Kelly's Diary 188 - Unconventional Convention - Cover

Kelly's Diary 188 - Unconventional Convention

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Grab-and-Go Lunch

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Grab-and-Go Lunch - For a girl (like me) who loves having sex in a church, you can just imagine the opportunity presented by national church convention! Not to mention I was attending courtesy of an invitation by my new boss - the school administrator who I'd recently "interviewed" with for my job starting this fall. His wife and kids were along as well but that just made it all the hotter for me.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

It wasn’t long before I started to think that maybe this convention wasn’t going to be so boring after all. The opening service was done by noon and it as time for lunch. Even though there were signs for some pretty cool places to eat right across the road, the Eisenbergs had bought meal tickets for most of the meals, some of which included a presentation of something else to do. Judging from the prices, they’d better be serving steak and caviar but unfortunately that wasn’t to be the way it went. The first lunch was billed as a “Grab-and- Go” which I took to mean some sort of box lunch. Damn, for $20 it had better be a pretty darn good box!

We headed for the convention center, Kelly and Mr. Eisenberg (I just couldn’t get myself to call my boss by his first name, no matter what he’d said earlier about it) broke apart and we made arrangements to meet later that day. There were some people they apparently knew that they wanted to meet so for the most part I was left to be on my own. Considering I’m not even a member of this denomination, I wasn’t exactly thrilled about attending too many of the events.

The main ballroom had been split up into different sections by moveable walls and the lunch I had a ticket for was in a relatively small room crammed with tables and chairs. Before long the mob from the opening service had arrived and the room was buzzing. Someone rolled in some carts with boxes on them which I took to be our lunch and as it turned out, I was correct. Ugh, some type of green wrap, a bag of chips and some Oreo cookies. $20 for this?

“Not exactly what I suppose you were expecting?”

I turned and saw I was being addressed by some guy behind me who was inspecting his own lunch, with a look that said he was thinking about the same as I was as to its value.

“Yeah, our school serves better lunches for $3,” I replied, smiling at him. He seemed to be alone and was wearing a name badge around his neck which allowed me to see he was Derek, hailing from one of the local churches in the LA area.

“I suppose now you wish you had gone home for lunch, eh?”

Derek laughed politely and just shook his head. Then he asked if I would like to join him at one of the tables and we took a seat next to each other. He seemed pretty sharp, deducing I was a school teacher based on my hint of a remark about lunch costs (at least he didn’t accuse me of being a lunch lady!). We exchanged some small talk while people around us carried on their own conversations.

“You don’t exactly seem like the typical delegate,” Derek said, changing the subject after a conversation about the relative merits of the local restaurants.

I looked at him, not sure how to take it which made him grin and add, “I mean that nice ... like most of the people here are old enough to be our parents - or grandparents for that matter.”

Then he paused, as if uncertain whether to continue but then he added, “Plus let’s just say you LOOK a lot better than the average delegate.”

I smiled at the compliment. Actually, to NOT look better than the average delegate would require a feat of magic for a girl my age but I took it as I was sure he meant it to be - as a compliment.

“Well, you seem to be different than most guys here as well,” I said back innocently, but with a sly grin that was anything but.

“Oh really?” he said, feigning ignorance, “And how am I so different?”

This time it was my turn to pause. I looked at him and took stock of what he might have to “offer”. Derek looked to be a few years older than me, was good looking but not a movie star, and seemed to have a pleasant enough personality. He also had a penchant for glancing down at my boobs whenever he thought I didn’t notice, just like most guys do but girls always notice anyway (we just pretend not to guys!). It didn’t escape my attention that he was sitting closer to me than even the tight quarters warranted and more than once his hand “accidentally slipped” and rubbed up against my skirt-covered thigh. What the heck, what did I have to lose? It was either pace the hallways or see if I could have some fun so why not go for broke?

Putting my hand on his leg, I licked my lips and smiled at him saying, “Let’s just say you look like the kind of guy that could show an out-of-town girl a good time.”

Derek’s eyes lit up and I could almost hear the announcer in his head proclaiming he’d just hit a home run.

“Well, I have to join a presentation at 2:30 but until then I guess I could show you a few things.”

“Well ... there IS one thing I’d love to see,” I purred seductively. It was my turn now to rub my hand on HIS upper leg, moving upward and inward just enough so that he knew exactly where I’d like it to be instead.

This time there was no mistaking the glint in his eyes as this time he looked down at my boobs and didn’t seem to car as much that I noticed. His face was slightly flushed and I noticed his breathing seemed a little heavier. There were people all around us, none of which had a clue what was happening right under their collective noses. I imagine it would have caused quite a stir if they actually DID know.

“Well, I don’t think I can show you THAT right here ... you know?” he teased me back.

“Well..., do you know someplace where you CAN show it to me?” I replied, keeping up the little game and advancing it forward maybe just a bit.

Greg’s eye seemed to get this faraway look, as if he was staring ahead but not really seeing anything as his mind seemed to be cranking away at something or another. Then they refocused and he smiled at me.

“Maybe I do at that,” he finally responded, “Follow me.”

The two of us stood up to leave and worked our way through the crowd. There was a back door to the room that led to a corridor that went along the various sections that had been cordoned off. A variety of convention workers were moving things back and forth and various chairs and things were stacked, ready for the next round of presentations and talks. Derek put his hand in the small of my back and guided me towards the far end of the corridor where there were some stairs that led somewhere above us.

“I was exploring earlier and came across this place,” he explained, “At the time it was a quiet place to pray but now I think it might be just what the doctor ordered.”

With my heels the metal stairs were hazardous, to say the least, but Derek stayed behind me to keep me balanced I made my way to the top. No doubt the view of my ass right in front of his face provided some motivation as well! There was a small room that overlooked the entire ballroom area with various controls for lighting and who knows what else.

“I think this is where they run things during the big balls and such. For now it doesn’t seem it get used at all,” Derek explained, “Look ... you can see everyone down there but we’re above the lights so they can’t see a thing so far was we are concerned.”

It was like being a Peeping Tom except none of the activities below were all that interesting. Still, it seemed pretty cool that we could see and do most anything and they couldn’t see us while we could see them.

“Soooooo...” Derek intoned, “What exactly was it that you wanted to see anyway?”

There may be times when I’m a bit shy but when it comes to sex and sexually- related situations, anyone who knows me will tell you that shyness has never been much an issue with me. While no doubt Derek was pretty sure he knew what I wanted to “see”, still he certainly didn’t seem prepared for me to be so blunt and forward about it.

“I’d love to see your dick,” I blurted out, “So what do you say? How about a little show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

Now THAT didn’t come out quite subtle as I’d intended but he was too shocked by the first half of the statement to grasp what I could have been saying in the second half - thank goodness!

“Oh really?” he said, his voice cracking a bit.

I suppose he had never been with a girl quite so direct but then he’d never been with me before. It’s surprising how guys always seem to WANT a girl to be open and forthright but then when she actually IS, they seem overwhelmed and can’t handle it.

“Well ... isn’t that what you want Derek,” I said soothingly, running my hand over his chest and down towards his waist, “Don’t you want me to suck your dick?”

“Well yeah ... of course,” he stammered, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.

“Then what are you waiting for? Show it to me Derek ... show me your dick. I really DO want to see it.”

He shook his head, as if trying to wake up from this dream he must have been having. No doubt he’d never had a girl, at least not one he didn’t have to pay for, come right out and tell him she wanted to suck his dick. Personally I loved shocking him this way. The expression on his face was priceless!

Derek fumbled with his belt until finally he had it undone. Tired of waiting for him, I reached out and helped him undo his zipper and then grabbed the waist of his pants with both hands and pulled them down to his ankles, followed swiftly by his white cotton Fruit of the Loom underwear.

I grinned as I saw his cock was already standing proud, fully erect. Yep, no matter what a guy might say or how he might act, his dick ALWAYS was the final proof of what he was thinking about and it was obvious that Derek had been thinking about me sucking his dick for a while now - and probably more than that if he was like most guys.

“Nice dick,” I complimented him as I reached out to grab it with my hand.

His shirt tails partially covered him but he held it up so as to give me an unrestricted view of his hairy crotch area, “I’m not being too forward for you, am I?”

I tried to look as if I was worried that I might have offended or maybe even embarrassed him, my sweetest and most innocent look I could conjure up. When he shook his head, unable apparently to speak at the moment, I released the inner slut in me, licking my lips in anticipation of his dick between them. He was a bit bigger than Mr. Eisenberg had been just a few hours earlier, both longer and thicker but not so much so as to be a pain in the neck (literally). Also, even though he was younger his pubic hair was much thicker and longer as well, almost like a wild bush had been planted between his legs.

“You know Derek, I LOVE dicks and I LOVE to suck them ... can I suck yours now?”

It was not really a question as I would have sucked it without asking but experience told me that men loved it when I asked to suck their dicks. Guess it’s that in-bred domination gene or whatever they all seem to have. Anyway, Derek nodded his head, apparently still not trusting his voice.

Using his dick like a leash, I maneuvered him to a desk and motioned for him to sit on top so I wouldn’t have to kneel. (Damn, long skirts are such a pain in the neck!) He shuffled over with his pants around his ankle, almost like a shackled prisoner and indeed, with my hand gripping his cock he was entirely under my control. Pushing his legs apart after he had taken a seta, I leaned over and touched the tip of his dick with my tongue, licked it briefly and then stood up to look him in the eyes again.

“You haven’t told me that you wanted me to suck your dick yet?” I scolded him mildly, “So do you or what?”

His eyes were down, watching me stroking his dick slowly and then he looked back up at me to reply, “Oh wow ... you know it.”

“What?” I demanded, “What do I know? Tell me Derek.”

He was so confused and conflicted it was almost comical. No doubt when he tried hitting on my downstairs he had just expected to have a pleasant conversation and maybe cop a feel under the table. Now here he was, sitting bare-ass on a desk top, his cock in the hands of a girl he’d never met before. Small wonder he was having a hard time putting a coherent sentence together!

“I want you to suck it,” he said meekly.

“Suck what?” I came back.

“My dick ... I want you to suck my dick,” he pleaded almost pathetically now. Of course he did, what man can honestly say he would NOT want his dick sucked given the opportunity? Well, none that I had met yet, that was for sure!

“That wasn’t so hard to say, now was it Derek,” I said more soothingly this time, stroking his dick the entire time.

“Oh wow!” he exclaimed as I leaned over and took the head of his dick in my mouth, my tongue flickering around the tip.

Bending over like this I couldn’t look up but I could just imagine him staring at my mouth as it surrounded his erect dick and I took more and more of it in until I was all the way down to the base.

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