Kelly's Diary 189 - Fun at an Rv Park
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: Blackmailed
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1: Blackmailed - I've never even been in a recreational vehicle (RV) before so imagine being crammed inside one with my adulterous school administrator and his family so they could save money on a hotel. Thank goodness I had time run around the park on my own one day - stopping now and then for some fun.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Consensual True Story Cheating Incest Mother Son Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
It was Day Three in California, Day Two of the church convention I’d been blackmailed into attending. Without going into the all the minutiae (see the diary entries for June 25 and May 24th for all the gory details), in order to regain my teaching position at the school where I had been forced to resign last year, I had to be interviewed by the new administrator, Mr. Eisenberg.
The mere fact I was being granted an interview made me assume the previous administrator hadn’t passed on the details of my “situation” back then. Thus it was more than a little shocking to learn that Mr. Eisenberg had indeed been warned about my “issues” by the his predecessor, but he claimed to be willing to overlook things provided I proved to him how badly I wanted the position.
Long story short, to get the position I was forced to “assume the position”, marking another “first” for me, one I’d rather not celebrate. For the first time in my life I blatantly used sex to get myself a job. Of course, for most of my teen years onward I’ve never been afraid to use sex to get other things I wanted, but we’re talking about dinners, clothes, and such things. This was different, this was my CAREER. I was literally sleeping with the boss. What next, fucking my way up the corporate ladder? Then again, if it worked then why not?
Granted, in my defense it wasn’t my idea nor was I given much of a choice. It was a “take it or leave it” one-time offer made by Mr. Eisenberg and I was left with no viable options. The only positive side, if you can look at it that way at all, was that it WAS just sex, and not some other form of blackmail like money or who knows what. In the end (no pun intended) it wasn’t all that bad and I have to admit I even enjoyed it somewhat. It didn’t hurt that he was married with two young daughters - none of whom had any idea their husband or dad was such a pervert. Anyone who knows me knows that I get off being fucked by cheating husbands, especially when it’s their first time, so had the circumstances been different I might have actually looked forward to it.
I suppose what bothered me was two things. First, it involved my teaching career and I always had dreamed that I would remain professional and never do anything immoral or unethical as a teacher. No flirting with students, no slutty clothes that pushed the dress code, none of that so far as my career was involved. Thus to have to sleep with someone in order to be hired offended my ideals and ruined my career plans before it had hardly begun.
Second, even though it involved a married man, my policy has always been:”once and done” when it came to a guy with a wedding ring. I know many a guy that had fucked me would have loved to do me again, and I probably would have enjoyed it as well. However, it was never my intention to be someone’s mistress and I believe too much in the principles of marriage to ever want to be the reason for one to be ruined.
If anything, by doing a guy once and letting him “get it out of his system”, I feel I’ve actually HELPED many a struggling marriage. With Mr. Eisneberg, it could easily turn into just what I was hoping to avoid, becoming his mistress.
My worst fears were realized sooner than I’d anticipated. My assumption had been that once hired, I would be “free” from Mr. Eisenberg’s demands at least until the school year started. That assumption was crushed when he called to “invite” me to be a church representative at some conference in California. It was the sort of invitation you can’t refuse and for the first time, it really started to hit me what kind of situation I was allowing myself to become involved with. Something in the pit of my stomach told me that this wasn’t going to be the last “invitation” I received from him.
Going to a church convention was probably one of the last things on my wish list for something to do this summer. Indeed, his wife turned out to be quite the bitch, on my case from the moment she saw me and realized I wasn’t some old lady from school as she had expected but rather a girl at least ten years younger than her. Trying to look past her, I soon was having a blast at the convention. Indeed, the very first day not only was I fucked by Mr. Eisenberg just before the opening session, but soon afterwards I blew a cute virgin in the overhead of the convention center ballroom, and even masturbated while being driven around town on a shuttle bus. Not a bad start for the first day!
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