Kelly's Diary 185 - Surprising Uncle
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: Saturday Morning With Kristen
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Saturday Morning With Kristen - It's amazing what you can still learn about your own family sometimes. Even more so is who you learn them from - and what happens after you do.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual True Story Cheating Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
While I LOVE having my own apartment, one of the disadvantages of moving away from home is the lack of basic resources you took for granted while growing up. One of the first things I learned was that doing your own laundry is EXPENSIVE! Fortunately, I didn’t move all that far from home and my dad doesn’t mind me stopping by now and then to do a few loads - especially if I do some of his at the same time. Also, my apartment is rather small ... make that VERY small and so I don’t have the same closet and storage space I have always been accustomed to having. It was almost like being back in college in a tiny dorm room. Thus I have kept most of my summer clothes in my old bedroom during this past winter.
While it seemed for a while that winter would NEVER end, finally the warm days have been returning. Another thing I learned that I was missing living in an apartment was access to a free hose for washing my car. Like Laundromats, it didn’t take long for me to discover the high cost of getting my car washed. It wasn’t such a big deal in winter because I had no choice about the matter; but now that summer was back any opportunity to save ten bucks a week or more was certainly worth pursuing. After all the rain and yucky weather this past week, I awoke to brilliant sunshine on Saturday morning and my trusty WeatherBug was predicting a warm sunny day.
Indeed, the sun was more than just rising and I saw that the clock on my nightstand said it was just past 11:00! Well, the previous night had been pretty tiring so I didn’t feel TOO guilty about sleeping in. It had started with a small Passion Party where I did my usual thing - modeling lingerie and showing off sex toys for a small group of housewives out to have a little risque fun for the evening. Almost all of them were maybe ten to twenty years older than me so I kept things toned down a bit, much to the relief of the distributor I worked for!
After the party, I had a late dinner with my cousin Kristen. It wasn’t often we both had Friday evening off at the same time After much debate we finally decided on a local Chinese place, not one of those gross buffets but a really nice place in town. It was really nice to just spend an evening with my favorite cousin, trading stories and gossip, without having to be concerned about who was watching us or what the guys we were with were going to try to do next. Granted, there WERE plenty of guys watching us but for this one evening we agreed up front that it would be just the two of us, two cousins just enjoying an evening together.
After dinner we ended up at my place along with a couple bottles of wine. For me, at least, that was a little out of the ordinary since I rarely drank anything alcoholic except for maybe a small glass of wine with dinner now and then. My lack of “experience” with regards to alcoholic drinks showed as it didn’t take long before I was uncharacteristically drunk ... plastered would be a more apt description I think.
Having downed even more glasses than me, Kristen was too drunk to drive home but fortunately not TOO drunk that she didn’t realize it so she ended up spending the night. It wasn’t like she needed pajamas or nighties. The last thing I remembered was we both just dropped our clothes at the side of the bed and collapsed with hardly a word or even a kiss good night.
Speaking of which ... As my head cleared and my eyes adjusted to the bright sun, I finally remembered the lump under the covers next to me. God, I must have really been out of it not to remember she had spent the night in bed with me when I woke up! Kristen wasn’t moving a muscle so I lifted the covers to make sure she was ok - or at least breathing! Underneath she was laying on her side, facing away from me, but she was still sound asleep. I grinned as her hair and makeup was a total disaster but then I doubted mine was looking much better. It goes without saying she was naked but that was no big deal. In all the years I’ve known her, I can’t remember a single time when she’d ever worn anything to bed unless it was absolutely necessary - like at a sleepover at a friend’s when we were in school. You have to remember that not all parents were as enlightened as her mom when she was growing up, at least so far as sleeping naked went. Heck, even I wore pajamas or a nightie to bed until I was twelve. Then again, I hadn’t been sleeping with my naked mom since I was a little kid either.
My attention was distracted away from her as all this moving around after having first woke up was having it’s inevitable result - I had to go potty, and I had to go BAD! I slipped out of my bed as stealthily as I could, as if I needed to worry about waking the dead, and quickly made my way to the bathroom where I took care of business and then washed my hands and face off. Ugh, I really DID look pretty bad in the mirror! Running a brush through my hair helped to tame it to some degree, and brushing my teeth made my mouth feel human again. Maybe a shower later ... who knows? For now I decided to go back to bed and take advantage of the opportunity to be lazy.
Returning to my room, I saw that Kristen hadn’t budged an inch. I didn’t have anything I HAD to do right away and I still felt a bit tired so I slipped back in bed under the covers with her again. At first I faced away from her, trying to catch a few more winks but in the confines of my narrow bed I could feel my bare butt pressed up against Kristen’s, causing any thoughts of sleep to quickly evaporate. Squirming just a little, I bit my lower lip as I enjoyed the feeling of her soft smooth ass against mine. This was silly ... why was I facing AWAY from her?
Twisting around under the covers, I moved in closer to her in a spooning position with my upper arm draped over her and my lower one down pressed down alongside the two of us. Mmmmmmm, she felt so soft and warm after spending the night all tucked in under the comforter. Her cute bottom was being cupped in my crotch as my boobs pressed against her bare back. Working my arm under hers, I cupped her perky boob in my hand, just holding it at first as I pulled myself in even tighter against her, burying my head in her dark hair.
Not to go off on another tangent, but when I wrote that last sentence it reminded me of some comments made by a few people that I recently sent photos of Kristen. In most of my diary entries I describe her as a blonde and me as the brunette yet in recent photos, it’s just the opposite. What I ended up doing was showing those people some older pics where we are our natural hair color - me the dark brunette and Kristen a dishwater blonde.
In the past couple of years, I’ve tried various styles and colors, first going total blond and now experimenting with more of a streaked blond look. In contrast, Kristen has gradually darkened her mane more and more to where now it’s almost black. So while I guess in my mind I’m still a brunette and she’ll always be a blonde, I WILL try to be more technically correct from now on in my descriptions of us.
OK, sorry for that public service announcement. Now back to being in bed with my unconscious cousin...
Uncharacteristically, Kristen and I hadn’t done anything sexually the night before, not even masturbating together, so it goes without saying that I was a little hornier than usual this morning. Don’t ask me why, but mornings are the most natural time of day for me to have sex. It’s sort of odd in that I am definitely NOT a morning person when it comes to everything else, but rather the night owl who would love to sleep in until noon every day if I had my druthers. Yet for some reason I can’t explain, my BODY is usually raring and ready to go as soon as I woke up, even if my MIND is trying to get me to go back to sleep. Of course, I can be stimulated most any time of day if I try, but I’m talking about my “natural” state. Perhaps that’s one reason I loved it when my dad use to visit me in the mornings before he left for work. The best part was I didn’t even have to “wake up”, he would do me even if I was just lying there!
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