the chair. She reached a hand out to me. I took it and, with her help, got off the desk, and together, we left the office.

“You’re a sweet guy,” she continued the lecture, “and I wanted to do this for you. I’ve fucked everyone else in the store except Stumpy, and I like you the best of anyone here.”

“Speaking of Stumpy, he’ll be here soon, so we need to get back to work.”

I rang up the magazine that Teresa had promised Andy.

She handed it to him and gave him a kiss, which caused him to turn a couple of interesting shades of red. The two of us went back to our various projects for the short time until Stumpy came to relieve me. As I finished up and he began his assigned puttering, Teresa came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Kenny?” Her voice was soft but not a whisper.


“Can you come over tomorrow night? After close? I meant what I said about liking you best, and well...”


“Have you ever been involved in a double penetration before?”


“It’s fun.”

“Uh,” I swallowed, hard. “I’ll ... uh ... think about it.”

“Good.” Teresa looked around and saw no sign of Stumpy.

She reached up and pinched my earlobe with her teeth.

“Tell me tomorrow.”

I beat a quick retreat and rushed from the store to my car. I drove straight to the Golden Cafe. Naturally, I arrived early so I took a seat on the patio after getting myself a latte. I also pulled out a copy of “Survival of cosmic barium isotopes in the Lake Woebegon Quartzite and pre-Cambrian ocean depths in the north central United States: Initial results of study.” I spent the next indeterminate amount of time wondering if a decade should have resulted in results beyond the initial results.

This line of thought was interrupted by the sound of a loud, small engine of the type normally attached to a motorcycle. The particular engine was, in fact, attached to such a contraption. Attached to the contraption was a nicely tight pair of Mr. Straus’s contribution to western civilization (and thus for good or ill world civilization).

These encased a pair of long legs that met at a very pleasantly athletic ass. This joined onto a torso of classic shape. Beneath a denim jacket were a pair of breasts that only a porn starlet would see need to enhance.

Long blond hair flowed from under a helmet with a heavily tinted shield.

She waved over to me. I waved back as she shed the helmet and placed it on the back of her cycle. (If you haven’t guessed that this was Sherry, you’re as clueless as I’m supposed to be). She walked up the steps and across the deck to where I was sitting.

“Hi, Ken. Wha’chu reading about?”

“I’m really not sure. I’ve been trying to figure it out since I started grad school without any luck. I’m not convinced that the authour knows what’s it about either.”


“Don’t worry about it and grab yourself something to drink.”

She agreed and disappeared inside. I took the opportunity to stuff my boring (okay, shall I? ... yes, I shall) stuff back into my bookbag. As the last piece of paper went in, Sherry reappeared from the coffee shop, styrofoam cup in hand. The paper tab and string of a teabag dangled from the side. She spun a chair around and sat down, leaning forward against the chair’s back.

“So, how is it going, Ken.”


“The truth, please.” Her voice was as hard as the quartzite I had just been reading about.

“Yes, Mistress.” I replied automatically. I smiled as if it were just a joke. “Shitty.”

She didn’t smile back; she frowned. I took a swallow of coffee. Sherry quietly played with her tea bag by slowly pulling its string, up then down. I stared at my hands and waited, but only unsuccessfully.

“Okay, really shitty.”

The tea bag peaked from the surface of the hot water, before being allowed to sink back into the scalding liquid.

Sherry sternly watched it go under.

“Incredibly, really shitty.”

Again the tea bag broke the surface. It twisted a half- turn on its string. Sherry lowered her hand. The tea bag disappeared.

“Super, incredibly, really...”

“Can it, Ken.” I canned it, and she smiled. “If you can crack wise you can’t be doing too bad.”

“I’ve been worse.”

“I know.”

I looked at her. The frequency of dunk for her tea bag increased more than just slightly, going from a slow, steady, and measured rate to a quick, jerky bounce that whipped up small waves in surface of the tea.

“Have you heard of bad cops?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “I’m a not very good one. I’ve done nothing major, mind you, but I have traded sex for looking the other way. You know, traffic tickets and the like. I’ve even used the computer system for personal stuff, like doing background checks on people who...”

She looked away from her tea and looked towards me.

“I ran one on you. That first day we met at Jenny and Kimmy’s. I know about Gina.”

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