The Sanderson Curse
Copyright© 2025 by EVHayes720
Chapter 7
Horror Sex Story: Chapter 7 - There is something unsettling about living in the remoted town of Sanderson, but its difficult to pin down exactly what it is. The quiet town seems idyllic, the perfect place to raise a family. A strong council of women leaders, an active church, and breathtaking views from the mountains. And yet... something plagues Dan, blue eyes flashing as it stalks him.
Caution: This Horror Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Teenagers Coercion Drunk/Drugged Hypnosis Mind Control Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Horror Mystery Cheating Father Daughter InLaws Harem Anal Sex Cream Pie First Facial Oral Sex Pregnancy
I was haggard. It looked like I’d aged a dozen years in these last few months. Grey shot through my hair, giving me the salt and pepper look of a man in his fifties. Deep bags under my eyes wouldn’t go away, regardless of how much I slept. Even my eyes were duller. Amy insisted I was just imagining things.
I splashed water onto my face, trying to wash those thoughts away. I was just tired. Between Candice and Bethany, I hardly had a day to myself. Candice was the worst, demanding it multiple times a day at times.
I glared at myself in the mirror. She was getting out of hand. Twice now we’d almost been caught by Amy. Once Candice had slid under the bed when Amy had forgotten something. Another time Candice had casually chatted with her on facetime while I blasted her pussy full of cum just out of frame. And every time it happened, she would just laugh and push it further the next time.
She was going to be the death of me.
I toweled off and got dressed. Allie was at school and Amy was off at another church event, so I had the house to myself. I didn’t let that comfort me though, Candice always found a way to invade my private sanctum.
Sure enough, an hour later, my phone chimed.
I have a surprise for you. I’ll be there in 15.
I’d never be rid of her.
True to her word, she marched into the house fifteen minutes later as if she owned the place. She strode into the office, those eyes twinkling as they took me in. The cold didn’t seem to bother her. She wore a tight yellow mini dress that molded to her like a second skin.
She handed me a small box, large enough for a watch perhaps. “Open it,” she said, her teeth peeking from between her lips.
My heart sank and I nearly dropped the box when I lifted the lid off.
“Congratulations. You’re going to be a dad again.”
I sank into the chair, my hand covering my mouth. I had known it would come at some point, but knowing and seeing were two different things.
Candice walked around the desk, resting her rear on it as she softly shushed and ran a hand through my hair. I could see the mocking laughter in her eyes.
“Aren’t you happy?” she asked. “You’ve worked so hard to knock me up. All that effort finally paid off.”
I glared at her, not moving from my seat. It only seemed to make her happier.
“So, will you tell Amy? Or should I?”
Something finally snapped. Her eyes grew wide in shock as I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her onto the desk. A glimmer of fear finally crossed those mocking eyes. I squeezed, and she gasped, clawing at my arm.
“I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU!” The walls vibrated with my roar. Candice’s mouth hung open, her hands shaking as I glared at her.
“I am not your god damned plaything! You don’t get to waltz in here and destroy my life like this!”
She shook her head, desperately trying to speak, but I cut her off, squeezing the breath from her throat.
“You have been nothing but a home wrecking bitch since I got here! And now you think you’ve won?”
Her feet kicked weakly as she clawed at my iron grip. Tears streamed from her eyes as she looked at me pleadingly. She mouthed words incessantly, but I didn’t want to hear them. The spell was broken. I was in control.
I let her go. A long and shuddering gasp of air filled her lungs. She coughed violently, gasping for more air. She rolled to her side, slowly making her way to the other side of the desk. I grabbed her ankle, dragging her back toward me, and flipping her face down onto the desk. She gave a little cry when my hand grasped her hair by the base of her skull and held her down.
“Do you feel like you’re winning now?” I snarled.
“No, no, no, Dan, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it was a joke, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry—”
She screamed as my palm slapped her ass as hard as I could. The meaty sound echoed off the walls of my office.
“Please! I’m sorry, Dan, I’m sorry, I’ll stop, I won’t do—”
She screamed again as another slap stung her ass.
My palm burned from the impact. She deserved this, and so much more. Her dress had ridden up in her attempts to scramble away. A big, angry palm print burned on her right cheek. I pressed her head down onto the desk again, her ass rising in response.
“AHHHH! Please! Dan! I’m sorry! Please stop! I’m sorry!”
I ignored her cries, raining stinging slaps onto her cheeks until they were both red and raw. She stopped trying to get away, quietly crying out only when I struck her.
“Please, daddy,” she sniffled, lying completely still as her ass jiggled from my last slap. “I’ll be a good girl. I’m sorry, daddy.”
I yanked her head back so that I could glare into those blue eyes. I wanted to see it. See the fear.
“What did you say?”
“I’m sorry, daddy.” Her voice was raw from screaming, only producing a scratchy whisper.
“What for?”
“For everything. For threatening you. I’m sorry, daddy. I just wanted you for myself. Please. I’m sorry.”
Tears stained her cheeks, her voice quivered. It almost sounded sincere.
“Are you even pregnant?”
Another tear rolled down her face. “Yes, daddy. I wanted you to be happy.”
“And this would make me happy? Destroying my life? My marriage?”
“I’m sorry. Please, I can be a good girl. I won’t threaten you. I’ll do what you say. Please, let me stay.”
I growled in anger and released her hair. She fell to the desk but didn’t go anywhere. She panted and sniffled, her red and abused ass jiggling with every movement.
I hated her. I hated her so much. I hated how she had ruined my life. I hated how she wormed her way in. I hated how good she felt. I hated how much I wanted nothing more than to fuck her stupid right now.
“Please, daddy. I’ll do anything you say. Please.”
She looked back at me, those blue eyes sad and defeated. She arched her back, raising her ass to me. I could smell how wet she was.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? For me to fuck you? To dump another load in your pussy?”
I slapped her ass again. She whimpered but didn’t move.
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