Kelly's Diary 188 - Unconventional Convention
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 5: Debate in the Exhibit Hall
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Debate in the Exhibit Hall - For a girl (like me) who loves having sex in a church, you can just imagine the opportunity presented by national church convention! Not to mention I was attending courtesy of an invitation by my new boss - the school administrator who I'd recently "interviewed" with for my job starting this fall. His wife and kids were along as well but that just made it all the hotter for me.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual True Story Cheating Masturbation Oral Sex
Well, the day was barely behalf-over and so far I’d been fucked once and swallowed a massive load of cum - from a different guy, and a virgin, at that. Not a bad start considering I’d started the day out expecting it be boring and uneventful! Actually I shouldn’t have been surprised. Over the years I’d found that some of the most outwardly “religious” men are actually the ones who are the first to want to get in my panties and cheat on their wives. It’s like they’re wound springs, waiting for the right opportunity to release all that pent up desire and lust that they have been pushing away, trying to pretend that they don’t have such feelings, that somehow they are affected the same way as other men when they see a sexy girl. Now I was surrounded by hundreds of such men and I was starting to wonder if this wasn’t going to be like shooting fish in a barrel!
The main exhibit hall opened soon after I’d finished sucking Derek’s cock and swallowing his cum so it was with a renewed spirit that I went in to survey the area. As I entered I passed by the Eisenbergs and stopped to say hello. Mr. Eisenberg was engaged in some deep philosophical discussion so Kelly took the opportunity to try to push my buttons.
“So ... get laid again slut?”
By now I was beginning to get an idea that our relationship was going to be rather tense for the rest of the trip so I figured I had nothing to lose. Grinning back at her I looked around to ensure nobody was listening in and answered, “Well, not laid but I did just give a guy a great blowjob. He came in my mouth ... wanna see?”
I acted as though I was going to open my mouth and stick out my tongue for her. Of course by now all that was left in my mouth was the aftertaste but my threat was enough to make her gasp and put her hand up to stop me.
“And you call yourself a Christian?” she said, the tone of disgust heavy in her voice.
“Just using the gifts God gave me,” I said with a smirk.
It was like two gladiators sparring - thrust and counter-thrust. If she thought she could shame me then she had another thought coming. I had long ago come to grips with the delicate balance between my religious and sexual morals. Indeed, I felt exactly as I’d just said. I feel blessed by God for giving me the body I have and the opportunity to use it. Why give me such things if I wasn’t meant to use it? I wasn’t being a prostitute. Men were happy to fuck me and I certainly enjoyed it so what harm was being done? I have no musical talents, the only athletic skill I possess is waterskiing, I certainly can’t sing and I can’t draw or paint for anything. My body and sexual skills are my biggest “gift” from God and as such, I fully intended to use them!
“I don’t think it works quite that way,” she started to argue with me but just then Mr. Eisenberg interrupted.
“Hey, is everything OK?” he asked, a look of concern on his face.
“Just debating how we use the gifts of the Spirit,” I responded before his Kelly had a chance.
She glowered at me but then smiled sweetly at her husband, taking him by the arm and steering him well clear of me. As they walked away, she turned her head around and I could clearly make out her lips as she mouthed, “Stay away from him.” It was all I could do not to laugh and run up and tell her he’d already fucked me today so she was too late but that would have not accomplished anything so I just smiled and walked away.
It took about ten minutes to figure out that this place was about as boring as it comes. It may have helped had I been of this denomination but as it was, I didn’t see much that interested me so I walked back outside again and felt the warm sun on my face. Thoughts of Derek’s dick erupting unexpectedly in my mouth dominated my thoughts and I closed my eyes, standing there in the middle of the crowd as I dreamed of how it might have been to fuck him.
Then I thought about Kelly. God, what a witch! I really wished that somehow I could tell her what me and her husband had been doing but as delicious as it might be for a few moments, I knew it would only result in him getting a divorce and me being unemployed. Still, it was a fun fantasy to think about when you’re standing outside in the warm California sun!
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