Kelly's Diary 193 - Uncle Paul Gets More - Cover

Kelly's Diary 193 - Uncle Paul Gets More

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: Teasing Uncle Paul

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Teasing Uncle Paul - OK, so I have issues just like everyone else. One of them has to do with who is in "control" when I have a relationship with someone, no matter how brief it may be. My Uncle Paul had fucked me a couple of months back and ever since then it was nagging me how he had been in control that day. Something needed to be done about that!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I woke the next morning and as is my custom, the first thing I did was masturbate again. There are times when the bladder wants attention and so I take care of that quickly, but other than that my first order of business is to take care of business. That accomplished and feeling a bit better, I got up and showered, taking special care when I shaved not to nick myself or miss anything. The last thing I wanted was to have a bunch of red marks when I showed Uncle Paul my pussy later this morning!

In deciding what to wear, I didn’t choose one of my sexier outfits. The last thing I wanted was for people in the office to see some slut walk in and go into my uncle’s office and close the door behind her. Now THAT would have caused some gossip, probably eventually making its way to my Aunt Julie’s ears. No, I wanted to go unnoticed for once, blending into the office traffic such that nobody questioned who I was or what I was doing there. It would have been fun to wear one of my little black dresses, but they would have certainly drawn attention.

Under other circumstance, I would have loved such attention but today was time for one of my more conservative dresses that I had bought for teaching school. Actually, I hadn’t even worn this one yet and so I had to remove the tags. It came below the knees - a requirement at the conservative Christian school where I would be teaching soon, and while not up to my neck, it certainly didn’t expose any cleavage. Short sleeves and a belt around the waist kept it from being TOO drab but otherwise it was the sort of dress most guys wouldn’t glance at twice.

There was one difference, though, between how I would be wearing this dress to school and what my plans were for it today. At school a bra and panties was required. The panties I could love with but the bra requirement sucked. Sure, there are some women who SHOULD wear a bra but if you didn’t have to, I didn’t see why it had to become a requirement. Besides, I would be teaching 4-6 graders who wouldn’t care one way or the other so why make me be uncomfortable all day?

Today, however, no such requirements existed and so the dress was the ONLY piece of clothing I was going to be wearing, in addition to my heels. Like the lack of underwear, the heels weren’t what I would normally wear to school. Not so much that they were a little too formal but more because I wanted to still be able to walk at the end of the day! Standing in front of a classroom all day in 4-inch heels isn’t something I would recommend!

Getting in my car, the first thing that came to mind was how much better it was to wear a dress than jeans - at least so far as when you’re driving and horny. I hadn’t even started the car when I pulled up the hem and reached underneath to touch my bare pussy. Mmmmmmm, not THIS was the way to dress when you drive!

I was leaving later enough to miss the morning rush hour traffic and whatever had caused the previous day’s congestion must have been cleared out as the traffic was humming along this morning. Just for the fun of it I played with myself a little while driving but nothing too serious as I had to pay a lot more attention to the road. Still, the idea of all these cars around me and none of them knowing I was masturbating was enough to make me food and horny, Not that I needed all that much more incentive giving my mission!

Upon reaching the parking lot I found a spot close to the door and I waited to get out until I saw someone approaching. I got out with my purse and quickly followed him in, just catching the door before it closed and locked behind him. There was a second door immediately after the first and this time he held it open for me after seeing me coming in the first one. He just smiled at me and went on his way after I went through, giving them a quick one-over but that was about it.

This time I knew where I was going so I made my way through the cubicles to where the offices for the managers were. The door to my uncle’s office was open and I just walked by quickly without entering to see if he was there. Sure enough, he was behind his desk but there was also another guy with him, standing up in front of the desk discussing something or another. Whatever it was, they seemed quite animated about it.

There was a drinking fountain a few doors down and I used it as an excuse to loiter and wait for the guy to leave my uncle’s office. Fortunately he was out in a couple of minutes and nobody had even walked by me or taken note of me. Quickly I made my move and stepped into Uncle Paul’s office.

“Kelly?” he asked, knowing it was me of course but at the same time he was surprised to see me. I couldn’t blame him, but that was what I had been hoping for. “What are you doing here?”

I closed the door behind me quietly. It had a pushbutton in the center of the round handle so I pressed it in to lock it. Then I turned to him and grinned.

“Hi Uncle Paul,” I greeted him, “I thought you might like to see me today. Don’t you want to see me?”

“Well ... it’s just this is where I work,” he said, looking at the locked door behind me as if expecting someone to try to break in, “What if someone saw you here?”

“Don’t worry, nobody paid me any attention,” I assured him, “Do you like my dress?”

“Of course, you look great ... what are you doing here?” he asked again.

“I was horny this morning and I was hoping you might be able to help me,” I said demurely.

He had a small round table in his office with four chairs, one of which I pulled out and took a seat opposite his desk facing him. I slowly crossed my legs, letting the hem pull up without making any effort to keep it down. It was still just over my knees, though, so it wasn’t like he got to see under it.

“Kelly ... you really should leave,” he protested weakly, his eyes now on my legs.

I pulled the hem up, exposing my upper thigh to him almost to my butt.

“Does my dress look better like this?”

Uncle Paul’s eyes were staring at my leg now as I draped the dress over so it fell to the side, letting my entire bare leg show to him now.

“This even better?” I teased him.

My uncle started to get up from his chair but I motioned for him to stay sitting. He may not know it yet but he wasn’t going to get out of that chair this morning, at least not while I was in the room, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t get something he hadn’t been expecting.

“You know I shaved my pussy just for you this morning,” I said in as sexy a voice as I could muster, “Want to see it?”

It was almost laughable. He seemed torn between his fear of someone finding out what was happing and his growing lust for me. Well, I knew that all I had to do was give more time for that lust to develop and he would be totally mine. Yes, this was exactly what I wanted - he was under my control already!

I uncrossed my legs and pulled my dress up to expose my crotch. His eyes followed as I reached down and started to touch myself.

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