Kelly's Diary 188 - Unconventional Convention - Cover

Kelly's Diary 188 - Unconventional Convention

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 1: An Invitation I Couldn’t Refuse

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: An Invitation I Couldn’t Refuse - For a girl (like me) who loves having sex in a church, you can just imagine the opportunity presented by national church convention! Not to mention I was attending courtesy of an invitation by my new boss - the school administrator who I'd recently "interviewed" with for my job starting this fall. His wife and kids were along as well but that just made it all the hotter for me.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

It had been less than a month since my final “interview” with Mr. Eisenberg, the School Administrator for the small school I will be teaching at this coming fall. It may have been the most “interesting” interview I’d ever had, and certainly not at all like I had been expecting. After all, this WAS for a position at a VERY conservative Christian elementary school.

Mr. Eisenberg WAS married - with children, not to mention I’d been forced to resign last year by Mr. Eisenberg’s predecessor due to my supposed “lack of ethics”. It was only due to his well-timed heart attack (at least it was for me) that I even had the opportunity to apply for my old job back. Considering everything, having to meet Mr. Eisenberg at a hotel so he could fuck me was probably the last thing I had EVER would have thought would happen as part of my “interview” process!

Now I am not so naive as to think my “obligations” to Mr. Eisenberg would end after just the one interview but at the same time, I felt confident that I wouldn’t have to face the problem until at least the school year started. Although I would undoubtedly cost him his job if I were to make a stink about what he was doing to me but in doing so I would just as assuredly lose my own job as well, not to mention any chance for a teaching career anywhere else - for sure this time.

Thus I was reconciled to the fact that I would likely have periodic “performance reviews” with him - at least regarding my performance when it came to sucking his dick. Things could be a lot worse though. What if I had been turned down for the job or if he had extorted me financially or in other ways? All things considered, putting out a little now and then for him wasn’t exactly the worse price to pay for my teaching position. The fact that he was cheating on his wife didn’t hurt either when it came to how I felt about it.

All that was months away so why worry about it now? With summer here and all the schools out on summer vacation, I was tutoring now pretty much every day. To the disappointment of my distributor, I was making enough to quit my modeling job with the home Passion party scene. Sure they were fun, more so some times than others, but after a while they got to be somewhat repetitious. I guess I could have exploited the circumstances at times more than I did but then just imagine the reputation I’d soon have had around town - not exactly the best thing to have when you’re applying for a public school position down the road.

With all thoughts of Mr. Eisenberg pushed to the back of my mind, you can imagine my surprise when my cell phone rang new day and I saw it was Mr. Eisenberg calling. Puzzled as to what he might want (although a few thoughts came to mind pretty quick), I cautiously answered. Mr. Eisenberg got right to the point, explaining that he was a Deacon for the church that sponsored the school and was representing the church at an upcoming conference which was being held in Pasadena, CA.

Apparently another woman was supposed to represent the church as well but she had a family problem of some sort and wouldn’t be able to attend. Given the short notice (it was only three days away) they had been unable to find anyone to replace her so Mr. Eisenberg wanted to know if I would be interested in attending. He also mentioned that he and his wife would also appreciate having someone to watch over their kids at times. Turns out he has two daughters, one in sixth grade and the other in eighth grade, so it wasn’t like they really needed anyone to baby-sit them, more like just be there in case anything went wrong.

As he went on with his explanation, I noted that he never mentioned anything whatsoever about me and him doing anything. Oh yeah, like I really believed he wasn’t thinking about it! Besides, why else would he have called me? Not only was I not a member of the church, I wasn’t even of the same denomination so what sense did it make for me to be a delegate? No doubt Mr. Eisenberg would be expecting me to do more than just watch his kids for him ... a LOT more. Still, there was no getting around the fact that it WAS a church event, a pretty serious one at that.

Given that his wife and daughters would be with him most of the time, I wondered if maybe he didn’t say anything because he didn’t yet have any specific plans regarding me. More like he just wanted me to be there and let the opportunities present themselves as they did. Sort of ironic I guess in you could say he was putting it all in God’s hands - just not the sort of “gesture of faith” most people would be expecting at a church convention.

Wow, when I hung up the phone after he explained to me the schedule, I realized I had only a couple of days to get myself ready. Although for the past few weeks I’d been doing a lot of clothes shopping, most of what I’d bought was intended for when I started teaching in the fall and winter and so it wasn’t exactly suitable for hot California summers. Fortunately, I’d also been doing some shopping for my tutoring jobs this summer, trying to present myself a bit more professionally than just wearing a pair of jeans and a tank top like I use to back when I was in college. While the outfits I’d picked out were considerably more conservative than those I typically wore around, no doubt they would still be borderline for this type of convention.

If I was eight years old I might get away with wearing a skirt above the knees, but not as a 24 years- old. Same went for cami’s - they look cute on little girls, but at my age they also draw far more attention to all the “wrong” places, at least more than what people considered “decent” in traditionalist church denominations such as this one.

Looking through my wardrobe - if you can call a small closet a wardrobe, I found a few outfits that should pass muster. Plus, I figured while traveling I could wear more “casual clothes” and my bikinis would be fine as there wasn’t a swimming pool at the Convention Center. Mr. Eisenberg had mentioned that they were planning to rent an RV to minimize costs and so we would be staying at some RV park a ways outside of Pasadena.

While I’d never seen an RV park other than in the movies, I figured folks there wouldn’t mind seeing me in my skimpy bikini, especially the guys - although you never can tell about the girls these days as well. At least I had plenty of “appropriate” underwear thanks to my recent shopping splurges.

To my chagrin, teachers were required to wear bras at my school. Wearing a bra any time is a pain if you ask me, but in summer it ranks as cruel and unusual punishment. As uncomfortable as it might be, I didn’t have to be told to know it would definitely be a requirement at these type of affairs. Again, I didn’t want to misrepresent the church with any embarrassing comments that might later filter back regarding my appearance.

Suddenly I remembered my dad - I hadn’t told him yet what I was doing. When I finally did call, all I got as his answering machine. Being as late as it was, that meant he was probably “busy” with my Aunt Linda. It seemed lately she practically lived at his house and their relationship seemed to be growing deeper as time elapsed following my mom’s passing.

Really, it was inevitable when you think of it. Linda and he had dated in high school at the same time he had been dating my mother, even though mom was a couple of years behind her and three years behind him. My take is that while he loved my mom as a partner the most (which is why he eventually married her), he enjoyed having sex with her sister more (which I guess is a good reason why he never stopped fucking her, even after he married my mom).

Things between them had cooled off a bit after my mom was gone but over time it revived and now they were like two adolescent kids in high school going through their first crush. Sure it was all about sex rather than love, but at their age, why not enjoy themselves? So long as the arrangement suited them both given their stations in life, why not have a bit of fun?

I ended up leaving my dad a message and then I laid back in bed to contemplate all that had happened today. Boy, talk about changing your plans for the next week, this one took the cake! Tomorrow would be even busier as I had to call my tutoring clients and inform them I would be out of town for almost a week. Then I had to go shopping for a couple more outfits, then pack, get my hair done ... the list went on. We would be flying on some ungodly early flight - again to save money, which meant I had to be in bed early the next night so there was a ton of things for me to do and not much time to do them.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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