Kelly's Diary 190 - Disneyland Fun - Cover

Kelly's Diary 190 - Disneyland Fun

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 1: Last Day in California

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Last Day in California - I'd been to Disney World when I was a kid but this was my first time at this park and I'd grown up a lot since then as well. This time my visit to the "Happiest Place On Earth" was a bit different - to say the least. Note: You might want to first read "Unconventional Convention" and "Fun In an RV Park" as I have tried not to be too repetitious in this entry about the events that took place in the days prior to this one.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Actually, it was our last FULL day in California, the last day of the church convention I’d been blackmailed into attending. Yes, I said blackmailed. The ONLY reason I agreed to go along was because the new administrator of the school, where I wanted to teach in the fall, had insisted - make that demanded, that I come along. There wasn’t much I could say as following Mr. Eisenberg’s demands was a requirement I’d reluctantly agreed to as part of a bargain we’d struck to restore me to my teaching position at the school.

Just a little background (the full details are elsewhere in my Diary)...

Last fall I’d been forced to resign from my teaching position thanks to some nasty rumors spread by my now EX-boyfriend. Fortunately (I guess it depends on your outlook), the school administrator had a bad heart attack and so a new one was hired to replace him. My hopes were he would not know the details about my situation but as it turned out, the prior administrator must have given him some very private information about me. Unlike his predecessor, instead of refusing me a position, he used the information as leverage to satisfy his own “needs”. End result - I was going to the convention whether I liked it or not.

Of all the potential things I had considered doing this summer, going to a national church convention was probably one of the LAST things I would have thought possible. To my surprise, so far it was working out far better than I ever could have dreamed. The only “problem” I’d faced was his wife, who had been quite the bitch towards me. Indeed, from the first moment she laid eyes on me in the Pittsburgh airport and realized I wasn’t some old maid from school (as she’d evidently been expecting), but rather a girl at least ten years younger than her, she was on my case. For the most part I just tried to ignore her and make the best of things.

As I said, despite Mrs. Eisenberg things had gone pretty well so far. On the very first day of the convention I was fucked quickly by Mr. Eisenberg right before the opening session. Then just a few hours later I gave a rally cute guy his first blowjob in the overhead of the convention center ballroom. Before leaving the convention center for the day I got horny again and so I masturbated while being driven around town on a shuttle bus. Not a bad way to spend the first day!

The next morning I was horny as hell with anticipation now that I realized this trip wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Even when his wife chastised me for the way I dressed for bed it didn’t faze me. With her in the RV it was hard to take care of my normal morning “needs” so I ended up having to masturbate in the park bathhouse before we spent the morning at the convention hall. Despite my high expectations, this time the time spent in town was rather uneventful, leaving me a little disappointed.

When we got back to the RV park I was left on my own for the afternoon while the Eisenberg’s went off on a private hot tub adventure. While trying out the beach area (calling it a “beach” is being kind to a sand pile by the lake) Lady Luck was with me as I was picked up by this hunky guy who took me out waterskiing with two of his friends.

As it turned out, we didn’t get much skiing done but I got fucked pretty well instead out on the lake by his friend and his friend’s younger brother. That was just the start as when we returned and his friends had left, I got involved with my first incestual family other than my own. It was just the guy fucking his mom while I did his dad but still, it qualified as a first for me!

Given the crazy way the first couple of days had gone, you can imagine my expectations were pretty high for our last full day in California. We would be catching an early flight the next morning so for all practical purposes this was the last day. There was a large church service in the morning and then some sessions scheduled at the Convention Center for the afternoon.

As we discussed our plans for the next day, neither of the Eisenbergs seemed overly excited about attending any of the remaining convention activities. To my surprise, it was his wife Kelly, (imagine the annoyance of having to spend an entire weekend with someone else having the same name as you) who came up with the idea of making a quick trip to Disneyland. Apparently she’d never been to either of the Disney theme parks and with Anaheim only a half hour away or so, she seemed rather excited by the prospect of at least getting a glimpse of the place.

After the way she’d been treating me ever since we’d first met, it took me a little off-guard when she asked me if I wanted to tag along. It sort of confused me. Was she was maybe softening her view of me? It could also have been just her exuberance over fulfilling some childhood dream that transformed her temporarily into a nicer person. Whatever the reason, I wasn’t going to argue about it. We had to be back in time to pick up their kids from the Kid’s Camp they’d been attending all weekend but that still left us most of the day.

Speaking of his wife, when Kelly and I first met I think she may have had some suspicions about me and her husband, but over the past few days it now seemed that maybe those concerns had faded somewhat. While I knew she still considered me to be a slut (and in a good way), she seemed to accept me now so long as her husband was not involved. All I could say was thank goodness she had no idea about my real “relationship” with him!

Oddly, more a few times Kelly had made off-hand comments about her own past and I couldn’t help but wonder if she hadn’t been the class slut herself back in her high school and maybe even college days. She WAS hot, even if her fake boobs somewhat turned me off, and more than once I found myself marveling that Mr. Eisenberg was willing to risk everything with her just to fuck me. Oh well, guys are never satisfied it seems. If I was more honest with myself I would have to admit that he was probably more turned on by the taboo of cheating with me than me being sexier than his own Kelly.

Were it not for the element of blackmail, I would be pretty excited about the prospect of him cheating with me again. I also had to admit that the idea of being with HER crossed my mind more than a few times, especially when we would be changing clothes and I got a quick eyeful of her incredible figure. Not bad, not bad at all for a mother of two young teenagers. Unfortunately, any other ideas I might have for her were squashed when she’d made her feelings about sex with girls perfectly clear - she had NO interest whatsoever at best and viewed the practice as disgusting, perverted and even sinful.

Given my so-called “relationship” with Kelly. when I woke up on Sunday morning I was a bit surprised to find the covers over me as usually I kick them off during the night. Looking around, I saw Kelly watching me as she stood by the sink with an odd smile on her face. Now this was interesting ... My guess was that instead of waking me up and bitching about me exposing myself, as she had done yesterday morning, she had covered me instead. Was that meant as a gesture of kindness, perhaps a small peace offering? Or was she just making sure her husband didn’t get a view of my bare ass after my nightshirt had ridden up while I was sleeping?

As I tried to clear my mind to contemplate all this, my thoughts were distracted by two intense feelings. First, I had to pee BADLY plus I was horny as hell and needed to masturbate (well, being fucked would’ve been better but beggars can’t be choosers). I don’t know if it was the water or the heat of the previous day that made me drink more than usual, but the last couple of mornings I’d wake and feel like my bladder was about to burst, not my usual number one priority in the morning (and I’m sure you can guess what THAT is),

Slipping out of bed and pulling down my nightshirt, I mumbled a good morning to Mrs. Eisenberg and made my way to the bathroom as there was no way I was going to make it to the bathhouse this morning. The bathroom in the RV was like the rest of the RV - tiny and cramped, not at all like the one in the big RV where I’d had fun yesterday. Making it worse was this horrible odor that must have been seeping up from the holding tank. It was enough to make me wrinkle my nose in disgust. Small wonder I usually made the trek to the bathhouse when I felt the urge. It may as well have been an outhouse - something else I avoid like the plague!

With THAT need taken care of, there was the matter of the other - me being horny. It seems I’ve always been the most naturally horny first thing in the morning. That may not seem so odd except that I wouldn’t otherwise classify myself as a “morning person”. Indeed, I would rather stay up all hours and then sleep in until noon given the choice.

Perhaps a better way of describing it would be to say I wake up horny - regardless of whether it’s morning or not. If I’m REALLY lucky, I have a naked guy lying next to me who wants to fuck me first thing but that’s definitely NOT the typical scenario so usually I just take care of myself.

People often ask me how often I masturbate to which I usually answer two to three times a day on average. Mornings like today are pretty much a given and it’s not often I go to sleep without my hands making their way to my crotch. In between, who knows? It depends a lot on where I am and who I am with during the day. Some days I may just do the morning thing but I almost never go a full day without masturbating at least once. Sitting here writing this, I can’t even remember the last time THAT happened.

Then there are those days when I may do it five or six times - or more, depending on how I feel that day and what’s been going on,. Whether or not I have sex actually has little to do with how often I masturbate. The only impact having sex MAY have is more about whether I have the opportunity masturbate. After all, there’s only so many hours in a day! To me, masturbation is something I truly enjoy, not a substitute for sex, so it’s not unusual for me to have sex and then masturbate immediately afterwards, especially if the guy isn’t into any snuggling afterwards and just falls asleep.

So anyway ... even though there wasn’t much room and the atmosphere was toxic, there was no denying the urges I was feeling as my pussy was practically cramping with hunger - hunger for a dick that is. I hadn’t heard Mr. Eisenberg get up yet so there was no need to rush back out and deal with Kelly - even if she WAS in a surprisingly good mood this morning. As I heard her moving around outside making breakfast, I found myself thinking more about her.

Mmmmmmm, she had looked really hot this morning in nothing more than a short T-shirt - VERY short at that. It was more than was a little surprising to see her in such revealing attire as this was the same woman who recently criticized me for wearing nothing but a cotton nightshirt that came all the way down to my knees - a LOT further than hers did this morning. Of course mine was so thin that my nipples poked through like it wasn’t there. It also seemed to have a mind of its own with a tendency to ride up over my ass as I slept. My tongue licked over my dry lips as I thought about how Mrs. Eisenberg’s t-shirt had barely covered her butt, doing a fine job of showing off her tanned legs. It looked like she had been wearing panties but I wasn’t sure.

Anyone who knows me wouldn’t be surprised that once my mind got into this mode, there was no stopping me. Cupping my boobs over my nightshirt, I squeezed them while I fantasized about Kelly’s boobs. They had pushed out against the undersized t-shirt she had on, stretching the material. OK, so they were way too big for her frame, at least in my opinion, but even so they looked pretty damn good under that t-shirt.

OK, so her boobs were nice but what REALLY grabbed my attention had been her legs. Long and tan, I would have killed to have them - even now. Although I’d just gotten a quick glimpse, it was enough to see that she had a great ass to compliment her legs. I wondered how she would’ve reacted had I put my hand under her t-shirt and caressed her butt as I passed by her this morning. Of course in reality I knew what she done, probably slapped me and then said who knows what about me, but still I couldn’t help myself now as I fantasized more and more about being with her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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