Kelly's Diary 183 - I Was His Daughter - Cover

Kelly's Diary 183 - I Was His Daughter

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Fulfilling Jack’s Fantasy

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Fulfilling Jack’s Fantasy - Well, at least I was for one afternoon. I've found that most husbands, if pushed hard enough, will admit that they have at least THOUGHT about having sex with their daughter (it doesn't seem to matter how old they are either - father OR daughter). Now while probably more than 99.9% of fathers would never actually DO any of the things they secretly fantasize about doing with their daughters, there is always that one...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Returning home, I watched the movie in its entirety. It really WAS one of the few porn movies I can honestly say turns me more every time I see it. In my humble opinion, Ginger Lynn sucks cock better than anyone I’ve ever known and I have to admit that I’ve plagiarized more than a few of her techniques. Even though I know she’s just acting in front of a camera, she makes it look like she really ENJOYS sucking cock, rather than just going through the motions to get the guy off.

From the first scene where her sister’s boyfriend fucks her in her sleep, to the last one where her daddy finally realizes his fantasies about his gorgeous daughter, I was masturbating almost the entire time! I could easily imagine Jack inserting himself into the scene, with his daughter Jenny playing the role of the daughter. The question was, how was I going to pull this off for him?

Although I knew from the time at the restaurant when he gave me the DVD what it was he wanted to do, I still waited almost a week to call Jack back, plenty of time to let him sweat it out a little bit. He’d given me his work number so I wouldn’t accidentally talk to his wife or daughter when I called. Again, I had to marvel at his naivety in handing out such key personal information about himself to what was essentially a total stranger.

“Hi Jack, just wanted to say I watched what you gave me and I’m OK with everything,” I said to the recorded message on his phone. I didn’t say anything more in case someone else checked his messages for him. It was less than an hour when I got a call back.

“Hey Kelly, thanks for calling, I was starting to worry a little bit when you didn’t call right away,” he confessed. “So what now?”

Actually, I had planned everything out in my head for what I thought would be a fun evening but I didn’t want to tell him all the details, as that would’ve taken out half the fun. So instead I asked him when his house would be available for just the two of us for a few hours.

Jack was silent for a few minutes and I could imagine him going through the calendar in his head. With a teenage daughter and young son, I imagined his home life was a bit hectic, not to mention his wife’s dealings as well.

“You mean you want to do this at MY house?” he finally questioned me incredulously.

“Of course, where else?” I countered, not giving any more away than that.

“I guess I just assumed it would be somewhere else...,” he drifted on, trying to come to grips with the new issues confronting him.

“Nope, it HAS to be your house if you want to do this,” I insisted, holding my ground.

“Well, that doesn’t leave much to choose from ... as I’m sure you understand,” he mused, “Hmmmmmm, how about Saturday afternoon? I know Jan was planning to take Jenny out shopping up north to the outlets for the day and I can probably pawn Michael off with one of his friends.”

Amazing how quickly he seemed to adapt to the idea of doing it in his own home! Well, Saturday was fine with me. We established a time for me to come over and he told me where the key to the front door would be, The pan was at the start it would be like I was home alone. From there ... well, he didn’t need to know the details yet. With most everything in place, that left one rather important detail and I knew Jack had been avoiding it as well.

“I suppose there is the matter of your ... compensation?” he finally came out and asked.

“That’s simple ... just leave an envelope out for me to take home when it’s over,” I instructed him, “I think a thousand dollars should cover my expenses.”

There was silence on the phone and I could imagine the color of his face, but then again, maybe not. Was it red and blustery, upset with me for being so greedy, or white from the shock and the sudden concern over where was he going to come up with that sort of cash without anyone knowing about it, especially his wife. Well, I didn’t care WHERE it came from and in fact, I’d rather not know in the first place. So long as I got the cash, I was happy. It WAS a lot, considerably more than I would have normally charged even for a party, but then I got the impression Jack was pretty well off. He could come up with it, I had no doubt about it.

“OK ... you got it ... see you Saturday,” he said hurriedly as if he wanted to end the conversation before he lost his nerve. I hung up the phone and smiled to myself. A grand wasn’t bad for a few hours’ work, and tax free at that! Hmmm, maybe I should have asked for more?

This was one case where I really didn’t have to prepare anything except to clean myself up and be on time. My plans included where I would be getting my clothes that Jack would be seeing me in and besides, I wouldn’t be wearing much of anything for long anyway if things went as expected.

I entered the address in my GPS, even though I had a pretty good idea where he lived. Jack had a new home in a new subdivision someone had carved out of a valley, with streets that weaved their way around and homes set back into the hillsides. Their home looked to be one of the older ones, with the lawn fully grown in and even a few trees planted that might be useful to an owner twenty years from now. The brick driveway was empty so I parked in front of the middle door of a three-car garage.

Nobody seemed to be around in the neighborhood but you never know who might be watching out their windows so I quickly went to the front door, got the key out from under the mat (how original) and let myself in.

“Anybody home?!” I called out.

It would have shocked me had someone answered and for a moment, I regretted not peeking into the garage to see what cars were there. It would’ve been a wee bit difficult to explain to his wife why a total stranger was in her house!

Jack had described to me the general layout of the house so I first took a brief tour to get the lay of the land, so to speak. There was a formal living room to the left, along with a staircase to the second floor. A small office was to the right and the kitchen lay straight ahead. Once in the kitchen, a large formal dining room was to the left and a huge great room opened up to the right where a giant flat-screen TV dominated the corner and a set of couches and chairs would have allowed maybe a dozen people to sit comfortably. In back was an enclosed patio, complete with a covered hot tub that looked to be twice as big as the one my parents had while I was growing up. There was another staircase leading to the upstairs from the great room which I took to see what was up there. At the top was landing with a railing where you could look down at the entrance. A monstrous master bedroom dominated half the upstairs, complete with a king-size bed, huge bathroom, and a walk-in closet almost the size of my bedroom. Actually, the bedroom was bigger than my entire apartment!

There were three other bedrooms, much smaller than the master bedroom. One was obviously the boy’s room, filled with models, sports posters and video games. The smaller room appeared to be used for storage leaving the larger of the three for Jenny. She was a girly girl, all pink and lace. I was a bit surprised to see a Hannah Montana poster which made me question my original estimate of her being as old as sixteen. Come to think of it, Jack had never told me the exact ages of his kids. Then I noticed a school letter jacket with a Class of ‘10 on it which made her a Junior, so maybe sixteen was right after all.

Well, enough of the tour, time to get down to business. What I wanted was probably in her dresser so I started rummaging through the drawers. Her tastes seemed to be about average, nothing slutty or even all that sexy for that matter. Typical cotton and nylon panties as well as a few surprisingly large 34B bras. It had been difficult to tell from the photo he’d sent me but I had her being a bit smaller than that. There were some more digital photos sitting on top of her dresser with her and some friends. Typical “friend” pics at what looked to be some sort of camping trip and then some from a birthday party - probably her Sweet Sixteen judging from the hat she was wearing.

Ah ha! I finally found them - her swim suits. My worst fear had been that she would be this shy conservative girl who wore nothing but ridiculously modest one piece suits. Sure enough, the first one I pulled out WAS a one piece but then under it I saw a couple more. One was two pieces but from their size, together they may as well have been a single piece. There was also a fairly provocative bikini, cut higher in the hips with more cleavage but still nothing that would have made her mother blush.

Then, buried deep in the corner like she was hiding it, was exactly what I was looking for. It was a light pink bikini with a tie- back halter top and bottoms that tied at the sides. The bikini top was cut pretty deep, a LOT more revealing than the others. Based on the amount of material, the bottoms didn’t hide much more. Hmmmmmm, was this the one she wore when her boyfriend came over to have fun in the hot tub when mom and dad were out? Had her daddy seen her in this one? I wondered if he ever peeked through the curtains to see her wearing it, hoping against hope that her boobs would pop out any time given the right encouragement.

I quickly undressed and put on the bikini. Having the tie-backs was perfect as I was a bit taller and bigger than Jenny evidently was and a normal suit would’ve probably been a bit difficult to squeeze into. With this one, though, it just made it all the sexier as I could make it as loose as I needed to get my boobs into the small lined cups. My 34C’s were on the high end of the C range these days and the smaller bikini top barely held its own, leaving plenty of my boobs showing. The ties on the sides were just long enough for me to knot them. The triangular front barely covered my shaved pussy while the thong-style back immediately began to work its way into my ass crack, defying any attempt to cover my ass.

Looking at myself in the mirror, it reminded me of one of my skimpier bikinis, the one my dad use to refer to as “Kelly’s slut bikini”. It was so revealing that while I loved to wear it around the house and on our deck, even I never dared to go to the public pool with it on as no doubt I would’ve been thrown out immediately!

Grabbing a towel from the bathroom, I headed downstairs and went out into the patio where I removed the cover from the hot tub. The controller was on the one corner and soon I was luxuriating in the hot streams of water. I nestled my back into one of the corners such that I was facing the house, laying my head back against the built-in cushion. Mmmmmmm, now this was the life!

If things were going according to plan, “daddy” should have come home by now and I tried not to look at the curtains so I wouldn’t “catch” him and spoil the moment. Still, as much as I was enjoying myself, this wasn’t just for my benefit so I wanted to be sure Jack was getting his money’s worth so I kept one eye sort of peeking now and then to see if I could tell when he was around.

There it was! Just a small movement but definitely a deliberate one as the curtain moved just a hair. Well, time for “daddy” to see what Jenny did when nobody was home! Standing up and facing away from the house, I raised my arms up as if I needed to stretch but in the process, I clenched my ass and gave him a good side view of my boobs. Then I reached down and slowly untied one side and then the other of the bottoms, pulling it between my legs and tossing it to the patio floor besides the hot tub. That left me bottomless with just the tiny bikini top on, at least for the moment. Grabbing my bare ass with both hands, I kneaded my butt cheeks as if I’d been sitting down in the car for a long trip and it was feeling sore.

Careful not to look at the house, I turned and sat down on the corner edge of the hot tub, lifting one leg up and placing my heel on the edge. It was about as good a view of my crotch as I could give him without going up to the window and laying down spread-eagle for him. Looking down at myself, I started to run my fingers over my smooth pussy, just lightly touching myself at first, then tracing the tips of my fingers over me. Using my other hand to steady myself, I arched my back slightly as my finger found its way to my wet clit and I started to masturbate in earnest. My lips parted slightly as I gasped from the pleasure it gave me. it was no act - I was indeed feeling turned on, especially knowing I was being watched “secretly”, not to mention the feeling I was getting from the actual physical touch of my finger.

As I masturbated, sitting bottomless on the edge of the hot tub with my top barely covering my boobs, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what Jack was probably doing now. Was he stroking himself as he peered through the curtains at me? Was he seeing me or was he picturing his daughter in my place? Has he seen her in this bikini before, wishing she would take it off as I had, praying she would do just what I was doing now, masturbating for him to watch? Mmmmmmm, how hard was his dick right now?

God my pussy felt so hot and good!

I plunged my middle finger inside, touching myself and pretending it was a nice dick violating me, getting ready to fill me with its cum. My boobs strained against the tight top and I imagined how the top had contained Jenny’s boobs, probably with a lot less stress! Had Jack ever seen his daughter’s boobs in this outfit? Even with her smaller bust there would have been plenty for him to see. Had he ever gotten an erection from seeing his daughter in this sexy bikini? Did he get even harder seeing her than he was now, watching me masturbating as I wore her bikini?

Feeling even more turned on and horny than ever, I reached behind my head and pulled the string, releasing the knot and allowing the top to flop down, exposing my boobs. For the moment, I left the back tied such that the top remained tied around my chest but my boobs were totally exposed with the top hanging down inside out below them. As I continued to masturbate with my left hand, I massaged my boobs with my right, pulling on my nipples with my fingers, squeezing them with my hands. God, I was so close to cumming ... so close!

“Oh god!” I gasped loudly, exaggerating the words to be sure Jack know what I was feeling.

My fingers rubbed my clit furiously now while my other hand just gripped my boob and held onto it like it was supporting me. Then it struck, making me cry out with pleasure as my orgasm jolted me like a lightning strike. As physically hot as I was from the hot tub, I still felt goose bumps raising all over my arms and legs. Damn, my wonderful pussy was tingling as I felt it almost cramping with pleasure. Then I started to imagine Jenny in my place. Had she sat in this very spot, wearing this exact swim suit, maybe masturbating just as I was? Did she make herself cum in this same spot, just as I was doing now?

Finally things started to calm down so I allowed myself to slide slowly into the hot tub water. When the hot water reached my crotch, it was like being poked with a Taser, rejuvenating my orgasm again, not quite sending me over the edge but still making me jump like I was being tickled. Finally I settled in, allowing the warm jets to pulse against my ultra-sensitive pussy, rubbing my firm boobs with both hands. Once I had caught my breath, I slowly raised myself from the water, making sure I was facing the closed curtains, stretching and posing for my unseen audience before stepping out and wrapping the towel around me.

Grabbing the bottoms from the floor, I made my way back in the house and to the bathroom upstairs where I took a brief shower to wash off the hot tub water and associated chemical smell from the bromine. Of course, I left the door wide open and “forgot” to close the curtain all the way such that anyone who might be peeking in from the hallway would have a great view of me soaping myself down and then washing myself off. As I faced the shower head, letting the hot water beat against my breasts. I ran my hand between my smooth legs and groaned from the intense pleasure it gave me.

“Oh daddy ... that’s it ... touch me ... touch me just like that daddy ... oh yeah, just like THAT,” I moaned, just loud enough to make sure that someone outside would be able to hear me.

Turning off the water, I slowly and deliberately dried myself off, taking special care to rub a little more than necessary between my legs and then my boobs got extra attention from the soft terry towel. I found a blow drier under the sink and stood naked in front of the big mirror behind the countertop as I dried my hair. It looked a wreck but somehow I doubted that anyone watching cared how my hair looked! Mmmmmmm, I felt so good right then, the last vestiges of my orgasm were still tingling between my legs while the rest of me felt warm and clean.

Back in Jenny’s bedroom, I laid the bikini over the back of a chair to dry out, telling myself over and over in my head not to forget to put it away before I left! Looking back through Jenny’s drawers again, I finally found what I was hoping for, or at least close to it. She had a long nightshirt with a Pittsburgh Steelers emblem on it and a large number “7” on the back. Hmmm, another Ben fan! Well, I couldn’t blame her, half the girls in Pittsburgh would’ve loved to have Ben, probably more like most than half. It fit me loosely and hung down just below my ass - enough to cover my butt when I was standing up but it would be easy to pull and out of the way up should the need arise.

Well, I’d been at the house for well over an hour now, almost two, so it was time to raise the ante a bit. I knew Jack was watching me, there had been a number of times he’d made a little noise or sound that would have tipped off his real daughter but fortunately I was a little more hard of hearing, or least so far as he was concerned I was. Now it was time to say hi to daddy!

“Daddy, is that you?” I called out, walking towards the door.

As I entered the hallway, I saw Jack standing there, tucking in his shirt and for a brief moment I couldn’t help but smile as I realized he’d probably had his pants open and was masturbating while he’d been watching me. Let’s just say that if he HADN’T, I would’ve been VERY disappointed in myself!

“Hi Sweetie, I just got home,” he called out to me

Jack was trying to act as though he hadn’t been watching me for the past hour but the bulge in his pants betrayed him, though I wasn’t about to mention it. Had he ever met up with Jenny looking this way? Had his daughter ever noticed his erection when she stumbled upon him while he was masturbating? Did she realize WHY he was erect, that he had been thinking about her?

“I’m so tired daddy ... I’m going to get a glass of water and then go to bed, is that OK?”

“Sure sweetie, whatever you want.”

I walked slowly by him, not quite brushing against him as I passed him and headed for the kitchen. I could’ve just as easily grabbed something to drink from the bathroom sink using the Dixie cups stacked off to the side but that wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun. Jack followed me down, silently watching me from the great room as I opened the kitchen cabinet doors until I found the glasses and then filled one from the refrigerator dispenser. As I drank, I allowed some of it to spill and wet the front of the t-shirt, causing it to plaster itself to my boobs, making the material almost transparent in the process.

“Oh darn, look what I did,” I sighed, looking down at the front of me where I’d soaked the front of the t-shirt.

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