Kelly's Diary 189 - Fun at an Rv Park - Cover

Kelly's Diary 189 - Fun at an Rv Park

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: The Family That RVs together ... Plays Together

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Family That RVs together ... Plays Together - I've never even been in a recreational vehicle (RV) before so imagine being crammed inside one with my adulterous school administrator and his family so they could save money on a hotel. Thank goodness I had time run around the park on my own one day - stopping now and then for some fun.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

One question I get asked a lot is whether I’ve ever met or been with a family besides my own that practices incest. I don’t mean anyone on-line because no matter how much you chat or e-mail, there is always that nagging question in the back of your mind as to whether any of it is real or even just a bit exaggerated. Without compromising my own privacy and security, there’s simply no way to be sure but I’ve come to accept that over the years and try not to let it bother me. There are a few special people I feel quite confident about, but I couldn’t testify in court that they actually practice incest.

Since I don’t know of anyone in my “real” life that practices incest (bestiality - yes, adultery - yes, pedophilia - yes, but not incest), my stock answer is always, “Not that I know of.” OK, I’m sure someone will point out to me that there was ONE time way back in high school when the mother of my first boyfriend got involved with us but that was a one-time thing (at least I never got any confirmation that it ever happened again) and in my mind that really doesn’t qualify as incest because it wasn’t part of any on-going relationship between the two of them.

The point being that given the norms of our society, incest is at the very least looked down upon, not to mention illegal as well depending on the ages involved. While there may be some valid reasons for these ridiculous taboo back in the Dark Ages, prohibitions against incest are much like those against alcohol - unnecessary and unenforceable. Thus anyone practicing “true incest”, at least as I believe it should be practiced, would not reveal their lifestyle to anyone outside their family no more than I would.

The problem, as I see it, is that the cases where you DO hear about incest actually should be identified as child abuse in that it usually involves sex with young children who, despite the claims of the adults involved, simply are not mature enough to make such major decisions as having sex. “Incest”, by my definition, is the loving, CONSENSUAL, act of sex between family members used primarily as an expression of their love and respect for each other. Of course there is an element of pleasure involved, I am not naive, but that is a byproduct and not the primary reason for having incestual sex.

For instance, I don’t have sex with my dad in the same way I do with a guy I date. My date fuckbuddies are for my enjoyment and fun. Hopefully they enjoy it just as much but I think about me first. However, I submit to my father because I love him and want to please him and make him happy, not to get myself off just because I’m horny. I don’t have sex with my father so that he will love me, I have sex with him because he already does and thus I want our relationship to be as close and intimate as possible. Not intimate in a romantic sense - he is NOT my lover by any stretch of the imagination, but intimate in a physical manner. Really, what can be more intimate than sex?

What I’m trying to get at, and seem to have gone off on a tangent in the process, is that the odds are that there are probably quite a few families in your circle of friends and associates that practice incest - you just don’t know it. NONE of our friends, neighbors, work and civic associates, etc., know my father fucks me. It’s not that I’m ashamed of it - quite the opposite, but because of the profound negative impact it would have on our lives should it become public knowledge.

Even without that concern, why is anyone’s sex life a subject of public discussion anyway? Who knows, maybe the family next door practices incest, maybe the family that sang at church last week, maybe a father and the daughter he brought last week to work on Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. Just because a family practices genuine incest doesn’t mean the kids have to have bad teeth and low IQs like some stupid West Virginia caricature.

So bottom line, I’ve never knowingly met a family that practices incest but that in no way means I’ve never met one! The same answer applies to anyone for that matter.

Walking around the RV park earlier, I was constantly amazed me at the number and diversity of the people there. You name it, it was there. A surprising number of people seemed to have permanent sites, their RVs surrounded by fences, potted plants, even small storage sheds. Most had satellite dishes and all of them were air-conditioned, of course. I guess with the cost of homes in California that this was a cheaper way to have a summer home. There were RVs that looked like rolling mobile homes - huge monsters that must have had every amenity.

Then there were the truck campers that were little more than an enclosed truck bed. Many elderly couples, probably retired, were there but just as many young families, with bikes and kid toys strewn about, were represented as well. Rich, poor and in-between, it was like a cross-section of America all in one location. Did any of them practice incest? I bet some did.

With the departure of Rau and his brother Marc, for the first time I took a good look at the RV site where Riley’s parents lived. Yes, I said lived. One of the first things they explained was that they stayed here most of the year while Riley lived in their permanent home. He paid their mortgage and took care of the place, freeing them to remain here where they had more friends and things to do without the worries of home ownership.

Riley gave me the quick tour of the RV and I was amazed. If I hadn’t known it was on wheels I would’ve thought it was a small mobile home! Unlike the cheap RV the Eisenberg’s had rented, this one was nicely decorated and even featured a door to their bedroom instead of a curtain. Even the bathroom was big enough to feel comfortable and didn’t have that obnoxious outhouse odor like in the RV I was staying in.

Back outside, his mother - Judith as she asked me to call her, offered me a lawn chair and a glass of wine. I’m not a big wine drinker but it was a pink chardonnay, one of my favorites when I DID drink wine. She sat next to me while Riley and his dad (he introduced himself as Albert but said I was to call him Al) took up positions directly opposite us. I was a little self-conscious in that I was just wearing a bikini and my hair was damp and stringy but they didn’t seem to care. If anything, I couldn’t help but notice Al’s eyes giving me that look I see when guys are undressing me with their eyes - not that there was much left to the imagination.

As I got to know them, I realized that my initial assessment when I first arrived had been wrong. They really weren’t that old, it was just that Judith’s hair was prematurely grey and she confessed she just didn’t want to fool with coloring it. As for Al, he was about 50% bald, mostly on the top going down the back of his head. The rest of his hair was cute pretty short which served to de-emphasize his baldness. Like his son, Al was wearing baggy shorts without a shirt. Unlike his son though, who kept his torso shaved, Al had thick black and silver hair covering his chest and shoulders, almost like a wooly bear.

Judith was also in shorts, faded denim that were cut just above the knee. With her legs crossed, it was obvious that back in her heydays she had quite the set of legs. They now had a few wrinkles but otherwise she would have put many women ten years younger than her to shame. She was wearing a black tank top and I was a little amused to note she wasn’t wearing a bra. Almost fifty years of waging war against gravity had taken its toll, though, and her boobs sagged a bit but not such that they looked like granny boobs, hanging to her belly. It helped in that they weren’t all that big, maybe a B cup at best. Some girls may love their big boobs when they are younger but later in life there is a price to pay! She had her hair tied back in a long ponytail which was unusual for her age but gave her a more youthful look as a result.

Both of her parents treated me like I was just another family member. They seemed rather surprised to learn why I was in California but not nearly as surprised as Riley appeared to be once he heard. He gave me this, “You’ve got to be kidding” look and I knew he had to be thinking how could a nice Christian girl be such a slut?

Actually, that raises a point that really bugs me sometimes - well make that a lot of the time. Why is it that so many people think that being a Christian and a slut are mutually exclusive? My body and sexuality are a part of God’s plan for me and should be celebrated, not hidden or something to feel embarrassed about.

God created sex and so long as we follow his laws and guidelines, sex should be part of our lives before God to honor and celebrate his gifts to us. You don’t have to wear long denim skirts and baggy clothes with your hair tied up in a bun to be a Christian. Nothing in the New Testament says a slut can’t be a Christian. Even Jesus hung around with prostitutes and who’s to say he didn’t enjoy being with them? It’s not like anyone writing in that era would have mentioned it if he had given the cultural taboos of the times.

So anyway, I have to admit that for a brief moment I wanted to tell Riley to kiss off but cooler tempers prevailed and I realized he was just reacting the same way most people would today who didn’t understand my convictions.

After a glass of wine I was starting to feel a little light-headed. I hadn’t eaten much all day and the alcohol was going straight to my head. It didn’t help in that I needed to pee pretty badly as well! Finally it got to where U had to ask Riley if I could use the restroom in the RV. He nodded and said to go in by myself. I stood up and just as I was about to turn away I noticed that the three of them all seemed to have the same expression on their face. It was almost eerie, like one of those sci-fi movies where aliens take over people’s bodies and they communicate telepathically with one another. Just as fast as it was there it was gone, leaving me to wonder if ever happened at all or if it was just the wine going to my head.

Once in the restroom I slipped down my bikini bottoms and took care of business before anything else. While sitting there I looked at the bottoms and noticed I must have been still leaking cum after I put them back on based on the cum stains in the crotch area. My skin itched a bit thanks to a thin coating of dried cum over my bare pussy so when I was finished with the toilet I used the opportunity to wash myself up in the sink. Feeling cleaner and with my bladder no longer threatening to burst, I reached for my bikini bottoms that I had tossed over the shower door when to my surprise, the bathroom door opened.

I don’t care who she is, put any girl in a bathroom, strip her bottoms off (and/or top for that matter), and open the door on her unexpectedly and I guarantee what her response will be. She will gasp, her eyes will bug out, and her arms and hands will instinctively react to cover whatever area of her body is exposed. Well, I’m no different than any other girl in such situations and so I automatically backed against the shower stall, went into a crouch and put my hands over my crotch to hide my pussy. In the doorway was Riley!

“Hey, you don’t have to worry about hiding anything, it’s not like I didn’t get an eyeful earlier!” he chuckled, seeming to be amused by my automatic response to his unexpected entrance.

“Well you could have at least knocked!” I said, catching my breath after having it frightened out of me.

“Yeah, I could have ... but then I wouldn’t have gotten to see you be embarrassed - something I was starting to think wasn’t possible,” he teased me, standing in the doorway staring at my naked bottom as I stood up and regained my composure.

I had to admit to being a little confused. Less than an hour ago he had watched me being fucked without showing all that much interest in me. Now it was like he couldn’t take his eyes off my ass, not to mention he had the definite signs of an emerging erection.

“What’s the story here anyway?” I asked, my hands on my bare hips trying to act as if standing there with just a bikini top on was the most natural thing in the world, “Out on the lake you could have fucked me or anything else you wanted but you didn’t lay a hand on me. Now with your parents right outside you can’t take your eyes off my ass. What gives?”

Riley grinned at me, not that happy-go-lucky grin he showed me at the beach, but this was more like the hunter grinning with anticipation as he approached his prey - me in this case.

“Let’s just say I’m really not into having sex in public with two guys watching,” he answered, “Now if it had been two of your friends...”

He didn’t finish his sentence, nor did he need to. Typical guy - didn’t want his guy friends to see his dick in action but more than happy to show off for a couple of girls.

“So what now?” I asked, the answer obvious to me as soon as the words left my mouth, “Oh, you want to fuck me NOW?”

“Well, you’ve got to admit a bed is a lot more comfortable than some sticky boat seat in the blazing sun.”

He had a point. I was about to mention something about his parents hearing us but then he was old enough to do what he wanted, WHERE he wanted. No doubt that had been the source of the “look” I’d seen exchanged when I’d left the group - them agreeing to let their son have a little fun with the slut he’d brought him. Obviously this wasn’t the first rodeo for them when it came to their son’s sexual conquests. Cool parents - but then again, he WAS almost thirty so what were they going to say, he was too young?

I’d my bikini bottoms in my one hand so he reached out to take my other. “No sense putting that back on,” he said with a grin, “One less thing to fool with later.”

Riley moved out of the way just enough for me to pass by him and out the door, As I did, I felt a hand behind my back and sure enough, he’d undone the back ties of my bikini top.

“Hmmm, I think someone’s horny!” I teased him, letting my bikini hang by the top strings which meant most of my boobs were now exposed.

“And like you’re not?” he countered, “I somehow got the impression that was just a warm-up out there on the lake so far as you were concerned.”

I let that one pass as I went into the bedroom at the end of the RV. Wow, it was almost as big as my bedroom back home when I was growing up! The bed was made up with a checkered quit on top. I climbed onto the bed, taking off the bikini top in the process and dropping my sandals at the edge such that I was nude once at the center of the bed. Turning around to face him, I was on my knees and saw he had also dropped his shorts on the way. Mmmmmmm, he had a wonderful dick which was already in the process of becoming erect, maybe at least half-way there by now.

“So I take it you intend to fuck me this time around and not just watch?” I teased him.

“Well, eventually but I have a few other things in mind before that,” he said mysteriously but I quickly realized what he meant. He pushed me onto my back, spread my legs apart and sat on the edge of the bed admiring my pussy.

“Mmmmmmm, I love the look of a shaved pussy,” he complimented me, “So do you masturbate a lot?”

I hadn’t expected that question. In fact, I hadn’t expected ANY questions but had assumed he would just fuck me and do it quickly. It wasn’t that the question embarrassed me, I just wasn’t expecting it at this time or place.

“Sure, quite a bit actually.”

“Show me how you masturbate.”

Ahhhhhh, so Riley was even more a voyeur than I’d thought. First it was watching his friends fuck me and now he wanted to watch me do myself. Well, if that’s what turned him on, I had no objections! Having a guy watch me masturbate always turned me on just as much as it did him.

“OK, but I want to watch you stroking your dick while I do,” I countered, figuring I may as well see how he would react. He didn’t disappoint me.

“Like this?” he asked, his right hand grasping his erection and slowly stroking it.

Well, he’d held up his end of the bargain, now it was my turn. I pulled a pillow under my head to make it easier to watch him and then I cupped my pussy and started rubbing myself with the palm of my hand pressing against my clit.

“God that is so hot!” he sighed, his eyes fixated on my crotch, never taking his eyes off even for a second.

I was turned on as well. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), few guys seem to like masturbating while being watched.

“Show me your pussy.”

I smiled and put both hands between my legs, spreading my wet pussy lips apart for him, using my finger to rub my clit gently as I did.

“God your pussy’s incredible ... put your finger inside.”

I smiled even more at that request. It might surprise guys, but most girls I know never put their finger inside of their pussy while they masturbate. Well, maybe enough to help spread some wetness to make it easier to rub themselves, but I mean so far as “finger fucking” goes, outside porn flicks it’s a minority of women who practice it (I happen to be one of them). Yet when it comes to guys, EVERY guy I’ve masturbated for wants to see my finger inside of me. I guess there’s some element of naughtiness about a girl putting her own finger(s) up inside of herself where the guys wants to put his dick. Well, as I mentioned, I am one of those girls that likes to use my finger to help imagine being fucked so I was more than willing to do as he asked.

“Put another one in,” he whispered hoarsely after I had my first finger inside of me.

Fine with me! Soon I had two fingers pushing in and out of my wet pussy hole. Riley’s eyes barely even blinked as he stared at me while I masturbated right in front of him.

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