Kelly's Diary 189 - Fun at an Rv Park - Cover

Kelly's Diary 189 - Fun at an Rv Park

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: The Lake

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Lake - I've never even been in a recreational vehicle (RV) before so imagine being crammed inside one with my adulterous school administrator and his family so they could save money on a hotel. Thank goodness I had time run around the park on my own one day - stopping now and then for some fun.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

We attended the morning session which was dominated by some important vote, at least important to the rest of the people there. Personally I could have cared less about it and I even gave my vote card to Mr. Eisenberg so he could cast it however the church wanted the vote to be.

Afterwards we went straight back to the car and drove back to the RV park so not a lot happened. Neither of them were interested in the afternoon activities and I think they both wanted some R&R time for themselves, which I certainly wasn’t about to argue against. They had noticed on the way into the park that a place was advertising private hot tubs so I had a feeling the two of them would be heading that way. Sure enough, not long after we returned they took off in car, saying they would be back later in the afternoon.

That pretty much left me on my own - which was fine with me. I remembered the remark the woman had made earlier in the day about the beach at the lake so I figured why not work on the ol’ tan a bit? I’d brought a modest bikini, at least modest by MY standards. It had a halter style top with strings that tied behind my neck and back. Up front it pretty much covered my boobs but not any more than necessary, providing plenty of cleavage. The bottoms didn’t qualify as a thong but were high cut on the hips and the back was wide enough to cover most of my rear with strings on the side. It was jet black, my favorite color for a bikini as it complimented my skin complexion, at least when I had a decent tan. A basic pair of sandals completed my “outfit”.

I’d brought with me a beach towel which I draped around my neck. In my bag was my suntan oil, a hair brush, comb, a paperback I’d meaning to read forever but just never seemed to get into, chap-stick, and a collection of other things that just seemed to accumulate over time. A pair of sandal, sunglasses, and I was on my way.

I only had a vague idea of where the beach was so I started walking down the road. It was the same general direction as the bathhouse and as I passed by the site with all the guys, once again they were all out there sitting in their chairs, the inevitable beer in their hands, and loud country music playing. I smiled at them as they leered nastily at me and a couple of wolf whistles rang out. It was fun to tease them but to be honest, that was about all the interest they held for me.

Further down the road I saw a sign for the beach and around the bend I saw my destination. It wasn’t exactly my idea of a California beach, more like some sand that had been spread out along the shoreline of an area of the lake that had been marked off by buoys to keep the boats away. It wasn’t exactly crowded but there were a number of families which seemed to be profile of most everyone there. From the looks of things I was the only single girl there on her own. Most of the families were actually moms and kids although a few dads were represented as well. The average age of the kids appeared to be under ten, although a few teenagers were there, mostly boys.

I spread out my towel and laid down on my stomach facing the water. It didn’t exactly look inviting but then it was a lake, not a swimming pool. I didn’t mind lakes for swimming when I was younger but to be frank, a clean pool was more my ideal today. Sure, a lake was fine for waterskiing, but to just walk around and swim in the dark water wasn’t all that inviting.

The sun felt warm on my back and legs and I remembered that this was southern California, not Pennsylvania, so I’d better be careful. By this time of year I’d worked on my tan pretty well so I wasn’t worried about burning but you never can be too careful. Nothing looks worse on a girl than peeling skin! At the same time, I really didn’t feel like covering myself with oily suntan lotion yet as I wasn’t sure how long I’d be staying here. It was rather disappointing and I may as well lay out next to the RV as here.

The warmth of the sun was soothing and I was about to fall asleep when the whine of a ski boat shook me out of the daze I was in. I got up on my elbows and watched with envy as the boat whizzed pulling what looked to be a twenty-something guy on a slalom ski. He was pretty good - and knew it, as he jumped the wake and showed off for the folks on the beach. They stayed well clear of the beach zone but the wake still generated some small waves on the beach, much to the delight of some little kids playing at the edge. I sighed and thought about my dad’s boat back home. Summer was almost half over and we had yet to go out in it. Hmmm, something I would have to pester him about when I got home.

“Nice boat,” a deep voice commented to the side of me.

I turned my head and saw a guy who looked to be about my age or so squatting down a few feet from me, watching the boat go by through dark sunglasses. I quickly took stock of him - nice tan, average height with a muscular build, short blond hair, shaved torso and a smile that immediately made my heart skip.

“Do you ski?” he asked, seeing that he had my attention.

I replied, saying I did but hadn’t had a chance this summer yet and that I was envious of the people on that boat.

“Yeah, I know how you feel,” he said, nodding his head, “This is the first weekend I’ve had mine out this year.”

Immediately I had a feeling where this conversation might be going but then I can’t say I wasn’t hoping that it would. I’d only been her less than half an hour and already I was bored stiff. Seeing the boats on the lake made me a bit homesick, or at least made me wish I was home on our lake with my dad and family. I thought of some of the hot times we’d had over the years and how much better it would be to do something like that this weekend instead of laying out alone on a kid’s beach.

I decided to take the bait and see where I landed so I asked him what kind of boat he had. He described it and mentioned it was just him and a couple of friends. Apparently his parents had one of those “permanent” RV sites and he was here visiting them for the weekend. Then he casually mentioned that some of his friends were due to arrive in a little bit to go out on his boat that he kept at the marina. He paused and looked at me after throwing out that little tidbit, as if waiting to see how I would react.

My mind raced and I knew my next words would determine whether this was just a casual conversation or perhaps something that might lead to a more interesting afternoon. He seemed to be a nice guy and the more he spoke and I looked at him, the more I wanted to get to know him better.

“Do you have room for one more?” I asked softly with a shy grin.

He returned the smile and answered, “Of course, there’s always room for a beautiful girl.”

Sure, it was a bit of a hokey come-on but still, I liked hearing it anyway. Then I asked him if his girlfriend would mind me butting in. He frowned a little and shook his head, explaining he was just coming off a rather messy breakup with a girl he’d been seeing for a couple of years. Whether it was true or not, I had no idea, but at least it told me I wouldn’t be getting into some kind of cat fight with a jealous girlfriend.

Riley, as he had introduced himself earlier, helped me gather my things and as I stood up I noticed him giving me the once-over. Damn, now I wished I’d brought my skimpier bikini! Not that this one didn’t show plenty of me, but the bottoms especially were far too conservative when it came to showing off. Sure, some guys claimed to like the more “mysterious” look of a conservative bikini but I knew better - the more skin showing, the more they liked it.

Riley was wearing a baggy swimsuit that was more like shorts, coming down almost to his knees. It rode low on his waist and I felt a little twinge when I saw the thin line of dark hair leading down from his belly button, knowing that as it disappeared into his shorts that it lead to something a LOT hairier, and a LOT more interesting. As baggy as the suit was, he could have had a full erection and it might not have shown so I had no idea what he was packing between his legs. Would I find out later?

As we left the beach and headed for the parking lot, I found myself wondering why he had been at the beach in the first place. I hadn’t seen him when I got there, I am SURE would have noticed someone like him, so he must have arrived after I’d laid down. He wasn’t carrying anything and his shorts were dry so the water hadn’t interested him nor did he seem to have plans for staying any length of time. Had he stopped by just to see if he could pick up a girl?

As we approached his pickup truck, he explained his parents had their RV set up at the other end of the park so rather than walk it was easier to drive. Suddenly my heart rate sped up and my mouth felt a bit dry. Did he REALLY have a boat? Was he REALLY staying with his parents? Here I was, getting into a truck with a total stranger thousands of miles from home, with nobody around to even call out to. It was like a plot from a bad horror film.

Common sense dictated that I make up some excuse about forgetting I had to be somewhere and leave before getting myself in over my head. Yet at the same time, he seemed sincere. Of course, don’t all serial rapist seem sincere on TV? Then again, I WAS horny and this looked like my best prospect of the afternoon, unless I wanted to go back to the NASCAR gang and play the role of their wanton slut. I giggled at that thought, the image of me with that bunch of rednecks was more amusing than erotic.

By then, we were at the truck and Riley had opened the passenger to let me in. For some reason I looked quick to make sure there was a door handle (too many teen scream movies I guess) and then hopped in as he shut the door behind me.

As it turned out, my worries were for naught. His parents did indeed had an RV, it WAS quite a drive so I was glad we didn’t have to walk, and the more I talked with Riley and then met his parents, the more I liked him. I was still in my bikini when he introduced me to his parents as I hadn’t even brought a pair of shorts with me. They were older than I’d expected, maybe in their late fifties, but it’s hard to tell withholder people. His mom was sweet to me while his dad obviously liked to look at young girls, especially their bottoms judging from the way his eyes drilled in on my ass whenever he thought he could get away with it.

We hadn’t been there but a few minutes when another pickup pulled in and two more guys jumped out. The driver looked to be about the same age as Riley while the second was a teenager, probably still in high school from his looks although he was the tallest of the guys and thin as a rail. Riley introduced me to Ray and then his younger brother Marc (Marc specifically made sure to say it was spelled with a “c”, as if that made some difference to him.) If they were surprised to see me, they hid it well although Marc in particular seemed the most interested, practically staring at my chest as if he didn’t even care who saw him.

Not wanting to waste any more of the afternoon sun, after some brief hellos I got back in Riley’s truck and we drove to the marina while Ray and Marc rode in the back. Sure enough, Riley DID have a boat and it was a beauty, one of those designed just for skiing with the pole in the center a sleek line that just looked fast. I’d never been in a boat like it before, let alone ski behind one, so I was pretty excited as we climbed on board.

Ray carried a cooler from the back of Riley’s pickup and that was about all we had to do before taking off. Apparently Riley had been down earlier to gas it up and get the skis and such ready so as soon as we were all on-board we were off for the center of the lake.

Riley, of course, was driving, with Ray in the passenger seat to his left. That left me and Marc in the back seat which ran across the back end. There really wasn’t an incredible amount of seating in the boat but then it was a ski boat, not a party boat Most of the rear end was covered with the engine underneath. The inboard was a lot quieter than the outboard was on my dad’s boat but still noisy enough to make conversation difficult so we all just road in silence for the short trip. I don’t think Marc’s eyes came off my chest once the entire trip except for one time when we hit a wake and I was tossed to the side and my rear end pointed towards him. THAT got his attention!

Surprisingly there weren’t many boats out given the nice weather and the fact it was a weekend. Back home a lake like this would have been swarming with boats, making skiing a bit of pain as you constantly fought the wakes from all the boats. I saw maybe three other boats in all and the lake surface was relatively calm - a great skiing day!

Stopping the boat finally, Marc was the first to put on a ski jacket. I was curious how he would do with his tall, thin build. He didn’t look all that strong, not that he looked weak, just a bit ungainly as if he was still growing into his maturing body. As it turned out he was obvious an experienced skier and I was as impressed as I was surprised. When he got back in the boat and Ray took his place, he was panting from the exertion. I congratulated him on his skiing abilities and he seemed happy to have won my approval.

Ray was equally skilled, if not more so than his younger brother. As he was preparing to go, I had a chance to talk to Marc a bit and learned he had just turned 18 a few days before and had just graduated from high school. All the while we talked his eyes kept dropping down to my chest, as if he’d never seen a girl’s boobs before. His rapt attention was too much of an opportunity to pass up so as Ray got started, I ‘adjusted” my top as if it was not feeling right, grabbing the top of each cup and pulling it out and then up and over to get my boobs repositioned inside. In the process, my right breast “accidentally” spilled out for a moment and I quickly pushed it back in, smiling shyly at Marc as if I was embarrassed.

Riley was too busy driving and Ray was too far back behind the boat to notice what had happened as Marc’s eyes widened with his momentary glimpse of my white skinned breast and hardened brown nipple.

Given the positive reaction my simple move had received from Marc, it emboldened me to tease him a little more. I reached to the side and untied my bottoms on that side, and then retied them as if they had been too loose. Of course in the process I pulled out on the strings and exposed just a hint of my crotch, enough for someone to see that I was either shaved or pretty darn close to it. Actually, I had loosened them rather than tightening, and in the process I noted that Marc wasn’t opposed to looking at my bottom as much as my chest!

Before I could go any further, Ray took a spill and it was my turn to go. I had to tighten the ski jacket quite a bit after Ray and it still was pretty loose on me. The lake water was warmer than I’d expected and before long I was up on my single ski and having a blast. I may be a klutz at virtually every sport but this was the one thing I CAN do - water ski. Ray and Marc kept their attention on me the whole time and I was sure it was more than just acting as lookouts for my safety.

With my loosening of my ties on my bottoms, as I skied they started to drop and I had to hold on to the handle with one hand while reaching back and pulling them up with the other. Finally, my arms tired and there was one bump to many and I was down and in the water. As I waited for the boat to circle, I reached underwater and loosened the tie on the other side even more, smiling to myself as I did.

Riley maneuvered the boat up alongside me and Ray dropped the ladder over the side for me to climb back in. As I worked my way over the top, the combination of my bottoms being heavier now that they were wet, coupled together with the slickness of my wet skin, created exactly the results I’d been hoping for - my bottoms feel down to my knees! As I crawled into the boat, the guys helped me in but they seemed uncertain what to do about my bikini bottom falling down. Then to make things ‘worse”, as I finally got on my feet the bottoms fell all the way down to my feet.

“Oops!” I said flashing a toothy grin as I reached down to pull them back up again.

Whether it was the surprise that caught them off guard or whatever, all three of them never took their eyes off my bare ass the entire time, not even pretending to look away.

“You know, you don’t have to pull them back up on OUR account,” Ray said, trying to sound like he was just joking but with no doubt with an element of hope as well.

I loosened the ski jacket and Riley helped me out of it. Once again I ‘adjusted” my bikini top, making sure they saw as much as possible but not actually allowing anything to pop out this time. I reached behind my neck, undoing the tie and acting as though I needed to redo it but then I had another “accident”, dropping the ties and the top immediately fell down and exposed my bare boobs to them all. I hesitated a second, as if I was surprised but just long enough for them to get a good look, and then pulled it back up and retied the strings behind my neck, this time more securely.

“Sorry, I just can’t seem to keep my bikini on,” I teased them, taking a seat next to Marc.

I looked down and he had a very noticeable erection, even though his shorts I could detect a more tent-like appearance now as the “pole” underneath was raised. Unfortunately I couldn’t see Ray or Riley well enough to see if they were reacting in a similar manner as they were now sitting in the seat, twisted around to watch me. Somehow I had a feeling they were nursing their own erections - at least they had better be!

“Well, as Ray was saying so indelicately, I hope you don’t think you’re required to wear that for OUR sakes,” Riley chimed in this time.

They all laughed as if he was just joking but I had no doubt what he meant by it - and I’m sure the other two felt the same way.

“What do you mean guys? ... are you all saying that you want me to take it off?” I teased them, “Like ... we’re out in the idle of the lake! Gosh, I’d be naked. What if somebody sees me!”

Ray looked around as if to emphasize the fact we were pretty much alone as the other boats had moved off a ways since we’d started. I looked over at Marc who was silent but from the expression on his face, there wasn’t much doubt what HE was hoping for. Well, the dumb blonde routine seemed to be working so far so I continued...

“Wow ... are you SURE it’s OK if I get naked?” I asked Riley. Yeah, like I really needed his permission to strip.

“Trust me, WE won’t stop you,” Riley replied, his grin getting wider with each passing moment.

What the heck. It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought about something like this from the time Riley had invited me out on his boat. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time I’d been out in the middle of a lake undressed - and a lot more (or less?). Still, I wanted to make it a little more erotic so rather than just stripping and getting naked without any fanfare, I wanted to tease them all just a little bit more.

“Well then, so who’s going to untie me?” I said in a sultry voice.

I think all three of them wanted to volunteer yet none of them wanted to appear TOO anxious in front of the others. Finally, Riley got up and approached me. Without a word he reached behind my head as if going for my top but I stopped him and pushed his hands lower.

“Bottoms first, OK?” I said, “Nobody else can see if I’m not wearing those.”

It’s not I was shy in the least about getting nude, but it didn’t hurt to let them think I was. Riley just grinned all the more as he reached on one side of me and pulled the strings, and then to the other. My bottom was being held in place now just the friction against my skin so he grabbed the front and I raised myself off the seat to let him pull it away from me. I sat back down, keeping my legs tight together with my hands folded in my lap, nothing between me and the plastic seat.

“Well?” I asked, trying to get them to say something, “You guys like my bare butt?”

“Ummmmm, nice ass,” Ray blurted out, the catching himself and looking at the others.

The three of them looked back and forth as if unsure as to what they should do next. Odds were they never had a slut like me in the boat before!

“Since you’ve been staring at my boobs all afternoon Marc, why don’t you take my top off?” I said, smiling at Marc so as not to embarrass him TOO badly.

Still, he obviously was still a little embarrassed that I’d caught him looking at me that way judging from the redness in his face. However, that didn’t stop him from quickly accepting my invitation and I twisted to one side so my back (and my bare butt) was facing him. I felt his fingers fumbling first at my neck under my hair and then in the small of my back as he undid my bikini. The top fell down and I grabbed it and put it off to the side where I would be sure to find it later. The net result was I was now naked, sitting in the boat as three obviously horny guys stared at me.

“OK, so now that I’m all naked, what next?” I asked, trying not to laugh at the way they were staring at me.

Both Ray and Riley were old enough that I was quite sure they’d seen plenty of naked girls in their life. Marc, on the other hand, was a bit of an enigma. I knew lots of guys his age that had plenty of sexual experiences but then there were plenty of others who had done little more than masturbate their way through high school. At the moment I wasn’t sure which camp he fell into although I was leaning towards the heavy masturbation side.

“What’s the matter guys, haven’t you ever had a girl get naked in your boat before?” I teased them, still keeping my legs together but not trying to hide my breasts at all.

“Well..., now that you mention it...” Riley replied, pausing for just a moment before continuing, “No!”

“Oh? So you never even THOUGHT about me being naked when you invited me along today?” I asked, as if I would feel hurt if he hadn’t - and I would have been!

“Well...” as again Riley paused before continuing, “I mean it’s not like I didn’t THINK about it ... but you know...?

Indeed I did but it was still fun to tease him about it so I pushed on, “And so what else were you thinking about me when you were imagining me naked?”

Something told me that while Riley had certainly entertained the thought of me being naked - as likely the other two did as well since after all, they WERE guys, I doubt he ever envisioned me being quite so forward about it. What the heck, it wasn’t like I had a month to let things work out over time. I really wanted them to know that I was fine with most anything they might have fantasized about so we could get down to having some REAL fun! Rather than wait for Riley to compose an answer, I decided to just lay it all out on the line.

“Look fellas, obviously I’m horny and I’m guessing you all are too,” I said matter-of-factly, glancing deliberately down at the tent pole rising even higher in Marc’s wet shorts, “So why don’t you guys get out of those shorts and just fuck me - you KNOW you want to!”

Up until now I’d surprised them plenty and probably had we done nothing more, they would’ve gone home happy and masturbated about all the things they COULD have done with me. From the looks on their faces, it was now beyond the ‘surprise” factor - way beyond. Marc’s eye widened like saucers and he looked at his brother as if seeking his guidance.

Ray, however, was a cooler customer and while I could tell he was bit taken off-guard when I first said it, he quickly regained his composure. Then he looked at me as if he wasn’t sure I was being serious or just one hell of a nasty tease.

“Alright then, if that’s what you want, let’s see you blow my brother first,” he said, as if daring me to back up my bravado.

Marc visibly gulped, looking over at his brother as if he couldn’t believe his ears.

“OK then ... Marc, you heard your brother, now take off those shorts ... now!” I said in a demanding tone.

I may be playing the role of the ultimate slut for them but I wasn’t going to be their slave toy either. This was my party now and I wanted to be in control.

Marc hesitated and so I moved over closer to him and reached over to undo his shorts. He just sat there, as if he didn’t know whether to stop me, help me, or do it himself and in the end he just remained frozen in place as I pulled his shorts down past his knees and finally to his feet and off, tossing them towards the front of the boat. Sure enough, Marc’s dick was like a rigid pole, pointing straight up like a missile on the launch pad ready to go into orbit.

“So Ray, ever watch your little brother get his dick sucked?” I asked, looking back at Ray.

“Hell, I don’t think HE has ever seen his dick sucked,” Ray chortled as his eyes focused on my bare ass that was now aimed in his direction.

“Hmmmmmm ... Is that true Marc, have you had a BJ before?” I asked, looking up at Marc.

One look at his face told me all I needed to know. Damn! Two BJ virgins in two days. I thought California was supposed to be the home of hippies and free love and wild sex!

“Well, since you’re his big brother, why don’t you sit over next to him and watch?” I taunted Ray. He shook his head and came back, “Nawwwwww, I don’t need to see THAT up close. I prefer the view from here!”

Indeed, he wasn’t look at where I now was holding Marc’s dick in my hand, he was absorbed with my bare butt, even if I was keeping my legs together such that my pussy wasn’t showing - at least for now. I looked up at Marc as I slowly started to stroke his dick. It wasn’t anything to write home about, maybe five inches at most, but damn was it hard! That was one thing about smaller dicks, they seemed to make up for with hardness what they lacked in size.

“Soooooo, do you want me to suck your dick Marc?” I said more softly this time. He nodded but that wasn’t good enough for me. “No, I want to hear you say it. Now tell me - do you or don’t you want me to suck your dick?”

Marc looked at his brother again and then down at me holding his dick. I think he liked what I was doing but he didn’t seem too sure about his brother watching. Still, I WAS stroking his dick and he WAS horny as hell now so he managed to get out a high-pitched, “Yes!”

“Noooooo,” I corrected him again, “I said I wanted you to tell me so say it.”

By now I was getting along pretty well with my hand-job and he was becoming less and less worried about his brother and more and more interested in what I was doing. “Yes, I want you to suck my dick,” he finally blurted out. I smiled back in return and said, “There, that wasn’t so hard was it? Not nearly so hard as your great dick.”

OK, so it wasn’t a GREAT dick but every guys likes to hear a girl compliment his cock and I was sure Marc was no exception. I looked back at Ray and Riley one last time, gave them a grin, and then turned back to Marc and lowered my head to his dick.

At first I just licked the tip, and then up and down his fleshy shaft with my tongue. Then I put my lips over his shaft, sort of like when you eat an ear of corn except I was careful not to bite him! I nibbled on his dick from the base to the head and then back down again before going up once more. With my eyes meeting his, I let his dick slip between my lips and into my mouth, sucking gently on the mushroomed head while I teased the tip with my tongue.

“Oh yeah, go for it Marc,” his brother encouraged him.

Riley was quiet, probably wondering how he’d ever been so lucky to find a slut like me on the beach this afternoon. Well, that made us BOTH lucky I guess, didn’t it? As for me, I’d never even dreamed I’d be so lucky today!

I sucked gently on Marc’s dick. I knew better than to get too aggressive too soon as odds were he was ready to explode as it was. Probably not even in his wildest fantasies had he ever dreamed anything this would ever happen to him! After a while I lifted my head up and turned back to Ray and Riley.

“Hey! Are you two just going to watch or is someone going to fuck me?”

There, I’d be willing to bet pretty heavy that they’d never had a girl say THAT to them before, at least not one they hadn’t paid for! It was really a lot of fun for me to act out this way, like I was a total slut and nothing was too wild for me to say or do. Of course, even I have my limits but hopefully neither of them would push hard enough to find them. Riley and Ray exchanged glances and it was Riley that finally spoke up, looking at Ray as he did.

“Well, it’s YOUR brother she’s blowing so I guess it’s only right that you fuck her, don’t you think?”

“Well, if you insist,” Ray replied, as if he was doing it under duress but we all knew better than that.

Ray quickly pulled off his shorts to expose his own erection. Hmmmmmm, older brother was not only bigger overall, but a lot bigger between his legs as well. Still nothing to star in a porn flick with, but a respectable six or seven inches and considerably thicker than his younger brother’s tool.

Satisfied I had “motivated” him, I went back to blowing Marc, still going slow to keep him on the edge without pushing him over. I could taste the distinctive bitterness of his precum as it began to seep from his cock so I slowed my ministrations even more to stall off his orgasm for as long as possible.

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