Kelly's Diary 185 - Surprising Uncle - Cover

Kelly's Diary 185 - Surprising Uncle

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Uncle Paul and My Mom

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Uncle Paul and My Mom - It's amazing what you can still learn about your own family sometimes. Even more so is who you learn them from - and what happens after you do.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Oral Sex  

With THAT little “problem” out of the way, I went back to work on my car washing efforts. I’d just gotten the car soaped down when I heard another car pull into the driveway entrance above me. At first my thoughts jumped to my just-finished masturbation fantasy - was Kristen here ... I was up for more if she was! But then I looked closer and didn’t recognize the car at first, it certainly wasn’t Kristen, nor was it my dad’s SUV, the second thing that came to my mind as I thought for a moment it might be my dad coming home early. He knew I would be here and it wouldn’t have surprised me if he took off work early to meet me here but alas, that wasn’t the case.

Then, much to my surprise, my Uncle Paul climbed of the car. That was odd in that so far as I knew, he hadn’t stopped by our house in ages, as in years.

“Dad’s at work!” I called out to him as he stood at the top of the driveway, as if uncertain whether to go to the front door or come down to where I was.

My uncle replied back down to me. “I know. I just need to borrow a couple of tools from your dad’s workbench.”

Now THAT sounded a little suspicious. You see, my dad’s a great lawyer but he’s not exactly the mechanical type. Sure, he tries to take care of the little things around the house but it’s not like he maintains an extensive tool collection or anything like that. When it comes to any major plumbing or car repair, he just calls in the experts.

Uncle Paul walked down the steep decline towards me. I tried not to smile as I noticed his eyes did exactly what 90% of most guys’ eyes when they approached me - up and down with a pause at my chest - and often that was as high as they got! Of course, being my uncle he was trying not to be TOO obvious about it but it’s funny how guys think they can look a girl over, blatantly undressing her with their eyes, and still somehow think she doesn’t notice.

“Yeah, I called him earlier this morning and he said to just stop by. He mentioned you would probably be here in case I had trouble getting in.”

Well, it was nice know my dad at least remembered I would be here, even if he didn’t take the time to BE here when I was. It was no different than most weekends while I was growing up. I guess you don’t get to be a senior partner working 8 to 5 on weekdays only.

I just shrugged, not thinking much about it and he disappeared into the garage while I went back to my car washing.

“You know, you really look good in that outfit.”

He sort of startled me as I was concentrating on a particularly stubborn dirty spot and had put my uncle out of my mind in the process. I straightened up and in doing so, realized what a view I must have been giving him, bending over at the waist to get towards the bottom of the car door. My shorts would ride up pretty high when I did that, probably giving him quite a tease between the crotch as there wasn’t much material left there to begin with and then to bend over and stretch it thin...

Uncle Paul was standing at the edge of the garage floor, empty-handed. I wondered where the tools were that he was supposedly looking for. If he expected ME to help him find them, well all I can say is good luck to THAT. OK, so I know a hammer from a screwdriver but that’s about it when it comes to being a mechanic.

“Don’t take this wrong but that was quite a view,” he chuckled, standing there with his arms folded across his chest.

Well, I wasn’t going to take it “wrong” but his remark certainly surprise me as while I knew he had looked at me more than a few times when he thought didn’t notice, he had never really said all that much to me, let alone compliment me on my appearance. Certainly he had never made any sort of suggestive remark to me ever before. I wasn’t quite sure how to respond so he picked up the conversation - if that’s what you could call it.

“Soooooo ... tell me Kelly, what did you think about our Easter get-together at Jim’s?”

Hmmm, not what was he referring to? At this point I really wasn’t sure what he meant or where he was going at with this line of questioning so I pretended to not understand what he said, causing him to reword his question.

“What I was trying to ask was ... did you have fun while we were all there?”

Now he was starting to freak me out a little. Fun? As in what kind of fun was he referring to? Certainly he didn’t mean the “fun: I had down in the basement bedrooms as there was no way he could know anything about THAT. So what was he getting at? I mean, spending the afternoon with relatives isn’t exactly the most “fun: thing for most people.

Uncle Paul must have caught the puzzled look of my face. He paused for a second, as if trying to decide whether or not to say something, and then a sly grin appeared, like he was about to share a naughty secret with me.

“You know Kelly, I would’ve paid about anything just to see the look on Shari’s face if she had seen what your dad was doing with that little slut Tammy down in the basement.”

What the hell? How did he know about THAT? Uncle Paul started to laugh at me as I must have amused him when my jaw dropped so far I was surprised it didn’t hit the concrete.

“Oh come on Kelly, I know all about what he’s been doing with our little niece. Shit, I have to say I’m a bit envious.”

I just stood there, not sure whether he was just shooting in the dark to see how I responded or if he actually knew what he was talking about. Perhaps he just suspected something, for whatever reason, and was hoping that by coming out so boldly I would assume he knew everything and confirm it for him. It was a stunt lawyers like to use but when your dad’s a lawyer, you know about it so I wasn’t ready to fall completely into a potential minefield.

“Whatever are you talking about Uncle Paul?” I finally responded, trying to act genuinely confused, as if I had no idea about what he was telling me.

“Oh give me a break Kelly, I know everything ... everything.”

With that he gave me a wink, leading me to wonder now what all he knew. Was it just the Easter thing or more? If more, just how much more? Was it just Tammy he knew about or what else? Thankfully it was my uncle standing in front of me and not some investigator ... or worse. Still, I felt a little lightheaded as the realization began to sink in that he DID know SOMETHING - just what was it though?

“Ummmmm, how did you find out?” I asked, deflecting his question with another, hoping that maybe I could get a hint of what he knew by finding out HOW he knew what he did. Well, it was like it was as much a game to him as anything as he played me like a fine violin.

“Well..., it COULD have been her dad - we both know what an asshole my youngest brother is,” he started out. Then he paused to see my response but I tried to remain as blank as possible until finally he gave in and laughed, saying, “BUT, it wasn’t.” Then he looked up in the sky as if thinking and then threw out another scenario.

“Then again, it COULD have been YOUR dad - but then we both know he would never say anything about it to anyone. John’s much too enamored with his that corner office and six, or is it seven, figure salary to risk telling anyone, even me ... or should I say ESPECIALLY me?”

Again he paused for effect and again I remained silent, neither confirming nor denying anything he was saying. He seemed to be having a lot of fun but it was at my expense and I was starting to get a bit perturbed.

“Of course, I simply COULD have just noticed the way he looked at her and then, when the two of them disappeared for half an hour, just put two and two together,” he said, rubbing his hands together like he was weaving some sordid plot together. He was actually grinning at my discomfort, a little annoying if you asked me.

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