Kelly's Diary 185 - Surprising Uncle
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 1: Family Background
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1: Family Background - It's amazing what you can still learn about your own family sometimes. Even more so is who you learn them from - and what happens after you do.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual True Story Cheating Cousins Uncle Niece Oral Sex
I explain all the gruesome details of my family life in my diary on my website but this time there are some things that are different that need to be explained in order to understand what happened today.
Anyone who keeps up with my diary knows that my mom and her sister was raised in an incestual relationship with their father but on my dad’s side, it was pretty much the standard family situation. My dad was the middle of three boys. His older brother Paul is 52 now, making him eight years older than my dad, and Jim is forty, only two years younger. Due to their age differences, my dad grew up much closer to his younger brother and even to this day, he has little to do with my Uncle Paul. It’s not that they have anything between them, it’s just they never really formed a close bond growing up so far apart in age. Plus, Jim and his family live in the south side of Pittsburgh, much closer than Paul and his family who wound up on the north side in the Fox Chapel area.
When my dad was in high school, Paul had already graduated from college with an Accounting degree and was working his way up some corporate ladder. Meanwhile, my dad and Jim turned out to be quite the lady’s men, a polite way of saying they chased every skirt and tried to get in every girl’s panties they could! Two of the girls they both were involved with were my mom and her younger sister Linda. The four of them dated in various combinations but my dad married my mom shortly after she graduated from high school while Linda went off to marry some other guy, leaving Jim to hook up with my Aunt Shari.
Maybe it had something to do with her upbringing, maybe just a matter of her religious beliefs, or a combination of those and who knows what else, but my mom was VERY strict about her marriage vows, always telling me the most terrible sin a wife could commit was to be unfaithful to her husband - and vice versa for that matter. My mom was also extremely family-oriented, teaching me that honoring the sanctity and solidarity of one’s family is the most important things in your life besides your relationship with God.
When I was younger, I was not exposed to a lot of sex - which I mean to be penetration of a woman’s vagina by a penis to be clinical about it My parents were comfortable with themselves and while not nudists by any means, they didn’t hide themselves either. The hot tub was probably the most common place for us to be nude together. I learned as a young girl that masturbation was a natural response to the needs of one’s body and there was nothing to be ashamed of or to hide when those needs needed to be satisfied. Even so, I was sixteen before I ever saw my parents having sex and even then, it was by accident.
It wasn’t until after I started having sex with my parents (I was 16 at the time, two years after losing my virginity to my boyfriend) that I learned about the full extent of their sexual activities. While I was raised to understand that when you married a man, you also married his family, until then I only interpreted that to mean you stood by your family and supported them no matter what. Now I discovered that my mother interpreted this to mean you were allowed to have sex with them as well without committing adultery so long as it was only direct family members - parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles.
Thus I learned that my mom had continued having sex with my Uncle Jim after she married my dad, although that ended once he got married to a shrew of a wife. My dad and my Aunt Linda had maintained their sexual relationship, which become the primary issue leading to her divorce from her husband but it wasn’t her fault. When her husband demanded that she choose between him and her family, what choice did she have? Family ALWAYS comes first and it was really rotten of him to put her in such a terrible position to have to choose between him and her family, especially when he was free to have sex with the rest of her family as well and he wasn’t afraid to take advantage of it.
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