Kelly's Diary 190 - Disneyland Fun
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 3: The Parking Lot
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Parking Lot - I'd been to Disney World when I was a kid but this was my first time at this park and I'd grown up a lot since then as well. This time my visit to the "Happiest Place On Earth" was a bit different - to say the least. Note: You might want to first read "Unconventional Convention" and "Fun In an RV Park" as I have tried not to be too repetitious in this entry about the events that took place in the days prior to this one.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual True Story Cheating Masturbation Oral Sex
Earlier I had said that Mr. Eisenberg didn’t fuck me IN the park ... OK, technically I was telling the truth, but maybe not the complete story.
True to their cost-reduction plans, we all went back to the RV to eat lunch. It seemed silly to me to spend all the time traversing back and forth, and then have to wait for the air-conditioning to cool the hot interior after baking in the California sun all morning. Still, I couldn’t complain since they were paying for all my expense today. On the way back in, I asked if they cared that I look around on my own, maybe to do some shopping or whatever.
Mrs. Eisenberg looked at me and I could have sworn a sly grin started to form on her face. Was she thinking that maybe I was hoping to get laid or something? Sure, I would have loved that as well but the truth was just as I had told her. Then again, should I just happen to run into some cute hunk ... or girl ... I wasn’t going to turn anything down, that was for sure. Was she encouraging me? Maybe a little reverse psychology in hopes that if I got laid by someone else I would leave her husband alone?
Actually, I DID want to buy a few things for my dad and a few close friends back home so I headed for Main Street to shop. About an hour later, after my dad’s credit card had sustained some serious damage, my cell phone buzzed to tell me somebody had texted me. As I searched for my phone in my purse, I figured it had to be Kristen or Beth - who else would be texting me using this phone number? To my surprise, it wasn’t either one of them or anyone else from back in Pittsburgh - it was from Mr. Eisenberg!
“RV - ten minutes.”
That’s all it said. Odds were he had to sneak off somewhere just to send that much given the way his wife had been keeping such close tabs on him all day. Probably was in the men’s room. Now what was this all about?
When I approached the RV, I saw it was running and I could hear the air- conditioning unit rumbling on top. Somebody was already here, that much was obvious. For a brief moment I panicked. What if it was his wife, setting me up with the intention of accusing me of coming out here to fuck her husband. Of course she would’ve been correct, but that doesn’t mean she had to know it! From what I was starting to see in her, she seemed plenty devious enough to pull off such a stunt and so for a brief moment I seriously considered going back to the park before I got myself in hot water with her. I turned around, hesitated, and then turned back to the RV again. No, I just couldn’t see her doing such a thing so it HAD to be him.
The door was unlocked (which was good since I’d left my keys inside) and so I entered as the cool interior air flowed out the open door. At first I didn’t see anyone but then I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye towards the back and realized someone was on the bed. Without the lights on and the window curtains being pulled, it was too dark at first for me to make out who it was this far way. Well, there was only one person who it had BETTER be!
“Mr. Eisenberg?” I called back to the shadowy figure. No response. OK, NOW what was going on? My eyes began to adjust to the dim light and I could see him better now
“Well it’s about time you made it. Now get those clothes, get up here and suck my dick you little bitch!” he suddenly demanded. Huh? Not even a “hello”? What was with the “bitch” comment?
“Dammit, don’t just stand there like an idiot ... I said to strip!” he demanded in an even more forceful tone.
Well, it’s not like I hadn’t intended to get naked sooner or later. As I quickly undressed in compliance with his commands, my mind was racing. I had NOT counted on being TOLD to do this- and especially not in such a forceful manner.
Once I was naked, I got up on the bed where Mr. Eisenberg was laying on his back, also naked with his dick already nice and hard. In fact, he was so stiff that it actually curved back such that it was now parallel to his stomach, the head staring him straight in the face as he stroked it slowly with his right hand.
“What the hell are you waiting for? Suck my dick!” he growled, as if he was mad at me about something and was seeking retribution by “forcing” me to suck his cock.
Of course, there was no reluctance on my part when it came to sucking his cock, just a nagging curiosity as to WHY he was behaving this way towards me. Was this some sort of fantasy, maybe a role play for him? If so, it would’ve been nice to have forewarned me.
With my eyes fixed on his dick, I laid on my side in a sort of fetal position alongside his outstretched hairy legs, leaning over his stomach and bending my head down to take his erect dick in my mouth. He immediately put his hand on the top of my head, pushing it down onto his dick, driving his cock into my mouth and against the back of my throat.
“There ... that’s better ... much better,” he groaned as my mouth and tongue went to work on him. “So you’ve been talking to my wife, eh? Telling her about us?”
So THAT’S what this was all about! Horrified, I started to lift my head off his dick to try and explain but he grabbed me hair and drove my face back into his crotch again.
“Don’t take your mouth off of me dammit ... you’ve nothing to say, I know everything you told her,” he said in a disturbing voice, “She told me all about it after lunch ... everything.”
Then he paused for effect and added, “You can’t be so stupid as to think a guy’s wife won’t say anything when you tell her something like that? How could you be so stupid to tell her that? Crap, how could you tell her we masturbated together? You’re nothing but a stupid bitch!”
Feeling a;little bit worried now, I wanted to explain myself, to tell him I had no choice, that she knew SOMETHING was up between us so I gave her just enough to feel it was true without revealing everything. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to be in the mood for a logical discussion.
“That’s it ... suck my dick you little whore. You’ll do anything to keep that job, I know it. Even whore yourself out to me ... isn’t that what you’re doing?”
Well of course it was and he knew it well enough that he didn’t need me to explain anything. Indeed, this was more like a lecture than a questioning. He knew all the answers already, or at least he thought he knew them. Either way, he wasn’t going to listen to my side of anything in his current frame of mind, that was for sure.
“Enough of that ... get on your hands and knees you stupid cunt,” he said suddenly as he got up from being on his back. I complied with his demands, figuring he wanted to fuck me from behind as he seemed to enjoy that position the most.
“Now I’m going to show you what happens to naughty little girls that run off to a guy’s wife and spill everything,” he said.
Now THAT wasn’t really fair of him. After all, I HAD acted in his best interest by telling his wife enough to satisfy her curiosity but not so much as to confirm her suspicions of adultery. I was about to protest when I felt his hands split my butt cheeks apart and then he started rubbing my pussy, putting his fingers in me to wet them so he could lubricate the rest of me. I felt his finger slide upwards toward my asshole and then, without warning, he plunged one of them into my asshole! Imagine my surprise when out of the blue he had his finger buried in my ass - NOT something I would ever had wanted him to do to me, not ever.
“No!” I started to protest, “Not my asshole!”
He was a lot stronger than me but I still almost managed to pull away from his finger before he had his other arm around my waist, pulling me back into position.
“You’re a naughty girl ... a dirty girl ... and dirty girls have to pay for being so bad,” he droned on as he fingered my ass.
I felt a cool wetness and then his finger slid more easily into me as he must have poured some lotion or oil on my ass to make it easier to get his finger in me. The lube also made it easier for something other than his finger to fit in my asshole...
Mr. Eisenberg pulled his dirty finger out of me and I felt him repositioning himself as if he was finished but it was far from over so far as my ass was concerned.
“Mmmmmmm, I’ve been wanting to do this since I first saw you,” he murmured as I felt the mushroomed cock head of his dick at the opening of my asshole.
“Please ... no!” I pleaded with him. This was NOT what I’d signed up for when I told him he could fuck me if he gave me the job.
“Shut up and tell me you want it in your ass,” he demanded, and then went silent to see what I would say.
When I didn’t respond quickly enough, he slapped my bare bottom - hard, and then he demanded yet again, “Tell me ... I want you to bed for it in your ass.”
If I protested it would probably only get even worse for me so I accepted the inevitable.